Worker charged with sexually molesting EIGHT caged immigrant children

"We have been the bad guys"? We still are. Speaking of Fools. Would you care to un fool yourself by denying our involvement with this countries agenda? Copper used to belong to the people until we changed that; Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
There are mixed opinions within this writeup. Milton Friedman awarded him a Nobel prize for economics. Just because the copper belonged to the people doesn’t mean they were prosperous.
And you and Milton Friedman are? Look at the arrogance here. And who's business was this again?

Who did "Milton Friedman award a Nobel prize" to again? I didn't know Friedman was handing out prizes?

There are no "mixed opinions". 3000 people were murdered by an installed dictator by the U.S. Some of the murdered I know. I also know those who fled for their lives to Scandinavian countries because of a U.S. installed murdering thug, who opened the gates for U.S. business in the copper mines, while taking the power out of the people's hands. I know some of those people too, because they were there. No "mixed opinions". just facts!

Thank goodness Allende was ousted. Best thing that could have happened to Chile.
Tell that to the families of the 3000 who were murdered.

I wish Cuba had resisted Communism like Chile did.
Imagine how bad off Chile would be after 45 years of Communism.
Preventing that would have been worth executing 30,000 Commies, instead of just 3,000.

Damn Commie a-holes.
First off, Chile never pushed for Communism in the beginning. It was a socialist country, where the people owned the wealth of the country like copper and water. Did you know that the water in Chile is privatized? Do you understand what that means? It means, that if you are a poor soul in the valleys where the Avacado growers have control of the rivers, that are completely dried up from irrigation, that the people are literally starving for water. How did all that start? Through Pinochet, by selling everything through privatization.

You ask how bad it would have been? It's bad for the poor people who live in these valleys right now. They have to drink contaminated water.Avocado mania continues to suck Chile dry

This is the result of our Geo-political takeovers.

And by the way, Chile was never fighting Communism. It was U.S. intervention that the people were fighting.

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people? Who the hell are you?

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder, and instead get the truth from the unclassified documents on how we the U.S. destroyed the lives of so many, and how that destruction is still ongoing; CIA Activities in Chile — Central Intelligence Agency
That's funny I cited a study that showed they were. I'm leaning towards an actual social worker with 24 years of experience working with sexually abused boys.

But that still doesn't change the fact that Obama held children in cages until they could be molested by HOMOSEXUAL men. Such as himself. With his he-man wife.
Proof Obama is a homosexual?
Lot of books on the subject of USA interfering in the business of other countries. 'Shock Doctine' by Naomi Klein explains our backing a dictator in Chile in the '70s to get rid of a democratically elected leader. Totally unconstitutional of course but hey, we're selective about what parts of the constitution are still valid, right?
Where? Cite it for me please.

Hitler was elected.
You aren't familiar with the Chicago boys, Milton Friedman, Henry Kissinger, and Nixon? They are all connected as they brought Chile to its knees with a coupe of the president and put in a murdering dictator Pinochet, who murdered 3000 of its own people. Milestones: 1969–1976 - Office of the Historian And what was in it for us? "Copper"! Copper used to belong to the people until we interfered. Chile hasn't been the same since.

Fuck Allende and all the Commies that were rightfully killed.
There were no commies. You are an ignoramus.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

Sounds like it took place, in part, on Obama’s watch. Lets wait for the facts.

Agree - it appears to be equally on Obama's and Trump's watch. However, since Obama engaged in family separations only in unfit parent with felony conviction circumstances, there were far fewer kids in these facilities to diddle. After Donald's policy caged 3500+ additional babies. The chaos in these places due to the sheer numbers would leave me to believe that the lion's share of these circumstances occurred more recently.
Except your original post doesn't support what you just wrote.
There are mixed opinions within this writeup. Milton Friedman awarded him a Nobel prize for economics. Just because the copper belonged to the people doesn’t mean they were prosperous.
And you and Milton Friedman are? Look at the arrogance here. And who's business was this again?

Who did "Milton Friedman award a Nobel prize" to again? I didn't know Friedman was handing out prizes?

There are no "mixed opinions". 3000 people were murdered by an installed dictator by the U.S. Some of the murdered I know. I also know those who fled for their lives to Scandinavian countries because of a U.S. installed murdering thug, who opened the gates for U.S. business in the copper mines, while taking the power out of the people's hands. I know some of those people too, because they were there. No "mixed opinions". just facts!

Thank goodness Allende was ousted. Best thing that could have happened to Chile.
Tell that to the families of the 3000 who were murdered.

I wish Cuba had resisted Communism like Chile did.
Imagine how bad off Chile would be after 45 years of Communism.
Preventing that would have been worth executing 30,000 Commies, instead of just 3,000.

Damn Commie a-holes.
First off, Chile never pushed for Communism in the beginning. It was a socialist country, where the people owned the wealth of the country like copper and water. Did you know that the water in Chile is privatized? Do you understand what that means? It means, that if you are a poor soul in the valleys where the Avacado growers have control of the rivers, that are completely dried up from irrigation, that the people are literally starving for water. How did all that start? Through Pinochet, by selling everything through privatization.

