Working to cope with climate change

OK. People that have committed scientific fraud in peer reviewed journals have that fraud exposed in the same journals by other scientists.

Bullshit. The "journals" don't publish studies that examine flaws in AGW dogma. Don't you remember Climategate? This was one of many exposed frauds, that "peer reviewed" journals were openly suppressing any studies that found flaws in AGW - and that heretics were openly denied publication in a direct assault on their professional and academic standing.

Further, these "peer reviewed" journals that we are supposed to trust, openly covered for the fraud of Rajendra Pachauri, only pressure from Anthony Watts forced the IPCC and THEN the American Journal of Science to admit that the Himalayan glacier melt was a complete fabrication.

The truth is, as you well know, science has no place in climatology. Psychologists have more accurate and dependable methodology. Hell, astrologists do as well.

So, give us the articles, the journals they were published in, by whom written, and the dates.

Otherwise, be exposed for the big mouthed brainless yap-yap you are.

Already did, yapper.
SUMMIT COUNTY — Glaciers in the Himalaya are not shrinking as fast as once predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Some glaciers in the Karakoram Range have grown slightly in the past decade, according to a team of European researchers who recently completed one of the most detailed surveys of the region to-date.

Haven't "shrunk as fast?"

Uh no, they've fucking GROWN...


Open fraud, but you still believe - your faith is strong.
Sorry, lost a couple of lengthy responses in progress and have already spent my personally alotted time for such play each day, I'll start over on pg 14 tomorrow and see if I can catch up.
(apologies - work calls interrupted play and contributed to distractive loss of posts) I'm going to skim quickly through rest of watched threads and I'll see you all tomorrow.
Sorry, lost a couple of lengthy responses in progress and have already spent my personally alotted time for such play each day, I'll start over on pg 14 tomorrow and see if I can catch up.
(apologies - work calls interrupted play and contributed to distractive loss of posts) I'm going to skim quickly through rest of watched threads and I'll see you all tomorrow.

No fair PREPARING for a response.. Nobody else here does. You're not taking this shit seriously are you?
SUMMIT COUNTY — Glaciers in the Himalaya are not shrinking as fast as once predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Some glaciers in the Karakoram Range have grown slightly in the past decade, according to a team of European researchers who recently completed one of the most detailed surveys of the region to-date.

Haven't "shrunk as fast?"

Uh no, they've fucking GROWN...


Open fraud, but you still believe - your faith is strong.

USGS Release: Glaciers Retreating in Asia (8/25/2010 10:33:00 AM)

Many of Asia’s glaciers are retreating as a result of climate change.

This retreat impacts water supplies to millions of people, increases the likelihood of outburst floods that threaten life and property in nearby areas, and contributes to sea-level rise.

The U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with 39 international scientists, published a report on the status of glaciers throughout all of Asia, including Russia, China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan.

“Of particular interest are the Himalaya, where glacier behavior impacts the quality of life of tens of millions of people,” said USGS scientist Jane Ferrigno. “Glaciers in the Himalaya are a major source of fresh water and supply meltwater to all of the rivers in northern India.”

As glaciers become smaller, water runoff decreases, which is especially important during the dry season when other water sources are limited. Climate change also brings warmer temperatures and earlier water runoff from glaciers, and this combined with spring and summer rains can result in flood conditions. The overall glacier retreat and additional melt can increase the amount of water dammed in the vicinity of a glacier, and the added pressure enhances the likelihood of disastrous outburst flooding.

While most glaciers in Asia are in recession, some glaciers have been found to advance. Some of the advancing glaciers are surge-type glaciers, which move forward more rapidly than average in a short period of time. The reason for this is being studied by glaciologists, and is likely due to unique and local condition

Glacier studies in each area started at different times depending on accessibility of glaciers and scientific interest. For example, the earliest description of glaciers in China was in 630 A.D., while studies in the Caucasus area of Russia began in the mid 1800s and modern studies in Nepal started in the 1950s.

The time period for retreat also differs among each glacier. In Bhutan, 66 glaciers have decreased 8.1 percent over the last 30 years. Rapid changes in the Himalaya is shown in India by the 12 percent retreat of Chhota Shigri Glacier during the last 13 years, as well as retreat of the Gangotri Glacier since 1780, with 12 percent shrinkage of the main stem in the last 16 years.

