Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies

I’ve seen no one call for the end of birth control.

Thomas calls for overturning precedents on contraceptives, LGBTQ rights​

BY HARPER NEIDIG - 06/24/22 11:08 AM ET


Thomas wrote, “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.”


The three cases Thomas mentioned are all landmark decisions establishing certain constitutional rights.

In Griswold v. Connecticut, the court ruled in 1965 that married couples have a right to access contraceptive. In 2003, the court said in Lawrence v. Texas that states could not outlaw consensual gay sex. And the court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges established a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.
Thomas calls for overturning precedents on contraceptives, LGBTQ rights

Of course they do. It FEELS GOOD, and all they care about is FEELING GOOD.

FEELING GOOD requires no intellect or moral standards or values.

Right up their alley.

They can have their cake and eat it too. There has never been a time in the history of the world that not getting pregnant has ever been easier. Not my, or the babies fault that some won’t use what’s easily available.

Maybe some really are to dumb to vote?

Thomas calls for overturning precedents on contraceptives, LGBTQ rights​

BY HARPER NEIDIG - 06/24/22 11:08 AM ET


Thomas wrote, “In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.”


The three cases Thomas mentioned are all landmark decisions establishing certain constitutional rights.

In Griswold v. Connecticut, the court ruled in 1965 that married couples have a right to access contraceptive. In 2003, the court said in Lawrence v. Texas that states could not outlaw consensual gay sex. And the court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges established a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.
Thomas calls for overturning precedents on contraceptives, LGBTQ rights

Griswald would stand. Obergfell, not so much.
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

Children of MAGA cult members learn their messiah, their flawlessleader, has had 5 kids by 3 wives. He has admitted adultery with his wives. He pays off porn stars he had sex with. He inspires these young MAGAs to be famous because if they are famous, they can grab women by the pussy.

That is real morality teaching.
People Who Are Told What to Think Can't Think Things Through

If a fetus is a person, why don't the Christofascists count those extra millions in the world's population? More proof that they don't really believe in what they preach, but pretending that they do gives them a sense of dominance over others, especially the women who rejected them.

Another proof is they don't demand that miscarriages count in the infant-mortality rate. So enough of this bossy role-playing. It's all an act. As MacBeth described these performers, "a poor player that struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more."
Children of MAGA cult members learn their messiah, their flawlessleader, has had 5 kids by 3 wives. He has admitted adultery with his wives. He pays off porn stars he had sex with. He inspires these young MAGAs to be famous because if they are famous, they can grab women by the pussy.

That is real morality teaching.
And don't forget about this... Derail a thread by inserting Trump, LOL. The below representation of today's hip hop culture is the bigger morality influencer today. When a sub culture promotes sexual promiscuity this way while ignoring the consequences, is there really any question as to why black women have more abortions than other races?

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And don't forget about this... Derail a thread by inserting Trump, LOL. The below representation of today's hip hop culture is the bigger morality influencer today. When a sub culture promotes sexual promiscuity this way while ignoring the consequences, is there really any question as to why black women have more abortions than other races?

It is one thing for entertainers to do this. It is a completely different thing when the President of the USA had 5 kids by 3 wives. He has admitted adultery with his wives. He pays off porn stars he had sex with. He inspires these young MAGAs to be famous because if they are famous, they can grab women by the pussy.

I am guessing you came up with this image from one of the porn sites you frequent.
It is one thing for entertainers to do this. It is a completely different thing when the President of the USA had 5 kids by 3 wives. He has admitted adultery with his wives. He pays off porn stars he had sex with. He inspires these young MAGAs to be famous because if they are famous, they can grab women by the pussy.

I am guessing you came up with this image from one of the porn sites you frequent.
No, the image came up because this was the public performance given at the Grammys for Wet Ass Pussy, and no porn site is needed for such results. Try again with your "zinger"....

Trump is a terrible human being. We all know it. I don't advocate for his personal actions. But they are his own personal actions, and not the first POTUS, past or present to have engaged in extra marital bullshit. Hell, Clinton was having relations in the white house, but I assume we have too quickly forgotten about that.

