Womens hostility to Trans women.

I don't care what my neighbors believe or don't. I get along with all of them. I do care when people use their beliefs as a justification for attacking others or to play identity politics. I don't waste my time "tracking" anyone. What would be the point? Some people make the news by doing these things, and it comes to my attention and everyone else's. Unfortunately, we now face a strange intermingling of some religious groups and politics and the phenomenon of some religious groups trying to attack other groups that are defined by some characteristic other than religion, as well as other religious groups.

You openly attack and condemn anyone who stands up for basic standards of morality and decency. You are a worse bigot than you falsely accuse others of being. And worse than that, you're a bigot who openly sides with immorality, madness, and evil, and are bigoted against those of us who stand for decency and sanity. You call evil good, and good evil. You call darkness light, and light darkness. You call madness sanity, and sanity madness. And that is the direction in which your hatred and bigotry flows.

And maddest of all; you think that your immorality and madness makes you morally superior over those of us who are moral and sane. You are just one more datum out of many data that prove the truth in what I have been saying, that modern LIbEralism both a mental disease and a moral disease.
I like bio woman vs a trans woman. That is our world we live in, brought to us by the filthy dems. So as long as it is our world, got to do the best we can.

Perhaps, but let us not make it any easier than we must for them to corrupt the language. The only genuine women are those who are biologically female. Let us not let them get away with claiming that any who are biologically male are any kind of “women”, and let us not let them corrupt the language so that it supports this absurdity.

To refer to women using any qualifier such as “cis…” or “bio…” or “genetic…” to distinguish them from “trans…” only plays into their lie that “trans women” are, in any meaningful way, women. Let us give them that.
Labour’s Lisa Nandy vows to ‘redouble her efforts’ standing up for trans rights after barrage of ‘hate and anger’

This is a link to a UK article but I suspect it holds true the world over.

Why are women so hostile to trans women ?

Tell us this, Tainted Tommy. Let us suppose that you were younger, and single, and in spite of the evidence casting doubt on the mass of your slip-on footwear, let us suppose that you claim to be straight.

If you had initiated a dating relationship with a “woman”, and then found out that “she” was really a mentally-defective man who thinks he's a woman, who claims to be a woman, and perhaps even has been surgically mutilated to fit this delusion, would you still consider him a valid romantic/sexual partner? Would you continue to date him, and perhaps to pursue the relationship to the point even of marrying him? Or would you dump him at once, and look for an actual woman to date?

I invite anyone else who defends the madness of “transgenderism” to answer this question, as well. Would you continue to date someone allegedly of the opposite sex (or the same sex, if you're homosexual), if you discovered once the relationship had begin, that this person was “trans”, and was therefore actually of the opposite of the sex of which h'orsh'/it had presented h'orsh'/itself?
She is a hypocrite that’s it. She hates people categorizing people then she turns around and does the same.

I hate people categorizing whole groups of people based on some innate characteristic that they share. An individual can be categorized based on his or her conduct.

Southern baptists and mormons have been very public for decades about spreading their bigotry around, against women and other groups, and in doing so they have stood out among the various religions. I distinguish between southern baptists and the larger Baptist community, which has some very fine members who make and have made great contributions to our nation. I don't know if there are different sub-groups of mormons. What has come out of their leadership in Salt Lake City has been quite bigoted.

In the last 20 plus years I haven’t heard of what you claim in the Mormon church. However, I’m not a Mormon and I don’t follow them. I know individuals who are Mormon and are honest, kind and make good neighbors. Not sure why you are intolerant and bigoted.

This Is So On: California vs. the Mormon Church
Mormongate -- The Church's Cover-up of its Prop 8 Funding | HuffPost

This not the first time that they have exhibited misogyny and homophobia.

It is not "intolerant and bigoted" to oppose intolerance and bigotry.

One and ten year old articles, 10 years ago we didn’t allow gay marriage in every state. Times and people change, try to keep up.

