Working at 76: Inflation forces hard choice for older adults

So if they are making it work, I COMMEND them for retiring. A few people retiring had zero to do with problems we have. To heck with their employers.

Not all of them retired. Out of the US labor force of about 163 million, over 47 million had left their jobs by the end of 2021. That's an almost 30% loss of in the labor force, which is in no ways "a few people."

20 Stunning Great Resignation Statistics [2022]: Why Are Americans Leaving Their Jobs? – Zippia

And what we're left with today seems to be the most unqualified, unenthusiastic, and incompetent folks the labor pool has to offer. There are still shortages and supply-line disruptions, and quality-control issues, while those who are working are having to work harder to keep up with everything. Morale is low among employees and even though they have jobs, they're struggling just as hard as everyone else to make ends meet.

Welcome to Joe Biden's America. We are not back to "normal", and there's a strong possibility that we never will be.
Lose everything, just biden voters?
How are trump voters doing better than biden voters?

Pandemics happen,
they achieve undesirable outcomes,
Pandemic was global,
some Countries and their leaders handled it better than others.

Before I retired, I made sure I would make MORE money in retirement than while working. I planned. I'm NOT suffering. I wish I was spending less, but proper PLANNING keeps me away from "Losing Everything"

Notice how these POS leftist never talk about the effects their policies are having on the poor anymore. They boast about how well that are doing. More proof they care about the votes of the poor and that’s it.
Not all of them retired. Out of the US labor force of about 163 million, over 47 million had left their jobs by the end of 2021. That's an almost 30% loss of in the labor force, which is in no ways "a few people."

20 Stunning Great Resignation Statistics [2022]: Why Are Americans Leaving Their Jobs? – Zippia

And what we're left with today seems to be the most unqualified, unenthusiastic, and incompetent folks the labor pool has to offer. There are still shortages and supply-line disruptions, and quality-control issues, while those who are working are having to work harder to keep up with everything. Morale is low among employees and even though they have jobs, they're struggling just as hard as everyone else to make ends meet.

Welcome to Joe Biden's America. We are not back to "normal", and there's a strong possibility that we never will be.

Decades ago it took only 4 years to build the Golden Gate Bridge!

Today, I doubt the permits would be cleared in 4 years to even build it!!
I get the message but college grads who opt to become teachers and retired to relocate to the South West pretty much have a good retirement system and ample insurance so I guess the story is B.S.
Not all of them retired. Out of the US labor force of about 163 million, over 47 million had left their jobs by the end of 2021. That's an almost 30% loss of in the labor force, which is in no ways "a few people."

20 Stunning Great Resignation Statistics [2022]: Why Are Americans Leaving Their Jobs? – Zippia

And what we're left with today seems to be the most unqualified, unenthusiastic, and incompetent folks the labor pool has to offer. There are still shortages and supply-line disruptions, and quality-control issues, while those who are working are having to work harder to keep up with everything. Morale is low among employees and even though they have jobs, they're struggling just as hard as everyone else to make ends meet.

Welcome to Joe Biden's America. We are not back to "normal", and there's a strong possibility that we never will be.
Well that's the way it goes. No retired person is going back to work to help the country. It's only a means to a paycheck. If a company can't find good workers then that's on the company. Do something to attract them.
Decades ago it took only 4 years to build the Golden Gate Bridge!

Today, I doubt the permits would be cleared in 4 years to even build it!!

Hell, the last gasoline refinery that had a significant downstream unit capacity was built 45 years ago.
This is what happens when too many people vote against their own country....
Well that's the way it goes. No retired person is going back to work to help the country. It's only a means to a paycheck. If a company can't find good workers then that's on the company. Do something to attract them.
Or what about a policy that cuts off welfare benefits to everyone who refuses to take a job? There is no excuse for people in their 20s and 30s, without even a part-time job, getting food stamps and Medicaid.

Tell someone that they will not be getting a thousand dollars or more of OTHER PEOPLE’s money, who are working and paying taxes, so that they don’t have to have any job whatsoever.
Yes, border crossings is on Biden, even though it has constantly been a problem for DECADES, but YES, biden and Harris could do a much better job.

Inflation, NOT Biden's fault.
Tell us again the policies enacted by biden that have affected inflation.
Or even tell us a policy that biden didn't do that would have curbed this WW inflation.

It's not about the world, it's about us.

When Dementia signed the extra unemployment bill as industry started looking for help, it paid people more to stay home than work. People became conditioned to not working and many never returned after the handouts stopped a year from last September.

