Woman's march pictures

Preservation of their current rights, pay equity, simple human respect from the White House.

Weren't you paying attention, or do you just not get it?

simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
When did liberals ever dole it out?
Women's suffrage, child labor laws, workplace safety regulations, Roe v Wade.
Verbally abusing Jennifer Holliday with racial slurs for agreeing to sing at Donald Trumps inauguration and issuing death threats to her until she dropped out.

And that's just one of many examples.

Apparently you are no longer the party of your ancestors.
Bitch shits
What are they trying to accomplish?
Preservation of their current rights, pay equity, simple human respect from the White House.

Weren't you paying attention, or do you just not get it?

simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
Um, this isn't 1992.
So let me understand this. You found Bill Clinton loathesome and wrong and immoral for his womanizing. You found his behavior beneath the dignity of the Presidency.

But Donald Trump can claim to be able to "grab them by the pussy" and call women dogs and sleep bs and nasty and disgusting.

Aren't you being just a little hypocritical? Aren't you leaning on moral relativism? Aren't you, in effect, saying that what was wrong for your political opposition I said perfectly acceptable at least, laudable at most, so long as you are in agreement with the President's politics?

Should we take your criticism seriously if your morality is so flexible?

Carly Fiorina trying to appease the Evangelical wing--sunk her own ship last year by campaigning on FAKE Planned Parenthood video's. The Evangelical wing of the party kicked her and Ted Cruz in the teeth anyway and went for the loudest, angriest, most vulgar, foul mouthed, woman assaulting, pro choice pig they could find.

Furthermore, all women were invited, regardless of political ideology, pro-life or pro-choice. You will see that through-out these many pictures. Women are sick of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party. They're tired of the comments, the degradations, the insults, etc. etc.

And for PROOF of that. Look what they did to Carly Fiorina. She beat two candidates in Iowa via votes and they, the males still ended up on the next 1 debate stage, and she was put back on the 2nd stage. She complained about it and the Republican committee did nothing about it. They're all nothing but a bunch of misogynists that cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman President, and that's why they had a raining men platform (16 male candidates) to defeat one single woman Hillary Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, but their biggest fear was the 1st woman POTUS. So they elected the Baboon, with the help of Vladamir Putin, and FBI Directors James Comey's help.

You'll never get a woman President out of the Republican party, they would eliminate her first. The extreme bias toward women is well routed here, and I don't think it's ever going away. The all white male club aka the Republican party is here to stay.

So many lies, so little time.

No, they did not welcome prolife women.

and no, the videos weren't fake.
C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_636206168355511138-IMG-2923.jpg
these women were not welcome. They were spit on, jeered at, attacked.
Aren't you being just a little hypocritical? Aren't you leaning on moral relativism? Aren't you, in effect, saying that what was wrong for your political opposition I said perfectly acceptable at least, laudable at most, so long as you are in agreement with the President's politics?

Should we take your criticism seriously if your morality is so flexible?
That's funny, I was just about to ask you the same question, hypocrite.

Carly Fiorina trying to appease the Evangelical wing--sunk her own ship last year by campaigning on FAKE Planned Parenthood video's. The Evangelical wing of the party kicked her and Ted Cruz in the teeth anyway and went for the loudest, angriest, most vulgar, foul mouthed, woman assaulting, pro choice pig they could find.

Furthermore, all women were invited, regardless of political ideology, pro-life or pro-choice. You will see that through-out these many pictures. Women are sick of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party. They're tired of the comments, the degradations, the insults, etc. etc.

And for PROOF of that. Look what they did to Carly Fiorina. She beat two candidates in Iowa via votes and they, the males still ended up on the next 1 debate stage, and she was put back on the 2nd stage. She complained about it and the Republican committee did nothing about it. They're all nothing but a bunch of misogynists that cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman President, and that's why they had a raining men platform (16 male candidates) to defeat one single woman Hillary Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, but their biggest fear was the 1st woman POTUS. So they elected the Baboon, with the help of Vladamir Putin, and FBI Directors James Comey's help.

You'll never get a woman President out of the Republican party, they would eliminate her first. The extreme bias toward women is well routed here, and I don't think it's ever going away. The all white male club aka the Republican party is here to stay.

So many lies, so little time.

No, they did not welcome prolife women.

and no, the videos weren't fake.View attachment 108367 these women were not welcome. They were spit on, jeered at, attacked.

