Worker charged with sexually molesting EIGHT caged immigrant children

Go away dumbfuck. Most of this occurred under Trump policies. Guaranteed
It still happened under obama, where is your outrage?
Sexually abused children in cages didn't happen with Obama.

Then you think the OP's link is bullshit? It clearly states under Obama child sexual abuse was allowed to go on, unchecked.
Obama had no sexual abuse policy, so no, it was under Trump's and Jeff Sessions;
Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be...
So you're saying obama let them through?
So, instead of answering to Trump's and Sessions policy, you'd rather hide under the table and ask an unrelated question about Obama. lol! Stay focused coward. You were in the game, but you're beginning to skirt the edges with diversions.
It still happened under obama, where is your outrage?
Sexually abused children in cages didn't happen with Obama.

Then you think the OP's link is bullshit? It clearly states under Obama child sexual abuse was allowed to go on, unchecked.
Obama had no sexual abuse policy, so no, it was under Trump's and Jeff Sessions;
Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be...
So you're saying obama let them through?
So, instead of answering to Trump's and Sessions policy, you'd rather hide under the table and ask an unrelated question about Obama. lol! Stay focused coward. You were in the game, but you're beginning to skirt the edges with diversions.
You do realize those first pictures that were released of the children in cages, was during obama's term?
You have been saying it. Obama wouldn't seperate kids at the border. Geez, you're an idiot.

Trump doesn't separate kids at official border crossings.
The hell he doesn't.

The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border — taking children from their parents, arresting the parents, and taking the kids into custody — sounds almost too cruel to be real. But the separations are, in fact, real, and new data reported by the Associated Press shows just how many children have been separated from their parents.

The Trump administration separated 2,000 kids from their parents in just 6 weeks

Those are people who chose not to cross at an official border crossing.
When people come to an official border crossing, if there is capacity they are processed,
If not they are turned away and told to come back another time.
If they choose instead to attempt entry illegally, they are arrested.
Oh, really? That's the first I've heard a Right-winger say anything about a refugee seeking asylum as anything other than illegal up until your explanation. Before that, they were all illegals according to the Right. Glad to know that the Right knows the difference.

But ha, they still screwed up by committing human rights violations by kidnapping their children then deporting the parents. It doesn't matter whether they were illegally crossing or not. Trump and Sessions countered their illegal acts with one of their own, called kidnapping.
View attachment 208668
You're an idiot.
The cowards who can't address the kidnapping policies of Trump and Sessions by doing a 180 on the subject, not only hide behind this impotent tactic, but label it idiocy as well. The truth is hardly idiotic. It's just hard for you to swallow.
Sexually abused children in cages didn't happen with Obama.

Then you think the OP's link is bullshit? It clearly states under Obama child sexual abuse was allowed to go on, unchecked.
Obama had no sexual abuse policy, so no, it was under Trump's and Jeff Sessions;
Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be...
So you're saying obama let them through?
So, instead of answering to Trump's and Sessions policy, you'd rather hide under the table and ask an unrelated question about Obama. lol! Stay focused coward. You were in the game, but you're beginning to skirt the edges with diversions.
You do realize those first pictures that were released of the children in cages, was during obama's term?
There is a big difference between being quarantined for the protection of the child, versus kidnapping and deporting the parents without the kids.
See, under Trump, this guy will actually be prosecuted....under the democrats, he would get a promotion and protected.....

After all, it was obama who actually gave kids to human traffickers...... the democrats have a soft spot for child molestors, and one day they are going to face the consequences...
Links with proof Obama gave kids to human traffickers, or you are a liar?
You have been saying it. Obama wouldn't seperate kids at the border. Geez, you're an idiot.
Trump is responsible for all that happens in his failed ‘administration’ – that you and other Trump supporters refuse to accept that fact makes you just as reprehensible as Trump and his disastrous policies.

Failed? 4.1 GDP, isis destroyed, unemployment low, record employment for Blacks and Hispanics, Nato likely to actually pay their fair share, putin actually taken on in meaningful ways that obama never did.....

You have an odd definition of failure.... I imagine for you War is Peace too...right?
I know, when Obama claim he destroyed issis. Bengazi happened, and obama had to lie about it, so he wouldn't look foolish. But anyone but liberals knew he was lying from the beginning.
This post is grade A retarded. Learn punctuation and grammar. Go back to school.
Sexually abused children in cages didn't happen with Obama.

