CDZ Women should embrace both owning and carrying guns as acts of personal empowerment.

Women are paid 20 percent less than their male counterparts performing the same job. How is carrying a gun supposed to fix that attack?

Another stupid and irrelevant comment.

The NRA defends the rights of women and blacks to own and carry weapons...for the express purpose of defending themselves from those who try to physically hurt them. Rapists, murderers, and the KKK are examples of the people who hurt women and blacks, who the NRA maintains women and blacks should be able to defend themselves against.

You think that because (you say) women are paid less for doing the same work, that they should also be denied the ability to defend themselves from physical attack? Sounds like maybe you're the problem there, bucko.

I'm pointing out your hypocrisy being a (supposed) female.

Just FYI, "hypocrisy" is not defined as "not holding views like OnePercenter".

Hypocrisy is when you use only part of the problem to sell more guns.

Ignorance is when you assume motivations on the part of others to suit your personal agenda.

I didn't have to "assume" anything. It's a blatant attempt to sell more guns.
Ask women who have been violently attacked by criminals and who then learn how to shoot and carry a gun if they feel safer or less safe. Ask women who have taken up learning to carry and shoot guns if they feel more safe or less safe.

Since a gun is the one thing that can make a woman capable of dealing with a violent male criminal, shouldn't the women's movements embrace gun ownership and carrying guns as acts of female empowerment?

Armed 'Women for Trump' graduation pic generates hate

A University of Tennessee senior posted her graduation pictureon Twitter that featured her wearing a "Women for Trump" T-shirt and a gun in her waistband.

Writing, "I don't take normal graduation photos," Brenna Spencer immediately felt the wrath of gun control advocates.


Ms. Spencer is carrying the gun legally and it is her Constitutional right to own one. To pretend that it's close to the end of the world that a picture with an attractive woman carrying a gun is posted on a popular social media platform only makes the critics look hysterical - which, of course, they are.

The fact that Ms. Spencer's picture went viral may encourage other young women to follow suit. If that happened, it would be worth all the criticism endured by this brave young woman.

TTAG Daily Digest: Senior Pride, Kaiser Wades Into 'Gun Violence and Strapped Older Texans - The Truth About Guns


Tennessee college student defends her gun-toting ‘graduation’ photo

Women are paid 20 percent less than their male counterparts performing the same job. How is carrying a gun supposed to fix that attack?

No, they aren't. That's just another Big Lie sold by the left.

When you factor in all the circumstances which make it, in fact, NOT the same job, the so-called "wage gap" disappears.

Here is some hard evidence for you. It's also more prominent in red States, I wonder why?

The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap

The AAUW? Oh, please.

If you have opposing numbers than PLEASE POST THEM.

This Is the Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

Factoring differences in education, experience, age, location, job title, industry and even company, our latest research reveals that the “adjusted” gender pay gap in the U.S. amounts to women earning about 94.6 cents per dollar compared to men.

Is that in line with what I said? Why yes, I believe it is. And look! I found a source that isn't grinding a partisan axe.
The gender pay gap exists because women have children, and the nature of motherhood means that a woman who is popping out babies every other year probably isn't going to be jumping ahead with her career...because she's going to be taking time off, she's going to have child care emergencies and issues related to children. And her democratic bosses, who HATE children and HATE women who have children, are going to dock her pay accordingly.

That's Republican bosses.
No. It's not.

"The gender pay gap in Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D., Mass.) office is nearly 10 percent wider than the national average, meaning women in the Massachusetts Democrat's office will have to wait longer than most women across the country to recognize Equal Pay Day."

"....women working for Warren were paid just 71 cents for every dollar paid to men during the 2016 fiscal year, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

"The median annual earnings for women staffers, $52,750, was more than $20,000 less than the median annual earnings for men, $73,750, according to the analysis of publicly available Senate data.

"When calculated using average salaries rather than median, the pay gap expands to just over $26,051, or about 31 percent."

"...failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who paid women less than men first as a senator, then as secretary of state, and as a presidential candidate. Her campaign viewed her tendency to pay women less than men as a campaign vulnerability.

"Former President Barack Obama regularly spoke out about the gender pay gap, but women working at the White House were paid less than men.