No there were pro-life women in every one of these protests. They were included, and in fact invited to this March and they showed up in numbers that were absolutely unbelievable. This is the largest march ever to happen in the history of this Nation.

If Republicans had a fucking brain it would probably be a good idea to stop campaigning on women's issues, threatening women's rights-- Roe V Wade etc.. But I doubt they're smart enough to figure out that they just got hit by an avalanche.

In 2018 --2020 there's going to be hell to pay.


Be you pro-life or pro-choice crosses both party lines. There are Democrats that are pro-life, as there are Republicans that are pro-choice, as there are Republicans that are pro-life, as there are Democrats that are pro-choice. Abortion is not even a party line issue. A pro-life woman understands a pro-choice woman, and visa versa. They both respect each others opinion and UNDERSTAND that there are circumstances that drive them to certain decisions. A pro-life woman will NOT be in favor of banning all abortions, because she is a woman and understands that there indeed may be need for one. A pro-life woman also knows there is a need for Planned Parenthood that offers low cost mammograms and screenings to poor women. And that there has yet to be one single woman that has come forward to testify that taxpayers dollars paid for her abortion.

But women on both sides of this issue are real tired of old white Republican males telling them how their bodies work & what they should do if they're raped, etc. etc. etc. Basically insulting their intelligence & integrity. Women on both sides of this issue are tired of the degradation of being attacked on birth control pills, and what type of contraceptives they use. They're tired of the Hobby Lobby taking their issue to the U.S. Supreme court to intervene into their personal doctor/patient relationship as to what type of contraceptive devices their doctor recommends.

IOW--they're sick of the Republican party. Electing Comrade Trump was the final straw.


And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


Karen Hughes--former G.W. Bush adviser

And the reason you lost in 2012, was because your platform was about abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into was is legal legitimate rape questions.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

This is why former Presidents, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 would not campaign on Roe v Wade and turn it into a political issue. You get killed by doing it.
Last edited:

Carly Fiorina trying to appease the Evangelical wing--sunk her own ship last year by campaigning on FAKE Planned Parenthood video's. The Evangelical wing of the party kicked her and Ted Cruz in the teeth anyway and went for the loudest, angriest, most vulgar, foul mouthed, woman assaulting, pro choice pig they could find.

Furthermore, all women were invited, regardless of political ideology, pro-life or pro-choice. You will see that through-out these many pictures. Women are sick of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party. They're tired of the comments, the degradations, the insults, etc. etc.

And for PROOF of that. Look what they did to Carly Fiorina. She beat two candidates in Iowa via votes and they, the males still ended up on the next 1 debate stage, and she was put back on the 2nd stage. She complained about it and the Republican committee did nothing about it. They're all nothing but a bunch of misogynists that cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman President, and that's why they had a raining men platform (16 male candidates) to defeat one single woman Hillary Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, but their biggest fear was the 1st woman POTUS. So they elected the Baboon, with the help of Vladamir Putin, and FBI Directors James Comey's help.

You'll never get a woman President out of the Republican party, they would eliminate her first. The extreme bias toward women is well routed here, and I don't think it's ever going away. The all white male club aka the Republican party is here to stay.

So many lies, so little time.

No, they did not welcome prolife women.

and no, the videos weren't fake.View attachment 108367 these women were not welcome. They were spit on, jeered at, attacked.

No there were pro-life women in every one of these protests. They were included, and in fact invited to this March and they showed up in numbers that were absolutely unbelievable. This is the largest march ever to happen in the history of this Nation.

If Republicans had a fucking brain it would probably be a good idea to stop campaigning on women's issues, threatening women's rights-- Roe V Wade etc.. But I doubt they're smart enough to figure out that they just got hit by an avalanche.

In 2018 --2020 there's going to be hell to pay.


Be you pro-life or pro-choice crosses both party lines. There are Democrats that are pro-life, as there are Republicans that are pro-choice, as there are Republicans that are pro-life, as there are Democrats that are pro-choice. Abortion is not even a party line issue. A pro-life woman understands a pro-choice woman, and visa versa. They both respect each others opinion and UNDERSTAND that there are circumstances that drive them to certain decisions. A pro-life woman will NOT be in favor of banning all abortions, because she is a woman and understands that there indeed may be need for one. A pro-life woman also knows there is a need for Planned Parenthood that offers low cost mammograms and screenings to poor women. And that there has yet to be one single woman that has come forward to testify that taxpayers dollars paid for her abortion.

