Woo ... What a Relief!

Soon to be the new rash of minor/major attacks.
We're swimming with young radicals with instant access to whatever nutbar Iman they want to follow every word of

The critical issue is how to effectively defang the radical Islamists among us who are most likely planning the next attack on Americans as we speak. The family of the Boston Bombers claim to have been concerned by the radical turn the older one took but said nothing to authorities.
We did take action in 1941 when we established internment camps for our Japanese citizens. It is currently popular to decry the infringment of some citizens rights but were American lives saved by that action? The camps were closed in due time, the inhabitant's rights were restored and the Constitution survived. Had I been a Japanese citizen of the US in 1941 I would have understood and cooperated fully. I suspect many if not most did just that.

There were some real Americans who decried FDR's indefensible villainy at the time as well:

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Principled-Politician-Story-Ralph-Carr/dp/1555916546]The Principled Politician: The Story of Ralph Carr: Adam Schrager: 9781555916541: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

A look inside Denver's new Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center: slideshow - Denver Business Journal

Understood and there will be disagreement regardless of what actions we take or fail to take. This isn't about internment camps but rather expedient, probably extrajudicial activities.
There is no way of knowing if the interments saved lives just as there is no way of knowing anything will impede the next attack or the one after that or the one after that but it is far more likely than unlikely that those attacks are being planned as we bang away on our keyboards. Whose kids are the next victims? Yours? Mine? How much are we prepared to endure?
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Going forward or retroactively? Do we restrict all or just Muslims?

Young (impressionable) Muslims would be a good start

Followed shortly thereafter by the spics, the spooks, the gooks, the chinks, ETC...

When we interned German and Japanese Americans during WW2 there was no domino effect. Some civil rights here have been temporarily suspended in the past ... we and our Constitution survived.
America is not evil despite your sentiments to the contrary.
As we speak future attacks on Americans are being planned. Whose kids are the next victims? Yours? Mine?
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(we also interned German Americans) .

Around 11,000 Germans in the US and no actual US citizens of German ancestry, compared to over 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry (out of a much, much smaller demographic) many of whom were in fact US citizens.
I mean, don't try to tell me there's no implied racial component to the tag "young, impressionable Muslim".

Fuck you, Cap.
Your attempt at diversion is predictable and lame.
Diversity is reality for the vast majority of Americans and we are all better off for it.
This is about stopping the next attack and the next attack and the next attack which, if you were to be honest, you would admit is being planned as we speak.
I'm talking about protecting your kids and mine from a recognizable enemy bent on mindless death and destruction.
(we also interned German Americans) .

Around 11,000 Germans in the US and no actual US citizens of German ancestry, compared to over 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry (out of a much, much smaller demographic) many of whom were in fact US citizens.

In case you missed it, it was the Japanese, not the Germans who attacked us while their emissaries were in DC discussing our differences. You still haven't answered the question: did the internment of our Japanese citizens save American lives?
I mean, don't try to tell me there's no implied racial component to the tag "young, impressionable Muslim".

Not implying any-fucking-thing.
I'm saying that young Islamic extremists are our biggest threat to security

At some point reality trumps idealism.
Jesse Jackson was not being racist when he said "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage of my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
(we also interned German Americans) .

Around 11,000 Germans in the US and no actual US citizens of German ancestry, compared to over 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry (out of a much, much smaller demographic) many of whom were in fact US citizens.

In case you missed it, it was the Japanese, not the Germans who attacked us while their emissaries were in DC discussing our differences. You still haven't answered the question: did the internment of our Japanese citizens save American lives?

In case YOU missed it, not one Japanese American was ever convicted of treason or espionage during WWII (the same cannot be said of German Americans and Italian Americans). Instead, Japanese Americans, many who had been thrown in FDR's concentration camps, formed the most decorated unit in US military history. The traitor FDR had sent his own people to the West Coast before his concentration camps were set up, and they concluded that there was no basis for expecting treason from the Japanese American community. It turns out that despite having their rights as Americans completely violated, their loyalty was proven to be unparalleled. So, to answer your question: NO, it manifestly did NOT.

And in case you missed it, the lives of our Japanese American citizens ARE American lives.
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Around 11,000 Germans in the US and no actual US citizens of German ancestry, compared to over 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry (out of a much, much smaller demographic) many of whom were in fact US citizens.

In case you missed it, it was the Japanese, not the Germans who attacked us while their emissaries were in DC discussing our differences. You still haven't answered the question: did the internment of our Japanese citizens save American lives?