"Also paying women less than men were Democratic Govs. Jon Bel Edwards (La.), who last month held an "equal pay summit," and Andrew Cuomo (N.Y.), who has signed two executive orders this year to eliminate the wage gap."

Elizabeth Warren's Female Staffers Made 71% Less Than Male Staffers in 2016
Here is another story of a girl who was savagely attacked by an ex boyfriend, stabbed so many times they thought she may never walk or talk again, who now carries a gun because, as she states, she will never be a victim again...

Of course, since she wasn't 21 at the time, democrats would prefer she face the attacker without a gun...

48 Hours Live to Tell: Melissa Dohme's story of survival - CBS News

According to the Centers for Disease Control, women between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest rate of relationship violence of any age group ... and never is it more dangerous than when they try to leave. It's a disturbing trend known as "breakup violence."

Melissa Dohme, just 20 years old at the time, was viciously stabbed 32 times outside her Clearwater, Fla., home --simply for ending a relationship. Some of the images in this story are tough to look at, but Melissa wants you to see them. With violence against women dominating the headlines, she says we can't afford to turn away. This is her story.


And another survivor who helped her recover....

Audrey Mabrey | Survivor: I believe Melissa and I met for a very special purpose. I wanted to mentor and guide her through part of her journey that I knew she was going to face.

I knew because I had lived through it myself. ... I was attacked in 2009 when I was 26 years old.

I was separated from my husband Chris, who's a retired New York City detective ... we had two sons together.

Chris ... did not use a knife or a gun. He used a hammer to bludgeon me in the head, and then a candle and gasoline to set me on fire. ... I was burned over 80 percent of my body.

And then she started dating one of the men who helped save her life.......they started shooting together...

Melissa Dohme: Cameron showed my mom and I around the station. I tried on his uniform, and his hat, and his big, you know, jacket.

And he let me sit in the truck. And, you know, it was just like-- I mean, (laughs) I felt like-- my first crush all over again.

We started talking and we realized we have a lot in common. ...and we found out that we both enjoy shooting. And that was how he kinda, you know, asked me out on our first date. And he said, "'you and I should go shooting sometime'" and I was like hands down, "I would love to go shooting with you," you know and we've been shooting together ever since.

I will never ever be defenseless again in my life. ... Under any circumstances I will be able to defend myself.

How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

No one that I'm aware of has EVER accused Trump of being violent with women. A sexist, boorish pig, sure. Violent? No.

Grabbing a woman by the pussy IS A VIOLENT ACT, Trump supported it on video.

Here's a question for you; Can a woman that is being grabbed by the pussy shot her assailant?

No, it isn't a "violent" act. My God, could you butch up a little? Equating "unwanted" with "violent" does nothing except devalue the reality of ACTUAL violent sexual attacks. My husband sidles up and grabs me there at least once a week, and slapping his hand away probably causes more pain than the grabbing does. Geez.

Furthermore, one can't categorically say the contact WAS unwanted, since what Trump was boasting about was precisely the fact that his fame and wealth made it acceptable to the women.

So again, crass and boorish and chauvinistic? Sure. Violent? Not so much.

So you wouldn't have a problem if a stranger (male) came up to you and grabbed your crotch? Would you shoot that guy?

You wrote: "since what Trump was boasting about was precisely the fact that his fame and wealth made it acceptable to the women."

So acceptability makes it right?

Thank you for assuming facts not in evidence. OF COURSE, "unwanted doesn't mean violent" OBVIOUSLY means "I wouldn't have a problem with it." You're so clever to discern that meaning hidden in words that said nothing of the sort.

Equally obviously, I wouldn't shoot him. Know why? BECAUSE HE DIDN'T OFFER ME VIOLENCE. Which you know, or you wouldn't have asked in the first place. I would most definitely make my displeasure clear to him, in a way which would definitely make the lesson stick with him for a long time.

As for "acceptability makes it right", are you saying that you don't respect a woman's right to consent?
Another stupid and irrelevant comment.

