Words that liberals have attempted to change or alter in last 3 years.

Sure sure meaning of words...

Let's try





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If you could just elaborate a little bit more information, or provide a punch line for the joke. I am not really smart.
AP (Associated Press) is the largest disseminator of news in the US (and the world). It's sometimes said it's "where the news gets the news." They have reporters all over which allows them to cover events that spares local/regional newsrooms needing to do so. They don't require newsrooms or publishers who use them to credit or reference to them. AP is widely used from the New York Times to the local gazette.

They also make a the AP Stylebook, which is a guidebook for all journalists. It is also widely used. AP has evolved to become very Leftist and is a major reason so much news seems from a common politically-narrated script.

Their recent update to transexual reporting, for example, advises journalists to quit referring to a woman who pretends to be a man as transitioning or biologically a female. Hence, men can now get pregnant. The update also to says to stop using the word "biological" altogether when referring to trannies. It also recommends that the nation's journalists not give the normal person's perspective of the trans lifestyle and advises against trying to be balanced or fair. (For real!) They say to adapt trans activists wordplay.

AP created and promoted the "kids in cages" lie during Trump's presidency. The also led the way to capitalizing black and not white. They love saying white cop and black victim when race plays no role in police action shootings to imply its 'another' racist white cop shooting a person for having black skin when it's totally a lie.
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Self defense
Constitutional rights

And my goodness I’m running out of time and space
Thinkers-please add any I might have miss
WTF are you babbling mindlessly about?
People that make claims should be able to support them. That is pretty standard on any forum for the past 20 plus years.
I did a quick search and your own record of backing up your own claims runs at about 15%...So, you have zero room to talk...
WTF are you babbling mindlessly about?
He's pointing out that progressive liberals like yourself have been busy trying feverishly to change the definitions of words primarily so that power can be achieved through demonizing the political opposition....Straight out of Animal Farm....
I did a quick search and your own record of backing up your own claims runs at about 15%...So, you have zero room to talk...

What exactly did you search for? Can you show us the search results to prove you did not just make that up?

How many times did you find someone asking for me to back up a claim that I refused to do so?
What exactly did you search for? Can you show us the search results to prove you did not just make that up?

How many times did you find someone asking for me to back up a claim that I refused to do so?
No, I am not going to play your 'dog chases car' game there, just know that you sir are totally full of shit....Everyone knows it too...
No, I am not going to play your 'dog chases car' game there, just know that you sir are totally full of shit....Everyone knows it too...

So, you just made it up.

Figured, but nice of you to acknowledge it.
So, you just made it up.

Figured, but nice of you to acknowledge it.
What ever you say there chief....Just know that your schtick is laid bare for everyone to see....

You came in here touting that you were a middle of the road guy, that was reasonable to discuss things with. Since you have done little more than base attack of any poster on the right....That makes you a supremely dishonest person at your core...A liar, and a fool....That's your problem, not mine...
What ever you say there chief....Just know that your schtick is laid bare for everyone to see....

You came in here touting that you were a middle of the road guy, that was reasonable to discuss things with. Since you have done little more than base attack of any poster on the right....That makes you a supremely dishonest person at your core...A liar, and a fool....That's your problem, not mine...

What ever you say there chief....Just know that your schtick is laid bare for everyone to see....

You came in here touting that you were a middle of the road guy, that was reasonable to discuss things with. Since you have done little more than base attack of any poster on the right....That makes you a supremely dishonest person at your core...A liar, and a fool....That's your problem, not mine...
I think your bias is making decisions for you again.

And your bias is always being the victim.
Oh, we are so glad that we have such a neutral observer like you.... :laughing0301:
I never claimed that I'm neutral, but GG doesn't just question the right leaning maga fuckups on board.

You're just being a whiny little fascist with hurt feelings.
I never claimed that I'm neutral, but GG doesn't just question the right leaning maga fuckups on board.

You're just being a whiny little fascist with hurt feelings.
You don't even know what a fascist is....lol
You don't even know what a fascist is....lol
You check all the boxes boi.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race
You check all the boxes boi.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race
Ok, give examples...
Ok, give examples...
Far-right example from a post this week referencing a culture political war that your side is wanting. Like "when do we get to use our guns" type of bullshit.

"And there it is, a progressive pushing for war…"

Or this one

"He's pointing out that progressive liberals like yourself have been busy trying feverishly to change the definitions of words primarily so that power can be achieved through demonizing the political opposition....Straight out of Animal Farm...."

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