Women = vaginas only

I would be very happy to pay 45-55% in taxes if I knew I never had to worry about paying a health care bill....ensured preventive care for my family......knew that every kid who studies can go to college......and knew that the bridge that I travel this afternoon on my way to the beach wouldn't cave in while I was on it.

This is how life is here in Ireland

OK smartass how am I wrong now?

You were wrong because after that I told you that I was an American. Admitting that you were wrong would take character. Besides, many Americans on this board criticize the EU and I have never seen a European tell them that it was none of their business. Perhaps those cocktails in your avitar are not a good idea on Sunday morning.
What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D

is that what it is not to have to want to beg permission from one's boss that your prescription medication be covered by the insurance policy you already have?

The insurance companies and you/I should have the say so. Not the government. WE get to choose the insurance company and what policy to pay for. If we do not like the policy find an insurance company and policy that will pay for elective medications or whatever it is that is important to your own health care

This is how life is here in Ireland

OK smartass how am I wrong now?

You were wrong because after that I told you that I was an American. Admitting that you were wrong would take character. Besides, many Americans on this board criticize the EU and I have never seen a European tell them that it was none of their business. Perhaps those cocktails in your avitar are not a good idea on Sunday morning.

you told me you were an american after the fact. how in the fuck am I supposed to know ?
Read your mind?

Sorry for not reading your mind. That's as good as it gets
Attack the opposition where they are strongest. Try to make their strengths into your own.

My 16 year old daughter is much more than a vagina. Her thoughts are most definitely not on abortions and condoms. What is she concerned with' you ask?

Her best friend's father is a small business owner ( aluminum pool enclosures) who has had a pretty serious, decade long bout with skin cancer. Three years ago, her friend was distraught to the point of nearly dropping out of school because her dad was not seeing a doctor regularly. Her mother, whose job was their link to affordable insurance coverage, was forced by a corporate shake-up to change insurance companies. The dad's skin cancer coverage was denied by the new company as a pre-existing condition.
Obamacare changed that....and the dad is now getting regular care. And yesterday.....we learned that he will undergo surgery next week that will ensure that he can remain productive....and the family won't go broke paying for it.

Real life issues.....not your bullshit. That is why women....and men.... will vote for Obama.

Hmmmm.... I'm no expert, but as I understand the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) rules, that scenario is not possible without some omission on the part of the insured. The only way you can be denied coverage under an employer plan for a pre-existing condition is to have a "significant break in coverage" (more than 63 days), and in any case the maximum pre-existing condition limitation is 12 months. Now, in a situation where you lose your job and are out of work for a period of time, you can elect COBRA coverage which also does not allow denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions. So what part of this story are we missing?
OK smartass how am I wrong now?

You were wrong because after that I told you that I was an American. Admitting that you were wrong would take character. Besides, many Americans on this board criticize the EU and I have never seen a European tell them that it was none of their business. Perhaps those cocktails in your avitar are not a good idea on Sunday morning.

you told me you were an american after the fact. how in the fuck am I supposed to know ?
Read your mind?

Sorry for not reading your mind. That's as good as it gets

Saying I was an American should have been enough. Besides, everyone on the board has a right to their opinion on any subject.
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You were wrong because after that I told you that I was an American. Admitting that you were wrong would take character. Besides, many Americans on this board criticize the EU and I have never seen a European tell them that it was none of their business. Perhaps those cocktails in your avitar are not a good idea on Sunday morning.

you told me you were an american after the fact. how in the fuck am I supposed to know ?
Read your mind?

Sorry for not reading your mind. That's as good as it gets

Saying I was an American should have been enough. Besides, everyone on the board has a right to their opinion on any subject.

Will you 2 get a room please? Shees
Attack the opposition where they are strongest. Try to make their strengths into your own.

My 16 year old daughter is much more than a vagina. Her thoughts are most definitely not on abortions and condoms. What is she concerned with' you ask?

Her best friend's father is a small business owner ( aluminum pool enclosures) who has had a pretty serious, decade long bout with skin cancer. Three years ago, her friend was distraught to the point of nearly dropping out of school because her dad was not seeing a doctor regularly. Her mother, whose job was their link to affordable insurance coverage, was forced by a corporate shake-up to change insurance companies. The dad's skin cancer coverage was denied by the new company as a pre-existing condition.
Obamacare changed that....and the dad is now getting regular care. And yesterday.....we learned that he will undergo surgery next week that will ensure that he can remain productive....and the family won't go broke paying for it.

