Women Sold Publicly Everyday At Bazaars In Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Shocking tweet from BBC Bilal Sarwary @bsarwary in Afghanistan - click to read http://t.co/q65JoGcvF4

At average, two women are sold publicly everyday at bazaars for less than a donkey's price in Nangarhar's Shinwar area, [MENTION=26040]Tolon[/MENTION]ews reports. ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? I couldn't get a Google translation on this. And, I wonder how common this is in other Muslim countries.
Shocking tweet from BBC Bilal Sarwary @bsarwary in Afghanistan - click to read http://t.co/q65JoGcvF4

At average, two women are sold publicly everyday at bazaars for less than a donkey's price in Nangarhar's Shinwar area, [MENTION=26040]Tolon[/MENTION]ews reports. ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? I couldn't get a Google translation on this. And, I wonder how common this is in other Muslim countries.
Why would you want Google to translate? If you clicked on the English tab you would have gotten this:

Trading of Women Rife in East Afghanistan, Report Claims
After seven years of Bush League meddling with heathen sensibilities and four years of Obama's promoting common decency among the heathen?

Where is them Christian Soldats at?

How can this be?
That so little has changed is why Obama's presidencies are in principle the 3d and 4th Bush League presidencies meddling in Asia Minor.

The fake liberal impulse to save heathen women from their religions is no higher order thinking than the impulses of neocon scum to kill heathens who don't see international policy according to Jerusalem's lot.
That so little has changed is why Obama's presidencies are in principle the 3d and 4th Bush League presidencies meddling in Asia Minor.

The fake liberal impulse to save heathen women from their religions is no higher order thinking than the impulses of neocon scum to kill heathens who don't see international policy according to Jerusalem's lot.

Interesting how you turn a story about human trafficking - slavery, bondage, whatever you call it, into a negative Libtard rant having nothing to do with the thread.

That so little has changed is why Obama's presidencies are in principle the 3d and 4th Bush League presidencies meddling in Asia Minor.

The fake liberal impulse to save heathen women from their religions is no higher order thinking than the impulses of neocon scum to kill heathens who don't see international policy according to Jerusalem's lot.

Interesting how you turn a story about human trafficking - slavery, bondage, whatever you call it, into a negative Libtard rant having nothing to do with the thread.

Maybe there are two stories here?

Is that possible?

Can it be there is a story about third world people no one gives a shit about,
AND a story about how US policy proves the first story?
That so little has changed is why Obama's presidencies are in principle the 3d and 4th Bush League presidencies meddling in Asia Minor.

The fake liberal impulse to save heathen women from their religions is no higher order thinking than the impulses of neocon scum to kill heathens who don't see international policy according to Jerusalem's lot.

Interesting how you turn a story about human trafficking - slavery, bondage, whatever you call it, into a negative Libtard rant having nothing to do with the thread.

Maybe there are two stories here?

Is that possible?

Can it be there is a story about third world people no one gives a shit about,
AND a story about how US policy proves the first story?
I’m not convinced it’s either.

Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme.
—Quran 4:34

Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.
Koran 2:223

Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth [righteousness] for yourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will meet Him. And give good tidings to the believers.

We shouldn’t need to be reminded that most islamist nations tend to be male dominated and patriarchal in nature. Women are typically reduced to positions that relegate them to roles subservient to men.

Surely, the bitches deserved this.
We shouldn’t need to be reminded that most islamist nations tend to be male dominated and patriarchal in nature. Women are typically reduced to positions that relegate them to roles subservient to men.
Well, after all, since our more advanced ally Saudi Arabia, didn't abolish slavery until 1962, are we surprised that this goes on in a backwater like Afghanistan?
Surely, the bitches deserved this.
That was of course sarcastic;)
It was only by the grace of God and alot of bloodshed that the slave trade was ended in the US and many western nations.

We cannot be the world's police, so what do you propose we do to stop these despicable crimes?

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