Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

What lie are you talking about? I don’t see a lie… I see an ignorant ass in you and your ilk

If you teach your children a guy can be a woman by wearing female attire, it's a lie. A guy wearing female attire is a fraud because he's still not a woman.

You are trying to teach simple Biology to a stupid Moon Bat. You are wasting your time.
When has biology been discussed? You’re confused again Flash

The kid will explain it to you Moon Bat

Simple enough… he didn’t mention trans girls and trans boys though.
Can I teach children that a guy can be a trans woman? Is that a lie?

why can’t a guy wear woman’s attire if that’s what they want to wear? That doesn’t make them a fraud, it just means they want to wear woman’s attire. Wake up Ray this isn’t complicated

You can teach your kids any damned thing you want. But if you do teach them there is something like a trans woman, it is a lie. There is only man and woman; that's it, nothing in between, no subsets, and it's been that way since God created us.

If a guy wants to wear women's clothing, then wear it at home, in your backyard, at your other weird friends homes, but not out in public, and not using female bathrooms, dressing rooms or showers. You see, this is what bothers me the most.

Guys in dresses is not like being gay. Being gay is a sexual desire. People cannot help being attracted to others of the same sex. There are guys who get off on being treated like an infant, where they buy oversized cribs, pacifiers, safety pins and so forth (yes, they sell those things). There are guys who get off on wearing leather, being whipped, licking feet, and what gets their rocks off is being denied sex from their partner who whipped and nearly suffocated them. There are people that get off having sex with animals, and yes, as disgusting as it is, sex with children. But these are all desires.

There is no desire for a woman to dress like a woman. I was raised with two women in a home: my sister and mother. I dated women and slept over their house as they did mine. I've lived with women before. What I can tell you about women is there is no uncontrollable desire to put on a dress, wear earrings, walk around in high heel shoes if they are not going out. When a woman doesn't have to go out, she doesn't dress like that because it's not a desire. If she's not going anywhere, no face chat, nobody coming over, she doesn't even put on makeup most of the time. She only dresses like that when she's out in the public to enhance her looks.

In other words, if a woman doesn't have these uncontrollable desires (similar to sex) to dress like a woman, how is it a guy does?
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Sue me for calling her a she. If you can’t understand why or what I’m talking about then that’s your problem. If fully understand that you don’t like calling teams people by their preferred pronouns. That’s cause you’re an ass, but that’s your choice

If people insisted we call light polls fire hydrants, am I an ass if I only call light polls, light polls? :eusa_shhh:
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!
I would never do that however your door is widen open for it to happen and you strike anyone and you will be going to jail. This is the world you created, men in women’s restrooms, men competing as women. Thank all your left wing friends.
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!
I would never do that however your door is widen open for it to happen and you strike anyone and you will be going to jail. This is the world you created, men in women’s restrooms, men competing as women. Thank all your left wing friends.
You dunderheads with your screeching about TRANNIES IN THE BATHROOM--RUN!!!! are a bore, have been since you started this nonsense a few years ago. I've probably shared the Ladies room with trans females before and never known it, because we all have private stalls. Trans females dress and look like females.

This crap about " anyone can identify as a woman now and go in the Ladies room" is just that--crap. Try it, why don't you, and see how quick your ass gets booted out of there and you end up with a peeping tom arrest. Cops aren't stupid and neither are women.

Please find something else to lie about, because you've lost this one, despite your best efforts to scare everyone.
I think your perception of natural flow may be quite different than somebody else’s. I try and not and judge that for other people. If the way I feel about myself as a man is the same way another guy thinks about themself as a woman the that’s their nature.

Fair enough. What if they think of themselves as a cocker spaniel? That would be just their nature, correct?
I guess so… why?

So then you'd have no problem with them crawling on all fours in the nude at the park, and lifting their leg up to piss on a bush, right?
Wrong, laws still apply

Except the laws of nature, right?

The laws of nature would be totally fine with pissing in a Bush. Haha, you sound confused, did you get lost in your arguments? Focus

Better than sounding like a commie propagandist. Carry on commie, you're a waste of time.

