Women now demanding paid menstrual leave!!!

But if they aren't working as much due to pms days will they get advanced as far as me. It do they need even more special privileges?

I know this may be hard to grasp but some people get paid for the value they put into their time. For example, you could work for 8 hours in a day and only generate X amount of revenue. Someone else could work 1 hour and triple the amount of revenue you produced.
This is probably your first post I've ever agreed with. People should be paid what their worth, period. Those same people should not expect preference because of who or what they are. Trying to legislate equality in any way is a fool's errand, the best you can do is legislate that opportunities are the same.
Since pms is such a disability should women be excused from criminality like with post part in depression but that's not a special privilege right?
Women are pricing themselves out of the job market. Maternity leave is bad enough but now this. Pretty soon no one will hire a woman.

Huffington Post Endorses Paid 'Menstrual Leave' for Working Women

20 May 2014
HuffPost Live held a discussion about a current topic in employment: whether women deserve paid "menstrual leave."

Slate had already tackled the issue, with writer Katy Waldman dismissing it by saying, “… don’t offer us paid period leave. We’ll just spend it all taking self-pitying Buzzfeed quizzes.”

But when HuffPost Live interviewed Skepchick.org founder Rebecca Watson and Mikki Kendall, editor at Hood feminism.com, the women got positively cranky.

"Just by asking the question, 'Should women get paid menstruation leave?' biases the listener into saying, 'Oh, of course not,' because you're talking about special treatment," said Watson.

"But if you were to say, should men get paid time off if they were kicked in the testicles, yes, like if you have a medical problem, you should get to take time off," she added.

Of course, men typically don’t get kicked in the testicles every month, but who’s counting?

you, and the liars at breitbart are intentionally distorting what was said. no surprises from misogynist wingers....

what they SAID was the question shouldn't be asked. but if someone is sick, they should be able to take medical leave.

I understand that's beyond your paygrade.
Yep, that's exactly what I meant. Didn't realize I had to spell it out. If men had pms and period cramps, not to mention having babies, what babies they would themselves be about it all. :eusa_boohoo:

But since it is women who go through this shit, they just say 'carry on,' it's no big deal.
How many women have died in combat exactly? The fact is that nature is nature, women do have more issues but now we are supposed to treat them just like men except when they don't want to be treated like men. Don't blame the double standard on men.

How many men have died in childbirth? I think there have probably been billions more women who have died in childbirth than men who have died in combat.
There are more people alive today than ever lived in the past up to 40 years ago so if billions of women died that would mean very few women survived child birth. You are wrong
How many women have died in combat exactly? The fact is that nature is nature, women do have more issues but now we are supposed to treat them just like men except when they don't want to be treated like men. Don't blame the double standard on men.

How many men have died in childbirth? I think there have probably been billions more women who have died in childbirth than men who have died in combat.
There are more people alive today than ever lived in the past up to 40 years ago so if billions of women died that would mean very few women survived child birth. You are wrong

that may be one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard in my life. now go back and look at the rates of death in childbirth and how they've gone down only recently through better healthcare.

we know you hate women... we get it. how many times a day do you have to tell us and doesn't it embarrass you?
How many women have died in combat exactly? The fact is that nature is nature, women do have more issues but now we are supposed to treat them just like men except when they don't want to be treated like men. Don't blame the double standard on men.

How many men have died in childbirth? I think there have probably been billions more women who have died in childbirth than men who have died in combat.
There are more people alive today than ever lived in the past up to 40 years ago so if billions of women died that would mean very few women survived child birth. You are wrong

You are aware of how long humankind has been around......? Right?

You are aware that an average of 56 million people die every year (globally)........? Right?