The NRA defends the rights of women and blacks to own and carry weapons...for the express purpose of defending themselves from those who try to physically hurt them. Rapists, murderers, and the KKK are examples of the people who hurt women and blacks, who the NRA maintains women and blacks should be able to defend themselves against.

You think that because (you say) women are paid less for doing the same work, that they should also be denied the ability to defend themselves from physical attack? Sounds like maybe you're the problem there, bucko.

I'm pointing out your hypocrisy being a (supposed) female.

Just FYI, "hypocrisy" is not defined as "not holding views like OnePercenter".

Hypocrisy is when you use only part of the problem to sell more guns.

Ignorance is when you assume motivations on the part of others to suit your personal agenda.

I didn't have to "assume" anything. It's a blatant attempt to sell more guns.

See above.
Here is another story of a girl who was savagely attacked by an ex boyfriend, stabbed so many times they thought she may never walk or talk again, who now carries a gun because, as she states, she will never be a victim again...

Of course, since she wasn't 21 at the time, democrats would prefer she face the attacker without a gun...

48 Hours Live to Tell: Melissa Dohme's story of survival - CBS News

According to the Centers for Disease Control, women between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest rate of relationship violence of any age group ... and never is it more dangerous than when they try to leave. It's a disturbing trend known as "breakup violence."

Melissa Dohme, just 20 years old at the time, was viciously stabbed 32 times outside her Clearwater, Fla., home --simply for ending a relationship. Some of the images in this story are tough to look at, but Melissa wants you to see them. With violence against women dominating the headlines, she says we can't afford to turn away. This is her story.


And another survivor who helped her recover....

Audrey Mabrey | Survivor: I believe Melissa and I met for a very special purpose. I wanted to mentor and guide her through part of her journey that I knew she was going to face.

I knew because I had lived through it myself. ... I was attacked in 2009 when I was 26 years old.

I was separated from my husband Chris, who's a retired New York City detective ... we had two sons together.

Chris ... did not use a knife or a gun. He used a hammer to bludgeon me in the head, and then a candle and gasoline to set me on fire. ... I was burned over 80 percent of my body.

And then she started dating one of the men who helped save her life.......they started shooting together...

Melissa Dohme: Cameron showed my mom and I around the station. I tried on his uniform, and his hat, and his big, you know, jacket.

And he let me sit in the truck. And, you know, it was just like-- I mean, (laughs) I felt like-- my first crush all over again.

We started talking and we realized we have a lot in common. ...and we found out that we both enjoy shooting. And that was how he kinda, you know, asked me out on our first date. And he said, "'you and I should go shooting sometime'" and I was like hands down, "I would love to go shooting with you," you know and we've been shooting together ever since.

I will never ever be defenseless again in my life. ... Under any circumstances I will be able to defend myself.

How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

No one that I'm aware of has EVER accused Trump of being violent with women. A sexist, boorish pig, sure. Violent? No.

Grabbing a woman by the pussy IS A VIOLENT ACT, Trump supported it on video.

Here's a question for you; Can a woman that is being grabbed by the pussy shot her assailant?

You people are mentally ill. Saying "I just grab them by the pussy" is not the same as grabbing people by the pussy.

And if it was a chick saying "I grabbed her by the pussy" you'd think that was a great display of female empowerment and sexual freedom.

What is it the fags are always carping on as if it means something?

Oh yeah. CONSENTING ADULTS. What happens between consenting adults is none of your business. And so far EVERY SINGLE ONE of the women who have come forward to pretend that Trump is some sort of predator have admitted they consented..and in some cases, they have admitted that they didn't even have sex.

It's promoting an action.

The 1997 Miss Teen USA contestants "consented" when the predator Trump walked into the dressing room?
Here is another story of a girl who was savagely attacked by an ex boyfriend, stabbed so many times they thought she may never walk or talk again, who now carries a gun because, as she states, she will never be a victim again...

Of course, since she wasn't 21 at the time, democrats would prefer she face the attacker without a gun...

48 Hours Live to Tell: Melissa Dohme's story of survival - CBS News

According to the Centers for Disease Control, women between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest rate of relationship violence of any age group ... and never is it more dangerous than when they try to leave. It's a disturbing trend known as "breakup violence."