I love how you’re calling me a commie in a thread where you want to control and regulate how other people want to identify and express themselves. Oh the irony!!

We regulate and control fraud all the time, what rock do you live under. There were prizes associated with the contest, real women were deprived of them. And the women were required to pay to enter the contest and have appropriate clothing as prescribed by the contest organizers. So to say they were victims of fraud is an understatement.

Yes things are regulated all the time and you call people who support regulations commies… except apparently when it’s something you want regulated. Damn hypocrite.


When they lose the debate they resort to cartoons. Thanks for playing.



In the name of providing fair treatment for all, there should be pageants for transgender‘s separate from bio female contests. That would be a fair contest without the scores being influenced by the judges wanting to make a broad social statement. They (judges, executive producer, possibly networks) politicized this event to make it about a transgender statement. As the winner stated “to be a trailblazer”, but they yet again (think girls bathroom issue in public schools when the use of a gender neutral bathroom as a solution was rejected) making more people uncomfortable unnecessarily.

Fair contests for females, whether that be running track or in a pageant, have nothing to do with making social change statements. That changes the entire equation, reeks of placing a social agenda above the entire contest, and likely influenced the outcome.


Although I can understand your sentiment, to be fair, we don't have all the information about the judging.
The rules state that the judges are not allowed contact, or conversations, with the contestants prior to judging the event.

Although I don't know to what degree the judges were aware of the individual conditions of each contestant,
it would be unfair to assume they even knew the contestant was not a woman, or if that may have influenced their decision.

The responsibility may reside solely on the Pageant Organizers.


Then tell the class why a wardrobe would be required for 'Private interviews". Who did the interviewing? The judges maybe?

It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Most women aren't going to compete in beauty pageants or the Olympics.

Most of them are going to face -

Sexual Harassment on the job, and the party that put two harassers on SCOTUS isn't their friend.
Pay discrimination, which the GOP is fine with.
The need for family planning, which the GOP is trying very hard to take away from them.
You might face domestic violence, and the GOP totally wants those wife-beaters to have guns.

So, um, yeah, kind of depends where your priorities are... if you are concerned with the unlikely event you might have to compete against a transgender in something you'd never qualify for under normal circumstances, then the GOP is your friend.

If you are more concerned about real life problems that will have a long term effect on your life, that's something different.
This instance is sad.

But, overall, feminism is working great. The differences in the way women are treated, even in my lifetime is great. Add in the 50 or 60 years prior to that and it is nothing short of phenomenal.

Why is it "sad"?

Frankly, if a beauty pagaent is about looks and talent, that isn't limited to Cis-gender women, is it?

If you saw this person on the street, not knowing she was transgender, you'd probably find her attractive.


Now, yes, it took surgery and hormone treatments to get her there...

But how many cisgender women have boob jobs, rib removals, plastic surgery, etc. in order to compete in "beauty pagents"

My least favorite is Asian chicks who get blepharoplasties to look less Asian.

It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Most women aren't going to compete in beauty pageants or the Olympics.

Most of them are going to face -

Sexual Harassment on the job, and the party that put two harassers on SCOTUS isn't their friend.
Pay discrimination, which the GOP is fine with.
The need for family planning, which the GOP is trying very hard to take away from them.
You might face domestic violence, and the GOP totally wants those wife-beaters to have guns.

So, um, yeah, kind of depends where your priorities are... if you are concerned with the unlikely event you might have to compete against a transgender in something you'd never qualify for under normal circumstances, then the GOP is your friend.

If you are more concerned about real life problems that will have a long term effect on your life, that's something different.

We are concerned. We are concerned that this dumbass piece of shit that you stupid uneducated low IQ Moon Bats allowed to steal an election is increasing inflation, increasing poverty, decreasing energy, raising taxes, allowing millions of Illegals flood in, increasing welfare, destroying the military and selling out the country to foreign interest.

How could you be so friggin stupid?
Yes, this could be a start of a new thing. Perhaps next he can join a dog competition and win because he can do better tricks than the other dogs. Why not? If you don't have to be a woman to win a beauty pageant, why should you have to be a dog to do dog tricks?

