Women Are So Fired Up to Vote, I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It

I suspect most of the women who will vote for the democrats were already going to vote for him anyway, generally the young singles. But the older women who are having a hard time stretching their income to pay the bills not be as inclined to vote for the party of inflationary big spending. July did not see an increase in inflation over June, so we'll see what August numbers like and then again when the September numbers come out in October. The drop in the price of gas is helping the dems, but that is not due to anything they did but IMHO rather a drop in demand.

I will say this: the total abortion ban in some red states is not going to help them politically. I have not checked to see what the situation is in the swing states, and that is where the majorities in both the House and the Senate will be decided. Inflation/Economy vs Abortion, the last I heard the abortion issue is a distant 2nd in terms of relative importance to voters.
And your evidence is?
Two things. I stated an opinion based upon a significant amount of reading of news reports that are NOT the main stream and the other is, you didn't provide any evidence, and any I would provide you'd not accept so why even ask?
Two things. I stated an opinion based upon a significant amount of reading of news reports that are NOT the main stream and the other is, you didn't provide any evidence, and any I would provide you'd not accept so why even ask?

So you have no evidence. Glad we cleared that up. The microcosm you live in is not the entire country.
The Republicans' endless abortion crusade and invasion into other people's personal decisions

BOLOGNA. Undoing Row wasn't a "republican" decision, it was a supreme court LEGAL decision based on the LAW giving the power to decide back to every STATE. Only sluts who can't keep their panties on are fired up about it and if they are so dang fired, then they should be using their energies PRODUCTIVELY to petition their state legislatures instead to act according to their wishes!

Because carrying a child in your body is NOT your body or personal decision alone but another life and with that comes responsibilities, and all these sluts better start learning to either keep their legs closed or start planning better contraception techniques because that life within has every right to life they do.

Now there's a dirty word to Lefties-- -- -- RESPONSIBILITY. :shok:

Besides, everybody knows those cum buckets are all democrats who were already planning to vote for their candy man democrat mack-daddies anyway. With all the catastrophes caused now by Biden and his blue-team flunkies, if it still takes them the abortion issue to get their asses out from under the sheets to vote and they still want to vote democrat when it won't change a thing with abortion law, then they are all stupid pig dropping idiots to begin with.
BOLOGNA. Undoing Row wasn't a "republican" decision
Photo Jun 21, 11 13 15 AM.png
Facts are facts.

Real women don't vote for the Democrat filth. Queers, transsexuals and dyke Moon Bats do.
A lot of women vote for the Democratic Fascist party of America
BOLOGNA. Undoing Row wasn't a "republican" decision, it was a supreme court LEGAL decision based on the LAW giving the power to decide back to every STATE. Only sluts who can't keep their panties on are fired up about it and if they are so dang fired, then they should be using their energies PRODUCTIVELY to petition their state legislatures instead to act according to their wishes!

Because carrying a child in your body is NOT your body or personal decision alone but another life and with that comes responsibilities, and all these sluts better start learning to either keep their legs closed or start planning better contraception techniques because that life within has every right to life they do.

Now there's a dirty word to Lefties-- -- -- RESPONSIBILITY. :shok:

Besides, everybody knows those cum buckets are all democrats who were already planning to vote for their candy man democrat mack-daddies anyway. With all the catastrophes caused now by Biden and his blue-team flunkies, if it still takes them the abortion issue to get their asses out from under the sheets to vote and they still want to vote democrat when it won't change a thing with abortion law, then they are all stupid pig dropping idiots to begin with.

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