Wonderful Breaking News! Trump To Pardon Scooter Libby

And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?

How is pardoning a convicted traitor a good thing? Why would anyone brag about that? Even Bush wouldn't pardon him. Apparently Trump admires treason.

Bush told Cheney Libby lied to Congress and that was a crime.

So far,only an Aid has said that. Trump is in enough trouble. I doubt he cares enough for anyone to do that. But another black mark on him.

Cohen and Trump’s whole sordid past is coming out, now.
Why is this "wonderful news"?

Scooter the scummy neocon lawyer already has his voting rights restored and has been reinstated to the bar, why bothering pardoning him? It just creates more controversy for Donald Duck and he already has quite enough of that going on.
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And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?

How is pardoning a convicted traitor a good thing? Why would anyone brag about that? Even Bush wouldn't pardon him. Apparently Trump admires treason.
Puh leeze. If anyone is a traitor, it's Valarie Plame , who was stabbing her president in the back. It's difficult to believe how stupid snowflakes are.
Did they let you out of the asylum early this morning to go to the computer room?
Valerie Plame was an excellent public servant and got the shaft.
Of course you got it 100% backward like you always do Mr. fact checks are fake news.

She's a chronic liar and partisan Democrat who stabbed her president in the back.
You lie in every single one of your posts. A little trump whore like you cant besmirch a true American hero.
We have the most corrupt prez in history but you're always afraid to tell the truth about him.
Why is this "wonderful news"?

Scooter the scummy neocon lawyer already has his voting rights restored and has been reinstated to the bar, why bothering pardoning him? It just creates more controversy for Donald Duck and he already has quite enough of that going on.

So far only an Aid said that. They are all such liars, and the Media runs with each rumor I do not believe it.
Trump was for the Iraq war before he claimed he was against it.
There's an Howard Stern interview proving he was for it.
Trump is literally incapable of telling the truth.
Trump was for the Iraq war before he claimed he was against it.
There's an Howard Stern interview proving he was for it.
Trump is literally incapable of telling the truth.

Comey was dead right on that.

I do like the fact that Comey admitted he was a little too self righteous. He knows he was wrong to make that speech about Hillary.
Anyone remember the book Scooter Libby wrote? It only took him 20 years.

Scooter's Sex Shocker | The New Yorker

Lying to the FBI should never be a crime. Especially now that we know the FBI hates our democracy and are worse than Soviet spies, since they actually control the MSM and can put innocent people in prison like Mueller did multiple times, intentionally.
She wasn't undercover, Libby didn't out her and Bush didn't lie about the yellow cake.

Everything you "know" is wrong, dumbfuck.

Yes, and Bu$h really saved the world from Saddam's evil WMD that could destroy the homeland in 45 minutes. I still fondly remember his dangerous 4th wire carrier landing and his magnificent 'mission accomplished' speech

Ah, the good old days, when murica was still great and didn't have an idiot in the oval office


And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?
Libby didn't out anyone. He certainly wasn't convicted of outing anyone. Valerie Plame was a partisan trying to undermine president Bush. She's not a victim.

She was a CIA agent. And Bush lied about the yellowcake (and she knew it) so if anyone tried to undermine Bush, Bush did.
She wasn't undercover, Libby didn't out her and Bush didn't lie about the yellow cake.

Everything you "know" is wrong, dumbfuck.
FACT CHECK: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

You're just way too easy.

The claim was that Saddam was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger. What your article proves is that Saddam had yellowcake in his posession.

Of course, your so-called "fact check" site if fake news.
And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?
Libby didn't out anyone. He certainly wasn't convicted of outing anyone. Valerie Plame was a partisan trying to undermine president Bush. She's not a victim.

She was a CIA agent. And Bush lied about the yellowcake (and she knew it) so if anyone tried to undermine Bush, Bush did.
She wasn't undercover, Libby didn't out her and Bush didn't lie about the yellow cake.

Everything you "know" is wrong, dumbfuck.
FACT CHECK: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

You're just way too easy.

The claim was that Saddam was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger.

Yes,and that was proven wrong.
And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?