Melissa Dohme, just 20 years old at the time, was viciously stabbed 32 times outside her Clearwater, Fla., home --simply for ending a relationship. Some of the images in this story are tough to look at, but Melissa wants you to see them. With violence against women dominating the headlines, she says we can't afford to turn away. This is her story.


And another survivor who helped her recover....

Audrey Mabrey | Survivor: I believe Melissa and I met for a very special purpose. I wanted to mentor and guide her through part of her journey that I knew she was going to face.

I knew because I had lived through it myself. ... I was attacked in 2009 when I was 26 years old.

I was separated from my husband Chris, who's a retired New York City detective ... we had two sons together.

Chris ... did not use a knife or a gun. He used a hammer to bludgeon me in the head, and then a candle and gasoline to set me on fire. ... I was burned over 80 percent of my body.

And then she started dating one of the men who helped save her life.......they started shooting together...

Melissa Dohme: Cameron showed my mom and I around the station. I tried on his uniform, and his hat, and his big, you know, jacket.

And he let me sit in the truck. And, you know, it was just like-- I mean, (laughs) I felt like-- my first crush all over again.

We started talking and we realized we have a lot in common. ...and we found out that we both enjoy shooting. And that was how he kinda, you know, asked me out on our first date. And he said, "'you and I should go shooting sometime'" and I was like hands down, "I would love to go shooting with you," you know and we've been shooting together ever since.

I will never ever be defenseless again in my life. ... Under any circumstances I will be able to defend myself.

How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

No one that I'm aware of has EVER accused Trump of being violent with women. A sexist, boorish pig, sure. Violent? No.

Grabbing a woman by the pussy IS A VIOLENT ACT, Trump supported it on video.

Here's a question for you; Can a woman that is being grabbed by the pussy shot her assailant?

You people are mentally ill. Saying "I just grab them by the pussy" is not the same as grabbing people by the pussy.

And if it was a chick saying "I grabbed her by the pussy" you'd think that was a great display of female empowerment and sexual freedom.

What is it the fags are always carping on as if it means something?

Oh yeah. CONSENTING ADULTS. What happens between consenting adults is none of your business. And so far EVERY SINGLE ONE of the women who have come forward to pretend that Trump is some sort of predator have admitted they consented..and in some cases, they have admitted that they didn't even have sex.

It's promoting an action.

The 1997 Miss Teen USA contestants "consented" when the predator Trump walked into the dressing room?

No, it isn't promoting an action. It is something he said jokingly to someone in private.

And yes, the contestants sign up knowing that there will be some traffic in the dressing room. I worked with children's theatre for years. Kids who are worried about being in various states of undress in a relatively public place (dressing room doors are always open) are advised to find a bathroom..or find another hobby.
Here is another story of a girl who was savagely attacked by an ex boyfriend, stabbed so many times they thought she may never walk or talk again, who now carries a gun because, as she states, she will never be a victim again...

Of course, since she wasn't 21 at the time, democrats would prefer she face the attacker without a gun...

48 Hours Live to Tell: Melissa Dohme's story of survival - CBS News

According to the Centers for Disease Control, women between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest rate of relationship violence of any age group ... and never is it more dangerous than when they try to leave. It's a disturbing trend known as "breakup violence."

Melissa Dohme, just 20 years old at the time, was viciously stabbed 32 times outside her Clearwater, Fla., home --simply for ending a relationship. Some of the images in this story are tough to look at, but Melissa wants you to see them. With violence against women dominating the headlines, she says we can't afford to turn away. This is her story.


And another survivor who helped her recover....

Audrey Mabrey | Survivor: I believe Melissa and I met for a very special purpose. I wanted to mentor and guide her through part of her journey that I knew she was going to face.

I knew because I had lived through it myself. ... I was attacked in 2009 when I was 26 years old.

I was separated from my husband Chris, who's a retired New York City detective ... we had two sons together.

Chris ... did not use a knife or a gun. He used a hammer to bludgeon me in the head, and then a candle and gasoline to set me on fire. ... I was burned over 80 percent of my body.

And then she started dating one of the men who helped save her life.......they started shooting together...