You ask how bad it would have been? It's bad for the poor people who live in these valleys right now. They have to drink contaminated water.Avocado mania continues to suck Chile dry

This is the result of our Geo-political takeovers.

And by the way, Chile was never fighting Communism. It was U.S. intervention that the people were fighting.

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people? Who the hell are you?

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder, and instead get the truth from the unclassified documents on how we the U.S. destroyed the lives of so many, and how that destruction is still ongoing; CIA Activities in Chile — Central Intelligence Agency

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people?

If I could go back to 1960 and execute the Castros and 30,000 of their supporters to save Cuba from 60 years of Commie rule, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder,

Working toward our glorious socialist future only means necessary murder, eh comrade?
And you and Milton Friedman are? Look at the arrogance here. And who's business was this again?

Who did "Milton Friedman award a Nobel prize" to again? I didn't know Friedman was handing out prizes?

There are no "mixed opinions". 3000 people were murdered by an installed dictator by the U.S. Some of the murdered I know. I also know those who fled for their lives to Scandinavian countries because of a U.S. installed murdering thug, who opened the gates for U.S. business in the copper mines, while taking the power out of the people's hands. I know some of those people too, because they were there. No "mixed opinions". just facts!

Thank goodness Allende was ousted. Best thing that could have happened to Chile.
Tell that to the families of the 3000 who were murdered.

I wish Cuba had resisted Communism like Chile did.
Imagine how bad off Chile would be after 45 years of Communism.
Preventing that would have been worth executing 30,000 Commies, instead of just 3,000.

Damn Commie a-holes.
First off, Chile never pushed for Communism in the beginning. It was a socialist country, where the people owned the wealth of the country like copper and water. Did you know that the water in Chile is privatized? Do you understand what that means? It means, that if you are a poor soul in the valleys where the Avacado growers have control of the rivers, that are completely dried up from irrigation, that the people are literally starving for water. How did all that start? Through Pinochet, by selling everything through privatization.

You ask how bad it would have been? It's bad for the poor people who live in these valleys right now. They have to drink contaminated water.Avocado mania continues to suck Chile dry

This is the result of our Geo-political takeovers.

And by the way, Chile was never fighting Communism. It was U.S. intervention that the people were fighting.

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people? Who the hell are you?

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder, and instead get the truth from the unclassified documents on how we the U.S. destroyed the lives of so many, and how that destruction is still ongoing; CIA Activities in Chile — Central Intelligence Agency

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people?

If I could go back to 1960 and execute the Castros and 30,000 of their supporters to save Cuba from 60 years of Commie rule, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder,

Working toward our glorious socialist future only means necessary murder, eh comrade?
Ha, nothing like a guy who promotes murder right here on a public forum. Damn if you aren't one stupid, hateful, monster for sure. I was told there were folks like you around. They were right.
Thank goodness Allende was ousted. Best thing that could have happened to Chile.
Tell that to the families of the 3000 who were murdered.

I wish Cuba had resisted Communism like Chile did.
Imagine how bad off Chile would be after 45 years of Communism.
Preventing that would have been worth executing 30,000 Commies, instead of just 3,000.

Damn Commie a-holes.
First off, Chile never pushed for Communism in the beginning. It was a socialist country, where the people owned the wealth of the country like copper and water. Did you know that the water in Chile is privatized? Do you understand what that means? It means, that if you are a poor soul in the valleys where the Avacado growers have control of the rivers, that are completely dried up from irrigation, that the people are literally starving for water. How did all that start? Through Pinochet, by selling everything through privatization.

You ask how bad it would have been? It's bad for the poor people who live in these valleys right now. They have to drink contaminated water.Avocado mania continues to suck Chile dry

This is the result of our Geo-political takeovers.

And by the way, Chile was never fighting Communism. It was U.S. intervention that the people were fighting.

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people? Who the hell are you?

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder, and instead get the truth from the unclassified documents on how we the U.S. destroyed the lives of so many, and how that destruction is still ongoing; CIA Activities in Chile — Central Intelligence Agency

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people?

If I could go back to 1960 and execute the Castros and 30,000 of their supporters to save Cuba from 60 years of Commie rule, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder,

Working toward our glorious socialist future only means necessary murder, eh comrade?
Ha, nothing like a guy who promotes murder right here on a public forum. Damn if you aren't one stupid, hateful, monster for sure. I was told there were folks like you around. They were right.

Yup, murder them Commies.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

Parents fault.

No its not the parents fault, its trumps.

Nah, law has been on the books for quite some time kid.
Thank goodness Allende was ousted. Best thing that could have happened to Chile.
Tell that to the families of the 3000 who were murdered.

I wish Cuba had resisted Communism like Chile did.
Imagine how bad off Chile would be after 45 years of Communism.
Preventing that would have been worth executing 30,000 Commies, instead of just 3,000.

