Women...how's feminism working out for you? Man crowned Miss Nevada......LOL.....

Is that the best Nevada could do?

I have never been to Nevada but I'm sure there are beautiful women over there, normal women ...that were born women....why did they have to select a man who thinks he is a woman ? That is a slap on the face to all real women in Nevada.

It's pathetic.

In addition to the normal demographic distribution of attractive women there are probably an extra 10K absolutely stunning women just in Las Vegas and they picked that deformed monstrosity to represent Nevada? Disgusting.
I think your perception of natural flow may be quite different than somebody else’s. I try and not and judge that for other people. If the way I feel about myself as a man is the same way another guy thinks about themself as a woman the that’s their nature.

Fair enough. What if they think of themselves as a cocker spaniel? That would be just their nature, correct?
I guess so… why?

So then you'd have no problem with them crawling on all fours in the nude at the park, and lifting their leg up to piss on a bush, right?
Wrong, laws still apply

Except the laws of nature, right?

The laws of nature would be totally fine with pissing in a Bush. Haha, you sound confused, did you get lost in your arguments? Focus

Better than sounding like a commie propagandist. Carry on commie, you're a waste of time.

I love how you’re calling me a commie in a thread where you want to control and regulate how other people want to identify and express themselves. Oh the irony!!

We regulate and control fraud all the time, what rock do you live under. There were prizes associated with the contest, real women were deprived of them. And the women were required to pay to enter the contest and have appropriate clothing as prescribed by the contest organizers. So to say they were victims of fraud is an understatement.

Yes things are regulated all the time and you call people who support regulations commies… except apparently when it’s something you want regulated. Damn hypocrite.


When they lose the debate they resort to cartoons. Thanks for playing.
In the name of providing fair treatment for all, there should be pageants for transgender‘s separate from bio female contests. That would be a fair contest without the scores being influenced by the judges wanting to make a broad social statement. They (judges, executive producer, possibly networks) politicized this event to make it about a transgender statement. As the winner stated “to be a trailblazer”, but they yet again (think girls bathroom issue in public schools when the use of a gender neutral bathroom as a solution was rejected) making more people uncomfortable unnecessarily.

Fair contests for females, whether that be running track or in a pageant, have nothing to do with making social change statements. That changes the entire equation, reeks of placing a social agenda above the entire contest, and likely influenced the outcome.


Although I can understand your sentiment, to be fair, we don't have all the information about the judging.
The rules state that the judges are not allowed contact, or conversations, with the contestants prior to judging the event.

Although I don't know to what degree the judges were aware of the individual conditions of each contestant,
it would be unfair to assume they even knew the contestant was not a woman, or if that may have influenced their decision.

The responsibility may reside solely on the Pageant Organizers.

I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!
In the name of providing fair treatment for all, there should be pageants for transgender‘s separate from bio female contests. That would be a fair contest without the scores being influenced by the judges wanting to make a broad social statement. They (judges, executive producer, possibly networks) politicized this event to make it about a transgender statement. As the winner stated “to be a trailblazer”, but they yet again (think girls bathroom issue in public schools when the use of a gender neutral bathroom as a solution was rejected) making more people uncomfortable unnecessarily.

Fair contests for females, whether that be running track or in a pageant, have nothing to do with making social change statements. That changes the entire equation, reeks of placing a social agenda above the entire contest, and likely influenced the outcome.


Although I can understand your sentiment, to be fair, we don't have all the information about the judging.
The rules state that the judges are not allowed contact, or conversations, with the contestants prior to judging the event.

Although I don't know to what degree the judges were aware of the individual conditions of each contestant,
it would be unfair to assume they even knew the contestant was not a woman, or if that may have influenced their decision.

The responsibility may reside solely on the Pageant Organizers.

A most fair point and thank you bringing that to my attention:)
It is amazing that women can't see the scam the democrat party has been running on them for decades....

Democrat men......women, you need sexual freedom so kill the babies so we don't have to pay for support.

Democrat men.....women, men who say they are women get to compete against you in women's sports, taking your awards and scholarships....

Democrat men......women, men can now not only compete, but win beauty contests that used to be just for women....

You have been played for fools....but keep playing, the democrat men appreciate your participation in your humiliation...

The 1950s called and want you to come home.
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!

My, my, what an interesting attitude for someone who's so dismissive of EXACTLY the same reaction from other women to "transgenders".

Please explain why YOU are allowed to get all up-in-arms about penises in the same bathroom as you, but we are not? Are you now the Grand High Arbiter of Acceptable Dicks? Everyone has to be okay with THIS dick, but THAT dick isn't allowed in the ladies' room?
I'm starting to go into women's restrooms just to look around and check out the chicks.
Reported to your local authorities.
That is perfectly legal now, Target and many other shopping stores and mall will let you go into whatever restroom you want, it depends on how you feel, no one else's feelings matter.

That's right. OldLady is a transphobe and a bigot for suggesting otherwise. We get to use whatever bathroom we want, whenever we want.
You pigs walk into my Ladies Room, you're getting it around the head with my parasol--and be warned, it bites!

My, my, what an interesting attitude for someone who's so dismissive of EXACTLY the same reaction from other women to "transgenders".

Please explain why YOU are allowed to get all up-in-arms about penises in the same bathroom as you, but we are not? Are you now the Grand High Arbiter of Acceptable Dicks? Everyone has to be okay with THIS dick, but THAT dick isn't allowed in the ladies' room?
If you expect engagement from me, you really need to kick back on the stupid throttle.
This instance is sad.

