Wonderful Breaking News! Trump To Pardon Scooter Libby

Uranium shipped to Montreal from Iraq in top secret mission | CBC News
Cameco Scoops 550t of Yellowcake in Secret Deal | Resource Investor
Cameco spokesman Lyle Krahn said the hush-hush nature of the transaction was at the request of the U.S. military, who supervised the transport of the raw material out of the volatile region.

''We were following the request of the U.S. government,'' Krahn said of the clandestine route the material took to get out of Baghdad and to Canada.

Krahn confirmed the yellowcake uranium shipment arrived in Montreal by ship Saturday and is scheduled to be transported by truck to the company's facilities in Ontario.

''We will be completing the transaction in the third quarter of this year, the shipment is in Canada at this point and we will be completing it by the fall,'' Krahn said.

''We are sending it to Port Hope and Blind River.''

Iraq sells uranium to Canada
News of the operation broke over the weekend when Cameco acknowledged the arrival of the uranium shipment at Montreal.

Lyle Khran, a Cameco spokesman, said the company had responded to a bid request made last year by the US government.

"We are satisfied at having been able to remove uranium from one of the most unstable regions of the world, and to have transfered it to a stable region to produce our own electric power," he said on Sunday.

He said the yellowcake would be used at the Blind River and Port Hope nuclear power plants north of Toronto.

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says - CNN.com

From Brianna Keilar and Larry Shaughnessy
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.

In this 2003 photo, UN inspectors work at the nuclear facility in Iraq.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.

The "yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government at the encouragement of the U.S. government, Whitman said.

The United States approached Canadian company Cameco to bid for the material, according Cameco spokesman Lyle Krahn. He would not disclose the winning bid amount.

Krahn admitted that this was not a "routine transaction," but he said the agreement was approved by the Canadian government and was carefully monitored.

The undertaking, named "Operation McCall" by Pentagon officials, was in the planning stages for months and was completed Saturday after the material had been in transit for weeks, according to Whitman.

I'm not sure if you know this but "The Pentagon says" isn't really evidence of anything

But as someone famous once said, "you go to war with the propaganda you have, not the propaganda you might want or wish to have at a later time.'"


Trump Pardons Cheney Aide Scooter Libby for Lying in CIA Probe

President Donald Trump pardoned I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby for lying to investigators probing the leak of CIA officer Valerie Plame’s identity.

“I don’t know Mr. Libby,” Trump said in a statement, “but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly. Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life.”
Trump is warming up

Hoping someone will someday pardon him
According to Alan Dershowitz:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."
According to Alan Dershowitz:

"President Trump’s tweets about his broad power to pardon have raised the ultimate question: Can the president pardon himself? The answer is crystal clear! And anyone who gives you a different answer is misleading you, because there is only one correct answer.

Here it is: Nobody knows!

No president has ever tried it. No court has ever ruled on it. The framers of our Constitution never opined on it. History provides no guidance. There is a clean slate."

I think the sticking point is that pardons work against judicial decisions, and impeachment and removal from office is an act by the legislature.

Now THAT would be a Constitutional crisis.
At this point, after all the sinister shit I have seen democrooks get away with, I give NO FUCKS what Trump does anymore.

I know it will benefit the country if he starts making it rain democrooks.

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