Women = vaginas only

Dems are dumb as dirt.

They still think, in-spite of loosing women, that women can be reduced too their vaginas.

Those vaginas are connected to brains.

Those brains have the capacity to make decisions about their own bodies.

They are not merely domestic servants who manage the children, money and homes of men.

Their wombs are not incubators for your God.

Their wombs are not incubators for your political party.

Their wombs are theirs, not yours.

They are capable of deciding what to do about their own bodies.

Take your Big Greasy Moral Government hands off their bodies.

Shame on you.


Get your hands outta my pockets.
Stay the fuck outta my house.
No I don't have to register my arms.
I can say anything I want.

You won't
you won't
I have to
I can't

You want equal rights? Then give mine back too me.
Dems are dumb as dirt.

They still think, in-spite of loosing women, that women can be reduced too their vaginas.

Honestly, women pay most of the bills, they run the house, THEY know about money.

When they or their partner isn't bringing in money, they know how much it's going to hurt.
They know what it takes to pay the bills, feed the kids, cloth them, and put gas in the car.

But dems only care about reducing women to being able to get abortions and condoms.

And these libtards say that we are at war with women.


I have WAY more respect for what women do than any dem is capable of.

They aren't the 'other' person in the house, they are the main person that keeps the house running.

That's not true. We're talking women's issues here and these dealing with contraception and the right to choose are only two of them.

We are, yes.

WE talk about all the issues.

your party leaders only talk about you as a vagina. Never have they mentioned that you run households.
need jobs
need to know that taxes won't make it harder to take care of the family

Damn, gas is $3.77/ gal here, and that's the cheapest I can find. That makes money tight, but the dems have no response for that anymore.

If "people" get jobs, that means women get jobs. Instead of dividing us into who has and doesn't have a vagina, how about we all work to do what's best for the whole country?

"Why don't you start paying your fair share since people like you that are a part of the 47% who pay no taxes are what is the real problem with our country. As soon as you stop being lazy and pay everything will get better."
How does that change the fact that the school, obviously, has no problem covering contraception for faculty. How does that not render any claim of religious objection moot?

Because faculty does not see a school practitioner in a school clinic for routine gynecological services nor does it have contraceptives dispensed from the same.
The real issues come first.

Ya know; the economy, debt, spending, taxes, jobs, unemployment, entitlements

that's important

getting an abortion?

yeah, that's real low on the importance scale, and you know it.

no. the 'real issues' do not come first... when you're the person who is being legislated against.

i always find it funny when i hear things like that from people who don't think government has the right to impose a mandate to pay for health coverage.

you have no right to make people kick in for health coverage but you can force me to have a vaginal ultrasound?

not so much.

YOU need to stfu about demanding rights.

Especially you.

You are a hypocrite. You demand the right to snuff out a childs life but refuse mine to speak freely and own any arms I so desire.

And keep in mind, the economy is far more important, since it affects everyone, and not just women to horny to say no.

You tell someone to ‘shut up’ and then whine about allegedly not being allowed to speak freely.

You truly are a conservative.
What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D
Dems are dumb as dirt.

They still think, in-spite of loosing women, that women can be reduced too their vaginas.

Those vaginas are connected to brains.

Those brains have the capacity to make decisions about their own bodies.

They are not merely domestic servants who manage the children, money and homes of men.

Their wombs are not incubators for your God.

Their wombs are not incubators for your political party.

Their wombs are theirs, not yours.

They are capable of deciding what to do about their own bodies.

Take your Big Greasy Moral Government hands off their bodies.

Shame on you.


Get your hands outta my pockets.
Stay the fuck outta my house.
No I don't have to register my arms.
I can say anything I want.

You won't
you won't
I have to
I can't

You want equal rights? Then give mine back too me.

are they trying to pass laws to control your body?

so what rights do you want that have been taken from you personally?

you have someone jamming a metal probe into you?

you have someone trying to use you as an incubator?

you have someone trying to pay you less than they pay others for the same work because of your sex?

come on... let's hear about those rights.
That women are rejecting the GOP is a problem that belongs to republicans alone, they have only themselves to blame – the consequence of their unholy alliance with social conservatives.
What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D

Nothing has changed, except in the political arena. The new GOP says you're a woman, and the party has a right to shove an invasive device up your vagina. I think the right wing says that adds to your freedom.
Filibuster. Look it up.

