World Economic Forum: Let Them Eat Larvae

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
May 22 2021

World Economic Forum: Let Them Eat Larvae

The World Economic Forum — the globalist conspirators behind the Great Reset that John Kerry promises the Biden Regime will impose in the name of Covid hysteria and the global warming hoax — has specific ideas on how we must live, including what we must eat. From its website:
The European Union (EU) has ruled that the larval stage of the Tenebrio molitor beetle, the mealworm, is safe for people to eat and it will shortly be on the market as a “novel food”.
EU researchers said that the worms, eaten whole or in powder form, are protein-rich, while the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said that edible insects “contain high-quality protein, vitamins and amino acids for humans”.
The WEF, EU, and UN have spoken. What can the little people do but obey and eat larvae?
First, they nudge. Then they dictate. In a future ruled by liberals, we will be forced to eat bugs and worms. We are told with a straight face that this will keep the climate from continuing to fluctuate as it always has and always will.
According to the World Economic Forum’s Meat: The Future report, keeping up with the demand for animal-derived protein could put meeting the [Sustainable Development Goals] and Paris Climate Agreement targets in jeopardy.
If eating bugs is good enough for starving people in the failed societies of Africa, it is good enough for you. Or are you a racist in need of cancelation?

In case you don’t want to eat bugs, our globalist overlords thoughtfully offer alternatives: lab-grown pseudofood made out of animal stem cells and protein alternatives derived from fungi.

Only a psychopathologist could explain why it is so important to elitists like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates that we be forced to eat insects and repulsive substances in place of food.

On a tip from Steve T.

They eat a lot of bugs in East Asia to ....I ain't eating bugs
May 22 2021

World Economic Forum: Let Them Eat Larvae

The World Economic Forum — the globalist conspirators behind the Great Reset that John Kerry promises the Biden Regime will impose in the name of Covid hysteria and the global warming hoax — has specific ideas on how we must live, including what we must eat. From its website:
The European Union (EU) has ruled that the larval stage of the Tenebrio molitor beetle, the mealworm, is safe for people to eat and it will shortly be on the market as a “novel food”.
EU researchers said that the worms, eaten whole or in powder form, are protein-rich, while the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said that edible insects “contain high-quality protein, vitamins and amino acids for humans”.
The WEF, EU, and UN have spoken. What can the little people do but obey and eat larvae?
First, they nudge. Then they dictate. In a future ruled by liberals, we will be forced to eat bugs and worms. We are told with a straight face that this will keep the climate from continuing to fluctuate as it always has and always will.
According to the World Economic Forum’s Meat: The Future report, keeping up with the demand for animal-derived protein could put meeting the [Sustainable Development Goals] and Paris Climate Agreement targets in jeopardy.
If eating bugs is good enough for starving people in the failed societies of Africa, it is good enough for you. Or are you a racist in need of cancelation?

In case you don’t want to eat bugs, our globalist overlords thoughtfully offer alternatives: lab-grown pseudofood made out of animal stem cells and protein alternatives derived from fungi.

Only a psychopathologist could explain why it is so important to elitists like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates that we be forced to eat insects and repulsive substances in place of food.

On a tip from Steve T.

They eat a lot of bugs in East Asia to ....I ain't eating bugs
Larvae are maggots. I'll pass, cooked or raw.
Yesterday I found three stupid worms, dead from trying to squirm across a hot sidewalk in my back yard. They never make it across a hot sidewalk. Then I went to my mothers pool and skimmed the water. The leaves are mostly gone now so all I was skimming was stupid Kamikaze bugs. If I had known that our Democrat wackjobs were now going to consider those things to be premium food, I could have saved them and passed along a couple of high quality meals. Seriously, doesn't this BS illustrate that the UN has really outlived its usefulness?
Yesterday I found three stupid worms, dead from trying to squirm across a hot sidewalk in my back yard. They never make it across a hot sidewalk. Then I went to my mothers pool and skimmed the water. The leaves are mostly gone now so all I was skimming was stupid Kamikaze bugs. If I had known that our Democrat wackjobs were now going to consider those things to be premium food, I could have saved them and passed along a couple of high quality meals. Seriously, doesn't this BS illustrate that the UN has really outlived its usefulness?
An earthworm isn't a larva and doesn't have that phase of life.
Yesterday I found three stupid worms, dead from trying to squirm across a hot sidewalk in my back yard. They never make it across a hot sidewalk. Then I went to my mothers pool and skimmed the water. The leaves are mostly gone now so all I was skimming was stupid Kamikaze bugs. If I had known that our Democrat wackjobs were now going to consider those things to be premium food, I could have saved them and passed along a couple of high quality meals. Seriously, doesn't this BS illustrate that the UN has really outlived its usefulness?
An earthworm isn't a larva and doesn't have that phase of life.
Leave the earthworms alone, they could be mating.
They forgot about eating noxious weeds, but those are actually healthy with medicinal properties.

Seafood, from invasive species like the Russian Goby fish, jumping Asian carp and Zebra mussels, um, um good. I hear rat isn't bad and birds like starlings and pigeons are primo deep fried in used motor oil with a crispy cockroach batter. Feral dogs and cats, another good source for protein, Asians are particularly good at preparing them.

Not to mention that food is abundant in dumpsters and under just about every piece of trash here in America. Why with a good recipe and the right side dishes, human feces could make a fine main dish like meat loaf (without the meat of course).

Can't believe I left out mud pies. With the right soil, it's both tasty and full of minerals, a healthy dessert for your bug meal. Quick and easy to make when you get your drinking water from a polluted mud hole like in Africa.

I wonder when they will issue a cook book? Maybe a cooking show on PBS with recipes from around the world?
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I saw an article yesterday, though I didn't read it, about the 7year cicada invasion- the implication was to eat them as a delicacy :eek: why not? Hell snails are considered food-
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May 22 2021

World Economic Forum: Let Them Eat Larvae

The World Economic Forum — the globalist conspirators behind the Great Reset that John Kerry promises the Biden Regime will impose in the name of Covid hysteria and the global warming hoax — has specific ideas on how we must live, including what we must eat. From its website:

The WEF, EU, and UN have spoken. What can the little people do but obey and eat larvae?
First, they nudge. Then they dictate. In a future ruled by liberals, we will be forced to eat bugs and worms. We are told with a straight face that this will keep the climate from continuing to fluctuate as it always has and always will.

If eating bugs is good enough for starving people in the failed societies of Africa, it is good enough for you. Or are you a racist in need of cancelation?

In case you don’t want to eat bugs, our globalist overlords thoughtfully offer alternatives: lab-grown pseudofood made out of animal stem cells and protein alternatives derived from fungi.

Only a psychopathologist could explain why it is so important to elitists like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates that we be forced to eat insects and repulsive substances in place of food.

On a tip from Steve T.

They eat a lot of bugs in East Asia to ....I ain't eating bugs

White Christian Civilization shall send satanist WEF and its boss to Hell


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