How is pardoning a convicted traitor a good thing? Why would anyone brag about that? Even Bush wouldn't pardon him. Apparently Trump admires treason.
Puh leeze. If anyone is a traitor, it's Valarie Plame , who was stabbing her president in the back. It's difficult to believe how stupid snowflakes are.
Did they let you out of the asylum early this morning to go to the computer room?
Valerie Plame was an excellent public servant and got the shaft.
Of course you got it 100% backward like you always do Mr. fact checks are fake news.

She's a chronic liar and partisan Democrat who stabbed her president in the back.
What Valerie Plame Really Did at the CIA
Valerie Plame was no mere analyst or paper-pusher at the CIA. She was an operations officer working on a top priority of the Bush Administration: searching out intelligence on Iraq's weapon's of mass destruction.
By David Corn

Educate your dumb ass.

What Valerie Plame Really Did at the CIA

She wasn't undercover, shit for brains. She went to great pains to undermine the president's policies. That's the bottom line.
Libby didn't out anyone. He certainly wasn't convicted of outing anyone. Valerie Plame was a partisan trying to undermine president Bush. She's not a victim.

She was a CIA agent. And Bush lied about the yellowcake (and she knew it) so if anyone tried to undermine Bush, Bush did.
She wasn't undercover, Libby didn't out her and Bush didn't lie about the yellow cake.

Everything you "know" is wrong, dumbfuck.
FACT CHECK: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

You're just way too easy.

The claim was that Saddam was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger.

Yes,and that was proven wrong.

Hmmm, no it wasn't. Plame's douchebag layabout husband didn't prove anything of the sort. He sat in the hotel bar drinking margaritas.
Libby didn't out anyone. He certainly wasn't convicted of outing anyone. Valerie Plame was a partisan trying to undermine president Bush. She's not a victim.

She was a CIA agent. And Bush lied about the yellowcake (and she knew it) so if anyone tried to undermine Bush, Bush did.
She wasn't undercover, Libby didn't out her and Bush didn't lie about the yellow cake.

Everything you "know" is wrong, dumbfuck.
FACT CHECK: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

You're just way too easy.

The claim was that Saddam was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger.

Yes,and that was proven wrong.

So what happened to that obnoxious sidekick of yours?
And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?
500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says - CNN.com

From Brianna Keilar and Larry Shaughnessy
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.

In this 2003 photo, UN inspectors work at the nuclear facility in Iraq.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.

The "yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government at the encouragement of the U.S. government, Whitman said.

The United States approached Canadian company Cameco to bid for the material, according Cameco spokesman Lyle Krahn. He would not disclose the winning bid amount.

Krahn admitted that this was not a "routine transaction," but he said the agreement was approved by the Canadian government and was carefully monitored.

The undertaking, named "Operation McCall" by Pentagon officials, was in the planning stages for months and was completed Saturday after the material had been in transit for weeks, according to Whitman.
And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?
Libby didn't out anyone. He certainly wasn't convicted of outing anyone. Valerie Plame was a partisan trying to undermine president Bush. She's not a victim.

She was a CIA agent. And Bush lied about the yellowcake (and she knew it) so if anyone tried to undermine Bush, Bush did.


So amazing that you can see the logic here, but you can't see the logic with Hillary being Hillary's own problem when Wikileaks revealed what a criminal she was. . .

SO interesting.

The Bush family and Clinton family are two peas in a pod, yet you just don't see yet.

You can sit there and explain to a partisan their partisan blinders, yet you cannot see your own?

Illegal invasions are war crimes. Those in government voting to commit such a crime are criminals. Some of us will not vote for voracious, contemptible, inhuman persons disguised as entrepreneurs, nor for war criminals. Unfortunately for us, America's incapacity for anything other than dualistic thinking leaves no room for other than the two party dictatorship. We vote for third parties out of despair and a desire to participate in the democratic process even if futilely.
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And why is this a "good" thing, McRacist?

Outing your own country's agents is held in high esteem out there in Stalingrad is it?

How is pardoning a convicted traitor a good thing? Why would anyone brag about that? Even Bush wouldn't pardon him. Apparently Trump admires treason.
Puh leeze. If anyone is a traitor, it's Valarie Plame , who was stabbing her president in the back. It's difficult to believe how stupid snowflakes are.

It is, but you keep demonstrating it for us, Jellyface.

Meanwhile we continue to get no answer from OP McRacist. But then we didn't expect one, did we.
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