Glaciers in Russia and in the four republics once part of the Former Soviet Union have the largest area of glaciers in Asia, covering 30,478 square miles, which is about the size of South Carolina. The glaciers of China have the second largest area of glaciers in Asia, covering 22,944 square miles, which is about twice the size of Massachusetts. In Afghanistan, the more than 3,000 small mountain glaciers that occur in the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountains provide vital water resources to the region.

“This report was a collaboration between U.S. and foreign authors, the most knowledgeable glaciologists for each geographic region covered,” said USGS scientist Richard S. Williams, Jr. “The USGS published historical and modern data authored by local experts. Some analyses of past climate conditions were conducted by studying ice cores from high-mountain areas of Asia.”

This report is the 9th in the series of 11 volumes to be published as the USGS Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World. You can view other publications in this series online.
Your babbling a bunch of nonsense about bears and volcanoes and in general using jargon that makes it apparent you are more of a blog expert than a scientific one.

AGW has nothing to do with science. This is religion, not science.

Science is a process of discovery and refinement. In science, questioning is critical. Something like AGW, where questioning of dogma is met with harsh penalty is religion, where the clergy fears anyone looking too closely.

Let's face it, Mann, Jones, Gore, and Rajendra Pachauri are PROVEN frauds, yet what your church bases your claims on are driven by these men. No wonder those who question the church find that they cannot be published and are fired from jobs - the clergy knows that legitimate science reputes what the church teaches, rather than supports it.

So why would I debate AGW? To convince you that it's a fraud? You already know it's a fraud, and you don't care. So like the JW's and Scientologists, you deserve and get only derision from me.

OK. People that have committed scientific fraud in peer reviewed journals have that fraud exposed in the same journals by other scientists. So, give us the articles, the journals they were published in, by whom written, and the dates.

Otherwise, be exposed for the big mouthed brainless yap-yap you are.

OleRocks: Are you saying that you are COMPLETELY UNAWARE of any REAL FRAUD in conjunction with the AGW cover-ups? Well -- today's your lucky day. You're about to get reamed by reality. You'll never be able to make that claim again. Unless you're lying..

Climategate reveals 'the most influential tree in the world' - Telegraph

Coming to light in recent days has been one of the most extraordinary scientific detective
stories of our time, bizarrely centred on a single tree in Siberia dubbed "the most
influential tree in the world". On this astonishing tale, it is no exaggeration to say, could
hang in considerable part the future shape of our civilisation.

<article summarizes the 1st act of fraud prior to the Siberian tree ring fraud that followed as the cover-up>

A wholly unrepresentative sample of tree rings from bristlecone pines in the western USA had been made to stand as "proxies" to show that there was no Medieval Warm Period, and that late 20th-century temperatures had soared to unprecedented levels.

<now Mann and Briffa are "busted" for the hockey stick so they up the stakes with a cover-up fraud>

Although McIntyre's exposure of the "hockey stick" was upheld in 2006 by two expert panels commissioned by the US Congress, the small group of scientists at the top of the IPCC brushed this aside by pointing at a hugely influential series of graphs originating from the CRU, from Jones and Briffa. These appeared to confirm the rewriting of climate history in the "hockey stick", by using quite different tree ring data from Siberia. Briffa was put in
charge of the key chapter of the IPCC's fourth report, in 2007, which dismissed all
McIntyre's criticisms.

At the forefront of those who found suspicious the graphs based on tree rings from the Yamal peninsula in Siberia was McIntyre himself, not least because for years the CRU refused to disclose the data used to construct them. This breached a basic rule of scientific procedure.

But last summer the Royal Society insisted on the rule being obeyed, and two months ago
Briffa accordingly published on his website some of the data McIntyre had been after.
This was startling enough, as McIntyre demonstrated in an explosive series of posts on his
Climate Audit blog, because it showed that the CRU studies were based on cherry-picking
hundreds of Siberian samples only to leave those that showed the picture that was wanted.

Other studies based on similar data had clearly shown the Medieval Warm Period as hotter than today. Indeed only the evidence from one tree, YADO61, seemed to show a "hockey stick" pattern, and it was this, in light of the extraordinary reverence given to the CRU's studies, which led McIntyre to dub it "the most influential tree in the world".

Somewhere at some time I HAD the graphs for every tree in the Siberian study and you can CLEARLY see how they were cherry-picked for the fraud. I'd love to know which cloud I put that in. (might have been in one of the Lomborg books).

