Wonder Woman: The Evil Patriot


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
How will we remember the contributions of women in politics from our new age of commerce-gauged globalization/networking 'etiquette'?

We've elected a capitalism-baron as U.S. President (Donald Trump) who defeated the first real female contender for the office (Hillary Clinton).

Facebook (the social-networking and photo-sharing website) has become a global phenomenon.

Will we remember Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, and Steffi Graf as 'diplomats' of media-engaged socialization schemas (e.g., QVC, Vogue, Human Genome Project, Celebrity, etc.)?

Here's a contract-negotiation tale I cooked up about the fictional American comic book superheroine Wonder Woman (DC Comics) dealing with the fascism-scheming Lex Luthor (DC Comics).

Comics are great, as they speak to a populist/pedestrian interest in colloquial superstitions.


Wonder Woman got a distress call from Washington. President Hillary Clinton was kidnapped by members of the terrorist organization ISIS. ISIS had recently sent an ominous warning-letter to D.C. suggesting that the election of a female U.S. President after the election of a capitalism-baron U.S. President (Donald Trump) revealed America's fate of being punished for its 'socialization short-cuts to happiness.' Wonder Woman conjectured that ISIS would take Mrs. Clinton to a secret 'lair' somewhere in North America and negotiate for a publicized and politicized ransom event. It seemed that the new age of commerce-gauged political 'etiquette' had created a great deal of anti-Western civilization sentiments regarding 'diplomacy.'

Wonder Woman decided to use her magic-lasso to create static-shock power-outages in the power-grid stations of the major U.S. cities (after she told the NSA of her intention to do so in order for proper public safeguards to be put into place). If cities were crippled in communications and social activity because of power-outages, then the media would be unable to report on major news, and ISIS's intention to use the media to create a hysterical president-kidnapping ransom event would be challenged. However, ISIS sent no message to Washington. Instead, the criminal mastermind and politics-fascist and pseudo-terrorist Lex Luthor sent a notice to Washington demanding Wonder Woman meet her at the Lincoln Memorial the following Saturday evening.

WONDER WOMAN: Why did you call me to the Lincoln Memorial, Luthor?
LEX LUTHOR: Thanks for coming, Wonder Woman! I arranged for the Clinton-kidnapping.
WONDER WOMAN: I was sure you'd 'employ' a terrorist group someday...
LEX LUTHOR: My allies are my business; what's your concern is the 'gender paradigm.'
WONDER WOMAN: Are you using electoral politics to create governance hysteria, now?
LEX LUTHOR: Isn't it funny how the cameras and newsies make social discourse...controversial?
WONDER WOMAN: If you use pedestrian daydreams against humanity, you're simply a monster!
LEX LUTHOR: I'm only a messenger. If you want Mrs. Clinton returned home safe, you'll listen to me.
WONDER WOMAN: What do you want?
LEX LUTHOR: I want you to tell the world that I'm your only nemesis, and call me 'The Evil Patriot.'
WONDER WOMAN: What are you seeking, Luthor?
LEX LUTHOR: I want all the Facebook-junkies of the world to realize gender-negotiation is not simple.
WONDER WOMEN: You condemn humanity for its convenience-consumerism, yet you want to lead?
LEX LUTHOR: In Roman times, large public fancy bath-houses masked a social corruption.
WONDER WOMAN: So now you're saying Starbucks, Bally, and Facebook 'obscure' modern sanity.
LEX LUTHOR: Precisely. The only reason citizens care about a Clinton-kidnapping is because she's a woman!
WONDER WOMAN: Hillary Clinton has contributed enormously to politics, and Americans seek her safety.
LEX LUTHOR: I'm merely being a 'Devil's Advocate.' With the appropriate hysteria, I can become a prophet.
WONDER WOMAN: People advertise terrorism, because governance is psychologically complicated.
LEX LUTHOR: No one minds if a genius Yale Literature professor is a woman, but a female president is eerie.
WONDER WOMAN: Do you think you're some kind of 'social psychiatrist'?
LEX LUTHOR: Sometimes 'electro-shock therapy' is just what the Messiah ordered!
WONDER WOMAN: If you return Mrs. Clinton to the White House, I'll tell the world you're open-minded...
LEX LUTHOR: That's so civil of you, Wonder Woman, but I want assurance that my deed will be canonized.
WONDER WOMAN: You just want power for yourself, Luthor. We'll see if you care about democracy.
LEX LUTHOR: As long as I'm known as 'The Evil Patriot,' democracy will receive its 'due frills.'



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