Real life issues.....not your bullshit. That is why women....and men.... will vote for Obama.

Hmmmm.... I'm no expert, but as I understand the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) rules, that scenario is not possible without some omission on the part of the insured. The only way you can be denied coverage under an employer plan for a pre-existing condition is to have a "significant break in coverage" (more than 63 days), and in any case the maximum pre-existing condition limitation is 12 months. Now, in a situation where you lose your job and are out of work for a period of time, you can elect COBRA coverage which also does not allow denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions. So what part of this story are we missing?

You aren't missing anything. And...you are not an expert. If you were, you would know that COBRA does not cover all health insurance plans.

The plan she had was not COBRA eligible. They were fucked.
Attack the opposition where they are strongest. Try to make their strengths into your own.

My 16 year old daughter is much more than a vagina. Her thoughts are most definitely not on abortions and condoms. What is she concerned with' you ask?

Her best friend's father is a small business owner ( aluminum pool enclosures) who has had a pretty serious, decade long bout with skin cancer. Three years ago, her friend was distraught to the point of nearly dropping out of school because her dad was not seeing a doctor regularly. Her mother, whose job was their link to affordable insurance coverage, was forced by a corporate shake-up to change insurance companies. The dad's skin cancer coverage was denied by the new company as a pre-existing condition.
Obamacare changed that....and the dad is now getting regular care. And yesterday.....we learned that he will undergo surgery next week that will ensure that he can remain productive....and the family won't go broke paying for it.

Real life issues.....not your bullshit. That is why women....and men.... will vote for Obama.

Hmmmm.... I'm no expert, but as I understand the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) rules, that scenario is not possible without some omission on the part of the insured. The only way you can be denied coverage under an employer plan for a pre-existing condition is to have a "significant break in coverage" (more than 63 days), and in any case the maximum pre-existing condition limitation is 12 months. Now, in a situation where you lose your job and are out of work for a period of time, you can elect COBRA coverage which also does not allow denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions. So what part of this story are we missing?

You aren't missing anything. And...you are not an expert. If you were, you would know that COBRA does not cover all health insurance plans.

The plan she had was not COBRA eligible. They were fucked.

Well, according to the Department of Labor:

How does HIPAA protect those changing from group health coverage to an individual insurance policy?

HIPAA also protects those who are otherwise unable to get group health insurance.

The law guarantees access to individual insurance policies and state high-risk pools for eligible individuals. They must meet all of the following criteria:

Had coverage for at least 18 months, most recently in a group health plan, without a significant break;
Lost group coverage but not because of fraud or nonpayment of premiums;
Are not eligible for COBRA coverage; or if COBRA coverage was offered under Federal or state law, elected and exhausted it; and
Are not eligible for coverage under another group health plan, Medicare, or Medicaid; or have any other health insurance coverage.
The opportunity to buy an individual policy is the same whether a person quits a job, was fired, or was laid off.

Frequently Asked Questions about Portability of Health Coverage and HIPAA

Seems like there still would have been some options to enroll in an individual plan. I'm just curious why in this case none were exercised?
What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D

is that what it is not to have to want to beg permission from one's boss that your prescription medication be covered by the insurance policy you already have?

The insurance companies and you/I should have the say so. Not the government. WE get to choose the insurance company and what policy to pay for. If we do not like the policy find an insurance company and policy that will pay for elective medications or whatever it is that is important to your own health care

Except the goverment has been regulating what basic insurance policies should cover for a long time.
is that what it is not to have to want to beg permission from one's boss that your prescription medication be covered by the insurance policy you already have?

The insurance companies and you/I should have the say so. Not the government. WE get to choose the insurance company and what policy to pay for. If we do not like the policy find an insurance company and policy that will pay for elective medications or whatever it is that is important to your own health care

Except the goverment has been regulating what basic insurance policies should cover for a long time.

The government needs to get out of the way of our choices as Americans, it really is that simple, but the left continues to make sure that the government regulates us into oblivion
The insurance companies and you/I should have the say so. Not the government. WE get to choose the insurance company and what policy to pay for. If we do not like the policy find an insurance company and policy that will pay for elective medications or whatever it is that is important to your own health care

Except the goverment has been regulating what basic insurance policies should cover for a long time.

The government needs to get out of the way of our choices as Americans, it really is that simple, but the left continues to make sure that the government regulates us into oblivion

Americans currently dont have a lot of choice, because it's almost impossible to afford insurance unless you are part of an employee based pool. Most don't have options to seek a better insurance carrier, so if basic preventive care wasn't mandated, you're boss and the insurance company would save money but Americans would be screwed.
Except the goverment has been regulating what basic insurance policies should cover for a long time.