Not two years. Please look it up.

I stand firm in my assertations

"The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995. Although the Democrats held fewer than 50 Senate seats, they had an operational majority because the two independent senators caucused with the Democrats for organizational purposes"

110th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers, giving President Obama a Democrat majority in the legislature for the first two years of his presidency. "

111th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

but them I'm a liar, isn't that right jillian?

Do you understand what a filibuster is?

Filibuster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The filibuster is a powerful parliamentary device in the United States Senate, which in recent years has meant that most major legislation (apart from budgets and confirmations) requires a 60% majority to head off a filibuster.

In other words, 60 senators to break a filibuster and pass legislation. Which the Democrats never had.

Riiiight. The Republicans filibustered everything, and the Democrats didn't pass a single bill, and Obama has been helpless and held hostage by the Republicans his entire Presidency. :lmao:

People as delusional as you are usually locked up for their own safety.
I would be very happy to pay 45-55% in taxes if I knew I never had to worry about paying a health care bill....ensured preventive care for my family......knew that every kid who studies can go to college......and knew that the bridge that I travel this afternoon on my way to the beach wouldn't cave in while I was on it.

This is how life is here in Ireland
I would be very happy to pay 45-55% in taxes if I knew I never had to worry about paying a health care bill....ensured preventive care for my family......knew that every kid who studies can go to college......and knew that the bridge that I travel this afternoon on my way to the beach wouldn't cave in while I was on it.

This is how life is here in Ireland

so then what we do here is none of your business?
Basically women do not want their rights being put up to a popular vote. And that is why most support the Democratic Party. I guess the OP is saying, "Forget about the fact that the GOP wants to strip away your primal right to self determination; look...we can save you $5 on your tax bill."

So killing unborn babies is the most impotant thing to democrat women? And it sounds like there isnt a close second.

I'll let you explain how you came to that conclusion. The GOP wants to put some women's rights up to popular vote. As a human being you should oppose that.

your rights end where mine begin
and not just women to horny to say no.
What are you trying to say dude?

People need to be mature and make the right decisions.

Do that, and the government won't have to act like your mommy.
Using contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancy is the right and mature decision to make.

Sorry to hear you've never been in a relationship.

And if you had the opportunity to take a pill that prevented your appendectamy your insurance would have gladly paid for it.
Cost Considerations - Choosing a Birth Control Method – Birth Control Costs

women have many low cost and free choices

When choosing a birth control method, think about how much each type costs. Various costs are associated with each type of birth control method. Birth control costs may be an important consideration for many people.

Paying For Birth Control Methods:

Medicaid may sometimes cover the costs for contraception. Typically, family planning clinics will charge less than private health-care providers. Many public health family planning clinics may offer low, sliding scale, or no cost services. Check with your particular health insurance company as coverage for birth control methods varies significantly.
Those vaginas are connected to brains.

Those brains have the capacity to make decisions about their own bodies.

They are not merely domestic servants who manage the children, money and homes of men.

Their wombs are not incubators for your God.

Their wombs are not incubators for your political party.

Their wombs are theirs, not yours.

They are capable of deciding what to do about their own bodies.

Take your Big Greasy Moral Government hands off their bodies.

Shame on you.


Get your hands outta my pockets.
Stay the fuck outta my house.
No I don't have to register my arms.
I can say anything I want.

You won't
you won't
I have to
I can't

You want equal rights? Then give mine back too me.

are they trying to pass laws to control your body?

so what rights do you want that have been taken from you personally?

you have someone jamming a metal probe into you?

you have someone trying to use you as an incubator?

you have someone trying to pay you less than they pay others for the same work because of your sex?

come on... let's hear about those rights.

are they trying to pass laws to control your body? Passing laws to save a baby is bad to you, I get it.

so what rights do you want that have been taken from you personally? I've told you before, but you don't fucking care.

you have someone jamming a metal probe into you? No one is forcing you. hyperbole much and lie much?

you have someone trying to use you as an incubator? and neither do you.

you have someone trying to pay you less than they pay others for the same work because of your sex? My boss, is a woman, her boss is a woman, her boss is a man, his boss is a woman.

again you fail to connect this non-sense to the most important issues of the economy and UE

You have to lie too yourself everyday to keep up this charade

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