You are bigoted and intolerant to anyone that does not agree with you. I have no reason to track or read about Mormons. My neighbors seem fine to me. My other neighbors are lesbians and they are good people, we all get along. I don’t go tracking or read about Mormons, they are no threat to me. I treat people as individuals. Both my neighbors have chosen their lifestyles and as long as they treat me well, then I am good with them.

I don't care what my neighbors believe or don't. I get along with all of them. I do care when people use their beliefs as a justification for attacking others or to play identity politics. I don't waste my time "tracking" anyone. What would be the point? Some people make the news by doing these things, and it comes to my attention and everyone else's. Unfortunately, we now face a strange intermingling of some religious groups and politics and the phenomenon of some religious groups trying to attack other groups that are defined by some characteristic other than religion, as well as other religious groups.

We have a lot of groups intermingling with politics. I don’t care what you choose in life, whether you choose to be religious, whether you choose to be gay, whether you choose to be atheist, whether you are pro abortion or not, whether you choose to be pro life, it’s all good and if you want to push an agenda or not that is your right as a US citizen. As long as you do it legally, you can push what you want. It’s called choices and it’s called tolerance and I find hatred and bigotry in religious people, gay people, straight people, atheists, pro abortion and pro choice, black, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and on and on. You categorically found Mormons and Southern Baptist’s and bigoted. That is just as stupid and bigoted as finding all gays, blacks as bad. It is your hate for those groups, it’s fine by me but don’t shove your bigotry on me.
The whole "trans" thing just shows how gullible people are, and how easy it is to manipulate society via social conditioning. It's understandable, I guess, when you consider human nature and how everyone wants to go along with the crowd. :dunno:
Labour’s Lisa Nandy vows to ‘redouble her efforts’ standing up for trans rights after barrage of ‘hate and anger’

This is a link to a UK article but I suspect it holds true the world over.

Why are women so hostile to trans women ?

Gender is fluid. Sex is not. There is nothing hostile about that.

What this translates to is that the issues faced by the trans community, specifically men who identify as women, face a different set of issues. This boils down to things like.....should trans be allowed into a women's domestic violence shelter?
I get confused by the inane labels. Are "trans women" actually women who pretend to be men or men who pretend to be women or women who pretend to be men who pretend to be women?
Technically it is "women who were assigned men at birth".

There is no such thing.

As man and woman are the mature forms of a human, nobody is “assigned” either of those at birth. One doesn't become a man or a woman until about a decade and a half after birth, give or take a few years according to social customs and varying rates of maturation.

And the term “assigned at birth” is nonsense. It implies that sex is “assigned” arbitrarily, without regard for the observable, objective dimorphic physical attributes that indicate one's sex.

One who is male at birth will never be a woman, no matter what he claims, what he believes, how he claims to “identify”, no matter what he can get society to play along with, and no matter what quasi-medical Frankensteinery is done to him. Likewise, one who is born a girl will never be a man.

In every possible way, your phrase, “women who were assigned men at birth” is nonsensical, and would never be uttered by someone who is sane.
Labour’s Lisa Nandy vows to ‘redouble her efforts’ standing up for trans rights after barrage of ‘hate and anger’

This is a link to a UK article but I suspect it holds true the world over.

Why are women so hostile to trans women ?
Tommy, are these "hostile women" considered misogynists because of this? what if they are "hostile" because they see/feel men have found another way to oppress them by becoming them? do you think transgender women are just as much women as those women that are mad at them? or do you believe this is nothing more than women just being mad at each other so it's nothing new? do you really believe that if something in the UK is true of women it then has to be true of all women?...do you think "liberal thinking" is an oxymoron or a double negative? :abgg2q.jpg:...man what an upside down lot
No its a genuine question. My philosophy in life is to accept people as they would like. Good manners cost nothing. This just seems to be an anomaly.I struggle to see it as a conspiracy against women. I might add that the hostility seems to be coming from left wing groups of women who are generally sound on the big issues.
Hey Tommy, I've been pondering your question and it could be something as simple as some women viewing them on a primal level as a threat. Women already outnumber men by a significant amount and for those seeking a "mate" they already have to compete against other women, gay men and now men transitioning to women who are seeking men as well from a limited pool.