But, overall, feminism is working great. The differences in the way women are treated, even in my lifetime is great. Add in the 50 or 60 years prior to that and it is nothing short of phenomenal.
So you're saying it's ok for a man to take what is rightfully a woman?
Next up disarm all women they must know their place it's called victimhood

Nothing I said even remotely says what you wanted me to have said.
What lie are you talking about? I don’t see a lie… I see an ignorant ass in you and your ilk

If you teach your children a guy can be a woman by wearing female attire, it's a lie. A guy wearing female attire is a fraud because he's still not a woman.

You are trying to teach simple Biology to a stupid Moon Bat. You are wasting your time.
I understand what you’re saying, but I would still argue that if enough people (or one with the money) back the idea of hosting a transgender only event, do you think that bio women would want to get in that and be offended if not allowed? In my mind, not any healthy minded females, and the same reaction should hold the other way around -transgenders should not feel offended because they cannot get into a bio-only beauty contest but should get the funding (it’s out there without question) and make their own pageants.

The previous post I linked an article about another major United States beauty pageant (I can’t remember the letters, but anyway) where a transgender female sued but the court tossed out the suit indicating that there was no legal right to force the pageant to change their rules. As I said, it could all come down to how many viewers watch each show to determine which show should continue and which one should not, if that’s the case.

This might be a small matter in the minds of many, but it is still important to establish the details about what our immediate future will hold. Do female pageants that include tyrannies pull a huge audience? I have no clue, but on a guess I’d say yes. Certainly a certain sector of our society would likely watch, but I’d say at least an equal number of people would watch the contest that I linked that does not allow transgenders. Defining some hard lines over the gender battles is important or there won’t be any lines later. What I’ve suggested is something that could hold long-term if enough folks care about it anyway/ that is always the key. How much effort and work people are willing to put in either to protect something or to change something will call it.

My point here is you can never make these weirdos happy unless they "believe" what they do is normal and society accepts it that way. So they would not be happy with a beauty contest just for flakes.

Take gays for instance. They've been crying about marriage for many years. During the GW era, states decided to have a vote if the people in their state should accept gay marriages. The people overwhelmingly rejected it. So they pushed it to the state courts with liberal judges, and as commies usually do, overturned over the will of the people because we all know how anti-American Democrats are. But they still weren't happy other states still didn't recognize it.

Their complaint was that there were certain legal protections that married people had that they couldn't get. So we came out with civil unions to address that problem. In spite of that, they still weren't happy.

When they got it to the Supreme Court, they too went against the will of the people and forced states to accept gay marriages.

Point is there is only one thing that would make these cross-dressers happy, and that is forcing the entire country to accept their weirdness as normal no matter how much we won't. So a segregated beauty contest wouldn't fly.
Why isn’t it just an option that she just won?

Because we are not talking about a she. There is he in a dress. No she in the discussion.
Sue me for calling her a she. If you can’t understand why or what I’m talking about then that’s your problem. If fully understand that you don’t like calling teams people by their preferred pronouns. That’s cause you’re an ass, but that’s your choice
What lie are you talking about? I don’t see a lie… I see an ignorant ass in you and your ilk

If you teach your children a guy can be a woman by wearing female attire, it's a lie. A guy wearing female attire is a fraud because he's still not a woman.
Can I teach children that a guy can be a trans woman? Is that a lie?

why can’t a guy wear woman’s attire if that’s what they want to wear? That doesn’t make them a fraud, it just means they want to wear woman’s attire. Wake up Ray this isn’t complicated
What lie are you talking about? I don’t see a lie… I see an ignorant ass in you and your ilk

If you teach your children a guy can be a woman by wearing female attire, it's a lie. A guy wearing female attire is a fraud because he's still not a woman.

You are trying to teach simple Biology to a stupid Moon Bat. You are wasting your time.
When has biology been discussed? You’re confused again Flash
What lie are you talking about? I don’t see a lie… I see an ignorant ass in you and your ilk

If you teach your children a guy can be a woman by wearing female attire, it's a lie. A guy wearing female attire is a fraud because he's still not a woman.
Can I teach children that a guy can be a trans woman? Is that a lie?

why can’t a guy wear woman’s attire if that’s what they want to wear? That doesn’t make them a fraud, it just means they want to wear woman’s attire. Wake up Ray this isn’t complicated
Why can't you pull your head out of your Libtard ass?
What lie are you talking about? I don’t see a lie… I see an ignorant ass in you and your ilk

If you teach your children a guy can be a woman by wearing female attire, it's a lie. A guy wearing female attire is a fraud because he's still not a woman.

You are trying to teach simple Biology to a stupid Moon Bat. You are wasting your time.
When has biology been discussed? You’re confused again Flash

The kid will explain it to you Moon Bat

What lie are you talking about? I don’t see a lie… I see an ignorant ass in you and your ilk

If you teach your children a guy can be a woman by wearing female attire, it's a lie. A guy wearing female attire is a fraud because he's still not a woman.
Can I teach children that a guy can be a trans woman? Is that a lie?

why can’t a guy wear woman’s attire if that’s what they want to wear? That doesn’t make them a fraud, it just means they want to wear woman’s attire. Wake up Ray this isn’t complicated
Why can't you pull your head out of your Libtard ass?
It’s out. I see clearly. You on the other hand seem to be having a very hard time getting it

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