Word Censorship


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
I was wondering if we can get a definitive answer in regards to whether or not it is against the rules for a poster to deliberately spell a word or use different characters to circumvent censored words? I was told previously this was not a forum policy after seeing someone else say it was. Later another poster started a thread saying they were told by a mod it was.


Here is a link to a post that is an example of what I am talking about:

Called ANIMALS for a reason. Teen accused of killing classmate~'smiling & laughing’ during attack
I'm watching your thread but I'm curious about this as well. My view of the comment shows the word as "November niner niner Echo Romeo Sierra" while your link shows "XXXXXX"

lol loser is just trying to get a poster banned to make themselves feel better; nothing to see here.
LOL I once wrote a sorta ironic piece on topic. Enjoy.

Life in a Parallel Universe - Well not exactly parallel, in this universe Palin is now Obama, Obama is now Palin.

Scene one: Democratic National Convention, at the podium Barack completing acceptance speech, behind him his family, daughter pregnant next to boyfriend of 17, wife holding latest child, Downs syndrome baby, other members of entourage.

Scene two: Conservative republican bloggers, radio, and TV commentators watching from the privacy of homes and limited access areas.

Voices heard from scene two.

"Typical muggars, ain't got the sense god gave em."
"Yea, pregnant at seventeen ain't anyone ever told them how that happens?"
"Passing the baby around like it was a trophy."
"We're gonna be paying for that baby's care you betcha."
"Another lazy liberal muggar on welfare!"
"Yea, shoulda stopped at four kids - they ain't got no damn sense."
"Ok but how do we relay this to the masses what are the key words?
"We can't say typical black dysfunctional family."
"But we need to repeat, cast doubt, make him a real muggar."
"Yea, we do it like we do with his name, we stress daughter-unmarried-pregnant."
"Yea, and family, mix it in."
"Yea, whenever he goes we mention if she is there."
"yea, is whole family there."
"If she is around we mention boyfriend and pregnant."
"Yea, that's it."
"Anyone know someone from her school who will comment negatively?"
"We'll get on that."
"Yea and stress Palin's children. They're in school, right?"
"Yea, good students, good kids, note that, repeat it."
"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin

Life in a Parallel Universe
I am going to guess it will depend on the Zone you are in. Best bet is to invite all the moderators into private chat and maybe someone that own the site if they are around and get your answer.

Some words that are ban like v.iagra has more to do with the spam filter and other words like the C word that can be spelt with a K and has unt in it depends on the Zone you are in, well that is how I see it.


If someone wrote the C word in the Rubber Room, Flame Zone or Badlands it would most likely not be censor even if it was spelt with a K.

Now if someone did it here, yes it would be because the flame attack was not posted in the correct zone and in this Zone flaming is not tolerated.

Again this is my opinion and I could be incorrect, so go to PM and invite all the mods and admin for discussion and hope they answer...
It isn't what is said here that matters; it is who says it. Rules don't need to be broken to get censored here and breaking rules quite blatantly does not necessarily result in censorship.
lol loser is just trying to get a poster banned to make themselves feel better; nothing to see here.

It's not about getting someone banned. If you don't blatantly break some of the rules, and sometimes do it purposefully even after several warnings, then the person has nothing to worry about.

What this is about is clearing up something I've heard both ways from different people in power. I saw one mod say it was a rule... only to have other mods later tell me that in no way was it EVER a rule. And yet later see someone else post that a mod told them it was. No one has ever cleared it up, but now the post link I provided has been censored, so who knows?
I was wondering if we can get a definitive answer in regards to whether or not it is against the rules for a poster to deliberately spell a word or use different characters to circumvent censored words? I was told previously this was not a forum policy after seeing someone else say it was. Later another poster started a thread saying they were told by a mod it was.


Here is a link to a post that is an example of what I am talking about:

Called ANIMALS for a reason. Teen accused of killing classmate~'smiling & laughing’ during attack

The below following words are subjected to the Forum Censorship Filter, they are outrageous and nobody should have to be subjected to this type of filth, so please do not use ANY of them and you will be okay :smoke:

The words are as follows:

I was wondering if we can get a definitive answer in regards to whether or not it is against the rules for a poster to deliberately spell a word or use different characters to circumvent censored words? I was told previously this was not a forum policy after seeing someone else say it was. Later another poster started a thread saying they were told by a mod it was.


Here is a link to a post that is an example of what I am talking about:

Called ANIMALS for a reason. Teen accused of killing classmate~'smiling & laughing’ during attack

The below following words are subjected to the Forum Censorship Filter, they are outrageous and nobody should have to be subjected to this type of filth, so please do not use ANY of them and you will be okay :smoke:

The words are as follows:

Always informative, Lucy. Thanks.

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