But women on both sides of this issue are real tired of old white Republican males telling them how their bodies work & what they should do if they're raped, etc. etc. etc. Basically insulting their intelligence & integrity. Women on both sides of this issue are tired of the degradation of being attacked on birth control pills, and what type of contraceptives they use. They're tired of the Hobby Lobby taking their issue to the U.S. Supreme court to intervene into their personal doctor/patient relationship as to what type of contraceptive devices their doctor recommends.

IOW--they're sick of the Republican party. Electing Comrade Trump was the final straw.


And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


Karen Hughes--former G.W. Bush adviser

And the reason you lost in 2012, was because your platform was about abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into was is legal legitimate rape questions.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

This is why former Presidents, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 would not campaign on Roe v Wade and turn it into a political issue. You get killed by doing it.
Regardless of the size of the march, Trump still pulled in more women than any one thought possible, including me. The dems seem absolutely resolute in not looking in the mirror and figuring out how they managed to lose this election. Until they do I'm afraid the dems are in trouble. Most folks I know have just given up on the democratic party, there just seems to be nothing there other than playing identity politics and splitting the country as much as possible.

The left in this country can't seem to figure out that when you tell white women how much you hate their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, nephews, friends, and co workers there's a good chance they won't vote for you.

Spicer’s Inauguration Whopper Makes Him Latest Hot Meme

The most astounding tall tales ever. Period.

Sean Spicer’s jaw-dropping claim that Donald Trump’s inauguration was not only the largest in American history — but also the biggest ever anywhere on the planet — has unleashed a chortling army of meme-sters with lots of other imagined Spicer whoppers.

Despite what anyone could see with their own eyes looking at an aerial shot of a spotty crowd, the White House press secretary declared that Friday’s event had the “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe.”

But sarcastic meme-creators also want you to know that the inauguration was even so much more amazing than that. Were you aware that the Beatles — including John and George — played at the inauguration, and that the president applauded them with his huge hands? But that’s not all. One million invisibility cloaks were handed out to those who attended the event!

More: Spicer's Inauguration Whopper Makes Him Latest Hot Meme

Funny stuff.
They lie and lie and lie and lie. And then they call the media dishonest.
Disagreeing with leftist scum isn't lying.
Intelligent people know different.
simple human respect from the white house? Obama's gone now, so a little late for them to protest that item.
Now that a 'pussy grabber' is in power, simple human respect will be doled out with an eye dropper.
Human respect? You mean protesting democracy? That's disrespectful to we the people.
Protest ARE democracy. Perhaps you should read that pesky constitution again.
I did. It mentions the electoral college. Protesting it is protesting the Constitution, no one said they didn't have the right .... EINSTEIN.
I don't believe the focus of the protests was the electoral college. That's an assumption a sore winner would make.

No, the focus of the demonstrations was a plea to preserve the rights women have and a modicum of respect from the newly elected 'Pussy Grabber' in Chief.
I don't give a shit how much you hate someone. The fact is you don't even understand what's going on. I didn't say they protested the electoral college, most of them aren't smart enough to understand why they're there either.

But the fact is we had an election via the EC and they are protesting the outcome. So they are unAmerican and against our system. Legal yes. But we also have the legal right to criticize the criticizers, got it?

I also just heard Soros pumped 90 million into the effort, if true that explains a lot, it has all the appearances of an organized movement. WHICH proves to me something good has happened. A satisfied liberal is my worse fears.
This says it all. I think. Whatever it is.
View attachment 108351
If she doesn't want to be called a cvnt she's doing it wrong.
I saw a couple of posters freak when I put up that pic. My point was that most protests fail due to the fact they either turn violent or into a freak show. At which time whatever point was being made was lost. I really doubt anyone's mind is changed because someone felt they had to shout their point across or dress like an idiot. Goes for BLM also. The minute the screaming starts I shut off anything that person says.

Carly Fiorina trying to appease the Evangelical wing--sunk her own ship last year by campaigning on FAKE Planned Parenthood video's. The Evangelical wing of the party kicked her and Ted Cruz in the teeth anyway and went for the loudest, angriest, most vulgar, foul mouthed, woman assaulting, pro choice pig they could find.

Furthermore, all women were invited, regardless of political ideology, pro-life or pro-choice. You will see that through-out these many pictures. Women are sick of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party. They're tired of the comments, the degradations, the insults, etc. etc.

