Women who defy Birth Dearth

Or better use Birth Control. Not only does it prevent Baby murder ,but it helps prevent VD ,AIDS , and other diseases.
Birth control has reduced the number of abortions drastically and the abortion rates keep dropping. I believe every woman that is menstruating that does not want to have children should be on birth control if they are sexually active. That's something everyone should be able to agree upon. Better access to such medications and better women's health care would also help. Even then some cases will always be necessary. Thank GOD there's no baby involved. Only fetuses. Coincidentally , the age menstration starts has been earlier by 3 months each decade since the 1970's. So girls age 12 is now the age it starts. All women , young and older ,should be proteçted.
Birth control has reduced the number of abortions drastically and the abortion rates keep dropping. I believe every woman that is menstruating that does not want to have children should be on birth control if they are sexually active. That's something everyone should be able to agree upon. Better access to such medications and better women's health care would also help. Even then some cases will always be necessary. Thank GOD there's no baby involved. Only fetuses. Coincidentally , the age menstration starts has been earlier by 3 months each decade since the 1970's. So girls age 12 is now the age it starts. All women , young and older ,should be proteçted.
Abstinance is the ultimate protection.
Yes. Some folks think they are entitled to free money. Or State Paid Abortions.
Then there are those who feel the state has the right to force women to bear children that are considered non-viable and end up costing the state millions of dollars if they survive. Talk about twisted law , that's like cruel and unusual punishment no woman should ever have to go through.
Yes. Some folks think they are entitled to free money.
The ones with large families being in that category. Boy howdy, do they suck up the welfare.

Conservatives love that, of course. They love every form of welfare, because they're the ones getting it.

According to the article, about 5% of the population has large families and defies the current status quo of depopulation that governments all around the world are promoting.

With the economy the way it is, how can they afford it? But then, the government will destroy your wealth either way, so why not have more children? At least they will give you some joy in life, and who knows, they may make the world a better place.

We see in dirt poor countries people having large families, probably because they assume some won't survive in their poverty. In fact, early on in the US, people have large families with the similar attitude of offspring will succumb to illness, so have as many as you can so that some survive.

As the economy fails under the leadership of the Swamp, will the 5% of woman who are having large families increase?

So, why not make a Left winger lose their mind. Have a large family!!!
Isn't it great that these women have the CHOICE to have large families?
Wouldn't it be horrible to have the government step in and make the CHOICE for them?
Isn't it great that these women have the CHOICE to have large families?
Wouldn't it be horrible to have the government step in and make the CHOICE for them?
Yes ! And what these anti-abortion people don't realize that in a few short years from now when global population reaches around 10 billion there will be. Many governments limiting the number of children people will be allowed to have. That will be especially easy in places with abortion laws in place because they already have the right to interfere. They'll just say it's necessary to preserve the human race . Which actually makes more sense in the scheme of things. Uncontrolled propagation is what's destroying this world. It's the elephant in the room.
Yes ! And what these anti-abortion people don't realize that in a few short years from now when global population reaches around 10 billion there will be. Many governments limiting the number of children people will be allowed to have. That will be especially easy in places with abortion laws in place because they already have the right to interfere. They'll just say it's necessary to preserve the human race . Which actually makes more sense in the scheme of things. Uncontrolled propagation is what's destroying this world. It's the elephant in the room.
Yes, and another thing they fail to understand.

The difference between the government saying you CAN'T have an abortion
The government saying you MUST have an abortion is one word.
Separately, I do think powerful evil forces — principalities and powers — have worked to devalue human life in general, because God loves human life. These forces employ unsound economic theories and play on irrational fears that there won’t be enough stuff to go around. This is a longer story, but it reaches back at least two hundred years and includes Marxism, Darwinism, eugenics, Planned Parenthood, and the population bomb rhetoric and global policies. Now, any devaluation of human life per se will cash out as an attack on family life, since the family is the cradle of humanity

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This is what the Left has done to us.

The eagle represents the world we evolved in, while our reproductive rate is now destroying the entire planet and will cause extinction of all life on the planet is we do not actively reduce our reproductive rate.

I have a coworker with 18 kids. No welfare. He works damn near around the clock, and the older kids have moved out of the house but ZERO government money.

My brother has eight kids (age 16 to 1yesr old). They live on a Lutheran pastors st. They homeschool. Clothes are handed down. My sister in law coupons like nothing I’ve ever seen. She is a regular at every flea market and garage sale in the area. No government money.
Probably pay no taxes with all those deductions. That would be government money.
Birth Dearth is a serious problem for the economy.

Essentially, there needs to be a population to more than replace the older generation, but when there is not, the economy takes a hit. In the 1960s, there were six people of working age for every retired person. Today, the ratio is three-to-one. By 2035, it will be two-to-one.

They are attempting to import the population because the Left has killed off the population within the US.

Europe is also doing this with immigrants as they suffer from Birth Dearth.

But any Climate Cult follower will tell you, the economy of the world must fail anyway as they depopulate because prosperity makes people want to have kids.

They want us all to die.

The population has been doubling every 50 years, and is totally out of control.
The people who want to increase the population because that means more wealth for those who own factories, banks, real estate, etc.
And you have it backwards about prosperity as well, since the prosperous have fewer kids or drive to preproduce.
The poor are the ones who are driven to preproduce more, since they feel compelled to allow someone to survive.
Poverty always increases the birth rate among humans.
The fact it is counter productive does not change the facts.
Abstinance is the ultimate protection.

Not really.
It's like going without food or sleep.
The body has its own agenda, and those who try to override what the body is trying to get you to do results in insanity at the very least.
Not really.
It's like going without food or sleep.
The body has its own agenda, and those who try to override what the body is trying to get you to do results in insanity at the very least.
Poor mental health at least.

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