Then you think the OP's link is bullshit? It clearly states under Obama child sexual abuse was allowed to go on, unchecked.
Obama had no sexual abuse policy, so no, it was under Trump's and Jeff Sessions;
Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be...
So you're saying obama let them through?
So, instead of answering to Trump's and Sessions policy, you'd rather hide under the table and ask an unrelated question about Obama. lol! Stay focused coward. You were in the game, but you're beginning to skirt the edges with diversions.
You do realize those first pictures that were released of the children in cages, was during obama's term?

Obama separation policy was limited to extremes (parents unfit/felony convictions/etc)

Links with proof Obama gave kids to human traffickers, or you are a liar?
You have been saying it. Obama wouldn't seperate kids at the border. Geez, you're an idiot.
Trump is responsible for all that happens in his failed ‘administration’ – that you and other Trump supporters refuse to accept that fact makes you just as reprehensible as Trump and his disastrous policies.

Failed? 4.1 GDP, isis destroyed, unemployment low, record employment for Blacks and Hispanics, Nato likely to actually pay their fair share, putin actually taken on in meaningful ways that obama never did.....

You have an odd definition of failure.... I imagine for you War is Peace too...right?
I know, when Obama claim he destroyed issis. Bengazi happened, and obama had to lie about it, so he wouldn't look foolish. But anyone but liberals knew he was lying from the beginning.
This post is grade A retarded. Learn punctuation and grammar. Go back to school.
I know, truth hurts.
Then you think the OP's link is bullshit? It clearly states under Obama child sexual abuse was allowed to go on, unchecked.
Obama had no sexual abuse policy, so no, it was under Trump's and Jeff Sessions;
Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be...
So you're saying obama let them through?
So, instead of answering to Trump's and Sessions policy, you'd rather hide under the table and ask an unrelated question about Obama. lol! Stay focused coward. You were in the game, but you're beginning to skirt the edges with diversions.
You do realize those first pictures that were released of the children in cages, was during obama's term?

Obama separation policy was limited to extremes (parents unfit/felony convictions/etc)

What was cowardly about their statement?
Running from the truth, and not dealing with the link I posted.
Running from the truth? In your mind maybe. Just because you post a link, doesn’t mean that Said link is accurate.
"Said link" has never been challenged for its accuracy from any known source that I know of. Therefore, it isn't my mind telling me what the truth is. It's folks like you who are unable to challenge that truth. I have personal friends who have either lived it or have relatives suffering from our takeover to this day. If you feel froggie, try and produce counter evidence to what I presented. Other than that, your argument is worth two shits in a bowl.
It doesn’t support your assertation that the problems there are the Fault of the U.S.
How so? It's pretty self explanatory for me. If another country comes to my country, takes over my politics, government, economy, and resources, that I have to go and flee my own country out of fear for my survival, then who's fault is it?
It doesn’t support your theory that the is is causing you to fear of survival and make you flee. That is your interpretation of events.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:
Provide us with the evidence that this molester is a "Lefty". TIA

Provide a link to your allegation that Trump and his family are profiting from all of this, also provide another link to your allegation in another thread that the Trump family are involved with Child Trafficking.
Per usual - JknowNOTHING and uses meme from nutter site entitled to prove it

Fucking AWESOME!!
Trump doesn't separate kids at official border crossings.
The hell he doesn't.

The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border — taking children from their parents, arresting the parents, and taking the kids into custody — sounds almost too cruel to be real. But the separations are, in fact, real, and new data reported by the Associated Press shows just how many children have been separated from their parents.

The Trump administration separated 2,000 kids from their parents in just 6 weeks

Those are people who chose not to cross at an official border crossing.
When people come to an official border crossing, if there is capacity they are processed,
If not they are turned away and told to come back another time.
If they choose instead to attempt entry illegally, they are arrested.
Oh, really? That's the first I've heard a Right-winger say anything about a refugee seeking asylum as anything other than illegal up until your explanation. Before that, they were all illegals according to the Right. Glad to know that the Right knows the difference.

