Womens hostility to Trans women.

3% difference, Bob. One race because we are all the same species.

We are all the same species, yes. Hence our ability to freely interbreed.

We are even the same subspecies—Homo sapiens sapiens. There is one other recognized subspecies, Homo sapiens idaltu, but it's been extinct for about 160,000 years; and several other long-extinct varieties that it is thought might possibly have been subspecies of Homo sapiens, but it's not known with any certainty that they were not entirely different species from us.

But we are different races. This isn't a “social construct”. This is observable science.

Again, this part of the taxonomy hierarchy is defined as…

  • Species
  • Subspecies
  • Race
  • Strain

I don't know if there's anything below Strain. I could easily enough find out, I suppose, but I'm not going to bother, right now. Really, things get kind of fuzzy, once you get below Species, since everything below that can interbreed.

It's fuzzy because Race is a social construct.
3% difference, Bob. One race because we are all the same species.

We are all the same species, yes. Hence our ability to freely interbreed.

We are even the same subspecies—Homo sapiens sapiens. There is one other recognized subspecies, Homo sapiens idaltu, but it's been extinct for about 160,000 years; and several other long-extinct varieties that it is thought might possibly have been subspecies of Homo sapiens, but it's not known with any certainty that they were not entirely different species from us.

But we are different races. This isn't a “social construct”. This is observable science.

Again, this part of the taxonomy hierarchy is defined as…

  • Species
  • Subspecies
  • Race
  • Strain

I don't know if there's anything below Strain. I could easily enough find out, I suppose, but I'm not going to bother, right now. Really, things get kind of fuzzy, once you get below Species, since everything below that can interbreed.

It's fuzzy because Race is a social construct.

are you defending freaks? are you defending trannies?

what's your problem?
3% difference, Bob. One race because we are all the same species.

We are all the same species, yes. Hence our ability to freely interbreed.

We are even the same subspecies—Homo sapiens sapiens. There is one other recognized subspecies, Homo sapiens idaltu, but it's been extinct for about 160,000 years; and several other long-extinct varieties that it is thought might possibly have been subspecies of Homo sapiens, but it's not known with any certainty that they were not entirely different species from us.

But we are different races. This isn't a “social construct”. This is observable science.

Again, this part of the taxonomy hierarchy is defined as…

  • Species
  • Subspecies
  • Race
  • Strain

I don't know if there's anything below Strain. I could easily enough find out, I suppose, but I'm not going to bother, right now. Really, things get kind of fuzzy, once you get below Species, since everything below that can interbreed.

It's fuzzy because Race is a social construct.

are you defending freaks? are you defending trannies?

what's your problem?

Shut the fuck up, Michael.
You have long supported misogynistic and sexual-dominance cults on USMB.

As with nearly everything that you post, that's a lie, and you know damned well that it is a lie.

There is not any organization that can honestly or rationally be described as a “misogynistic and sexual-dominance cult” that I support; and you know damn well that you have absolutely no basis on which to make such a claim about me.

She is a hypocrite that’s it. She hates people categorizing people then she turns around and does the same.

I hate people categorizing whole groups of people based on some innate characteristic that they share. An individual can be categorized based on his or her conduct.

Southern baptists and mormons have been very public for decades about spreading their bigotry around, against women and other groups, and in doing so they have stood out among the various religions. I distinguish between southern baptists and the larger Baptist community, which has some very fine members who make and have made great contributions to our nation. I don't know if there are different sub-groups of mormons. What has come out of their leadership in Salt Lake City has been quite bigoted.
Judging others why you keep yourself pristine. If things ever get bad, they will revert to time honored traditions. And hopefully any bad in those will not be repeated. The thing is, you are supposed to be better. You are not. Just more expensive. And if the economy ever tanks, you won't be that any longer.

I don't really understand the meaning of your comment. Given this, I can only say beware of "time honored traditions." This phrase is so often used to refer to social practices that assign some groups of people to lower status and deprive these groups of the same rights enjoyed by others. It refers to a caste system. The same occurs with the adjective "conservative." They both refer to a deprivation of liberty.
But we are different races. This isn't a “social construct”. This is observable science.
LOL. Instead of continuing to spout your bigoted wish lists try reading something definitive and intelligent:

"Some scientists argue that although race is a safe taxonomic concept in other species, it cannot be applied to humans.[3]"
"Today, the consensus among geneticists is that racialist beliefs are not supported by modern population genetics.[4][5][6][7][8][9] "
In 1982 anthropologist David Craig Griffith summed up forty years of ethnographic research, arguing that racial and ethnic categories are symbolic markers for different ways that people from different parts of the world have been incorporated into a global economy:

The opposing interests that divide the working classes are further reinforced through appeals to "racial" and "ethnic" distinctions. Such appeals serve to allocate different categories of workers to rungs on the scale of labor markets, relegating stigmatized populations to the lower levels and insulating the higher echelons from competition from below. Capitalism did not create all the distinctions of ethnicity and race that function to set off categories of workers from one another. It is, nevertheless, the process of labor mobilization under capitalism that imparts to these distinctions their effective values.[57]

According to Wolf, racial categories were constructed and incorporated during the period of European mercantile expansion, and ethnic groupings during the period of capitalist expansion.[58]

Writing in 1977 about the usage of the term "ethnic" in the ordinary language of Great Britain and the United States, Wallman noted that

The term 'ethnic' popularly connotes '[race]' in Britain, only less precisely, and with a lighter value load. In North America, by contrast, '[race]' most commonly means color, and 'ethnics' are the descendants of relatively recent immigrants from non-English-speaking countries. '[Ethnic]' is not a noun in Britain. In effect there are no 'ethnics'; there are only 'ethnic relations'.[59]

In the U.S., the OMB defines the concept of race as outlined for the US Census as not "scientific or anthropological" and takes into account "social and cultural characteristics as well as ancestry", using "appropriate scientific methodologies" that are not "primarily biological or genetic in reference".[60]
In short, race and ethnicity can be psychologically empowering for celebrating the beauty of apparent similarity or difference at best. Human history shows them being employed mainly by the powerful as tools to repress the masses. In other words, conservatism. Piggishness. Unrelated to any of the animals in the genus Sus.
But we are different races. This isn't a “social construct”. This is observable science.
LOL. Instead of continuing to spout your bigoted wish lists try reading something definitive and intelligent:

"Some scientists argue that although race is a safe taxonomic concept in other species, it cannot be applied to humans.[3]"
"Today, the consensus among geneticists is that racialist beliefs are not supported by modern population genetics.[4][5][6][7][8][9] "
In 1982 anthropologist David Craig Griffith summed up forty years of ethnographic research, arguing that racial and ethnic categories are symbolic markers for different ways that people from different parts of the world have been incorporated into a global economy:

The opposing interests that divide the working classes are further reinforced through appeals to "racial" and "ethnic" distinctions. Such appeals serve to allocate different categories of workers to rungs on the scale of labor markets, relegating stigmatized populations to the lower levels and insulating the higher echelons from competition from below. Capitalism did not create all the distinctions of ethnicity and race that function to set off categories of workers from one another. It is, nevertheless, the process of labor mobilization under capitalism that imparts to these distinctions their effective values.[57]

According to Wolf, racial categories were constructed and incorporated during the period of European mercantile expansion, and ethnic groupings during the period of capitalist expansion.[58]

Writing in 1977 about the usage of the term "ethnic" in the ordinary language of Great Britain and the United States, Wallman noted that

The term 'ethnic' popularly connotes '[race]' in Britain, only less precisely, and with a lighter value load. In North America, by contrast, '[race]' most commonly means color, and 'ethnics' are the descendants of relatively recent immigrants from non-English-speaking countries. '[Ethnic]' is not a noun in Britain. In effect there are no 'ethnics'; there are only 'ethnic relations'.[59]

In the U.S., the OMB defines the concept of race as outlined for the US Census as not "scientific or anthropological" and takes into account "social and cultural characteristics as well as ancestry", using "appropriate scientific methodologies" that are not "primarily biological or genetic in reference".[60]
In short, race and ethnicity can be psychologically empowering for celebrating the beauty of apparent similarity or difference at best. Human history shows them being employed mainly by the powerful as tools to repress the masses. In other words, conservatism. Piggishness. Unrelated to any of the animals in the genus Sus.

Nice twist at the end, I know there lefties that are just as racist and bigoted as those you rail against. Good and bad in everyone, that is also a fact that you seem to ignore.
Male college athletes who decide to rid themselves of their male parts and compete as women are fraudulently stealing athletic scholarships from women. Why shouldn't genetic women feel resentment?

No need to use the term “genetic women”. Using it that way, like using “cis…”, only lends credence to the absurdity that there are other kinds of “women” than those who are biologically female. If you must use a qualifier, I suggest saying “actual women”, so as to make it clear that you're referring only to those who really are women, and not to fake “women”.

