Working For Welfare


Jun 17, 2016
When I used to be on welfare, one of the punishments they would give out was to have people work for welfare. I did. It is far easier to do if you have a car for transportation, I assure you. But if you could afford to own a car, you wouldn't be on welfare. Another thing I can assure you of is that welfare only gave you the bare minimum to survive on. But despite that, you had to stretch your meager resources by working to do things like clean more often and make lunches. And then, the work that I did was work that the city was already paying employees good money to do. Having welfare people work at one place gave many of the city employees making a good salary the opportunity to earn it by sitting around and play cards.

There were all sorts of horror stories I could tell you about my experiences on welfare. If the government cut out all of the bullshit bureaucracy involved in paying people good salaries to force welfare people off welfare, they probably could have saved half the cost of the program right there. I may not be on welfare anymore. But I sure feel sorry for those who should be. Because I was there.
When I used to be on welfare, one of the punishments they would give out was to have people work for welfare. I did. It is far easier to do if you have a car for transportation, I assure you. But if you could afford to own a car, you wouldn't be on welfare. Another thing I can assure you of is that welfare only gave you the bare minimum to survive on. But despite that, you had to stretch your meager resources by working to do things like clean more often and make lunches. And then, the work that I did was work that the city was already paying employees good money to do. Having welfare people work at one place gave many of the city employees making a good salary the opportunity to earn it by sitting around and play cards.

There were all sorts of horror stories I could tell you about my experiences on welfare. If the government cut out all of the bullshit bureaucracy involved in paying people good salaries to force welfare people off welfare, they probably could have saved half the cost of the program right there. I may not be on welfare anymore. But I sure feel sorry for those who should be. Because I was there.

When I exited the military many years ago I went to Oregon via hitchhiking there, and when I got there I was low on funds and was sent to this shelter for me to get a night of sleep and the next day I was told to sign up for food stamps, so I went out the next day and got a job instead.

I walked into a employment service company and the following day I was working for a electronic manufacturing and in a few weeks had a place of my own and never looked back.

United Way was the sponsor of the shelter and I donated for years to them afterwards.

So sometimes some people don't need welfare but just a step up in life and at the time I did not have any transport except the Bike I got from a dumpster that I fixed.
When I used to be on welfare, one of the punishments they would give out was to have people work for welfare. I did. It is far easier to do if you have a car for transportation, I assure you. But if you could afford to own a car, you wouldn't be on welfare. Another thing I can assure you of is that welfare only gave you the bare minimum to survive on. But despite that, you had to stretch your meager resources by working to do things like clean more often and make lunches. And then, the work that I did was work that the city was already paying employees good money to do. Having welfare people work at one place gave many of the city employees making a good salary the opportunity to earn it by sitting around and play cards.

There were all sorts of horror stories I could tell you about my experiences on welfare. If the government cut out all of the bullshit bureaucracy involved in paying people good salaries to force welfare people off welfare, they probably could have saved half the cost of the program right there. I may not be on welfare anymore. But I sure feel sorry for those who should be. Because I was there.

When I exited the military many years ago I went to Oregon via hitchhiking there, and when I got there I was low on funds and was sent to this shelter for me to get a night of sleep and the next day I was told to sign up for food stamps, so I went out the next day and got a job instead.

I walked into a employment service company and the following day I was working for a electronic manufacturing and in a few weeks had a place of my own and never looked back.

United Way was the sponsor of the shelter and I donated for years to them afterwards.

So sometimes some people don't need welfare but just a step up in life and at the time I did not have any transport except the Bike I got from a dumpster that I fixed.

I didn't tell you lies. Why are you lying to me. Let me guess. When you were a child you sometimes had to walk through snow up to your knees for miles to get to school. Which happened to be uphill both ways.
When I used to be on welfare, one of the punishments they would give out was to have people work for welfare. I did. It is far easier to do if you have a car for transportation, I assure you. But if you could afford to own a car, you wouldn't be on welfare. Another thing I can assure you of is that welfare only gave you the bare minimum to survive on. But despite that, you had to stretch your meager resources by working to do things like clean more often and make lunches. And then, the work that I did was work that the city was already paying employees good money to do. Having welfare people work at one place gave many of the city employees making a good salary the opportunity to earn it by sitting around and play cards.

There were all sorts of horror stories I could tell you about my experiences on welfare. If the government cut out all of the bullshit bureaucracy involved in paying people good salaries to force welfare people off welfare, they probably could have saved half the cost of the program right there. I may not be on welfare anymore. But I sure feel sorry for those who should be. Because I was there.
try working while on welfare.. that can get a little difficult.. there is a saying.. Once your in the 'system' it's very hard to get out...
The quicker someone gets out of the system, the better chances of being a free man eventually....
When the new migrants come in without knowing how to speak English, they will be put into the 'system' until they can be self maintaining with gainful employment...
Some of the crap posted here is just, well, I dunno....
otherwise, without them receiving welfare assistance, homeless shelters and the such would need to make room for them. Whether they 'like' the living conditions or not and how they respond to having nothing to do all day is up to them and the people around them, I guess.
unless, of course, special provisions have already been set up for their living arrangements..
When the new migrants come in without knowing how to speak English, they will be put into the 'system' until they can be self maintaining with gainful employment...
and as usually ALWAYS the case, within a bunch there are rottens...
you know... you really can't say that you can understand a person's way of living if you've never lived in their shoes in their lands with their supplies. Sometimes people do not 'react' as expected when good things are offered them. And if the giver of good is taken aback by any reception of 'rudeness' it could lead the other to be taken aback as well. And then without proper language, communicating would be almost impossible which would lead only to thoughtful premises and assumptions. And this leads to living among each other with trepidation.
To expect someone to receive your hospitality with thankfulness could lead to many pitfalls if your expectations are not met.
how would you feel if you were a migrant into a foreign speaking land only to hear gun shots at night down the street from where you have been placed?? And then seeing the ambulances running to the place?? What would you do? You can't re-locate..

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