Of course I could be completely off base but have you seen how vicious some can become when they're trying to secure their desired "person"
Labour’s Lisa Nandy vows to ‘redouble her efforts’ standing up for trans rights after barrage of ‘hate and anger’

This is a link to a UK article but I suspect it holds true the world over.

Why are women so hostile to trans women ?
The Globalist are creating division among all walks of life. They are pushing for laws that will only help those that belongs to certain sects. While ignoring the rest. Like for an example. They are allowing grown men that dresses like women to fight against women, while they will not let those carry a gun around to protect themselves.
But while we're bickering between one another. That the corrupt politicians are killing and destroying witnesses and evidence that exposes their corruption, while Pres.Trump in office.

There was an MMA fight where a transgender woman named Fallon Fox, got in the ring and destroyed his natural-born female opponent, Rogan told his guest. Joe Rogan Blasts Practice of Allowing Transgender Athletes to Compete Against Women

Technically it is "women who were assigned men at birth".

There is no such thing.

As man and woman are the mature forms of a human, nobody is “assigned” either of those at birth. One doesn't become a man or a woman until about a decade and a half after birth, give or take a few years according to social customs and varying rates of maturation.

And the term “assigned at birth” is nonsense. It implies that sex is “assigned” arbitrarily, without regard for the observable, objective dimorphic physical attributes that indicate one's sex.

One who is male at birth will never be a woman, no matter what he claims, what he believes, how he claims to “identify”, no matter what he can get society to play along with, and no matter what quasi-medical Frankensteinery is done to him. Likewise, one who is born a girl will never be a man.

In every possible way, your phrase, “women who were assigned men at birth” is nonsensical, and would never be uttered by someone who is sane.

That's their definition. So, gender as a social construct is perceived to be fluid and you can be born a male or female but identify as the other gender. That's cool. If you feel that you were born in the wrong body that's fine. You do you.

The reality is that your sex is either male or female at birth and you will die either male or female. It's a chromosome thang.

Trans women and women have different issues. We are not the same. Trans women have a different set of experiences that are not less than women but unique and important in their own right. There are those in the trans community that insist that there is no difference between themselves and women and that's it. If you say otherwise, their rational is the number of harassment incidents and murders of trans people yada yada yada. You either have to agree with them or you are labeled as transphobic. They don't even address the issues which come down to legal documentation, funding, services geared for specific populations.That's why there is so much friction going on right now.

Some not all. Trans people are not a unique group in a zoo in the US. People interact with each other all the time.
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I get confused by the inane labels. Are "trans women" actually women who pretend to be men or men who pretend to be women or women who pretend to be men who pretend to be women?

The part after “trans…” is what the degenerate freak in question claims to be, as opposed to what the freak actually is. Thus, a “trans woman” is a mentally- and morally-defective man, who falsely claims to be a woman.
Hey Tommy, I've been pondering your question and it could be something as simple as some women viewing them on a primal level as a threat. Women already outnumber men by a significant amount and for those seeking a "mate" they already have to compete against other women, gay men and now men transitioning to women who are seeking men as well from a limited pool.

Of course I could be completely off base but have you seen how vicious some can become when they're trying to secure their desired "person"

I doubt that.

No man, who isn't himself seriously f•••ed-up in the head, is going to be the least bit interested, romantically or sexually, in another man, especially a man who pretends to be a woman. Women don't need to worry about sexual/romantic competition from “trans women”. Any man that would be worth a woman's interest is not going to settle for a fake “woman”. Any who would, a woman would be better off not pursuing anyway.
If "social construct' is fluid it means that genetic science is "fluid".

Nope. Race is a social construct as well.

Gender as a social construct. There were several movie stars in the early part of the last century that were "gender bending" on stage and in clothing.

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