Woman's march pictures

What are they trying to accomplish?
Preservation of their current rights, pay equity, simple human respect from the White House.

Weren't you paying attention, or do you just not get it?

simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
Is that what this is about? Simple human respect. Sorry, they don't deserve any.

These women were having a great time but had no idea why they were there.

Spicer’s Inauguration Whopper Makes Him Latest Hot Meme

The most astounding tall tales ever. Period.

Sean Spicer’s jaw-dropping claim that Donald Trump’s inauguration was not only the largest in American history — but also the biggest ever anywhere on the planet — has unleashed a chortling army of meme-sters with lots of other imagined Spicer whoppers.

Despite what anyone could see with their own eyes looking at an aerial shot of a spotty crowd, the White House press secretary declared that Friday’s event had the “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe.”

But sarcastic meme-creators also want you to know that the inauguration was even so much more amazing than that. Were you aware that the Beatles — including John and George — played at the inauguration, and that the president applauded them with his huge hands? But that’s not all. One million invisibility cloaks were handed out to those who attended the event!

More: Spicer's Inauguration Whopper Makes Him Latest Hot Meme

Funny stuff.
They lie and lie and lie and lie. And then they call the media dishonest.
Disagreeing with leftist scum isn't lying.
What are they trying to accomplish?
Preservation of their current rights, pay equity, simple human respect from the White House.

Weren't you paying attention, or do you just not get it?

simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
Human respect? You mean protesting democracy? That's disrespectful to we the people.
What are they trying to accomplish?
Preservation of their current rights, pay equity, simple human respect from the White House.

Weren't you paying attention, or do you just not get it?

simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
Human respect? You mean protesting democracy? That's disrespectful to we the people.
Protest ARE democracy. Perhaps you should read that pesky constitution again.
What are they trying to accomplish?
Preservation of their current rights, pay equity, simple human respect from the White House.

Weren't you paying attention, or do you just not get it?

simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
Human respect? You mean protesting democracy? That's disrespectful to we the people.
Protest ARE democracy. Perhaps you should read that pesky constitution again.
I did. It mentions the electoral college. Protesting it is protesting the Constitution, no one said they didn't have the right .... EINSTEIN.
Preservation of their current rights, pay equity, simple human respect from the White House.

Weren't you paying attention, or do you just not get it?

simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
Human respect? You mean protesting democracy? That's disrespectful to we the people.
Protest ARE democracy. Perhaps you should read that pesky constitution again.
I did. It mentions the electoral college. Protesting it is protesting the Constitution, no one said they didn't have the right .... EINSTEIN.
I don't believe the focus of the protests was the electoral college. That's an assumption a sore winner would make.

No, the focus of the demonstrations was a plea to preserve the rights women have and a modicum of respect from the newly elected 'Pussy Grabber' in Chief.
There were some clever signs .

"Free Melainia". Was one of my favs .
I thought it would be good to start a thread of the pictures on the Women's march. I'll start with these, if anyone wants to add more of what was going on in their state yesterday, feel free.

New York


Washington D.C.


Denver Colorado


San Francisco




Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles




This is just a small sample of the woman's march going on around the country, so if you have more pictures and have them of crowd sizes, air views, etc. post them here. Make this day go down in infamy.

That's a lot of estrogen.

Carly Fiorina trying to appease the Evangelical wing--sunk her own ship last year by campaigning on FAKE Planned Parenthood video's. The Evangelical wing of the party kicked her and Ted Cruz in the teeth anyway and went for the loudest, angriest, most vulgar, foul mouthed, woman assaulting, pro choice pig they could find.

Furthermore, all women were invited, regardless of political ideology, pro-life or pro-choice. You will see that through-out these many pictures. Women are sick of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party. They're tired of the comments, the degradations, the insults, etc. etc.

And for PROOF of that. Look what they did to Carly Fiorina. She beat two candidates in Iowa via votes and they, the males still ended up on the next 1 debate stage, and she was put back on the 2nd stage. She complained about it and the Republican committee did nothing about it. They're all nothing but a bunch of misogynists that cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman President, and that's why they had a raining men platform (16 male candidates) to defeat one single woman Hillary Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, but their biggest fear was the 1st woman POTUS. So they elected the Baboon, with the help of Vladamir Putin, and FBI Directors James Comey's help.

You'll never get a woman President out of the Republican party, they would eliminate her first. The extreme bias toward women is well routed here, and I don't think it's ever going away. The all white male club aka the Republican party is here to stay.

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It wasn't a "women's march", it was a commie code pinko march for abortion. That's all these c*nts care about, abortion. "I have the right to kill my own child!"

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