But ha, they still screwed up by committing human rights violations by kidnapping their children then deporting the parents. It doesn't matter whether they were illegally crossing or not. Trump and Sessions countered their illegal acts with one of their own, called kidnapping.
View attachment 208668
You're an idiot.
The cowards who can't address the kidnapping policies of Trump and Sessions by doing a 180 on the subject, not only hide behind this impotent tactic, but label it idiocy as well. The truth is hardly idiotic. It's just hard for you to swallow.
Not a 180. Just asking that everyone look at the facts.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:

If that was in California and not Arizona then they probably wouldn't even charge this freak, I read that KNOWINGLY transmitting HIV to another person in California is NOT a criminal offence.
Obama had no sexual abuse policy, so no, it was under Trump's and Jeff Sessions;
Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be...
So you're saying obama let them through?
So, instead of answering to Trump's and Sessions policy, you'd rather hide under the table and ask an unrelated question about Obama. lol! Stay focused coward. You were in the game, but you're beginning to skirt the edges with diversions.
You do realize those first pictures that were released of the children in cages, was during obama's term?

Obama separation policy was limited to extremes (parents unfit/felony convictions/etc)

View attachment 208671
"Who cares" pretty much explains everything now doesn't it? It also explains this; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor And the two, are diametrically connected. After this, it's the illegals who are in the right.
Then you think the OP's link is bullshit? It clearly states under Obama child sexual abuse was allowed to go on, unchecked.
Obama had no sexual abuse policy, so no, it was under Trump's and Jeff Sessions;
Sessions says parents, children who enter country illegally could be...
So you're saying obama let them through?
So, instead of answering to Trump's and Sessions policy, you'd rather hide under the table and ask an unrelated question about Obama. lol! Stay focused coward. You were in the game, but you're beginning to skirt the edges with diversions.
You do realize those first pictures that were released of the children in cages, was during obama's term?

Obama separation policy was limited to extremes (parents unfit/felony convictions/etc)

Your original premise was that this was trumps doing. The pictures show that it indeed happened under obama which you categorically denied. The dates in your link show it was under obama which you deny. You are a liar, a coward and ignorant. You have been proven wrong yet your ideology and hatred of trump doesn’t allow you to recognize the truth. You need help. Period. Your posts are nothing but a temper tantrum from a misinformed and irrational mind.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

Parents fault.

No its not the parents fault, its trumps.

Yeah, it is Trump's fault that the law passed under Clinton and enforced under everyone since, including Ohbummer. Dumbass!
The big business of housing immigrant children - CNN

Big money in housing immigrants.

According to recent tax filings, Sanchez received nearly $1.5 million in total compensation in 2016 as CEO of the non-profit he founded more than 30 years ago. His salary nearly doubled from the year before, when he was paid $786,822.

(non profit to boot)

You obviously do not understand what "non-profit" means.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:

"The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case."

The incidents BEGAN in August 2016 when OBAMA was STILL President, so it's NOT Trump's fault, of course to the Trump Derangement Crowd things that happened when Obama was STILL President are Trump's fault :uhoh3:
The big business of housing immigrant children - CNN

Big money in housing immigrants.

According to recent tax filings, Sanchez received nearly $1.5 million in total compensation in 2016 as CEO of the non-profit he founded more than 30 years ago. His salary nearly doubled from the year before, when he was paid $786,822.

(non profit to boot)
Here’s the deal. We Americans should not foot the bill for housing illegal aliens or their children. Wanna stop the profit? Stop the illegals.

Too much big money in it, and well Trump would have no more trump speech would he now. That is all he talks about , illegals. They even deported the spouse of a military man in active duty in the ME.

He married an illegal. Who is the dumbass in this picture?

Oh, BTW, she wasn't deported either. She left because they were going to deport her.
Last edited:
The partisan bullcrap never ends on trying to blame Trump for everything. The personal character of the attacker is the only issue.

Taking advantage of vulnerable situations is what took place here undoubtedly, and Trump didn't cause the vulnerable situations in all of this to begin with..It was those parents and American's who create the illegal draw that did.

Just think about what is probably happening or has since happened to those who have been exploited, abused, and killed due to this idea of open borders without consequences to date. In this situation we were able to catch the abuser, but in the system the Demon-crats support, it is almost impossible to catch these people.

We don't have open boarders but may I suggest Trump allowed many illegals to mosey in so he can have a trump speech. Seems funny all of a sudden don't you think?

You let people room in your house for free?

The word is "BORDERS", dumbass!

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