And for PROOF of that. Look what they did to Carly Fiorina. She beat two candidates in Iowa via votes and they, the males still ended up on the next 1 debate stage, and she was put back on the 2nd stage. She complained about it and the Republican committee did nothing about it. They're all nothing but a bunch of misogynists that cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman President, and that's why they had a raining men platform (16 male candidates) to defeat one single woman Hillary Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, but their biggest fear was the 1st woman POTUS. So they elected the Baboon, with the help of Vladamir Putin, and FBI Directors James Comey's help.

You'll never get a woman President out of the Republican party, they would eliminate her first. The extreme bias toward women is well routed here, and I don't think it's ever going away. The all white male club aka the Republican party is here to stay.

So many lies, so little time.

No, they did not welcome prolife women.

and no, the videos weren't fake.View attachment 108367 these women were not welcome. They were spit on, jeered at, attacked.

No there were pro-life women in every one of these protests. They were included, and in fact invited to this March and they showed up in numbers that were absolutely unbelievable. This is the largest march ever to happen in the history of this Nation.

If Republicans had a fucking brain it would probably be a good idea to stop campaigning on women's issues, threatening women's rights-- Roe V Wade etc.. But I doubt they're smart enough to figure out that they just got hit by an avalanche.

In 2018 --2020 there's going to be hell to pay.


Be you pro-life or pro-choice crosses both party lines. There are Democrats that are pro-life, as there are Republicans that are pro-choice, as there are Republicans that are pro-life, as there are Democrats that are pro-choice. Abortion is not even a party line issue. A pro-life woman understands a pro-choice woman, and visa versa. They both respect each others opinion and UNDERSTAND that there are circumstances that drive them to certain decisions. A pro-life woman will NOT be in favor of banning all abortions, because she is a woman and understands that there indeed may be need for one. A pro-life woman also knows there is a need for Planned Parenthood that offers low cost mammograms and screenings to poor women. And that there has yet to be one single woman that has come forward to testify that taxpayers dollars paid for her abortion.

But women on both sides of this issue are real tired of old white Republican males telling them how their bodies work & what they should do if they're raped, etc. etc. etc. Basically insulting their intelligence & integrity. Women on both sides of this issue are tired of the degradation of being attacked on birth control pills, and what type of contraceptives they use. They're tired of the Hobby Lobby taking their issue to the U.S. Supreme court to intervene into their personal doctor/patient relationship as to what type of contraceptive devices their doctor recommends.

IOW--they're sick of the Republican party. Electing Comrade Trump was the final straw.


And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


Karen Hughes--former G.W. Bush adviser

And the reason you lost in 2012, was because your platform was about abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into was is legal legitimate rape questions.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

This is why former Presidents, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 would not campaign on Roe v Wade and turn it into a political issue. You get killed by doing it.
Regardless of the size of the march, Trump still pulled in more women than any one thought possible, including me. The dems seem absolutely resolute in not looking in the mirror and figuring out how they managed to lose this election. Until they do I'm afraid the dems are in trouble. Most folks I know have just given up on the democratic party, there just seems to be nothing there other than playing identity politics and splitting the country as much as possible.

The left in this country can't seem to figure out that when you tell white women how much you hate their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, nephews, friends, and co workers there's a good chance they won't vote for you.

I agree with you on that one. I was totally surprised that any woman voted for Comrade Trump over Hillary Clinton, but she still won the overwhelming majority of women in this country. Trump got his Bimbo vote. BUT--there is no one in this country that believes that Trump would have won without Putin & FBI Director James Comey's assistance. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Which pisses women off even more.

Thankfully the Senate has announced that it is doing a thorough investigation into Russia's interference into this election, and the DOJ has announced it will be investigating the FBI & James Comey's failure to abide by longing standing DOJ protocol. So this is what the nightly news will be about for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first. And if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, you can imagine what your life is going to be like for the next 4 years.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or any associate of Trump it will be considered Treason. And they already have substantial reason to look for it. This New York Times article came out BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out of this country. This would be a 1000 times worse than Watergate.

You really should have voted for Hillary Clinton. At least you would have had 4 years to attack her. Instead all eyeballs are on Comrade Trump right now, and since you and others have made him the poster boy of the Republican party, it will be devastating for the party for decades to come. Many Republicans saw this, and still unwisely voted for a 3rd party candidate. And many recognized it, continually warned other Republicans about it and voted for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump


Last edited:

Carly Fiorina trying to appease the Evangelical wing--sunk her own ship last year by campaigning on FAKE Planned Parenthood video's. The Evangelical wing of the party kicked her and Ted Cruz in the teeth anyway and went for the loudest, angriest, most vulgar, foul mouthed, woman assaulting, pro choice pig they could find.

