Workplace Discrimination based on Seual Orientation and Gender Identity Must End

Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to

While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!


He's a flaming fruit cake - he already admitted it on another forum. He's as queer as a 3 dolar bill and likes to pretend he's straight as in his warped little mind it lends his arguments credibility.

Anyone with that avatar picture could NOT be straight and expect to ever get laid by any female unless there was a large sum of money being transferred.

Eh, some women might go for him. He wouldn't go for them, though.

He was a faggot on Falena's site.

Train to nowhere and all that. How's that big Obama train to nowhere in CA doing these days, anyways?
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to

While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!


He's a flaming fruit cake - he already admitted it on another forum. He's as queer as a 3 dolar bill and likes to pretend he's straight as in his warped little mind it lends his arguments credibility.

Anyone with that avatar picture could NOT be straight and expect to ever get laid by any female unless there was a large sum of money being transferred.
I think that you're looking for a date Sailor boy. On the down low?
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to

While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!


He's a flaming fruit cake - he already admitted it on another forum. He's as queer as a 3 dolar bill and likes to pretend he's straight as in his warped little mind it lends his arguments credibility.

Anyone with that avatar picture could NOT be straight and expect to ever get laid by any female unless there was a large sum of money being transferred.
I think that you're looking for a date Sailor boy. On the down low?

And I think you've gone on many dates for money, with men, faggot.
There is nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment—nor anywhere else in the Constitution—which supports your position.
The 14th extends the bill of rights to the states meaning that state law must comply with the bill of rights and that the tenth is not to be interpreted to mean that the states can violate federally mandated civil rights . I am fully aware of the fact that some of you entertain a "Texturalist of Originalist interpretation of the constitution ala Scalia but most constitutional scholars would agree with me.. Try getting 5 Scalias on SCOTUS and you might get some place with that horseshit

Nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment overrides the Tenth. Nothing in it authorizes the federal government to usurp any power not explicitly delegated to it in the Constitution.

Nothing in the Fourth Amendment, nor anywhere else in the Constitution, authorizes the federal government to dictate to any individual, organization, or business, in any circumstances, with whom one may or must associate.

And courts ruling that the Constitution says what it clearly does not say do not make it so; they only demonstrate how corrupt the court system has become.
There is nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment—nor anywhere else in the Constitution—which supports your position.
The 14th extends the bill of rights to the states meaning that state law must comply with the bill of rights and that the tenth is not to be interpreted to mean that the states can violate federally mandated civil rights . I am fully aware of the fact that some of you entertain a "Texturalist of Originalist interpretation of the constitution ala Scalia but most constitutional scholars would agree with me.. Try getting 5 Scalias on SCOTUS and you might get some place with that horseshit

Nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment overrides the Tenth. Nothing in it authorizes the federal government to usurp any power not explicitly delegated to it in the Constitution.

Nothing in the Fourth Amendment, nor anywhere else in the Constitution, authorizes the federal government to dictate to any individual, organization, or business, in any circumstances, with whom one may or must associate.

And courts ruling that the Constitution says what it clearly does not say do not make it so; they only demonstrate how corrupt the court system has become.
Except in the 9th Circuit ...

Sorry normal sex scares you. Get help.

what is "normal"? and who are you to decide what other people should do?

The fact you have to ask speaks volumes about your apparent willful stupidity.

no. it's that what other consenting adults do is none of your freaking business. someone who talks about sex as being only for procreation clearly doesn't get any

bitter much?
15 out of 100 is not a high rate
that's a real, scientific ACCURATE ''study'' !!! anywhere between 15 and 43 % !!???!!
I've just been applying for jobs and there are NO questions about gay/hetero/etc !!!!!!!!
no more questions--you've proved the ''study'' [ :laugh: ] is very inaccurate/biased/etc
Hey, I don't care if you accept the findings or think that the percentages are high enough to warrant concern. Discrimination exists. The fact that you mentioned no question about sexual orientation on the job applications speaks volumes to you ignorance of the top and what is actually happening
Affirmative Action is discrimination, yet I bet you just love that.
same crap--sure there is discrimination but not nearly as much as you would have us believe
Thank you for admitting that discrimination exists but t
same crap--sure there is discrimination but not nearly as much as you would have us believe
The issue is not how much discrimination there is but the fact that it does exist, as you nobly admit. So, how much discrimination must there be before we take action? How much discrimination against straight white men must there be before we do something about it? If there was only one case of discrimination and the victim was you- would that be enough?
just one? no--not enough to try to make a big deal and change laws
very hard for me to believe there is a major chronic problem of people getting screwed over at work because they are gay
...lot's of people don't get advancements/bonuses/raises/etc ..takes a lot of evidence to prove a gay would be screwed over for gayness
It will be like the gaystapo v Christian Wedding Cake Bakers all over again. They want to destroy people’s livelihoods on the basis that they simply try to be faithful to their religious convictions, and they’ll be looking to do the same anytime an incompetent gay is legitimately fired.
Last edited:
Discrimination of ANY kind is wrong if they arent hurting anyone. But people should have the right to discriminate.
We are all individuals. Not a collective.
Yes we are a collective and as such we have determined that discrimination is NOT ONLY wrong but that it should not be allowed. The idea that people have a right to discriminate is absurd and abhorrent. People have a right NOT TO BE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.
But you support the discrimination (and racism) of Affirmative Action.