You are aware that only in the last two decades have women been treated medically as women and not men........? Right?
Are you suggesting a 1000 years ago there were as many people as today? Human population has expanded exponentially over the years
Are you suggesting a 1000 years ago there were as many people as today? Human population has expanded exponentially over the years

That's not just a silly question, it's a stupid one. Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. Besides you answered your own question with,
Human population has expanded exponentially over the years

Take the total number of deaths just over just the last 500 years, calculate the percentage of deaths due to childbirth and yes, those could potentially be estimated to at least a billion.
There are an estimated 3.9 billion deaths in a 70 year period.........
How many men have died in childbirth? I think there have probably been billions more women who have died in childbirth than men who have died in combat.
I'm skeptical about that but it isn't the point. There are reasons things were the way they were. It's good women are in the workplace now but legislation like this highlights the downside, correct? But somehow women have been managing without it.

My personal opinion is that there should not be special time off for menstual issues; I've already posted that. What I object to is the complete dismissal by men regarding the problems and difficulties women have with pms, menstrual cramps, hormonal changes once a month, pregnancy and childbirth, etc. It is probably true that at least as many women have indeed died in childbirth as men have died in combat, and, logically, it is probably two or three or more times as many.

In 2012, 295 men died in combat in Afghanistan. Every year, 650 women in the US die in childbirth.
You are being selective with the numbers but it wasn't the point anyway. And men do not dismiss women's issues. We thank God we don't have to deal with it. We have many jokes, like "I don't trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die".

But those things can effect a woman's performance, presence and reliability. It's just a fact of life. Trying to make it right by legislation is wrong on many levels. But if a private employer wanted to accommodate someone that's their business.
Women are pricing themselves out of the job market. Maternity leave is bad enough but now this. Pretty soon no one will hire a woman.

Huffington Post Endorses Paid 'Menstrual Leave' for Working Women

20 May 2014
HuffPost Live held a discussion about a current topic in employment: whether women deserve paid "menstrual leave."

Slate had already tackled the issue, with writer Katy Waldman dismissing it by saying, “… don’t offer us paid period leave. We’ll just spend it all taking self-pitying Buzzfeed quizzes.”

But when HuffPost Live interviewed Skepchick.org founder Rebecca Watson and Mikki Kendall, editor at Hood feminism.com, the women got positively cranky.

"Just by asking the question, 'Should women get paid menstruation leave?' biases the listener into saying, 'Oh, of course not,' because you're talking about special treatment," said Watson.

"But if you were to say, should men get paid time off if they were kicked in the testicles, yes, like if you have a medical problem, you should get to take time off," she added.

Of course, men typically don’t get kicked in the testicles every month, but who’s counting?

So what?
You are being selective with the numbers but it wasn't the point anyway. And men do not dismiss women's issues. We thank God we don't have to deal with it. We have many jokes, like "I don't trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die".

But those things can effect a woman's performance, presence and reliability. It's just a fact of life. Trying to make it right by legislation is wrong on many levels. But if a private employer wanted to accommodate someone that's their business.

Good post.
But those things can effect a woman's performance, presence and reliability. It's just a fact of life. Trying to make it right by legislation is wrong on many levels. But if a private employer wanted to accommodate someone that's their business.

Their business? If a private employer announced he was going to pay male workers more than female workers for the same job, would you still be so tolerant?

Paid menstrual leave for women is discrimination against men.

you, and the liars at breitbart are intentionally distorting what was said. no surprises from misogynist wingers....

what they SAID was the question shouldn't be asked. but if someone is sick, they should be able to take medical leave.

So now menstruation is a sickness?? Why do you hate women so much?
i've seen periods cripple a woman to bed for a whole day...so i can understand the idea.
But those things can effect a woman's performance, presence and reliability. It's just a fact of life. Trying to make it right by legislation is wrong on many levels. But if a private employer wanted to accommodate someone that's their business.

Their business? If a private employer announced he was going to pay male workers more than female workers for the same job, would you still be so tolerant?

Paid menstrual leave for women is discrimination against men.
Yep. I believe employers should set wages and people should stay or leave as they wish.

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