Furthermore, all women were invited, regardless of political ideology, pro-life or pro-choice. You will see that through-out these many pictures. Women are sick of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party. They're tired of the comments, the degradations, the insults, etc. etc.

And for PROOF of that. Look what they did to Carly Fiorina. She beat two candidates in Iowa via votes and they, the males still ended up on the next 1 debate stage, and she was put back on the 2nd stage. She complained about it and the Republican committee did nothing about it. They're all nothing but a bunch of misogynists that cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman President, and that's why they had a raining men platform (16 male candidates) to defeat one single woman Hillary Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, but their biggest fear was the 1st woman POTUS. So they elected the Baboon, with the help of Vladamir Putin, and FBI Directors James Comey's help.

You'll never get a woman President out of the Republican party, they would eliminate her first. The extreme bias toward women is well routed here, and I don't think it's ever going away. The all white male club aka the Republican party is here to stay.

So many lies, so little time.

No, they did not welcome prolife women.

and no, the videos weren't fake.View attachment 108367 these women were not welcome. They were spit on, jeered at, attacked.

No there were pro-life women in every one of these protests. They were included, and in fact invited to this March and they showed up in numbers that were absolutely unbelievable. This is the largest march ever to happen in the history of this Nation.

If Republicans had a fucking brain it would probably be a good idea to stop campaigning on women's issues, threatening women's rights-- Roe V Wade etc.. But I doubt they're smart enough to figure out that they just got hit by an avalanche.

In 2018 --2020 there's going to be hell to pay.


Be you pro-life or pro-choice crosses both party lines. There are Democrats that are pro-life, as there are Republicans that are pro-choice, as there are Republicans that are pro-life, as there are Democrats that are pro-choice. Abortion is not even a party line issue. A pro-life woman understands a pro-choice woman, and visa versa. They both respect each others opinion and UNDERSTAND that there are circumstances that drive them to certain decisions. A pro-life woman will NOT be in favor of banning all abortions, because she is a woman and understands that there indeed may be need for one. A pro-life woman also knows there is a need for Planned Parenthood that offers low cost mammograms and screenings to poor women. And that there has yet to be one single woman that has come forward to testify that taxpayers dollars paid for her abortion.

But women on both sides of this issue are real tired of old white Republican males telling them how their bodies work & what they should do if they're raped, etc. etc. etc. Basically insulting their intelligence & integrity. Women on both sides of this issue are tired of the degradation of being attacked on birth control pills, and what type of contraceptives they use. They're tired of the Hobby Lobby taking their issue to the U.S. Supreme court to intervene into their personal doctor/patient relationship as to what type of contraceptive devices their doctor recommends.

IOW--they're sick of the Republican party. Electing Comrade Trump was the final straw.


And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


Karen Hughes--former G.W. Bush adviser

And the reason you lost in 2012, was because your platform was about abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into was is legal legitimate rape questions.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

This is why former Presidents, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 would not campaign on Roe v Wade and turn it into a political issue. You get killed by doing it.
Regardless of the size of the march, Trump still pulled in more women than any one thought possible, including me. The dems seem absolutely resolute in not looking in the mirror and figuring out how they managed to lose this election. Until they do I'm afraid the dems are in trouble. Most folks I know have just given up on the democratic party, there just seems to be nothing there other than playing identity politics and splitting the country as much as possible.

The left in this country can't seem to figure out that when you tell white women how much you hate their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, nephews, friends, and co workers there's a good chance they won't vote for you.

I agree with you on that one. I was totally surprised that women went running to Comrade Trump over Hillary Clinton. BUT--there is no one in this country that believes that Trump would have won without Putin & FBI Director James Comey's assistance. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Which pisses women off, even more.

Thankfully the Senate has announced that it is doing a thorough investigation into Russia's interference into this election, and the DOJ has announced it will be investigating the FBI & James Comey's failure to abide by longing standing DOJ protocol. So this is what the nightly news will be about for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or any associate of Trump it will be considered Treason. And they already have substantial reason to look for it. This New York Times article came out BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out of this country. This would be a 1000 times worse than Watergate.