I'm GAY and I CAN'T GET UP !!!!!!!!


Another snowflake who is mad because he can't get extra special "Princess" treatment 24/7
You don't want "equality"'re an angry moron mad at the world who wants entitlements.
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid
I think we do have a good idea. Your posting history clearly illustrates you are utterly obsessed with all things gay.
Queer couples earn more than normal couples because they work more hours/weeks/months. That's because normal couples have the pregnancy factor, taking the woman out of the workplace for extensive periods of time. Yes, tell the whole story.
Let us know when you have a response to the quote (Post # 29) We can wait.
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to
Me? You have no freakin idea of who I am, what I want, or what my state of mind is. If you think you do you must be psychotic or just that stupid

I know what you PRESENT yourself as on this forum "Progressive Patriot" and Rump Ranger.
Anything there not true?
Rump Ranger?? TO fucking stupid to respond to

While many states have laws against workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, many others do not. For employers to be able to fire someone for posting his or her wedding photos on social media is a travesty. In that Congress is paralyses, and the fact that it will likely take decades longer for some states to come around and offer protections, it is imperative that the federal courts step in now.

Here is the current situation

Fortunately, issue is being brought to the forefront by a number of groups , spearheaded by View attachment 183879

47 Businesses, States, EEOC and Civil Rights Groups Urge Federal Court to End Sexual Orientation Employment Discrimination

47 businesses, attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia, the nation’s leading LGBT rights organizations, and several other organizations submitted friend-of-the-court briefs to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in support of Lambda Legal client Mark Horton, a gay man whose job offer from a St. Louis-based health management organization was withdrawn after the company’s owners learned Horton is gay.

The nation’s top corporations recognize that discrimination is bad for business. Our economy cannot thrive unless all people are welcome both as employees and customers,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney. “Companies across all industries know that when an employee like Mark can bring their whole selves to work without fear of retaliation, they can focus on their jobs and succeed. Mark was recruited because of his recognized skills, which is what matters – and not his sexual orientation.”

There is a growing consensus among business leaders, government officials, and scholars, that discrimination against LGBT employees is not just wrong, but counter-productive,” Lambda Legal Employment Fairness Project Director Greg Nevins added.

Links to the various cases appear throughout the article.

Oh, wow!

Another Progressive Patriot thread that centers of his penchant for posting anything and everything about homosexuality, yet claims he is straight!

Big surprise!


He's a flaming fruit cake - he already admitted it on another forum. He's as queer as a 3 dolar bill and likes to pretend he's straight as in his warped little mind it lends his arguments credibility.

Anyone with that avatar picture could NOT be straight and expect to ever get laid by any female unless there was a large sum of money being transferred.
I think that you're looking for a date Sailor boy. On the down low?
Stop crusing, Creepy.
If you are a man or a woman and think you are the other gender, you need psychological help and should be kept out of jobs where your mental issues could endanger others or jeopardize the business.
LGTBQ do appear to be more mentally unstable/mental problems
  • LGB youth seriously contemplate suicide at almost three times the rate of heterosexual youth.2
  • LGB youth are almost five times as likely to have attempted suicide compared to heterosexual youth.2
more LGTBQ suicide facts:
Facts About Suicide – The Trevor Project
If you are a man or a woman and think you are the other gender, you need psychological help and should be kept out of jobs where your mental issues could endanger others or jeopardize the business.
LGTBQ do appear to be more mentally unstable/mental problems
  • LGB youth seriously contemplate suicide at almost three times the rate of heterosexual youth.2
  • LGB youth are almost five times as likely to have attempted suicide compared to heterosexual youth.2
LGTBQ suicide facts:
Facts About Suicide – The Trevor Project
But ....but.....but....that’s everyone else’s fault :eusa_think:
There is nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment—nor anywhere else in the Constitution—which supports your position.
The 14th extends the bill of rights to the states meaning that state law must comply with the bill of rights and that the tenth is not to be interpreted to mean that the states can violate federally mandated civil rights . I am fully aware of the fact that some of you entertain a "Texturalist of Originalist interpretation of the constitution ala Scalia but most constitutional scholars would agree with me.. Try getting 5 Scalias on SCOTUS and you might get some place with that horseshit

Nothing in the Fourteenth Amendment overrides the Tenth. Nothing in it authorizes the federal government to usurp any power not explicitly delegated to it in the Constitution.