If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach OleRocks -- you don't care a WIT about science, peer-review, credentials, etc. You'd be nothing but a blathering idealogue. I'm serious -- these guys ought to have their credentials revoked..

Can you IGNORE ALL THIS? I'm sure you will... You're trying to ignore it already I'd wager.
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Sorry, lost a couple of lengthy responses in progress and have already spent my personally alotted time for such play each day, I'll start over on pg 14 tomorrow and see if I can catch up.
(apologies - work calls interrupted play and contributed to distractive loss of posts) I'm going to skim quickly through rest of watched threads and I'll see you all tomorrow.

Translation: Darn! I thought if I said science three times you guys would turn into mice.
Somewhere at some time I HAD the graphs for every tree in the Siberian study and you can CLEARLY see how they were cherry-picked for the fraud. I'd love to know which cloud I put that in. (might have been in one of the Lomborg books).

If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach OleRocks -- you don't care a WIT about science, peer-review, credentials, etc. You'd be nothing but a blathering idealogue. I'm serious -- these guys ought to have their credentials revoked..

Can you IGNORE ALL THIS? I'm sure you will... You're trying to ignore it already I'd wager.

Yeah, yeah, asshole. Now that you are tired of your shit attempt to voodoo up some ozone from GHGs, you assholes all co-opted the entire concept of 'hockey stick,' which is clearly related to anybody's warming acceleration graph, to some shitty tree.

If you all weren't Crosstard Frank and IntestinalWally's fans, you wouldn't try this shit. Michael Mann got credit for it. So fucking what. It's a graph, with an upswing, since the sequestered methane is going to make the temperatures rise, faster than simple CO2 and sundry accelerants. If Fathead hadn't claimed to be a bitchin' engineer and turned out to be a queer hillbilly, I wouldn't have to call you all bitches, as many times as I do this.

Al Gore, every scientist worth a shit, O.R., Trakar, Oopie, Rolling Thunder, etc., and I all would draw you a stick. See if you bitches read, any better than you could, yesterday:

Hockey stick controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet More Studies Back Hockey Stick: Recent Global Warming Is Unprecedented In Magnitude And Speed And Cause | ThinkProgress

Why do all the fucktards think they can move to the tree-theory of hockey stick? Did you guys get tired, of trying to prove GHGs will actually help cool the earth, with voodoo spectral-analysis? Come on, assholes. A graph has a line or two plotted, and some guy's tree is not the theory, which is generic. Shall we go over why Fathead is completely full of shit, again? Let there be light, Fathead. You're FIRED! Haha.

Bitches. Michael Mann is just one guy, on the ice. Cross-check your damn tree, up yours.
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SUMMIT COUNTY — Glaciers in the Himalaya are not shrinking as fast as once predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Some glaciers in the Karakoram Range have grown slightly in the past decade, according to a team of European researchers who recently completed one of the most detailed surveys of the region to-date.

Haven't "shrunk as fast?"

Uh no, they've fucking GROWN...


Open fraud, but you still believe - your faith is strong.

USGS Release: Glaciers Retreating in Asia (8/25/2010 10:33:00 AM)

Many of Asia’s glaciers are retreating as a result of climate change.

This retreat impacts water supplies to millions of people, increases the likelihood of outburst floods that threaten life and property in nearby areas, and contributes to sea-level rise.

The U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with 39 international scientists, published a report on the status of glaciers throughout all of Asia, including Russia, China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan.

“Of particular interest are the Himalaya, where glacier behavior impacts the quality of life of tens of millions of people,” said USGS scientist Jane Ferrigno. “Glaciers in the Himalaya are a major source of fresh water and supply meltwater to all of the rivers in northern India.”

As glaciers become smaller, water runoff decreases, which is especially important during the dry season when other water sources are limited. Climate change also brings warmer temperatures and earlier water runoff from glaciers, and this combined with spring and summer rains can result in flood conditions. The overall glacier retreat and additional melt can increase the amount of water dammed in the vicinity of a glacier, and the added pressure enhances the likelihood of disastrous outburst flooding.

While most glaciers in Asia are in recession, some glaciers have been found to advance. Some of the advancing glaciers are surge-type glaciers, which move forward more rapidly than average in a short period of time. The reason for this is being studied by glaciologists, and is likely due to unique and local condition

Glacier studies in each area started at different times depending on accessibility of glaciers and scientific interest. For example, the earliest description of glaciers in China was in 630 A.D., while studies in the Caucasus area of Russia began in the mid 1800s and modern studies in Nepal started in the 1950s.