You really should have voted for Hillary Clinton. At least you would have had 4 years to attack her. Instead all eyeballs are on Comrade Trump right now, and since you and others have made him the poster boy of the Republican party, it will be devastating for the party for decades to come. Many Republicans saw this, and still unwisely voted for a 3rd party candidate. And many recognized it, continually warned other Republicans about it and voted for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump


"BUT--there is no one in this country that believes that Trump would have won without Putin & FBI"


BTW, anyone holding a sign that says 'not my president.' perhaps they could tell us who is their president? eh?
Carly Fiorina trying to appease the Evangelical wing--sunk her own ship last year by campaigning on FAKE Planned Parenthood video's. The Evangelical wing of the party kicked her and Ted Cruz in the teeth anyway and went for the loudest, angriest, most vulgar, foul mouthed, woman assaulting, pro choice pig they could find.

Furthermore, all women were invited, regardless of political ideology, pro-life or pro-choice. You will see that through-out these many pictures. Women are sick of being treated like second class citizens by the Republican party. They're tired of the comments, the degradations, the insults, etc. etc.

And for PROOF of that. Look what they did to Carly Fiorina. She beat two candidates in Iowa via votes and they, the males still ended up on the next 1 debate stage, and she was put back on the 2nd stage. She complained about it and the Republican committee did nothing about it. They're all nothing but a bunch of misogynists that cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman President, and that's why they had a raining men platform (16 male candidates) to defeat one single woman Hillary Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much, but their biggest fear was the 1st woman POTUS. So they elected the Baboon, with the help of Vladamir Putin, and FBI Directors James Comey's help.

You'll never get a woman President out of the Republican party, they would eliminate her first. The extreme bias toward women is well routed here, and I don't think it's ever going away. The all white male club aka the Republican party is here to stay.

So many lies, so little time.

No, they did not welcome prolife women.

and no, the videos weren't fake.View attachment 108367 these women were not welcome. They were spit on, jeered at, attacked.

No there were pro-life women in every one of these protests. They were included, and in fact invited to this March and they showed up in numbers that were absolutely unbelievable. This is the largest march ever to happen in the history of this Nation.

If Republicans had a fucking brain it would probably be a good idea to stop campaigning on women's issues, threatening women's rights-- Roe V Wade etc.. But I doubt they're smart enough to figure out that they just got hit by an avalanche.

In 2018 --2020 there's going to be hell to pay.


Be you pro-life or pro-choice crosses both party lines. There are Democrats that are pro-life, as there are Republicans that are pro-choice, as there are Republicans that are pro-life, as there are Democrats that are pro-choice. Abortion is not even a party line issue. A pro-life woman understands a pro-choice woman, and visa versa. They both respect each others opinion and UNDERSTAND that there are circumstances that drive them to certain decisions. A pro-life woman will NOT be in favor of banning all abortions, because she is a woman and understands that there indeed may be need for one. A pro-life woman also knows there is a need for Planned Parenthood that offers low cost mammograms and screenings to poor women. And that there has yet to be one single woman that has come forward to testify that taxpayers dollars paid for her abortion.

But women on both sides of this issue are real tired of old white Republican males telling them how their bodies work & what they should do if they're raped, etc. etc. etc. Basically insulting their intelligence & integrity. Women on both sides of this issue are tired of the degradation of being attacked on birth control pills, and what type of contraceptives they use. They're tired of the Hobby Lobby taking their issue to the U.S. Supreme court to intervene into their personal doctor/patient relationship as to what type of contraceptive devices their doctor recommends.

IOW--they're sick of the Republican party. Electing Comrade Trump was the final straw.


And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


Karen Hughes--former G.W. Bush adviser

And the reason you lost in 2012, was because your platform was about abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into was is legal legitimate rape questions.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

This is why former Presidents, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 would not campaign on Roe v Wade and turn it into a political issue. You get killed by doing it.
Regardless of the size of the march, Trump still pulled in more women than any one thought possible, including me. The dems seem absolutely resolute in not looking in the mirror and figuring out how they managed to lose this election. Until they do I'm afraid the dems are in trouble. Most folks I know have just given up on the democratic party, there just seems to be nothing there other than playing identity politics and splitting the country as much as possible.

The left in this country can't seem to figure out that when you tell white women how much you hate their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, nephews, friends, and co workers there's a good chance they won't vote for you.

I agree with you on that one. I was totally surprised that women went running to Comrade Trump over Hillary Clinton. BUT--there is no one in this country that believes that Trump would have won without Putin & FBI Director James Comey's assistance. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Which pisses women off, even more.