Nothing in the Fourth Amendment, nor anywhere else in the Constitution, authorizes the federal government to dictate to any individual, organization, or business, in any circumstances, with whom one may or must associate.

And courts ruling that the Constitution says what it clearly does not say do not make it so; they only demonstrate how corrupt the court system has become.

You know, I might actually have some respect for you if you if you did some research to back up your rants, instead of just falling back on logical fallacies in the form of appeals to ignorance as in " it's true because I said so and you have to just swallow it whole

This is what I have. Get off your anti intellectual, lazy ass and find something to counter it:

Supremacy Clause Versus the Tenth Amendment - United States Constitution

A series of cases followed in which the Court refused to construct any state immunity from regulation when Congress acted pursuant to a delegated power.32 The culmination of this series had been thought to be Maryland v. Wirtz,33 in which the Court upheld the constitutionality of applying the federal wage and hour law to nonprofessional employees of state-operated schools and hospitals. In an opinion by Justice Harlan, the Court saw a clear connection between working conditions in these institutions and interstate commerce. Labor conditions in schools and hospitals affect commerce; strikes and work stoppages involving such employees interrupt and burden the flow across state lines of goods purchased by state agencies, and the wages paid have a substantial effect. The Commerce Clause being thus applicable, the Justice wrote, Congress was not constitutionally required to "yield to state sovereignty in the performance of governmental functions. This argument simply is not tenable. There is no general 'doctrine implied in the Federal Constitution that "the two governments, national and state, are each to exercise its powers so as not to interfere with the free and full exercise of the powers of the other."' . . . t is clear that the Federal Government when acting within a delegated power, may override countervailing state interests whether these be described as 'governmental' or 'proprietary' in character.... [V]alid general regulations of commerce do not cease to be regulations of commerce because a State is involved. If a State is engaging in economic activities that are validly regulated by the Federal Government when engaged in by private persons, the State too may be forced to conform its activities to federal regulation."34

And this:

The Importance of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitu

The importance of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is such that some have called it the amendment that “completed the Constitution.” When it was ratified on July 9th, 1868, the amendment became one of legislative cornerstones of the Reconstruction Era, a time in which the Radical Republicans, led by John A. Bingham and Thaddeus Stevens, promulgated a legislative program focused on providing racial equality before the law. Among the laws passed in the Reconstruction Era, the Fourteenth Amendment was one of the most controversial, with one Republican congressman, Representative A.J. Rogers of New Jersey saying that it was, “…but another attempt to…consolidate in the Federal Government, by the action of Congress, all the powers claimed by the Czar of Russia, or the Emperor of the French.” The Fourteenth Amendment did indeed constitute the largest expansion of federal power since the ratification of the Constitution. The amendment was not born in a vacuum; the reason for this expansion of power, and for the amendment as a whole, is found in the broader context of the mid nineteenth-century South and the pervasive oppression of the free black population residing there. In considering the nature of Southern race relations, both before and after the Civil War, the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment came to believe that nothing short of a radical expansion of the powers of the federal government over the states would enable them to “promote the general welfare” of, and “secure the Blessings of Liberty” to the African-American population of the United States.

Your up
In order to properly understand the original intent of the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment, it is necessary to understand its historical contex...
15 out of 100 is not a high rate
that's a real, scientific ACCURATE ''study'' !!! anywhere between 15 and 43 % !!???!!
I've just been applying for jobs and there are NO questions about gay/hetero/etc !!!!!!!!
no more questions--you've proved the ''study'' [ :laugh: ] is very inaccurate/biased/etc
Hey, I don't care if you accept the findings or think that the percentages are high enough to warrant concern. Discrimination exists. The fact that you mentioned no question about sexual orientation on the job applications speaks volumes to you ignorance of the top and what is actually happening
Affirmative Action is discrimination, yet I bet you just love that.
Red Herring Logical Fallacy. I did not take a stand on affirmative action and your just brining it up as a means of avoiding the argument that I'm presenting

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