Melissa Dohme: Cameron showed my mom and I around the station. I tried on his uniform, and his hat, and his big, you know, jacket.

And he let me sit in the truck. And, you know, it was just like-- I mean, (laughs) I felt like-- my first crush all over again.

We started talking and we realized we have a lot in common. ...and we found out that we both enjoy shooting. And that was how he kinda, you know, asked me out on our first date. And he said, "'you and I should go shooting sometime'" and I was like hands down, "I would love to go shooting with you," you know and we've been shooting together ever since.

I will never ever be defenseless again in my life. ... Under any circumstances I will be able to defend myself.

How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

No one that I'm aware of has EVER accused Trump of being violent with women. A sexist, boorish pig, sure. Violent? No.

Grabbing a woman by the pussy IS A VIOLENT ACT, Trump supported it on video.

Here's a question for you; Can a woman that is being grabbed by the pussy shot her assailant?

You people are mentally ill. Saying "I just grab them by the pussy" is not the same as grabbing people by the pussy.

And if it was a chick saying "I grabbed her by the pussy" you'd think that was a great display of female empowerment and sexual freedom.

What is it the fags are always carping on as if it means something?

Oh yeah. CONSENTING ADULTS. What happens between consenting adults is none of your business. And so far EVERY SINGLE ONE of the women who have come forward to pretend that Trump is some sort of predator have admitted they consented..and in some cases, they have admitted that they didn't even have sex.

It's promoting an action.

The 1997 Miss Teen USA contestants "consented" when the predator Trump walked into the dressing room?

Did they do anything about it? Did they even yell, "Get the hell out of here, you perv!"?
How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

Trump didn't promote anything, in fact, he outed hollywood democrats by stating that point.....the #metoo movement owes Trump because if hilary had won, harvey and her husband would still be raping women....

He promoted hate against women so much that he lost many Republican's political support.

If you are trying to support women then support them fully instead of making a marketing grab for the gun manufacturers.

Riiiiiight. "Supporting women fully" is apparently defined here as "making self-defense tools less available for them". Because what REALLY matters is sticking it to the eeeeevil gun manufacturers. Screw anyone who gets hurt along the way.

I NEVER wrote we should make self defense tools less available, I stated that if you want to fully support women, not pick and choose where you want.

Amazingly enough, AS A WOMAN MYSELF, I do not define "supporting women" as "falling in line with whatever a bunch of mansplaining leftists tell me I'm supposed to want".

If you're so interested in supporting women, how about you start with a moratorium on patriarchal lecturing about what our issues and stances on them should be?

This is me, in all my uterus-bearing female glory, telling you that I don't consider Trump anything more than an asshole, on par with many other assholes I've encountered in my life. Unpleasant, but not exactly Jack the Ripper. Further news from my two X chromosomes is that I consider protecting my right to defend myself, rather than being expected to simply hope some man will come along and rescue me or - God help us - that my would-be rapist will be nice enough to not mutilate and kill me, to be FAR more important than pitching a hissy fit because Donald Trump happens to be a pig.

And just while we're on the subject, the simple fact that my reproductive system resembles that of those hags in NOW has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not my MIND resembles theirs. So It would be helpful if you would stop assuming that they and their ilk speak for all womankind.

Write. It. Down. I'll let you know if there is any further news on what you can do to support women, instead of controlling them.

Nice speech, but it has no bearing on what I wrote.
How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

No one that I'm aware of has EVER accused Trump of being violent with women. A sexist, boorish pig, sure. Violent? No.

Grabbing a woman by the pussy IS A VIOLENT ACT, Trump supported it on video.

Here's a question for you; Can a woman that is being grabbed by the pussy shot her assailant?

You people are mentally ill. Saying "I just grab them by the pussy" is not the same as grabbing people by the pussy.

And if it was a chick saying "I grabbed her by the pussy" you'd think that was a great display of female empowerment and sexual freedom.

What is it the fags are always carping on as if it means something?

Oh yeah. CONSENTING ADULTS. What happens between consenting adults is none of your business. And so far EVERY SINGLE ONE of the women who have come forward to pretend that Trump is some sort of predator have admitted they consented..and in some cases, they have admitted that they didn't even have sex.

