Woo Flu, Continued

Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 24 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?
Good Lord, you have dementia like Biden?

View attachment 313965
Yay for you! You spotted a typo. Have a fuckin' cookie you moron.

Now, have someone read it to you again, 'cause the typo is already fixed.
Typo? Liar. I said 14 days and you bitched back it’s 14 days.
Do you really not understand what I posted?
"Woo Flu", I LIKE that nomenclature. But I'm sure, and most likely even on THIS thread, a Leftist WILL say you're racist for posting it.

Pretty sure "Wu" is not a race.

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Wu is obviously a reference to or shortened version of Wuhan, where the virus was concocted and accidentally? unleashed on the public. So, Wu Flu is a very appropriate and correct nomenclature.

Oh I get it now.

Summa these jokes, you have to be a rocket surgeon.
Oops, the OP actually posted Woo Flu! I like Wu Flu better, can I claim that nomenclature? Please.....?

Sure, it's just transliteration anyway. The OP, he don't cotton to those transliterators.

Besides which, "woo flu" would have to mean something about being sick of courting somebody.
Funny! You're correct about "woo"! It could mean GETTING sick as the result of courting somebody, or MAKING someone sick as a result of courting somebody......the possibilities COULD be endless. But I WILL stop HERE.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 14 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?

Dude, You do Not Need any practice.

You're a natural.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 24 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?
Good Lord, you have dementia like Biden?

View attachment 313965
Yay for you! You spotted a typo. Have a fuckin' cookie you moron.

Now, have someone read it to you again, 'cause the typo is already fixed.
Typo? Liar. I said 14 days and you bitched back it’s 14 days.
Do you really not understand what I posted?
NO ONE understands what you post, CC. It's SSDD, the same sh*t, different day. But thank you for the effort.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 14 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?

Dude, You do Not Need any practice.

You're a natural.
How nice for you.

How does he repay you for leaping to his rescue?

Cash? "Personal favors"?
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 24 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?
Good Lord, you have dementia like Biden?

View attachment 313965
Yay for you! You spotted a typo. Have a fuckin' cookie you moron.

Now, have someone read it to you again, 'cause the typo is already fixed.
Typo? Liar. I said 14 days and you bitched back it’s 14 days.
Do you really not understand what I posted?
NO ONE understands what you post, CC. It's SSDD, the same sh*t, different day. But thank you for the effort.
You too?

He must have lots of "personal favors" to give out.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 14 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?

Dude, You do Not Need any practice.

You're a natural.
How nice for you.

How does he repay you for leaping to his rescue?

Cash? "Personal favors"?

I need nothing from anyone.
I asked for nothing from him.

You can fuck right the hell off.

Lying Asshole.
Good Lord, you have dementia like Biden?

View attachment 313965
Yay for you! You spotted a typo. Have a fuckin' cookie you moron.

Now, have someone read it to you again, 'cause the typo is already fixed.
Typo? Liar. I said 14 days and you bitched back it’s 14 days.
Do you really not understand what I posted?
NO ONE understands what you post, CC. It's SSDD, the same sh*t, different day. But thank you for the effort.
You too?

He must have lots of "personal favors" to give out.
I'm just funnin' with you, CC. I DO understand MOST of your posts, loudly and clearly!
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 14 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?

Dude, You do Not Need any practice.

You're a natural.
How nice for you.

How does he repay you for leaping to his rescue?

Cash? "Personal favors"?

I need nothing from anyone.
I asked for nothing from him.

You can fuck right the hell off.

Lying Asshole.
He-he! CC (Creepy Crepitus) is just misunderstood, he's NOT really AS dumb as his posts make him APPEAR to be.....
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 14 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?

Dude, You do Not Need any practice.

You're a natural.
How nice for you.

How does he repay you for leaping to his rescue?

Cash? "Personal favors"?

I need nothing from anyone.
I asked for nothing from him.

You can fuck right the hell off.

Lying Asshole.
Wow, defensive much?
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 14 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?

Dude, You do Not Need any practice.

You're a natural.
How nice for you.

How does he repay you for leaping to his rescue?

Cash? "Personal favors"?

I need nothing from anyone.
I asked for nothing from him.

You can fuck right the hell off.

