Women's shelter might be shut down due to transgenders

And you must be a fucking idiot to believe your straw man has teeth.

Lemons & oranges are both citrus but they are not the same. Go ahead and eat a lemon & try to keep the same facial expression as when you eat an orange. This is what the cult of LGBT is asking people to do when it comes to tranny delusions “play along & keep a straight face”.

I refuse.
Hey retard. No one is talking about lemons and oranges. We are talking about humans. :rolleyes:
Hey retard! It's called an analogy! See if you can stretch your brain out just a little bit to gain an understanding
of what it's like when two seemingly dissimilar things are compared in order to gain a greater awareness of a concept.
Its a retarded and stupid analogy. The dissimilarity is not the same dumbass. :rolleyes:
The "dissimilarity" is not the same? What is that supposed to mean. When are dissimilar things ever the same?
Way to go, dumbass.
It means you are stupid. Let me try to educate you. The difference between a lemon and a orange has nothing to do with the difference between a male and a female. Just how fucking stupid are you? :laugh:
More dumbassery! The difference between two types of citrus fruit is the same as the difference between the two genders of human beings: That is ....they are closely related but one is not the other and you cannot call a lemon an orange because they both are citrus fruits and that's what you think they should be. Just how fucking stupid are you?

You claim to know what an analogy is but keep demonstrating your thinking is about as nuanced as a brick chucked through a window. Do yourself a favor Al, and quietly wander away from your train wreck of thought and hope no one brings it up to you again.
Feminism and homosexuals have made the lives of women ten times worse. Liberals are responsible for the pain and agony of untold numbers of women.
I have to worry about it now as my daughter heads off to college. There is a discussion on her campus about letting transgenders in her dorm building. When I say "discussion" of course I mean an all out attack on the University demanding men be allowed to sleep with women whether they want it or not. The left ratchet in action.
I got a condo for my older daughter when she was an undergraduate so that we could choose her roommates. But heres the thing...now they are *required* to live on campus their freshmen year. Nobody can be allowed to escape the clutches of the social justice warrior agenda.
And we all know there are no perverts who want to sleep in a room with three 17 year old girls...right?
Hey stupid. Bears arent humans. Men and women are. :rolleyes:
Hey idiot. Lemons aren’t oranges but they’re both citrus. The issue is pretending to be that which you are not to such an absurd degree that you demand society adjusts radically to accommodate you delusions.

I stand by my bear example. And, males are not females. Period. Adjust your delusions accordingly.
A man who believes himself to be a bear is as much a bear as a man who believes himself to be a woman is a woman.

Which is to say, "Seek help, you delusional weirdo"?
It doesn't matter if this transgender is a mother Teresa. Throw his ass out because no man or transgender belongs with real women in a shelter.
Unfortunately for you your opinion doesnt matter.
There is a point when people cross the divide into insanity. Have you really gone there? Is your hatred of Trump and anything that is conservative doing this to you? Or is your purpose here to be a troll, because I can not believe anyone with a brain is falling for this progressivist attack on normalcy.

Snap out of it and start behaving like a normal adult. Even if it means being a old school liberal.
Normal adults are not afraid of trannies. Latent homosexuals are though.
Transvestites and homosexuals are two completely different things.
I agree. What was your point?
Why are you afraid of trannies
Hey stupid. Bears arent humans. Men and women are. :rolleyes:
Hey idiot. Lemons aren’t oranges but they’re both citrus. The issue is pretending to be that which you are not to such an absurd degree that you demand society adjusts radically to accommodate you delusions.

I stand by my bear example. And, males are not females. Period. Adjust your delusions accordingly.
Hey stupid. No one has to adjust to anything. You mind your business and the trannies wont make you feel like an exposed homosexual. So how easy that is? :rolleyes:
I'm still not getting your point. Why are homosexuals afraid of trannies?
Feminism and homosexuals have made the lives of women ten times worse. Liberals are responsible for the pain and agony of untold numbers of women.
I have to worry about it now as my daughter heads off to college. There is a discussion on her campus about letting transgenders in her dorm building. When I say "discussion" of course I mean an all out attack on the University demanding men be allowed to sleep with women whether they want it or not. The left ratchet in action.
I got a condo for my older daughter when she was an undergraduate so that we could choose her roommates. But heres the thing...now they are *required* to live on campus their freshmen year. Nobody can be allowed to escape the clutches of the social justice warrior agenda.
And we all know there are no perverts who want to sleep in a room with three 17 year old girls...right?
How about requiring a black belt in the martial art of their choice?

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