It's promoting an action.

The 1997 Miss Teen USA contestants "consented" when the predator Trump walked into the dressing room?

No, it isn't promoting an action. It is something he said jokingly to someone in private.

And yes, the contestants sign up knowing that there will be some traffic in the dressing room. I worked with children's theatre for years. Kids who are worried about being in various states of undress in a relatively public place (dressing room doors are always open) are advised to find a bathroom..or find another hobby.

I've been part of theatre productions where the cast had to strip to their skivvies and change in the wings, because there wasn't time to go all the way back to the dressing room.

Actors, beauty pageant contestants, etc. tend to lose their body modesty fairly quickly. Do I think that's a great thing, when talking about minors? No, but on the other hand, that's why MY kids don't participate in such things. Stage parents are infamous for whoring out their kids.
Trump didn't promote anything, in fact, he outed hollywood democrats by stating that point.....the #metoo movement owes Trump because if hilary had won, harvey and her husband would still be raping women....

He promoted hate against women so much that he lost many Republican's political support.

If you are trying to support women then support them fully instead of making a marketing grab for the gun manufacturers.

Riiiiiight. "Supporting women fully" is apparently defined here as "making self-defense tools less available for them". Because what REALLY matters is sticking it to the eeeeevil gun manufacturers. Screw anyone who gets hurt along the way.

I NEVER wrote we should make self defense tools less available, I stated that if you want to fully support women, not pick and choose where you want.

Amazingly enough, AS A WOMAN MYSELF, I do not define "supporting women" as "falling in line with whatever a bunch of mansplaining leftists tell me I'm supposed to want".

If you're so interested in supporting women, how about you start with a moratorium on patriarchal lecturing about what our issues and stances on them should be?

This is me, in all my uterus-bearing female glory, telling you that I don't consider Trump anything more than an asshole, on par with many other assholes I've encountered in my life. Unpleasant, but not exactly Jack the Ripper. Further news from my two X chromosomes is that I consider protecting my right to defend myself, rather than being expected to simply hope some man will come along and rescue me or - God help us - that my would-be rapist will be nice enough to not mutilate and kill me, to be FAR more important than pitching a hissy fit because Donald Trump happens to be a pig.

And just while we're on the subject, the simple fact that my reproductive system resembles that of those hags in NOW has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not my MIND resembles theirs. So It would be helpful if you would stop assuming that they and their ilk speak for all womankind.

Write. It. Down. I'll let you know if there is any further news on what you can do to support women, instead of controlling them.

Nice speech, but it has no bearing on what I wrote.

If you don't see the relationship between you saying ". . . fully support women, not pick and choose where you want" and me explaining that you have no right to define for women what constitutes "supporting women", then you're even more blindly partisan than I thought you were.
Here is another story of a girl who was savagely attacked by an ex boyfriend, stabbed so many times they thought she may never walk or talk again, who now carries a gun because, as she states, she will never be a victim again...

Of course, since she wasn't 21 at the time, democrats would prefer she face the attacker without a gun...

48 Hours Live to Tell: Melissa Dohme's story of survival - CBS News

According to the Centers for Disease Control, women between the ages of 18 and 24 experience the highest rate of relationship violence of any age group ... and never is it more dangerous than when they try to leave. It's a disturbing trend known as "breakup violence."

Melissa Dohme, just 20 years old at the time, was viciously stabbed 32 times outside her Clearwater, Fla., home --simply for ending a relationship. Some of the images in this story are tough to look at, but Melissa wants you to see them. With violence against women dominating the headlines, she says we can't afford to turn away. This is her story.


And another survivor who helped her recover....

Audrey Mabrey | Survivor: I believe Melissa and I met for a very special purpose. I wanted to mentor and guide her through part of her journey that I knew she was going to face.

I knew because I had lived through it myself. ... I was attacked in 2009 when I was 26 years old.

I was separated from my husband Chris, who's a retired New York City detective ... we had two sons together.

Chris ... did not use a knife or a gun. He used a hammer to bludgeon me in the head, and then a candle and gasoline to set me on fire. ... I was burned over 80 percent of my body.