The government needs to get out of the way of our choices as Americans, it really is that simple, but the left continues to make sure that the government regulates us into oblivion

Americans currently dont have a lot of choice, because it's almost impossible to afford insurance unless you are part of an employee based pool. Most don't have options to seek a better insurance carrier, so if basic preventive care wasn't mandated, you're boss and the insurance company would save money but Americans would be screwed.

It is almost impossible to afford insurance ect.... because there is just too much regulations, period. I agree that there should be some regulation, but for pete's sake. They have regulated our economy to death
The government needs to get out of the way of our choices as Americans, it really is that simple, but the left continues to make sure that the government regulates us into oblivion

Americans currently dont have a lot of choice, because it's almost impossible to afford insurance unless you are part of an employee based pool. Most don't have options to seek a better insurance carrier, so if basic preventive care wasn't mandated, you're boss and the insurance company would save money but Americans would be screwed.

It is almost impossible to afford insurance ect.... because there is just too much regulations, period. I agree that there should be some regulation, but for pete's sake. They have regulated our economy to death

Besides regulating preventive care( ie check ups, shots for kids, birth control), what other regulations do to consider unnecessary?
Democratic Platform Endorses Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

Having abortions is not enough...they want you to pay for it. Like the OP said - for the Dumbocrats, women = nothing more than vaginas (that may also explain why all of them cheaton their wives - Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, Anthony Weiner - cause to them, women are nothing more than vaginas for their use)...

Democratic Platform Endorses Taxpayer-Funded Abortions | The Weekly Standard
Don't know the answer to that.....I don't sit at their kitchen table. What I know is that they were fucked.....and now they are not fucked.

While I feel for their former plight and applaud your daughter's empathy, I think it's fair to ask whether they were out of luck because no options existed or whether it was their own negligence that was to blame.

Aside from that, it’s a wonderfully tragic story to illustrate how uncaring they are on the right and how the left is saving the world for the little guy, at the nominal cost of only $5 trillion per presidential term.
is that what it is not to have to want to beg permission from one's boss that your prescription medication be covered by the insurance policy you already have?

Your boss has nothing to do with you getting medicine.


If you don't like what your boss provides, as a benefit, buy your own, and don't demand that I pay for it.

really? one of my prescriptions every month is for yasmin. under the rules that you like, i'd have to ask permission from my boss and give an explanation as to why i need it.

so you were saying?
State of Federal level.

and link please
Using contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancy is the right and mature decision to make.

Sorry to hear you've never been in a relationship.

And if you had the opportunity to take a pill that prevented your appendectamy your insurance would have gladly paid for it.

abortion is not contraception.

If you don't have contraception, be an adult and don't fuck, that way you won't have to consider abortion.

It really is that damn easy.
Back pedal fail.


Your inability to understand is the failure.

If you didn't get what I was saying and were to embarrassed to ask for me to explain, you can PM me.
Attack the opposition where they are strongest. Try to make their strengths into your own.

My 16 year old daughter is much more than a vagina. Her thoughts are most definitely not on abortions and condoms. What is she concerned with' you ask?

Her best friend's father is a small business owner ( aluminum pool enclosures) who has had a pretty serious, decade long bout with skin cancer. Three years ago, her friend was distraught to the point of nearly dropping out of school because her dad was not seeing a doctor regularly. Her mother, whose job was their link to affordable insurance coverage, was forced by a corporate shake-up to change insurance companies. The dad's skin cancer coverage was denied by the new company as a pre-existing condition.
Obamacare changed that....and the dad is now getting regular care. And yesterday.....we learned that he will undergo surgery next week that will ensure that he can remain productive....and the family won't go broke paying for it.

Real life issues.....not your bullshit. That is why women....and men.... will vote for Obama.

Hmmmm.... I'm no expert, but as I understand the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) rules, that scenario is not possible without some omission on the part of the insured. The only way you can be denied coverage under an employer plan for a pre-existing condition is to have a "significant break in coverage" (more than 63 days), and in any case the maximum pre-existing condition limitation is 12 months. Now, in a situation where you lose your job and are out of work for a period of time, you can elect COBRA coverage which also does not allow denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions. So what part of this story are we missing?

It's a made up story.

damn near every liberal on usmb knows someone that nearly died from something while they lived a happy life and never offered to help.

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