Business competing with government for workers is a terrible situation Dementia put us in. Industry had to offer much higher wages to attract what workers were left. All business costs get transferred to we the consumers. But wait! Can these additional labor costs be responsible for the highest inflation in 40 years? Not really. But given Dementia's anti-energy stance, businesses also have to suffer increased utility costs. Industries that have to heat large buildings or use a lot of electricity to manufacture their products also seen costs double there as well. That's not so bad, is it? But wait! What about increased transportation costs? Diesel fuel is still the highest price ever in the US and those trucks get around 6mph to the gallon. They pass on their losses to their customers.

Inflation is the definition of products costing more than they used to. So how are Dementia's polices responsible?

* Higher labor costs which he initiated.
* Higher utility costs which was his fault.
* Higher utility costs which always follows the price of other fuels.

Add them all together, it's no wonder we had 8% inflation. It's a little lower now because the price of gasoline dropped with the looming recession on it's way, but still the highest in 40 years.
Look, I know most of you Trump supporters are living off your disability check, and I can empathize with retirees living on Social Security, but both groups are getting ready to get the biggest COLA in more than forty years. But I honestly believe you guys are not seeing the big picture here. I am making more money now than at any point in my life. I filled my gas tank up at $2.47 a gallon today. I am looking to get a new TV, they are dirt damn cheap. And groceries, learn to shop the specials, clip coupons, go to Dollar General and hold them accountable to posted prices.

Great post. It really explains leftists solutions to the problems they create: clip coupons and buy less quality products. Gee, thanks for the advice. But you forgot installing the lowest wattage bulbs in your house, put more water in the soup, and walk around your house this year with a parka and gloves.
Great post. It really explains leftists solutions to the problems they create: clip coupons and buy less quality products. Gee, thanks for the advice. But you forgot installing the lowest wattage bulbs in your house, put more water in the soup, and walk around your house this year with a parka and gloves.
The other thing is that the poster you replied to - Winston - made a derogatory comment about people collecting disability checks.

This is the same poster who bragged he had an MBA, but refused to get a job so that he could collect welfare to raise his six (6!!) kids.

Just another hypocritical leftist. Educated and qualified for a high-paying job, but chooses to collect welfare instead - while condemning disabled people for collecting disability.
But Trump voters are losing everything as well, and we didn’t vote for this disaster.

Good thing I did not vote for either and am not in danger of losing a damn thing.

Y'all people need to quit relying so much on the Govt and work to better your situation.
Good thing I did not vote for either and am not in danger of losing a damn thing.

Y'all people need to quit relying so much on the Govt and work to better your situation.

My IRA investments are with a very reputable and successful investment company and I lost money thanks to Biden like tens of millions of Americans. So tell me, what great secret do you know about investments that they don't?
The other thing is that the poster you replied to - Winston - made a derogatory comment about people collecting disability checks.

This is the same poster who bragged he had an MBA, but refused to get a job so that he could collect welfare to raise his six (6!!) kids.

Just another hypocritical leftist. Educated and qualified for a high-paying job, but chooses to collect welfare instead - while condemning disabled people for collecting disability.

What he doesn't know about disability/ Social Security is this raise we're supposed to get doesn't even cover the increased price of groceries yet alone gas and utilities.
My IRA investments are with a very reputable and successful investment company and I lost money thanks to Biden like tens of millions of Americans. So tell me, what great secret do you know about investments that they don't?

I do not need my 401k right now and will not for at least a decade. So while its value has dropped it has been able to buy far more shares than it normally would have and in the long run we will be better off.

It is all about the long game.
I do not need my 401k right now and will not for at least a decade. So while its value has dropped it has been able to buy far more shares than it normally would have and in the long run we will be better off.

It is all about the long game.

Sure, if you're in that position. I would feel the same way if I were younger and had another ten years or more to work. Did you ever hear of the Baby Boom? Yes, a lot of people my age are retiring and were depending on that IRA to give them a comfortable retirement like my sister. She wanted to retire November of next year. But if things don't get better soon (which is not likely with a recession coming) then she's screwed because she'll never reclaim all the money she lost plus the profit she should have gained all this time that she was counting on.
Sure, if you're in that position. I would feel the same way if I were younger and had another ten years or more to work. Did you ever hear of the Baby Boom? Yes, a lot of people my age are retiring and were depending on that IRA to give them a comfortable retirement like my sister. She wanted to retire November of next year. But if things don't get better soon (which is not likely with a recession coming) then she's screwed because she'll never reclaim all the money she lost plus the profit she should have gained all this time that she was counting on.

As one gets closer to retirement they should move things out of the volatile stock market and into more secure positions.

My MIL recently passed and my wife got 1/5 of what was left in her IRA. After we transferred it to our Financial Advisor we pretty much moved all the money out of what it was in due to it being in low yield, very secure positions. They were great for someone retired and living off of it, not so much for us.

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