World Economic Forum Says It Is 'Time to Look Beyond' Private Vehicle Ownership

You plebes are too dangerous having the liberty to freely move around on your own.

Well that is fine in most European countries where the houses/towns is packed like sardines... but America is a very large country.
Obviously will never work for many here.
Funny how all Commies can never grasp economic basics.
If the FREE market wanted loner cars from the government they’d be asking for it, Commie.

Herbert Hoover once said "A car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot" as a benchmark for US success. Now that we've reached that goal, the leftists want us to go backwards.

Baby steps, baby steps to force people into public transportation. This guy is worried about electric cars straining our natural resources and offering this nonsense to combat it instead of going with something we know that works, and that is gasoline or diesel powered vehicles.
I find that amazing as well. Every single leftist on USMB is early retired, independently wealthy, or otherwise very financially successful. It's only Republicans like myself who are truck drivers.
I still work - i have an expensive trophy wife. I'm hoping to retire around 55. But when I retire I am going to take up teaching as a hobby so I can indocrinate students into liberalism for a couple of years. My legacy will be the number of pronouns they adopt.
I still work - i have an expensive trophy wife. I'm hoping to retire around 55. But when I retire I am going to take up teaching as a hobby so I can indocrinate students into liberalism for a couple of years. My legacy will be the number of pronouns they adopt.

I'm sure it is. :eusa_shhh:
The main thing is, government should make the call. We can't have people just running around making their own decisions willy nilly.
In Europe perhaps, but at times I have lived in rural areas miles and miles away from any civilization.

Plus in our nation the government should work for the people not rule them as a tyranny.

In passing, I hope your post was sarcasm. Sometimes on this forum it is hard to tell. Also I can’t seem to find a sarcasm thingy like this one.
That thingy can come in handy.
I find that amazing as well. Every single leftist on USMB is early retired, independently wealthy, or otherwise very financially successful. It's only Republicans like myself who are truck drivers.
Yet the ones who claim to still work and have 6 figure salaries apparently have the time to spend hours here every day?
So how many people do you want to pack into the business district?
I'm not going to live in an apartment jammed in with with the masses,fuck that!!!
It's just not possible to have everyone living a mile from work.

Spread the business districts out ... there's no reason to keep business all jammed together in a few city blocks when we have the internet ... and let me stress the "passenger" part of "passenger vehicles" again ... I'm not talking about the trucks that haul your food from farms to your neighborhood grocery store ... it's the lil' electric golf cart you use for that final 1/2 mile ...

Latin America has the best bus service ... bar none ... a model the United State would thrive on ... 40% of us was raised around Mexican bus service ... free market and personel enterprise in one nice useful package ... capitalism at it's finest ...

Why do you think your great-great-great-grandchildren will have fossil fuels to burn? ... the cheap energy is gone and we're blowing through the not-as-cheap energy right now ... grandchildren will see hey-this-crap-is-getting-expensive energy ...

It's just not possible to have everyone living a mile from work.

90% of us should be able to walk that far twice a day ... easy ... lazy to say otherwise ... 90% should be able to bike 5 miles twice a day ... easy ... lazy to say otherwise ... take a bus in bad weather ...

Or just pay the price and be one of the 10% operating a passenger vehicle ... share the road with the semi-trucks ...
I find that amazing as well. Every single leftist on USMB is early retired, independently wealthy, or otherwise very financially successful. It's only Republicans like myself who are truck drivers.

You obviously don’t understand the system

We on the left get what I like to call “Free Stuff”
Free houses, Free food, free cars
I just flash my Liberal Card and wink…..


Not my fault you ended up driving a truck
Maybe if you had studied harder
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Ah yes. Russia invaded Ukraine. So as a thank you Brandon has driven up the price of oil with his sanctions on US oil so Putin can fund his war and make the Ruble at a 7 year high.

View attachment 675680
Yea…..Putin is having a GOOD time

Thank goodness Trump was not President
Trump cheered the invasion and called it “genius”
Currently Joe Biden is seeing to it that we can only drive electric cars that explode into flames when the batteries die.

That should convince a few people to take the bus I should think

Then again, if the bus is electric...................never mind.
One company in Rochester tried those stupid electric buses. During winter of all times. Seems these geniuses forgot that batteries don’t play well with really cold weather. It got really cold (around 20 below with wind chill) and those electric buses wouldn’t even start. Oops.
You obviously don’t understand the system

We on the left get what I like to call “Free Stuff”
Free houses, Free food, free cars
I just flash my Liberal Card and wink…..

View attachment 675682

Not my fault you ended up driving a truck
Maybe if you had studied harder
Wrong. If driving a truck is so easy, you go out there now, with NO training and drive that truck through multiple states, handle the paperwork involved, load or unload if needed, and back that rig up to the loading dock. By the way, if it weren’t for truckers, lazy morons like you wouldn’t have all the stuff you clear off off the shelves in your latest panic.
You plebes are too dangerous having the liberty to freely move around on your own.

Mice Jam-Packed in Cages

These totalitarians want to coop us up in commuter trains and buses so we'll lose our individualism and be easier to control.
You plebes are too dangerous having the liberty to freely move around on your own.

Cars are an insane disaster, but you're right in saying that the elite will retain them.
Trump negotiated 5 historical peace agreements and Brandon has led the world to the brink of WW3. Putin knew not to mess with President Trump.

Trump was too unpredictable of a guy, that's why. When Putin seen the total F-up with Biden and Afghanistan, he knew to move now or move never.

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