The time period for retreat also differs among each glacier. In Bhutan, 66 glaciers have decreased 8.1 percent over the last 30 years. Rapid changes in the Himalaya is shown in India by the 12 percent retreat of Chhota Shigri Glacier during the last 13 years, as well as retreat of the Gangotri Glacier since 1780, with 12 percent shrinkage of the main stem in the last 16 years.

Glaciers in Russia and in the four republics once part of the Former Soviet Union have the largest area of glaciers in Asia, covering 30,478 square miles, which is about the size of South Carolina. The glaciers of China have the second largest area of glaciers in Asia, covering 22,944 square miles, which is about twice the size of Massachusetts. In Afghanistan, the more than 3,000 small mountain glaciers that occur in the Hindu Kush and Pamir mountains provide vital water resources to the region.

“This report was a collaboration between U.S. and foreign authors, the most knowledgeable glaciologists for each geographic region covered,” said USGS scientist Richard S. Williams, Jr. “The USGS published historical and modern data authored by local experts. Some analyses of past climate conditions were conducted by studying ice cores from high-mountain areas of Asia.”

This report is the 9th in the series of 11 volumes to be published as the USGS Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World. You can view other publications in this series online.

A little dated there olfraud.:lol::lol:
We don't have to rely upon suspicions, follow the course of the experiments as tens of millions of students do each year and analyze the data. So far, when the experiement is followed with the proper attention to detail, rigorous laboratory methodology, and precision in data recovery the findings are in accord with and support both CO2's GHG properties and the pH shifts in accord with the absorption of CO2 into aqueous solutions. It's not magic, it's basic science fully in accord with mainstream science understandings.

I believe I have looked at every one of them that can be found on video and none of them are showing anything like a greenhouse effect. They are mostly proving the ideal gas laws and at least one is providing unarguable proof that CO2 molecules can't absorb the emission of other CO2 molecules. None demonstrate a greenhouse effect or anything like a danger from absorption by the oceans.
Fuck you, Crosstard bitch. Hit search, if you don't know all that shit, from memory. I am surprised anybody would do anything you suggest, since you are like any other meth-freak who turns tricks. I wouldn't have anything to do with you, out of this house.

He knows goober. The point is that you obviously don't know. If you did, you wouldn't be ranting as if you were off your meds. If you actually knew, then you would really have to be an idiot to believe that CO2 represents any danger to us.
AGW has nothing to do with science. This is religion, not science.

Science is a process of discovery and refinement. In science, questioning is critical. Something like AGW, where questioning of dogma is met with harsh penalty is religion, where the clergy fears anyone looking too closely.

Let's face it, Mann, Jones, Gore, and Rajendra Pachauri are PROVEN frauds, yet what your church bases your claims on are driven by these men. No wonder those who question the church find that they cannot be published and are fired from jobs - the clergy knows that legitimate science reputes what the church teaches, rather than supports it.

So why would I debate AGW? To convince you that it's a fraud? You already know it's a fraud, and you don't care. So like the JW's and Scientologists, you deserve and get only derision from me.

OK. People that have committed scientific fraud in peer reviewed journals have that fraud exposed in the same journals by other scientists. So, give us the articles, the journals they were published in, by whom written, and the dates.

Otherwise, be exposed for the big mouthed brainless yap-yap you are.

OleRocks: Are you saying that you are COMPLETELY UNAWARE of any REAL FRAUD in conjunction with the AGW cover-ups? Well -- today's your lucky day. You're about to get reamed by reality. You'll never be able to make that claim again. Unless you're lying..

Climategate reveals 'the most influential tree in the world' - Telegraph

Coming to light in recent days has been one of the most extraordinary scientific detective
stories of our time, bizarrely centred on a single tree in Siberia dubbed "the most
influential tree in the world". On this astonishing tale, it is no exaggeration to say, could
hang in considerable part the future shape of our civilisation.

<article summarizes the 1st act of fraud prior to the Siberian tree ring fraud that followed as the cover-up>

A wholly unrepresentative sample of tree rings from bristlecone pines in the western USA had been made to stand as "proxies" to show that there was no Medieval Warm Period, and that late 20th-century temperatures had soared to unprecedented levels.

