Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies

We have always strived to be a county with morals. That's why we had the stockade since the early days. We should not ever deviate from those goals.
What’s immoral is you and others on the Christo-fascist authoritarian right jeopardizing the health and lives of women by violating their right to privacy and compelling women to give birth against their will.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.
And there you have it. That's the perfect reason to keep your nose out of women's business and resist the urge to spew sanctimonious drivel that nobody cares about.

Women have birth control choices. Don’t want to be pregnant, yet still want sex? Pick one of the dozens of options. Don’t pick, get pregnant.

This is not rocket science.
What’s immoral is you and others on the Christo-fascist authoritarian right jeopardizing the health and lives of women by violating their right to privacy and compelling women to give birth against their will.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.

I’ve seen no one call for the end of birth control.
What’s immoral is you and others on the Christo-fascist authoritarian right jeopardizing the health and lives of women by violating their right to privacy and compelling women to give birth against their will.

Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.
The Progs have promoted women as super strong and intellectual in everything. And yet they need equity and to deny white males opportunities in education of many types of employment. Proof of the non-super woman is that the transexuals entering female sports are destroying them in competitions. Then you turn on the TV, movies and entertainment 100-pound women are eating the crap out of 200 pound in shape men. This perpetuates major falsehoods. On pregnancies we are told all of these women are Mensa. They know better and so much more. And yet one million abortions a year. So, to point this out all of these names are thrown at those who do. Pure socialism means the same number of resources spent on each of us. And that is not true. I guarantee you greater resources are spent on women in a lifetime than men. And we need to change that if pure socialism is the goal with equity forced on all of us.
Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country. Saying you want control of your own body is a great slogan, but are you going to live your life in a good moral fashion if you get the control you want? Obviously more laws are needed.

---Allow women to have control over their own bodies---

---Liberal Sexual Morality: Where Promiscuity and Abortion Are Promoted---

Yes. More government control. We need another three letter federal agency dedicated for it.
Women have birth control choices. Don’t want to be pregnant, yet still want sex? Pick one of the dozens of options. Don’t pick, get pregnant.

This is not rocket science.
Been saying this for a long, long time. The narrative that pregnancy hits a woman like a cold, syndrome or a disease, is the wrong narrative.
The vast majority of women getting pregnant know how pregnancy happens. The topic is choice, but make the right choices before you have sex. Get birth control, don't let the man manipulate you into sex without it, choose better men. Want to get off, plenty of other ways to get off that doesn't include vaginal intercourse. So many choices can be made prior to sex that won't lead to pregnancy.
Something about the topic of sex really gets them jazzed about intrusive government. 'Cause it's naughty and stuff.
Nagging Nanny Nuns

Condemning sexual desire has always been a convenient weapon to control people through an unmanly guilt. It's the capture of Christianity by the toxic oligarchy that changes it into Christofascism.

These sanctimonious sadists are outraged at a woman having a little fun fulfilling her natural desires. They want to punish her for not seeking fun instead by singing in choirs and bringing more donations into the greedy claws of the clerics.
Modern feminism’s sexual revolution has gutted modern women.. convincing them to act against their biological psychological nature and act like men. It doesn’t work. It makes women more depressed, stressed, and misled.

It also makes them less desirable to men as far as marriage.. men mostly want a woman who isn’t promiscuous to be their wife. They’ll screw/date sex-crazed women but then toss em aside.

Thus, the rush of late 30’s/early 40’s sex revolution modern women. They are unhappy because they wasted the years in their early/mid 20’s when they could have tied down a man they want in marriage.. all to live like a man in their prime and have fun (being promised they can get what they want later when they want to settle down)… and now at these later ages can’t find the men they want and falsely think they deserve because these very men are looking for younger options because of wanting children and less baggage. These women in their 30’s/40’s are way less in value now in the dating marketplace, but their egos can’t accept it.

They’re told “don’t settle girl!”.. so they don’t, and stay single, bitter, and looking for something to blame.. THE PATRIARCHY! MEN! THEYRE ALL SO BAD!

No, that’s not it. There’s great, honourable, attractive, successful men out there, they just don’t want you. They want what you were 10-20 years ago when you were in your prime. You should have cashed out then and found the guy. You didn’t because feminism said you shouldn’t, your stock plummeted, and now your mad about it. Blame feminism.

Either lower your standards drastically or buy some cats.. those are the only options now for what you wanted all along.. companionship and a family

The thing that you're missing is that the vast majority of young people do not get paid well enough to support a family...even if both work.

People prefer to fall in love, get married and have children. Most do as soon as they are able to afford it. Until they can afford it, their choice is celibacy or pagan sexuality.

The feminist movement has doubled the work force in a generation which flooded the market with workers and halved their market value.

Funny, but the Ferengi in Deep Space Nine foresaw all of this!

Your losers haven't won the popular vote in almost two decades.
Pop Goes the White-Replacement Weasel

How can an electorate off-balance with undesirable foreigners, ferals, fairyphiles, and fruitcakes, all enfranchised by Fortunate Sons, rationally be called "popular"?

No issue on the Netrix goes very deep. The ruling class's Constitution took away our fundamental right to determine who else can vote and immigrate here to become a voter. We need to completely change some basic things instead of talking about weak and superficial changes. The toxic oligarchy's mind control expects us to choose from within their made-up spectrum.
Fertility rates!
People Who Are Told What to Think Can't Think Things Through

If a fetus is a person, why don't the Christofascists count those extra millions in the world's population? More proof that they don't really believe in what they preach, but pretending that they do gives them a sense of dominance over others, especially the women who rejected them.

Another proof is they don't demand that miscarriages count in the infant-mortality rate. So enough of this bossy role-playing. It's all an act. As MacBeth described these performers, "a poor player that struts and frets his hour on the stage and then is heard no more."
make the right choices before you have sex. Get birth control, choose better men. Want to get off?—plenty of other ways to get off that don't include vaginal intercourse. So many choices can be made prior to sex that won't lead to pregnancy.
The Maestro of Masturbation

Stand up to the bosses instead of making up things that can be used to boss around your fellow workers.

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