Thankfully the Senate has announced that it is doing a thorough investigation into Russia's interference into this election, and the DOJ has announced it will be investigating the FBI & James Comey's failure to abide by longing standing DOJ protocol. So this is what the nightly news will be about for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or any associate of Trump it will be considered Treason. And they already have substantial reason to look for it. This New York Times article came out BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out of this country. This would be a 1000 times worse than Watergate.

You really should have voted for Hillary Clinton. At least you would have had 4 years to attack her. Instead all eyeballs are on Comrade Trump right now, and since you and others have made him the poster boy of the Republican party, it will be devastating for the party for decades to come. Many Republicans saw this, and still unwisely voted for a 3rd party candidate. And many recognized it, continually warned other Republicans about it and voted for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump


"BUT--there is no one in this country that believes that Trump would have won without Putin & FBI"


BTW, anyone holding a sign that says 'not my president.' perhaps they could tell us who is their president? eh?

Look--Putin personally ordered a cyber attack on the United States to help Trump win. 17 intelligence agencies, the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security including 100 Senators are all in agreement. The only one that has continually denied it, is Comrade Trump. Not only did Putin release DNC emails, he is also responsible for spreading all the FAKE news on Social Media outlets. On the announcement that Trump won, the Kremlin broke out the champagne bottles.
U.S. intelligence agencies: Putin ordered intervention in presidential election – The Denver Post
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks


FBI Director James Comey's action was even more egregious. 11 days prior to a National election, and after being warned by the DOJ to NOT release a letter to congress, he does it anyway. Breaking long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election. Millions of people voted within that 7 day period believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


FBI Director Comey is most certainly in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comrade Trump won by a measly 170K votes accumulated out of several battleground states. Were there 170 thousand people out of the states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Missouri that could have been swayed by Putin & Comey? Definitely.

Comrade Trump losing by 3 million popular votes along with the above makes him the most Illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the oval office. Furthermore, he has insulted, offended and threatened too many in this country for them to ever consider him "their President." Instead Republicans have given more than half this nation, someone they can actually hate, Donald Trump. It's going to be miserable for you over the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first.
So many lies, so little time.

No, they did not welcome prolife women.

and no, the videos weren't fake.View attachment 108367 these women were not welcome. They were spit on, jeered at, attacked.

No there were pro-life women in every one of these protests. They were included, and in fact invited to this March and they showed up in numbers that were absolutely unbelievable. This is the largest march ever to happen in the history of this Nation.

If Republicans had a fucking brain it would probably be a good idea to stop campaigning on women's issues, threatening women's rights-- Roe V Wade etc.. But I doubt they're smart enough to figure out that they just got hit by an avalanche.

In 2018 --2020 there's going to be hell to pay.


Be you pro-life or pro-choice crosses both party lines. There are Democrats that are pro-life, as there are Republicans that are pro-choice, as there are Republicans that are pro-life, as there are Democrats that are pro-choice. Abortion is not even a party line issue. A pro-life woman understands a pro-choice woman, and visa versa. They both respect each others opinion and UNDERSTAND that there are circumstances that drive them to certain decisions. A pro-life woman will NOT be in favor of banning all abortions, because she is a woman and understands that there indeed may be need for one. A pro-life woman also knows there is a need for Planned Parenthood that offers low cost mammograms and screenings to poor women. And that there has yet to be one single woman that has come forward to testify that taxpayers dollars paid for her abortion.

But women on both sides of this issue are real tired of old white Republican males telling them how their bodies work & what they should do if they're raped, etc. etc. etc. Basically insulting their intelligence & integrity. Women on both sides of this issue are tired of the degradation of being attacked on birth control pills, and what type of contraceptives they use. They're tired of the Hobby Lobby taking their issue to the U.S. Supreme court to intervene into their personal doctor/patient relationship as to what type of contraceptive devices their doctor recommends.

IOW--they're sick of the Republican party. Electing Comrade Trump was the final straw.


And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


Karen Hughes--former G.W. Bush adviser

And the reason you lost in 2012, was because your platform was about abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into was is legal legitimate rape questions.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

This is why former Presidents, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 would not campaign on Roe v Wade and turn it into a political issue. You get killed by doing it.
Regardless of the size of the march, Trump still pulled in more women than any one thought possible, including me. The dems seem absolutely resolute in not looking in the mirror and figuring out how they managed to lose this election. Until they do I'm afraid the dems are in trouble. Most folks I know have just given up on the democratic party, there just seems to be nothing there other than playing identity politics and splitting the country as much as possible.