In case YOU missed it, not one Japanese American was ever convicted of treason or espionage during WWII (the same cannot be said of German Americans and Italian Americans). Instead, Japanese Americans, many who had been thrown in FDR's concentration camps, formed the most decorated unit in US military history. The traitor FDR had sent his own people to the West Coast before his concentration camps were set up, and they concluded that there was no basis for expecting treason from the Japanese American community. It turns out that despite having their rights as Americans completely violated, their loyalty was proven to be unparalleled. So, to answer your question: NO, it manifestly did NOT.

And in case you missed it, the lives of our Japanese American citizens ARE American lives.

In fact, it is the lives of the Japanese Americans to which I was referring, and FDR was a traitor you say?
Could you post a link to that "fact?"
BTW, do you think that if some Muslim American rights were curtailed as a result of Muslim terror attacks on Americans that they would be loyal to the US?
Young (impressionable) Muslims would be a good start

Followed shortly thereafter by the spics, the spooks, the gooks, the chinks, ETC...

When they become the highest percentage of attacks against American civilians? Yes

I know it's become a bit of a cliché, but the famous Franklin quotation has never rung truer: "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.". Suspending the rights of legal residents on the basis of religion, race, age, sex, or any combination of demographic categories is something that should NEVER be tolerated in a free and open society, and here's a good place for a "period". The fact that this point is now considered debatable is a clear indication of just how far American society has fallen from some of the highest principles on which this country was founded.

On a related note: the younger brother was discovered by a citizen who then notified the police of his whereabouts; the capture was in NO WAY the fruition of the trampled rights of the million or so residents of Boston and its surrounding vicinities.
[...] FDR was a traitor you say?
Could you post a link to that "fact?"

Thanks to the work of Congressman John Moss (author of the Freedom of Information Act), researchers have discovered that the US Government had foreknowledge of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor ...and allowed it to happen.

See Robert Stinnett's [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0743201299/theindepeende-20]Day Of Deceit[/ame], in which treasonous activity on the part of FDR's administration is spelled out in cable after cable of decryptions, and in scores of intercepted messages.
I mean, don't try to tell me there's no implied racial component to the tag "young, impressionable Muslim".

Fuck you, Cap.
Your attempt at diversion is predictable and lame.
Diversity is reality for the vast majority of Americans and we are all better off for it.
This is about stopping the next attack and the next attack and the next attack which, if you were to be honest, you would admit is being planned as we speak.
I'm talking about protecting your kids and mine from a recognizable enemy bent on mindless death and destruction.
Stopped by to see if you needed any help but I see you're handling this ill-bred rabble rather handsomely. Carry on.
[...] FDR was a traitor you say?
Could you post a link to that "fact?"

Thanks to the work of Congressman John Moss (author of the Freedom of Information Act), researchers have discovered that the US Government had foreknowledge of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor ...and allowed it to happen.

See Robert Stinnett's [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0743201299/theindepeende-20]Day Of Deceit[/ame], in which treasonous activity on the part of FDR's administration is spelled out in cable after cable of decryptions, and in scores of intercepted messages.

Not "researchers" but rather Stinnett whose book has been panned by credible sources who make Stinnett sound like a typical CT shill selling t-shirts. BTW, Moss had nothing to do with Stinnett's book and your attempt to connect him tells me you are aware Stinnett's book is CTBS..

As with other such conspiracy books, “Day of Deceit” received reviews in responsible academic journals like Intelligence and National Security that demolished it, citing its nonexistent documentation, misdirection, ignorance, misstatements, wormy insinuations and outright falsehoods. The consensus among intelligence scholars was “pretty much absolute,” CIA senior historian Donald Steury told me in an e-mail. Stinnett “concocted this theory pretty much from whole cloth. Those who have been able to check his alleged sources also are unanimous in their condemnation of his methodology. Basically, the author has made up his sources; when he does not make up the source, he lies about what the source says.”

Dive-bombing FDR - Salon.com
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[...] FDR was a traitor you say?
Could you post a link to that "fact?"

Thanks to the work of Congressman John Moss (author of the Freedom of Information Act), researchers have discovered that the US Government had foreknowledge of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor ...and allowed it to happen.

See Robert Stinnett's [ame=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0743201299/theindepeende-20]Day Of Deceit[/ame], in which treasonous activity on the part of FDR's administration is spelled out in cable after cable of decryptions, and in scores of intercepted messages.

Not "researchers" but rather Stinnett whose book has been panned by credible sources who make Stinnett sound like a typical CT shill selling t-shirts. BTW, Moss had nothing to do with Stinnett's book and your attempt to connect him tells me you are aware Stinnett's book is CTBS..