<now Mann and Briffa are "busted" for the hockey stick so they up the stakes with a cover-up fraud>

Although McIntyre's exposure of the "hockey stick" was upheld in 2006 by two expert panels commissioned by the US Congress, the small group of scientists at the top of the IPCC brushed this aside by pointing at a hugely influential series of graphs originating from the CRU, from Jones and Briffa. These appeared to confirm the rewriting of climate history in the "hockey stick", by using quite different tree ring data from Siberia. Briffa was put in
charge of the key chapter of the IPCC's fourth report, in 2007, which dismissed all
McIntyre's criticisms.

At the forefront of those who found suspicious the graphs based on tree rings from the Yamal peninsula in Siberia was McIntyre himself, not least because for years the CRU refused to disclose the data used to construct them. This breached a basic rule of scientific procedure.

But last summer the Royal Society insisted on the rule being obeyed, and two months ago
Briffa accordingly published on his website some of the data McIntyre had been after.
This was startling enough, as McIntyre demonstrated in an explosive series of posts on his
Climate Audit blog, because it showed that the CRU studies were based on cherry-picking
hundreds of Siberian samples only to leave those that showed the picture that was wanted.

Other studies based on similar data had clearly shown the Medieval Warm Period as hotter than today. Indeed only the evidence from one tree, YADO61, seemed to show a "hockey stick" pattern, and it was this, in light of the extraordinary reverence given to the CRU's studies, which led McIntyre to dub it "the most influential tree in the world".

Somewhere at some time I HAD the graphs for every tree in the Siberian study and you can CLEARLY see how they were cherry-picked for the fraud. I'd love to know which cloud I put that in. (might have been in one of the Lomborg books).

If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach OleRocks -- you don't care a WIT about science, peer-review, credentials, etc. You'd be nothing but a blathering idealogue. I'm serious -- these guys ought to have their credentials revoked..

Can you IGNORE ALL THIS? I'm sure you will... You're trying to ignore it already I'd wager.

Old Rocks has been informed by me about many breaches of integrity by his heroes in climate science. he starts off by posting his same batch of links, then he tries to change the subject, then he simply refuses to respond.
Have any of you guys ever read the word f-tard in a scientific journal? The Faithers just get more shrill and unbalanced as the world understands the fraud that has been committed.
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We don't have to rely upon suspicions, follow the course of the experiments as tens of millions of students do each year and analyze the data. So far, when the experiement is followed with the proper attention to detail, rigorous laboratory methodology, and precision in data recovery the findings are in accord with and support both CO2's GHG properties and the pH shifts in accord with the absorption of CO2 into aqueous solutions. It's not magic, it's basic science fully in accord with mainstream science understandings.

I believe I have looked at every one of them that can be found on video and none of them are showing anything like a greenhouse effect. They are mostly proving the ideal gas laws and at least one is providing unarguable proof that CO2 molecules can't absorb the emission of other CO2 molecules. None demonstrate a greenhouse effect or anything like a danger from absorption by the oceans.

OK, Wienerbender, look at these and see if absorption happens:

Analyzing CO2 Exchange Between Air and Oceans - Softpedia

Wikipedia is doing a big edit because the subject is extremely dynamic and important:

Carbon cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Although the instrumentation is still being developed . . ." Wait and see, Wiener!

CO2 gas exchange and ocean acidification studies in the coastal Gulf of Maine « Ocean acidification

Ocean acidification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

RealClimate: The Acid Ocean

High acidity infiltrates the oceans -

Here's the thread, where I wrote the OP, and some queen-of-the-seas named Quantum ("I am gay, and stupid.") Windbag is diverting the thread, with his openly gay agenda, no links, no reading of the OP, no issues, no reason, lots of wingpunkery, see page 3:

Don't forget to read something. If you keep trying spam and daisy-chain posse tricks, you meet guys like Queen Bag. If you meet guys like Queen Bag, you get outed. If you get outed, you might as well admit to me, exactly what you daisy-chaining wingpunks are. We know what that is, don't we. Es verdad! Read, bitches.
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Somewhere at some time I HAD the graphs for every tree in the Siberian study and you can CLEARLY see how they were cherry-picked for the fraud. I'd love to know which cloud I put that in. (might have been in one of the Lomborg books).

If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach OleRocks -- you don't care a WIT about science, peer-review, credentials, etc. You'd be nothing but a blathering idealogue. I'm serious -- these guys ought to have their credentials revoked..

Can you IGNORE ALL THIS? I'm sure you will... You're trying to ignore it already I'd wager.