The left in this country can't seem to figure out that when you tell white women how much you hate their husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, nephews, friends, and co workers there's a good chance they won't vote for you.

I agree with you on that one. I was totally surprised that women went running to Comrade Trump over Hillary Clinton. BUT--there is no one in this country that believes that Trump would have won without Putin & FBI Director James Comey's assistance. EVERYONE knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Which pisses women off, even more.

Thankfully the Senate has announced that it is doing a thorough investigation into Russia's interference into this election, and the DOJ has announced it will be investigating the FBI & James Comey's failure to abide by longing standing DOJ protocol. So this is what the nightly news will be about for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or any associate of Trump it will be considered Treason. And they already have substantial reason to look for it. This New York Times article came out BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out of this country. This would be a 1000 times worse than Watergate.

You really should have voted for Hillary Clinton. At least you would have had 4 years to attack her. Instead all eyeballs are on Comrade Trump right now, and since you and others have made him the poster boy of the Republican party, it will be devastating for the party for decades to come. Many Republicans saw this, and still unwisely voted for a 3rd party candidate. And many recognized it, continually warned other Republicans about it and voted for Hillary Clinton.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump


"BUT--there is no one in this country that believes that Trump would have won without Putin & FBI"


BTW, anyone holding a sign that says 'not my president.' perhaps they could tell us who is their president? eh?

Look--Putin personally ordered a cyber attack on the United States to help Trump win. 17 intelligence agencies, the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security including 100 Senators are all in agreement. The only one that has continually denied it, is Comrade Trump. Not only did Putin release DNC emails, he is also responsible for spreading all the FAKE news on Social Media outlets. On the announcement that Trump won, the Kremlin broke out the champagne bottles.
U.S. intelligence agencies: Putin ordered intervention in presidential election – The Denver Post
FBI, CIA agree on Russia's role in election hacks
Lindsey Graham Says 99 Percent Of Senate Agrees On Russian Hacks


FBI Director James Comey's action was even more egregious. 11 days prior to a National election, and after being warned by the DOJ to NOT release a letter to congress, he does it anyway. Breaking long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election. Millions of people voted within that 7 day period believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


FBI Director Comey is most certainly in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comrade Trump won by a measly 170K votes accumulated out of several battleground states. Were there 170 thousand people out of the states of Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan & Missouri that could have been swayed by Putin & Comey? Definitely.

Comrade Trump losing by 3 million popular votes along with the above makes him the most Illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the oval office. Furthermore, he has insulted, offended and threatened too many in this country for them to ever consider him "their President."
Look--Putin personally ordered a cyber attack on the United States to help Trump win.

dude there is nothing more for me to say. I find your post irrelevant and without evidence so,
I think I have collected about every state group, if there is more, just go ahead and keep it going. Get those pictures on this thread.

Right now I just want to know who the dumbass Republican will be who plans to campaign on Roe V Wade, or the next Republican governor who wants to sign a bill into law regarding abortion (like Mike Pense now Vice President did,) that was overruled by a higher court within a year. And how about them paying for their own control pills, even though it's a prescription drug that is covered by insurers? Com'on you fucking morons keep campaigning women's issues. Do you really believe that Planned Parenthood funding is going to be cut now?
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer

This is the FINAL FU from women in this country telling you they're sick and tired of you politicizing their uterus's, & to leave them the fuck alone.

Ignore them at your peril.

Then you actually install into the White House a vile, vulgar, foulmouthed, woman assaulting, immature, misogynist Chimpanzee--while you stand on your morality principles. Shove it up your ass's.

You want me to leave your pussy alone? Then take care of the damn thing yourself and stop asking me to pay the maintenance on it.

Another little banning rooster comment, whose testicles shrunk up inside his pelvic over the sight of overwhelming power.

If you aren't going to stand up for your women, be assured they'll stand up for themselves.

Real men are not afraid of women equality.

Overwhelming power? LMAO!! Underwhelming mental capacity. There's nothing powerful about hitting the streets dressed like a vagina whining about how you can't live without government assistance.

Anotheer thing about power you cuckhold **** of a pajama boy. There are only two groups of men that hide behind women and both do it for the same reasons ISIS and liberals because they are both *****.

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