Women = vaginas only

What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D

is that what it is not to have to want to beg permission from one's boss that your prescription medication be covered by the insurance policy you already have?

Your boss has nothing to do with you getting medicine.


If you don't like what your boss provides, as a benefit, buy your own, and don't demand that I pay for it.
What are you trying to say dude?

People need to be mature and make the right decisions.

Do that, and the government won't have to act like your mommy.
Using contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancy is the right and mature decision to make.

Sorry to hear you've never been in a relationship.

And if you had the opportunity to take a pill that prevented your appendectamy your insurance would have gladly paid for it.

abortion is not contraception.

If you don't have contraception, be an adult and don't fuck, that way you won't have to consider abortion.

It really is that damn easy.
What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D

is that what it is not to have to want to beg permission from one's boss that your prescription medication be covered by the insurance policy you already have?

Your boss has nothing to do with you getting medicine.


If you don't like what your boss provides, as a benefit, buy your own, and don't demand that I pay for it.

You can't pay for yourself, how are you paying for anyone else?
I would be very happy to pay 45-55% in taxes if I knew I never had to worry about paying a health care bill....ensured preventive care for my family......knew that every kid who studies can go to college......and knew that the bridge that I travel this afternoon on my way to the beach wouldn't cave in while I was on it.

This is how life is here in Ireland

so then what we do here is none of your business?

I am an American and can have any opinion that I want. If I were not an American, the same would be true.
What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D

Helen Reddy singing "I am woman hear me roar" has been replaced by Sandra Fluke mewing "I am needy give me more".
What ever happened to, "I am woman, I am strong, I can pay for my owned damned birth control, don't need a man to do it for me?" :D

is that what it is not to have to want to beg permission from one's boss that your prescription medication be covered by the insurance policy you already have?

Your boss has nothing to do with you getting medicine.


If you don't like what your boss provides, as a benefit, buy your own, and don't demand that I pay for it.

really? one of my prescriptions every month is for yasmin. under the rules that you like, i'd have to ask permission from my boss and give an explanation as to why i need it.

so you were saying?
Like demanding that you pay would do any good. You don't have any money.

read my link in a previous post

Women can go to a family planning clinic for contraception at low cost or free.

It's a non-issue

well, actually a manufactured for political purposes issue

Hmmmm. What if the woman is personally responsible, pays for health insurance ( or has it as part of her compensation package ) and wants to get value for that premium? Why in the fuck should the meds her doctor prescribes be subject to ANYONE'S approval?

Damn......you assholes want control.
Dems are dumb as dirt.

They still think, in-spite of loosing women, that women can be reduced too their vaginas.

Honestly, women pay most of the bills, they run the house, THEY know about money.

When they or their partner isn't bringing in money, they know how much it's going to hurt.
They know what it takes to pay the bills, feed the kids, cloth them, and put gas in the car.

But dems only care about reducing women to being able to get abortions and condoms.

And these libtards say that we are at war with women.


I have WAY more respect for what women do than any dem is capable of.

They aren't the 'other' person in the house, they are the main person that keeps the house running.

dumb as dirt would be women supporting the GOP and their personhood laws and their pursuit of a return to the 1950's.

we shouldn't have to re-fight battles already litigated and won.

maybe if rightwingnuts didn't spend so much time trying to legislate the use of our uteruses, we wouldn't have to have these discussions.

but women are 'dumb' if they stand up to the rightwingnut BS?

stay out of our bodies... no more problem and we can go on to discussing real issues. :thup:

Abortion laws are not going to change, on to the lefts real issues, fuck god and fuck Israel..... :thup:
People need to be mature and make the right decisions.

Do that, and the government won't have to act like your mommy.
Using contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancy is the right and mature decision to make.

Sorry to hear you've never been in a relationship.

And if you had the opportunity to take a pill that prevented your appendectamy your insurance would have gladly paid for it.

abortion is not contraception.

If you don't have contraception, be an adult and don't fuck, that way you won't have to consider abortion.

It really is that damn easy.
Back pedal fail.
I would be very happy to pay 45-55% in taxes if I knew I never had to worry about paying a health care bill....ensured preventive care for my family......knew that every kid who studies can go to college......and knew that the bridge that I travel this afternoon on my way to the beach wouldn't cave in while I was on it.

This is how life is here in Ireland

OK smartass how am I wrong now?

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