And then she started dating one of the men who helped save her life.......they started shooting together...

Melissa Dohme: Cameron showed my mom and I around the station. I tried on his uniform, and his hat, and his big, you know, jacket.

And he let me sit in the truck. And, you know, it was just like-- I mean, (laughs) I felt like-- my first crush all over again.

We started talking and we realized we have a lot in common. ...and we found out that we both enjoy shooting. And that was how he kinda, you know, asked me out on our first date. And he said, "'you and I should go shooting sometime'" and I was like hands down, "I would love to go shooting with you," you know and we've been shooting together ever since.

I will never ever be defenseless again in my life. ... Under any circumstances I will be able to defend myself.

How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

No one that I'm aware of has EVER accused Trump of being violent with women. A sexist, boorish pig, sure. Violent? No.

Grabbing a woman by the pussy IS A VIOLENT ACT, Trump supported it on video.

Here's a question for you; Can a woman that is being grabbed by the pussy shot her assailant? are lying about what he said...he said they let you do it if you are rich and famous........that isn't assault......he is commenting on that entire culture....
How many of the guys that beat up women voted for "Grab them by the pussy" Trump who promotes violence against women.

No one that I'm aware of has EVER accused Trump of being violent with women. A sexist, boorish pig, sure. Violent? No.

Grabbing a woman by the pussy IS A VIOLENT ACT, Trump supported it on video.

Here's a question for you; Can a woman that is being grabbed by the pussy shot her assailant?

You people are mentally ill. Saying "I just grab them by the pussy" is not the same as grabbing people by the pussy.

And if it was a chick saying "I grabbed her by the pussy" you'd think that was a great display of female empowerment and sexual freedom.

What is it the fags are always carping on as if it means something?

Oh yeah. CONSENTING ADULTS. What happens between consenting adults is none of your business. And so far EVERY SINGLE ONE of the women who have come forward to pretend that Trump is some sort of predator have admitted they consented..and in some cases, they have admitted that they didn't even have sex.

It's promoting an action.

The 1997 Miss Teen USA contestants "consented" when the predator Trump walked into the dressing room?

Did they do anything about it? Did they even yell, "Get the hell out of here, you perv!"?

No, they didn't, because it's perfectly normal for people to be in and out of the dressing rooms back stage. The doors are pretty much always open, and people come in and out as needed.
The word "if" does not appear anywhere in the second amendment.

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Never said it did. The word militia shows up though.

Yes, if a word shows up, that MUST be a directive of some sort. :cuckoo:

No, it must be there for some reason though…. When you start ignoring words out of convenience, you open yourself up to others ignoring words as well. That’s all.

Earlier you decried all of this minutia and false equivilances (sp?). I’m with you on that. It’s gotten silly. The 2nd Amendment isn’t going anywhere and you’ll be able to buy as many guns as you want. I tend to think that it’s probably unnecessary but if it makes you “feel” safer…great and more power to you. Stats show that you’re much more likely to suffer because of the decision to arm yourself than not though.

This was All I was stating.

Sure, so the government was so worried about the new country not become a tyranny, like the one that they just fought a war against, that they included an amendment in the founding document..........

That insured the tyrant would control all the “arms” until such time that said tyrant wanted the militia to have them?

Are you nuts?

The comma means “therefore” obviously.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, THEREFORE the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now you’re interpreting the constitution…. I interpret it differently.

No interpretation required.

Only an idiot would read it that, the government would control the very weapons that would be required to fight and over through it should it repress it’s very people.

And, the “therefore” becomes even more apparent when the comma is followed by “to keep”, which indicates “to possess.”

Sorry dude, learn our language.
You never wanted to earn the same for the same job? You're a fool.

My point is the hypocrisy of the OP and his/her supporters.

I never wanted to earn the same as anyone for the same job.

I always wanted to earn more than my counterparts ...
Wanted to get promoted faster than they did too ...
Wanted to earn more money than the people who already had the job I got promoted to as well ...

And never really had a problem doing that.
Of course I never made my gender an issue ... That's certainly not what I got paid for.

You're the fool ... Especially if you think we are equal ... We're not, I and don't give shit what his sorry ass is paid.
I am going to do whatever I can to get paid more than he does.