Lying Asshole.
He-he! CC (Creepy Crepitus) is just misunderstood, he's NOT really AS dumb as his posts make him APPEAR to be.....

Ask me how I know you're new..
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 14 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?

Dude, You do Not Need any practice.

You're a natural.
How nice for you.

How does he repay you for leaping to his rescue?

Cash? "Personal favors"?

I need nothing from anyone.
I asked for nothing from him.

You can fuck right the hell off.

Lying Asshole.
He-he! CC (Creepy Crepitus) is just misunderstood, he's NOT really AS dumb as his posts make him APPEAR to be.....

Ask me how I know you're new..
Well, I'm not THAT new to this site. I joined in early September of last year. I really think CC is actually quite intelligent. He's fantastic at getting conservatives riled up. So there IS a genius in THAT.....I'm re-thinking MANY things now after my recent severe sickness I endured with my onset of diabetes. I was VERY sick and could've easily died, so I have a much greater appreciation of life and have come to realize that politics really isn't that important in the overall scheme of things. I'm not taking personal insults on here seriously anymore, because the ones that insult me tend to be that way with everyone they disagree with. And I'm attempting to really cut down on insults I make towards others. If I do insult, I try to do it with humor, not venom.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 24 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?
Good Lord, you have dementia like Biden?

View attachment 313965

The important thing to note here is that like about a dozen other useless Leftards here best ignored, Creepy likes to just sit around waiting for something said to jump on to try to point out how stupid everyone on the Right is. Not that any of it ever proves their intelligence.

It usually ends up only making themselves look even dumber.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
This thing is so contagious. I heard an interview of a woman in her 40's who just recovered from it. The day before she got sick, she went to lunch with 6 friends. 4 of them also got it. They didn't share plates and no one was coughing. They just breathed at the same table.
Yeah. Like the flu every year.
This is NOT THE FLU, dude

Why cant you understand basic biological fact? Coronavirus <> Influenza!

Your like one of these libs that say there are dozens of different human sexes when there are TWO and ONLY TWO!

Are you impervious to FACT?
"Woo Flu", I LIKE that nomenclature. But I'm sure, and most likely even on THIS thread, a Leftist WILL say you're racist for posting it.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
Son, do you practice being stupid?

Nobody says it takes 24 days to show symptoms. The official information is that it can take from 2 to 14 days.

Do you understand the difference between what I said and what you said, or do you need more instruction?
Good Lord, you have dementia like Biden?

View attachment 313965

The important thing to note here is that like about a dozen other useless Leftards here best ignored, Creepy likes to just sit around waiting for something said to jump on to try to point out how stupid everyone on the Right is. Not that any of it ever proves their intelligence.

It usually ends up only making themselves look even dumber.
But I've finally realized that's part of CC's genius. He wants it to APPEAR to be that he's dumb, but he's not.
Which blows the BS that this takes 14 days to show symptoms.

Testing takes 3 days, which means they were feeling crappy within a few days of being infected. Like the flu.
This thing is so contagious. I heard an interview of a woman in her 40's who just recovered from it. The day before she got sick, she went to lunch with 6 friends. 4 of them also got it. They didn't share plates and no one was coughing. They just breathed at the same table.
Yeah. Like the flu every year.
This is NOT THE FLU, dude

Why cant you understand basic biological fact? Coronavirus <> Influenza!

Your like one of these libs that say there are dozens of different human sexes when there are TWO and ONLY TWO!

Are you impervious to FACT?
I think he KNOWS that, he just wanted to use a word that rhymes with "woo"......like I did with my "Wu Flu" nomenclature for the VIRUS. And I most certainly know it's NOT a flu.
He's fantastic at getting conservatives riled up.
That's why they all.love me so much.
It took me longer than it SHOULD have for me to realize it, but I really DO think you're quite intelligent.
While I'm not exactly an idiot, I don't really think I'm any smarter than average. The main thing is I realized months ago that there was no talking to most of these folks, so I'm just here for the entertainment. Like you, I realize there's no point or reason to getting mad at things said by anonymous people on the internet. So they can't "get my goat" so to speak. That's why I almost always "win". Whatever that means.

Unless I get bored and go do something else instead.

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