I like bio woman vs a trans woman. That is our world we live in, brought to us by the filthy dems. So as long as it is our world, got to do the best we can.
Use "women" vs mentally Ill men
This is part of a growing worldwide trend for disturbed people to become obsessed with any issue involving sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender. It accomplishes absolutely nothing of any good use to anyone. All it amounts to is a gigantic show of psychological insecurity.

There is nothing wrong with simply accepting people for who they are and treating people with respect and kindness, and everything right.

While scrolling down the linked article, I came upon one Kaitlin Bennett and googled her. What a dipshit. Why is she running around confronting people? She's got biiiiggg problems.

The issue starts when SJW twats like you force people to accept things like this OR ELSE.

Do you honestly think biological boys should be able to compete in girls sports?
No. The issue starts with bigotry from angry misogynist white supremacist pretend Christians

You didn't answer my question. Should biological males be allowed to compete in women's sports or not?
You didn't answer my question. Should biological males be allowed to compete in women's sports or not?

I, for one, would trust the organizers and the competing athletes to sort this one out. On the other hand, I laugh at "SJW twats like you" screeching and moaning about the issue.
I, for one, would trust the organizers and the competing athletes to sort this one out. On the other hand, I laugh at "SJW twats like you" screeching and moaning about the issue.
Yeah but what is your opinion on it? should it be allowed? or does it cross the wires on PC?
You didn't answer my question. Should biological males be allowed to compete in women's sports or not?

I, for one, would trust the organizers and the competing athletes to sort this one out. On the other hand, I laugh at "SJW twats like you" screeching and moaning about the issue.

That isn't an answer. It's a dodge.

Yeah, it's an answer, dummy: I am fine with whatever regulations the folks with an actual stake in the games come up with. And I still get to laugh at "SJW twats like you" who are standing at the sidelines trying to dictate to others how to regulate their affairs.
You didn't answer my question. Should biological males be allowed to compete in women's sports or not?

I, for one, would trust the organizers and the competing athletes to sort this one out. On the other hand, I laugh at "SJW twats like you" screeching and moaning about the issue.

That isn't an answer. It's a dodge.

Yeah, it's an answer, dummy: I am fine with whatever regulations the folks with an actual stake in the games come up with. And I still get to laugh at "SJW twats like you" who are standing at the sidelines trying to dictate to others how to regulate their affairs.

No, it isn't, its a dodge. And how in the hell am I a "SJW"?

Once again progressive morons show they don't get basic term definitions.
No, it isn't, its a dodge. And how in the hell am I a "SJW"?

Once again progressive morons show they don't get basic term definitions.

Yeah, you're so terribly, horribly concerned about the unspeakable injustice visited upon women by trans women competing in their sports - hence the screeching and moaning. How's that for "SJW twats like you"?
Most people are not wanting boys to compete girl’s sports and it seems the left wing nuts can’t answer the question so they straddle the issue. It is unfair for the real female athletes however the left as painted themselves into an impossible position and no claim they need others to sort it out.
I, for one, would trust the organizers and the competing athletes to sort this one out. On the other hand, I laugh at "SJW twats like you" screeching and moaning about the issue.
That isn't an answer. It's a dodge.

No, it isn't, its a dodge. And how in the hell am I a "SJW"?

No, it's not. It's just bullshit.

This is a Dodge. (Though, in reality, it's some sort of weird Fiat/Alfa Romeo/Mercedes Benz/Chrysler mutt.)

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You didn't answer my question. Should biological males be allowed to compete in women's sports or not?

I, for one, would trust the organizers and the competing athletes to sort this one out. On the other hand, I laugh at "SJW twats like you" screeching and moaning about the issue.

That isn't an answer. It's a dodge.

Yeah, it's an answer, dummy: I am fine with whatever regulations the folks with an actual stake in the games come up with. And I still get to laugh at "SJW twats like you" who are standing at the sidelines trying to dictate to others how to regulate their affairs.

Not an answer. And I all doing is stating my opinion on the matter. and SJW would try to quash other opinions on the matter.

Stop dodging you fucking weasel.
No, it isn't, its a dodge. And how in the hell am I a "SJW"?

Once again progressive morons show they don't get basic term definitions.

Yeah, you're so terribly, horribly concerned about the unspeakable injustice visited upon women by trans women competing in their sports - hence the screeching and moaning. How's that for "SJW twats like you"?

Again, SJW's try to squash other opinions. Here I am fine with you dodging and not actually answering the question.

Answer the fucking question.

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