Words from the Champion Liar named trump

He lies because that's what he does.

He lies because he's Fred Trump's son. The apple fell very close to the tree.
Fred taught Donald how to cheat on taxes, lie about everything and discriminate against everybody who isn't a millionaire.
Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric are carrying on that tradition of corruption.
Ivanka sat in front a camera and with a straight face said Trump had nothing to do with getting Jared Kushner top security clearance DESPITE the objections of John Kelly and the FBI.

They are nothing but a crime family.
Oh, my. How many scripts does the DNC furnish on their shill blather lists? It's add-on bs time! :rolleyes:
If it werent for his orangeness, he'd be a perfect president, right?
Sez dudmuck the muck-raker

You put Trump over country.
You put Trump over the Office of President.
You put Trump over party.
You want a dictator.
We see that. You don't have to keep waving it in our faces.
So fuck off.
And another thing....Might want to change out your silly JW avatar. A 1977 interview revealed that Wayne considered himself a white supremacist and would continue to be one until the blacks "took responsibility for themselves". What a pig.
You're an idiot.

Yup and if he wanted to see a REAL liar all he had to do was look at some of the things Barry said while POTUS.

Can't be more dishonest that he was.

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