Paid Maternity Leave - Good for Women?

This is one of the few leftwing ideas I support; however, it would have to be paid for the federal government itself.

Anything that promotes white women to have child instead of working hard and fearing pregnancy is a good policy. This is the main reason why white families do not often have more than 1 or 2 children, hence diminishing numbers by percentage amongst the total population.

The problem here is that the government doesn't have any money; it produces nothing. It can only steal this money from others, including the people its claiming to help. Once you condone them stealing for the reason you support, you have no valid foothold for denying their right to do so for reasons you don't support.

Steal what? Giving federal money back to the working white people that paid them is simply just reparations for the decades of federal theft and plunder legally sanctioned against the white race.

Better that our money is redirected productively in support of white families instead of welfare queens that have as many children as possible to scam the system.

I guess if all you got going for you is your race, it's a pretty big deal.
Im sure as soon as you Progressives realize that this policy helps white people the most you'll be against it in force.

Is that you how you define "Progressive" - anyone who doesn't tolerate your racism?
So anyhow, what kind of sick broad would not stay at home after having a child? I know at the Fortune 500 company I worked at, the treasury dept was pissed that an impregnated secretary was hired assuming she was not impregnated, then got benefits during the pregnancy and never came back netting her cash equivalent to her manager or a typical ghetto Black or Brown person who never worked ever.
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