Damn Commie a-holes.
First off, Chile never pushed for Communism in the beginning. It was a socialist country, where the people owned the wealth of the country like copper and water. Did you know that the water in Chile is privatized? Do you understand what that means? It means, that if you are a poor soul in the valleys where the Avacado growers have control of the rivers, that are completely dried up from irrigation, that the people are literally starving for water. How did all that start? Through Pinochet, by selling everything through privatization.

You ask how bad it would have been? It's bad for the poor people who live in these valleys right now. They have to drink contaminated water.Avocado mania continues to suck Chile dry

This is the result of our Geo-political takeovers.

And by the way, Chile was never fighting Communism. It was U.S. intervention that the people were fighting.

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people? Who the hell are you?

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder, and instead get the truth from the unclassified documents on how we the U.S. destroyed the lives of so many, and how that destruction is still ongoing; CIA Activities in Chile — Central Intelligence Agency

And another thing, what kind of monster like yourself, would consider executing 30,000 people?

If I could go back to 1960 and execute the Castros and 30,000 of their supporters to save Cuba from 60 years of Commie rule, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Stop being a supporter of unnecessary murder,

Working toward our glorious socialist future only means necessary murder, eh comrade?
Ha, nothing like a guy who promotes murder right here on a public forum. Damn if you aren't one stupid, hateful, monster for sure. I was told there were folks like you around. They were right.
Who’s the illegal in your family?
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica
Pvt company hired by the Government to care for the wetbacks, so fault is the Government contract from years ago being put in charge.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

Sounds like it took place, in part, on Obama’s watch. Lets wait for the facts.

This happened over the last 5 years.... Trump has been in office 1 year, 197 in part is not true, almost entirely on obama's watch is the truth, and given that it takes several months to get a handle on where the government is at for the new is almost entirely on obama's watch..

August 2016 to July 2017 is 5 years?
Go back to bed ;)

Dipshit.....I quoted your link, the calls to the police go back 5 years you asshat...... that is all the complaints, not just this guy.....
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

Sounds like it took place, in part, on Obama’s watch. Lets wait for the facts.

This happened over the last 5 years.... Trump has been in office 1 year, 197 in part is not true, almost entirely on obama's watch is the truth, and given that it takes several months to get a handle on where the government is at for the new is almost entirely on obama's watch..

August 2016 to July 2017 is 5 years?
Go back to bed ;)

Hey...dumb ass...again, from your link...

Trump in office 1 year, 198 days.....

At other Southwest Key facilities, police reports and call logs from the last five years detail inappropriate relationships with staff, dozens of runaways, sexual contact among kids at the shelters and other allegations of molestation by employees. In one case, ProPublica found, a 46-year-old youth care worker in Tucson was convicted of groping a 15-year-old boy who had just arrived in the United States five days earlier.
That's funny I cited a study that showed they were. I'm leaning towards an actual social worker with 24 years of experience working with sexually abused boys.

But that still doesn't change the fact that Obama held children in cages until they could be molested by HOMOSEXUAL men. Such as himself. With his he-man wife.
Proof Obama is a homosexual?

Obama is gay as fuck.

Leading Texas education board candidate: Obama was gay prostitute, Democrats killed JFK

Obamas to Vacation With Gay Couple James Costos & Michael Smith in the Palm Springs Area



Your article said it happened in august 2016. So you proved that the exact samething was going on under Obama, dumbass. Now lets hear how much an asshole obama is.

NO - my article said the abuse occurred between August 2016 and July 2017
Stop lying please


Go away dumbfuck. Most of this occurred under Trump policies. Guaranteed
It still happened under obama, where is your outrage?
Sexually abused children in cages didn't happen with Obama.
WTP does not deserve to have her views read. This is proof she is being intellectually dishonest. She goes to my ignore list. I don't have time for this nonsense. They don't want to debate honestly.

Obama was Presidemt in Aug 2016. That is fact!
Sicko beaner faggots. Dude should be castrated

Homosexuals are dangerous to society and should be shunned

NO - my article said the abuse occurred between August 2016 and July 2017
Stop lying please


Go away dumbfuck. Most of this occurred under Trump policies. Guaranteed
It still happened under obama, where is your outrage?
Sexually abused children in cages didn't happen with Obama.
WTP does not deserve to have her views read. This is proof she is being intellectually dishonest. She goes to my ignore list. I don't have time for this nonsense. They don't want to debate honestly.

Obama was Presidemt in Aug 2016. That is fact!
Oh look everyone. A coward who couldn't prove Obama had sexually abused children in cages.
That's funny I cited a study that showed they were. I'm leaning towards an actual social worker with 24 years of experience working with sexually abused boys.

But that still doesn't change the fact that Obama held children in cages until they could be molested by HOMOSEXUAL men. Such as himself. With his he-man wife.
Proof Obama is a homosexual?

Obama is gay as fuck.

Leading Texas education board candidate: Obama was gay prostitute, Democrats killed JFK

Obamas to Vacation With Gay Couple James Costos & Michael Smith in the Palm Springs Area



Wow, what a liar.

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