Wow, Ray comparing transgender people to dogs.
Well, he's compared black people to spoiled milk and feral racoons, so it fits.
Democrats could care less. Dementia re-instituted the DumBama policy of forcing schools to let weirdos in dresses compete in school athletics. The girls who worked so hard for that trophy or college scholarship will not be able to get it if they have to compete against a sissy in a dress. The commies won't be happy until they turn the entire country into a circus side show.

To think, when Republicans fought against the commie mandate that all health insurance plans must provide birth control coverage, they claimed the Republicans had a war on women. Who has the real war on women now?

The real war on women is still being waged by Republicans who want to protect sexual harassers, unequal pay and limit family planning. Not to mention making sure that domestic abusers can keep their guns.

The unlikely event that you might have to compete against a transwoman who looks better than you in a beauty pagent is just not a big deal.
It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

Most women aren't going to compete in beauty pageants or the Olympics.

Most of them are going to face -

Sexual Harassment on the job, and the party that put two harassers on SCOTUS isn't their friend.
Pay discrimination, which the GOP is fine with.
The need for family planning, which the GOP is trying very hard to take away from them.
You might face domestic violence, and the GOP totally wants those wife-beaters to have guns.

So, um, yeah, kind of depends where your priorities are... if you are concerned with the unlikely event you might have to compete against a transgender in something you'd never qualify for under normal circumstances, then the GOP is your friend.

If you are more concerned about real life problems that will have a long term effect on your life, that's something different.
Most people will never be killed by a person using a gun but that doesn't stop you from your rantings.

This country has just crossed the line into the ridiculous.
This instance is sad.

But, overall, feminism is working great. The differences in the way women are treated, even in my lifetime is great. Add in the 50 or 60 years prior to that and it is nothing short of phenomenal.

Why is it "sad"?

Frankly, if a beauty pagaent is about looks and talent, that isn't limited to Cis-gender women, is it?

If you saw this person on the street, not knowing she was transgender, you'd probably find her attractive.

View attachment 507598

Now, yes, it took surgery and hormone treatments to get her there...

But how many cisgender women have boob jobs, rib removals, plastic surgery, etc. in order to compete in "beauty pagents"

My least favorite is Asian chicks who get blepharoplasties to look less Asian.

View attachment 507599

You are a friggin idiot. If you don't know what is wrong with that deranged sicko guy dressing up and pretending it is a female then you have no moral clarity whatsoever.

The sonofabitch is fooling you. Just like the AGW scammers are fooling you. Or the greedy Socialists that tell you that if we increase taxes then the economy will be more prosperous.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are always confused about everything, aren't you? No wonder you are so gullible to all the lies the Left feeds you.
I hope he does. Why lie to children? These people are frauds and freaks and children should learn from honesty.

50 years ago, blacks riding at the front of the bus was considered "Freakish", as were women working outside of the home. 25 years ago, gays were considered freakish... now nobody cares.

I worry more about people who are trying to make my life miserable instead of people who have no effect on it.
Most people will never be killed by a person using a gun but that doesn't stop you from your rantings.

This country has just crossed the line into the ridiculous.

39,000 people a year are killed with guns.

Oh, yeah, and they are fucking dead. I mean, I guess if you are one of the 20 women who lost the title of Ms Nevada to a he/she that would be bad an all, but you aren't going to be dead. You can totally get on with your life of modelling and looking for that rich sugar daddy.
Most people will never be killed by a person using a gun but that doesn't stop you from your rantings.

This country has just crossed the line into the ridiculous.

39,000 people a year are killed with guns.

Oh, yeah, and they are fucking dead. I mean, I guess if you are one of the 20 women who lost the title of Ms Nevada to a he/she that would be bad an all, but you aren't going to be dead. You can totally get on with your life of modelling and looking for that rich sugar daddy.
Suicides don't count.

You have a 99.997% chance of NOT being murdered by a person with a gun.

The vast majority of legal gun owners will never commit any crimes.

Men are not women
Women are not men.

I don't care if a person wants to have surgery and take drugs to change their appearances but that doesn't mean they actually morphed from one biological sex to another.

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