Yeah, yeah, asshole. Now that you are tired of your shit attempt to voodoo up some ozone from GHGs, you assholes all co-opted the entire concept of 'hockey stick,' which is clearly related to anybody's warming acceleration graph, to some shitty tree.

If you all weren't Crosstard Frank and IntestinalWally's fans, you wouldn't try this shit. Michael Mann got credit for it. So fucking what. It's a graph, with an upswing, since the sequestered methane is going to make the temperatures rise, faster than simple CO2 and sundry accelerants. If Fathead hadn't claimed to be a bitchin' engineer and turned out to be a queer hillbilly, I wouldn't have to call you all bitches, as many times as I do this.

Al Gore, every scientist worth a shit, O.R., Trakar, Oopie, Rolling Thunder, etc., and I all would draw you a stick. See if you bitches read, any better than you could, yesterday:

Hockey stick controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet More Studies Back Hockey Stick: Recent Global Warming Is Unprecedented In Magnitude And Speed And Cause | ThinkProgress

Why do all the fucktards think they can move to the tree-theory of hockey stick? Did you guys get tired, of trying to prove GHGs will actually help cool the earth, with voodoo spectral-analysis? Come on, assholes. A graph has a line or two plotted, and some guy's tree is not the theory, which is generic. Shall we go over why Fathead is completely full of shit, again? Let there be light, Fathead. You're FIRED! Haha.

Bitches. Michael Mann is just one guy, on the ice. Cross-check your damn tree, up yours.

I gonna leap to the assumption that you really DO care and that you've followed the "climategate" story.. Why is this important? Because these folks were in the LEADERSHIP of the AGW science. They kept much of the data TO THEMSELVES. Other people studying the topic had to use THEIR PAPERS, THEIR CONDITIONED DATA, and THEIR CONCLUSIONS to further the science studies. SO --- as a result gnotetard, we have not just THEIR WORK, but dam near a decade of DERIVATIVE work that is now suspect and mixed shit.. Thousands of researchers WASTED THEIR TIME with crappy data and crappy references..

THAT'S why they ought to be stripped of credentials and forced to teach ethics for the rest of their careers..

BTW: Why do you think a Wiki link to "hockey stick" would change my mind? I posted the UK Telegraph journalistic story of the fraud that includes the hockey stick -- did they lie or misrepresent anything or didn't you read it or do you think that Wiki is the ultimate scientific referee? Which is it -- enfant terrible?
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It took us awhile, but slowly and steadily we have shown real science and logic to prevail over deception and fraud by the Faithers.
Sorry, lost a couple of lengthy responses in progress and have already spent my personally alotted time for such play each day, I'll start over on pg 14 tomorrow and see if I can catch up.
(apologies - work calls interrupted play and contributed to distractive loss of posts) I'm going to skim quickly through rest of watched threads and I'll see you all tomorrow.

No fair PREPARING for a response.. Nobody else here does. You're not taking this shit seriously are you?

LOL! serious enough to label it "play."

Practically, yes, I take the issue of climate change extremely seriously, and a large part of both my personal and professional life revolve around addressing the issues of climate science and the changes that climate change are bringing to our families, nation, and planet. I don't take this board too seriously, but it is a good place to research and explore fringe hyperpartisan reactions to more mainstream concepts and considerations. Now let me get back into character...
Sorry, lost a couple of lengthy responses in progress and have already spent my personally alotted time for such play each day, I'll start over on pg 14 tomorrow and see if I can catch up.
(apologies - work calls interrupted play and contributed to distractive loss of posts) I'm going to skim quickly through rest of watched threads and I'll see you all tomorrow.

No fair PREPARING for a response.. Nobody else here does. You're not taking this shit seriously are you?

LOL! serious enough to label it "play."

Practically, yes, I take the issue of climate change extremely seriously, and a large part of both my personal and professional life revolve around addressing the issues of climate science and the changes that climate change are bringing to our families, nation, and planet. I don't take this board too seriously, but it is a good place to research and explore fringe hyperpartisan reactions to more mainstream concepts and considerations. Now let me get back into character...

Sounds to me like your copping to the fact that your livelihood DEPENDS on the assumption of man-made climate change. That's an important disclosure dontcha think? I'm not poking you about it -- but perhaps it does make a diff to some of us who ARE actually pretty economically and politically neutral (but SERIOUS) about the topic... Carry-on...

:eusa_angel: :eusa_angel:

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