Words To Die By in Ohio

Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)
Kids are not at risk. Why keep them home?

Yes they are. Children have already died from the virus. Plus they can bring it home to infect everyone there.

12 year old dies of virus
Children die from heart attacks too. Sad but rare. Please stop inciting panic

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