Either way, your interjecting Trump into a conversation where Trump is not the point and doesn't set a moral standard. However, we are seeing a moral standard and code of conduct that is heavily illustrated and supported by the current Hip Hop artists. Trump has no moral sway on this country, and given this populations ability to forgive and forget all POTUS for their moral debauchery, your point in invalid.
With the birth rate falling, Griswold being overturned would be a good thing.
Educated Eunuchs

With the plutocracy advising us to become thumb-sucking college students instead of growing up, America's final generations never grow up. So, as adults, they are too immature to take on the responsibility of raising a family.
It is one thing for entertainers to do this. It is a completely different thing when the President of the USA had 5 kids by 3 wives. He has admitted adultery with his wives. He pays off porn stars he had sex with. He inspires these young MAGAs to be famous because if they are famous, they can grab women by the pussy.

I am guessing you came up with this image from one of the porn sites you frequent.

Your cult is a never ending source of laughs!

Keep it up!

No, the image came up because this was the public performance given at the Grammys for Wet Ass Pussy, and no porn site is needed for such results. Try again with your "zinger"....

Trump is a terrible human being. We all know it. I don't advocate for his personal actions. But they are his own personal actions, and not the first POTUS, past or present to have engaged in extra marital bullshit. Hell, Clinton was having relations in the white house, but I assume we have too quickly forgotten about that.

Either way, your interjecting Trump into a conversation where Trump is not the point and doesn't set a moral standard. However, we are seeing a moral standard and code of conduct that is heavily illustrated and supported by the current Hip Hop artists. Trump has no moral sway on this country, and given this populations ability to forgive and forget all POTUS for their moral debauchery, your point in invalid.
If morality is not a consideration for POTUS, then my point is invalid.
There are degrees of immorality. Every human has immoral actions that could be pointed to. But some are much more immoral than others.
Clinton was a slime bucket but I did not see his immorality effecting his political decision in many ways.
Trump's immorality is affecting his decision making in many cases. It is not his sexual immorality. It is his immorality in that he puts his needs above all else, including the country.
That is why many of his former staff are verifying he is not fit for office.

Your cult is a never ending source of laughs!

Keep it up!

You have to do better than calling anti-Trumpers a cult.
To have a cult you need a leader who the cult follows blindlessly. Your cult leader is Donald Trump.
The anti-Trumpers have no leader we follow blindly.

You are child like in that you are called a cult by many but you come back with I know you are, what am I.

Start doing some original thinking.
Trump's immorality is affecting his decision making in many cases. It is not his sexual immorality. It is his immorality in that he puts his needs above all else, including the country.
That is why many of his former staff are verifying he is not fit for office.
Okay, how then. Source?
Modern feminism’s sexual revolution has gutted modern women.. convincing them to act against their biological psychological nature and act like men. It doesn’t work. It makes women more depressed, stressed, and misled.

It also makes them less desirable to men as far as marriage.. men mostly want a woman who isn’t promiscuous to be their wife. They’ll screw/date sex-crazed women but then toss em aside.

Thus, the rush of late 30’s/early 40’s sex revolution modern women. They are unhappy because they wasted the years in their early/mid 20’s when they could have tied down a man they want in marriage.. all to live like a man in their prime and have fun (being promised they can get what they want later when they want to settle down)… and now at these later ages can’t find the men they want and falsely think they deserve because these very men are looking for younger options because of wanting children and less baggage. These women in their 30’s/40’s are way less in value now in the dating marketplace, but their egos can’t accept it.

They’re told “don’t settle girl!”.. so they don’t, and stay single, bitter, and looking for something to blame.. THE PATRIARCHY! MEN! THEYRE ALL SO BAD!

No, that’s not it. There’s great, honourable, attractive, successful men out there, they just don’t want you. They want what you were 10-20 years ago when you were in your prime. You should have cashed out then and found the guy. You didn’t because feminism said you shouldn’t, your stock plummeted, and now your mad about it. Blame feminism.

Either lower your standards drastically or buy some cats.. those are the only options now for what you wanted all along.. companionship and a family
Women don't want you or to have children with you.
You have to do better than calling anti-Trumpers a cult.
To have a cult you need a leader who the cult follows blindlessly. Your cult leader is Donald Trump.
The anti-Trumpers have no leader we follow blindly.

You are child like in that you are called a cult by many but you come back with I know you are, what am I.

Start doing some original thinking.

That's a pretty good whack at it! Give us more squealing!

And louder, please.

I know how to not get pregnant 🤦‍♂️, and as a bonus, how not to get others pregnant.

Do I get two votes?

lauren bo bo sure didn't. got knocked up at 18 ... just like her mama... & just like her son who impregnated a 15 yr old girl & he was 17; making her a gramma at the ripe ol' age of 36.

i'd say that they are the perfect example as to why sex ed needs to be taught in school. :113:

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