As with other such conspiracy books, “Day of Deceit” received reviews in responsible academic journals like Intelligence and National Security that demolished it, citing its nonexistent documentation, misdirection, ignorance, misstatements, wormy insinuations and outright falsehoods. The consensus among intelligence scholars was “pretty much absolute,” CIA senior historian Donald Steury told me in an e-mail. Stinnett “concocted this theory pretty much from whole cloth. Those who have been able to check his alleged sources also are unanimous in their condemnation of his methodology. Basically, the author has made up his sources; when he does not make up the source, he lies about what the source says.”

Dive-bombing FDR - Salon.com

You mean to tell me Stinnet's book has been vetted and found wanting by such thoroughly objective publications as Intelligence and National Security?! Color me shocked. :rolleyes:

Here's a site that lists some of the raw evidence (as referred to by Stinnet, Theobald, Willey, ETC.).

Here's another.

Forget about Stinnet's many interviews and other sources, the body of more than 200,000 relevant documents released in the wake of the Freedom of Information Act speaks for itself, and its voice can be heard by anyone with the will to examine the facts on their faces.
Thanks to the work of Congressman John Moss (author of the Freedom of Information Act), researchers have discovered that the US Government had foreknowledge of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor ...and allowed it to happen.

See Robert Stinnett's Day Of Deceit, in which treasonous activity on the part of FDR's administration is spelled out in cable after cable of decryptions, and in scores of intercepted messages.

Not "researchers" but rather Stinnett whose book has been panned by credible sources who make Stinnett sound like a typical CT shill selling t-shirts. BTW, Moss had nothing to do with Stinnett's book and your attempt to connect him tells me you are aware Stinnett's book is CTBS..

As with other such conspiracy books, “Day of Deceit” received reviews in responsible academic journals like Intelligence and National Security that demolished it, citing its nonexistent documentation, misdirection, ignorance, misstatements, wormy insinuations and outright falsehoods. The consensus among intelligence scholars was “pretty much absolute,” CIA senior historian Donald Steury told me in an e-mail. Stinnett “concocted this theory pretty much from whole cloth. Those who have been able to check his alleged sources also are unanimous in their condemnation of his methodology. Basically, the author has made up his sources; when he does not make up the source, he lies about what the source says.”

Dive-bombing FDR - Salon.com

You mean to tell me Stinnet's book has been vetted and found wanting by such thoroughly objective publications as Intelligence and National Security?! Color me shocked. :rolleyes:

Here's a site that lists some of the raw evidence (as referred to by Stinnet, Theobald, Willey, ETC.).

Here's another.

Forget about Stinnet's many interviews and other sources, the body of more than 200,000 relevant documents released in the wake of the Freedom of Information Act speaks for itself, and its voice can be heard by anyone with the will to examine the facts on their faces.
Can you tell me where you got your tin foil hat? It's looks great on you.
Thanks to the work of Congressman John Moss (author of the Freedom of Information Act), researchers have discovered that the US Government had foreknowledge of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor ...and allowed it to happen.

See Robert Stinnett's Day Of Deceit, in which treasonous activity on the part of FDR's administration is spelled out in cable after cable of decryptions, and in scores of intercepted messages.

Not "researchers" but rather Stinnett whose book has been panned by credible sources who make Stinnett sound like a typical CT shill selling t-shirts. BTW, Moss had nothing to do with Stinnett's book and your attempt to connect him tells me you are aware Stinnett's book is CTBS..

As with other such conspiracy books, “Day of Deceit” received reviews in responsible academic journals like Intelligence and National Security that demolished it, citing its nonexistent documentation, misdirection, ignorance, misstatements, wormy insinuations and outright falsehoods. The consensus among intelligence scholars was “pretty much absolute,” CIA senior historian Donald Steury told me in an e-mail. Stinnett “concocted this theory pretty much from whole cloth. Those who have been able to check his alleged sources also are unanimous in their condemnation of his methodology. Basically, the author has made up his sources; when he does not make up the source, he lies about what the source says.”

Dive-bombing FDR - Salon.com

You mean to tell me Stinnet's book has been vetted and found wanting by such thoroughly objective publications as Intelligence and National Security?! Color me shocked. :rolleyes:

Here's a site that lists some of the raw evidence (as referred to by Stinnet, Theobald, Willey, ETC.).

Here's another.

Forget about Stinnet's many interviews and other sources, the body of more than 200,000 relevant documents released in the wake of the Freedom of Information Act speaks for itself, and its voice can be heard by anyone with the will to examine the facts on their faces.

Woo. You mean whatreallyhappened supports Stinnett's conclusions? That alone is enough for any rational person to dismiss them.
The fact that many docs have been released is not proof FDR was a traitor or had foreknowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl which he withheld from Pearl military personel.
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Can you tell me where you got your tin foil hat? It's looks great on you.

You like? :)

It's the re-purposed wrapper of the condom I used on your [censored for the sake of following board rules].

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