As an employer that has owned/Angel Invested 29 businesses, I have always made it a point to not to discriminate due to gender and I have personally fired subordinates that have. My point is that the OP and his supporters who have been known in the past to bash women are using gender as a means of promoting gun sales, which is nothing more than Republican hypocrisy.
You never wanted to earn the same for the same job? You're a fool.

My point is the hypocrisy of the OP and his/her supporters.

I never wanted to earn the same as anyone for the same job.

I always wanted to earn more than my counterparts ...
Wanted to get promoted faster than they did too ...
Wanted to earn more money than the people who already had the job I got promoted to as well ...

And never really had a problem doing that.
Of course I never made my gender an issue ... That's certainly not what I got paid for.

You're the fool ... Especially if you think we are equal ... We're not, I and don't give shit what his sorry ass is paid.
I am going to do whatever I can to get paid more than he does.

As an employer that has owned/Angel Invested 29 businesses, I have always made it a point to not to discriminate due to gender and I have personally fired subordinates that have. My point is that the OP and his supporters who have been known in the past to bash women are using gender as a means of promoting gun sales, which is nothing more than Republican hypocrisy.

So what you are saying is that women are too stupid to get it, and therefore shouldn't be trusted with weapons?

That's funny, every one of the pistol packing women I know would laugh, loudly, in your face.
You never wanted to earn the same for the same job? You're a fool.

My point is the hypocrisy of the OP and his/her supporters.

I never wanted to earn the same as anyone for the same job.

I always wanted to earn more than my counterparts ...
Wanted to get promoted faster than they did too ...
Wanted to earn more money than the people who already had the job I got promoted to as well ...

And never really had a problem doing that.
Of course I never made my gender an issue ... That's certainly not what I got paid for.

You're the fool ... Especially if you think we are equal ... We're not, I and don't give shit what his sorry ass is paid.
I am going to do whatever I can to get paid more than he does.

As an employer that has owned/Angel Invested 29 businesses, I have always made it a point to not to discriminate due to gender and I have personally fired subordinates that have. My point is that the OP and his supporters who have been known in the past to bash women are using gender as a means of promoting gun sales, which is nothing more than Republican hypocrisy.

Then why do you want women more likely to be raped?

You make no sense
Women are paid 20 percent less than their male counterparts performing the same job. How is carrying a gun supposed to fix that attack?

No, they aren't. That's just another Big Lie sold by the left.

When you factor in all the circumstances which make it, in fact, NOT the same job, the so-called "wage gap" disappears.

Here is some hard evidence for you. It's also more prominent in red States, I wonder why?

The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap

The AAUW? Oh, please.

If you have opposing numbers than PLEASE POST THEM.

This Is the Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

Factoring differences in education, experience, age, location, job title, industry and even company, our latest research reveals that the “adjusted” gender pay gap in the U.S. amounts to women earning about 94.6 cents per dollar compared to men.

Is that in line with what I said? Why yes, I believe it is. And look! I found a source that isn't grinding a partisan axe.

Why aren't they making the same? Equal is equal not 5.4 cents less.

My employees male and female equal with the company make the same, but my companies are the minority.
No, they aren't. That's just another Big Lie sold by the left.

When you factor in all the circumstances which make it, in fact, NOT the same job, the so-called "wage gap" disappears.

Here is some hard evidence for you. It's also more prominent in red States, I wonder why?

The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap

The AAUW? Oh, please.

If you have opposing numbers than PLEASE POST THEM.

This Is the Biggest Myth About the Gender Wage Gap

Factoring differences in education, experience, age, location, job title, industry and even company, our latest research reveals that the “adjusted” gender pay gap in the U.S. amounts to women earning about 94.6 cents per dollar compared to men.

Is that in line with what I said? Why yes, I believe it is. And look! I found a source that isn't grinding a partisan axe.

Why aren't they making the same? Equal is equal not 5.4 cents less.

My employees male and female equal with the company make the same, but my companies are the minority.

How can they ever be completely equal when we disarm the weaker?

Make some sense
They don't make the same because they have babies, and leftists penalize women for having babies.

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