Women sexually assaulted by hundreds of Arab or N. African men in Cologne

Well well well. It appears they are having quite the issue with migrants all across Europe these days.

"Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers says witnesses described the assaults as coming from a group of up to 1,000 men whose appearance indicated they were of "Arab or North African origin."

Some 60 criminal complaints have so far been filed, including one allegation of rape."


Where does it mention "migrants"?

When it says "arab or north African" as the description of the criminals

And that makes them "migrants" ---- how?

Ever been to Germany?

The same thing that makes all the "Americans" immigrants, they are not indigenous to the continent. Since when has Germany been part of North Africa or arabia ?

"Migrants" is not the same thing as "immigrants". And neither one is the same as ethnicity, which is what the description (from one guy) refers to -- physical appearance.

You cannot look at a person and determine their travel history from their appearance. Can't do it.
Well well well. It appears they are having quite the issue with migrants all across Europe these days.

"Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers says witnesses described the assaults as coming from a group of up to 1,000 men whose appearance indicated they were of "Arab or North African origin."

Some 60 criminal complaints have so far been filed, including one allegation of rape."


Where does it mention "migrants"?

When it says "arab or north African" as the description of the criminals

And that makes them "migrants" ---- how?

Ever been to Germany?

The same thing that makes all the "Americans" immigrants, they are not indigenous to the continent. Since when has Germany been part of North Africa or arabia ?

"Migrants" is not the same thing as "immigrants". And neither one is the same as ethnicity, which is what the description (from one guy) refers to -- physical appearance.

You cannot look at a person and determine their travel history from their appearance. Can't do it.
I damn sure fucking can. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a rancid duck, fucks other ducks and sheep and camels, its a fucking fucked up duck.
Where does it mention "migrants"?

When it says "arab or north African" as the description of the criminals

And that makes them "migrants" ---- how?

Ever been to Germany?

The same thing that makes all the "Americans" immigrants, they are not indigenous to the continent. Since when has Germany been part of North Africa or arabia ?

"Migrants" is not the same thing as "immigrants". And neither one is the same as ethnicity, which is what the description (from one guy) refers to -- physical appearance.

You cannot look at a person and determine their travel history from their appearance. Can't do it.
I damn sure fucking can. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a rancid duck, fucks other ducks and sheep and camels, its a fucking fucked up duck.

Nope, sorry. Nobody gets to just make it up.

That's what I busted the OP for. We have entirely too many sources just making it up without bothering to wait for the evidence. Not only is that dishonest, it perpetuates the myths their agenda is out to perpetuate.

That can't be allowed and when said agenda-drivers do it anyway they need calling out. :nono:
Fuck the fucking evidence. Shit loads of women are complaining that shitloads of camel fuckers are harassing them. Believe what you want.


The number of police complaints filed are significant and some reports expect that number to rise:

"Sixty complaints were filed to police, a third of which were linked to sexual assault. Cologne’s mayor, Henriette Reker, called an emergency meeting of high-ranking security officials on Tuesday, saying her aim was to ensure the city centre did not turn into a “lawless zone”."

Every article describes the assailants the same way:

"“Sexual crimes took place on a huge scale,” said the police president, Wolfgang Albers. “The crimes were committed by a group of people who from appearance were largely from the north African or Arab world.”"

Cologne inquiry into 'coordinated' New Year's Eve sex attacks

Racism isn't the reason these assaults are being reported - the scale and unprecedented manner in which the crimes were committed are why this is news.
I agree that is an incredibly poorly written article. It was pretty vague.

IF the situation on the ground is at all like described it is a complete breakdown of law and order.

The underlying problem of an incredible cultural gulf on the rights of women and proper treatment of women between Europe and the Third World Muslim culture makes this report both believable, but also suspect because it is what we expect to hear.

If this is true, we will hear more of it. Eventually.
Fuck the fucking evidence. Shit loads of women are complaining that shitloads of camel fuckers are harassing them. Believe what you want.



See, that's exactly the problem.

I'll believe what the facts are. Not what some drunk hatemonger in Canada wants to speculate.
Wow worst article ever. 5 paragraphs about vague nothing intended to disparage immigrants. 1,000 assaulters at Cologne's main train station... their main train station? How many thousands of people passed through there that night? 60 criminal complaints... about what? Only one is about rape. And as compared to how many on a usual night?

Garbage. As is to be expected from TD these days when it comes to browns.

Worst article EVAH?

You're slagging the NYTimes?

Yup. Whoever wrote that should be fired.

As for you... stop being such a victim.

I suppose you envisioned all the migrants as women and children. If there was a man he was an engineer or brain surgeon right?
Wow worst article ever. 5 paragraphs about vague nothing intended to disparage immigrants. 1,000 assaulters at Cologne's main train station... their main train station? How many thousands of people passed through there that night? 60 criminal complaints... about what? Only one is about rape. And as compared to how many on a usual night?

Garbage. As is to be expected from TD these days when it comes to browns.

Worst article EVAH?

You're slagging the NYTimes?

Yup. Whoever wrote that should be fired.

As for you... stop being such a victim.

I suppose you envisioned all the migrants as women and children. If there was a man he was an engineer or brain surgeon right?
I suppose you suffered brain trauma as a child, since you think you scored a point with that nonsense.
Wow worst article ever. 5 paragraphs about vague nothing intended to disparage immigrants. 1,000 assaulters at Cologne's main train station... their main train station? How many thousands of people passed through there that night? 60 criminal complaints... about what? Only one is about rape. And as compared to how many on a usual night?

Garbage. As is to be expected from TD these days when it comes to browns.

Worst article EVAH?

You're slagging the NYTimes?

Yup. Whoever wrote that should be fired.

As for you... stop being such a victim.

I suppose you envisioned all the migrants as women and children. If there was a man he was an engineer or brain surgeon right?
I suppose you suffered brain trauma as a child, since you think you scored a point with that nonsense.

Way better than your reply moron.
Wow worst article ever. 5 paragraphs about vague nothing intended to disparage immigrants. 1,000 assaulters at Cologne's main train station... their main train station? How many thousands of people passed through there that night? 60 criminal complaints... about what? Only one is about rape. And as compared to how many on a usual night?

Garbage. As is to be expected from TD these days when it comes to browns.

Worst article EVAH?

You're slagging the NYTimes?

Yup. Whoever wrote that should be fired.

As for you... stop being such a victim.

I suppose you envisioned all the migrants as women and children. If there was a man he was an engineer or brain surgeon right?
I suppose you suffered brain trauma as a child, since you think you scored a point with that nonsense.

Way better than your reply moron.
Nope. Yours confirms your profound ignorance to everyone who reads it. I'd have to try really hard to out-stupid that.

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