World Economic Forum Says It Is 'Time to Look Beyond' Private Vehicle Ownership

According to the paper, “The average car or van in England is driven just 4% of the time.”

Could make sense to belong to a car sharing program
Cars rarely make sense.

Los Angeles had an incredible mass transit system destroyed by corporate greed.

But don't think the elites will be giving up their 4% time in their cars.
If it's by choice then fine.

How bad for the environment is a car that is hardly ever driven?
The De-Manned Can't Meet the Demand

The Glowbullies dishonestly claim that the metals for making automobiles will soon be running out. But the real shortage is in creative science students. The ones we are stuck with are useless and escapist nerdy narrow-minded conformists.
All these Internet millionaires.

I wonder why these guys complain so much about economic inequality.?


Yeah, all these leftist millionaires that think they have too much and government needs to take more of their money. Government needs to make more expensive regulations on businesses. Government needs to have a national $15.00 minimum wage. Such philanthropists they are. :auiqs.jpg:
You obviously don’t understand the system

We on the left get what I like to call “Free Stuff”
Free houses, Free food, free cars
I just flash my Liberal Card and wink…..

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Not my fault you ended up driving a truck
Maybe if you had studied harder

I have no complaints about driving a truck. At least I'm honest about it. Being ashamed is telling people you're something you're really not.
Spread the business districts out ... there's no reason to keep business all jammed together in a few city blocks when we have the internet ... and let me stress the "passenger" part of "passenger vehicles" again ... I'm not talking about the trucks that haul your food from farms to your neighborhood grocery store ... it's the lil' electric golf cart you use for that final 1/2 mile ...

Latin America has the best bus service ... bar none ... a model the United State would thrive on ... 40% of us was raised around Mexican bus service ... free market and personel enterprise in one nice useful package ... capitalism at it's finest ...

Why do you think your great-great-great-grandchildren will have fossil fuels to burn? ... the cheap energy is gone and we're blowing through the not-as-cheap energy right now ... grandchildren will see hey-this-crap-is-getting-expensive energy ...

It's just not possible to have everyone living a mile from work.

90% of us should be able to walk that far twice a day ... easy ... lazy to say otherwise ... 90% should be able to bike 5 miles twice a day ... easy ... lazy to say otherwise ... take a bus in bad weather ...

Or just pay the price and be one of the 10% operating a passenger vehicle ... share the road with the semi-trucks ...

The cheap energy is not gone. There's plenty of it. The reason energy is expensive today is because of the Communist party that thinks they're saving the world. Buses? Ever try standing in a snow storm for a half-hour in 5 degree weather with the windchill at -20 degrees? If buses and trains are so great, why are they not self-sufficient? Why do they all need government taxpayer money to operate.
Spread the business districts out ... there's no reason to keep business all jammed together in a few city blocks when we have the internet ... and let me stress the "passenger" part of "passenger vehicles" again ... I'm not talking about the trucks that haul your food from farms to your neighborhood grocery store ... it's the lil' electric golf cart you use for that final 1/2 mile ...

Latin America has the best bus service ... bar none ... a model the United State would thrive on ... 40% of us was raised around Mexican bus service ... free market and personel enterprise in one nice useful package ... capitalism at it's finest ...

Why do you think your great-great-great-grandchildren will have fossil fuels to burn? ... the cheap energy is gone and we're blowing through the not-as-cheap energy right now ... grandchildren will see hey-this-crap-is-getting-expensive energy ...

It's just not possible to have everyone living a mile from work.

90% of us should be able to walk that far twice a day ... easy ... lazy to say otherwise ... 90% should be able to bike 5 miles twice a day ... easy ... lazy to say otherwise ... take a bus in bad weather ...

Or just pay the price and be one of the 10% operating a passenger vehicle ... share the road with the semi-trucks ...

Latin America? :laughing0301: Sure if you dont mind riding with chickens and goats.
I dont have any kids.
You're living in a pipe dream,again,it's not possible to cram everyone in a business district unless you want to live like New Yorkers,no thanks.
The Gov wants us all to be packed into city centers so they can control you,no thanks,you can live like that but I'm sure as hell not.
... Ever try standing in a snow storm for a half-hour in 5 degree weather with the windchill at -20 degrees? ...

I've never worked for anyone who expected that of me ... but I have worked construction at -30ºF with no wind? ... bread sacks between foot and boot is how it's done ... and gloves ... and, yea, that "no wind" part was the key ... I moved where that doesn't happen ...
I've never worked for anyone who expected that of me ... but I have worked construction at -30ºF with no wind? ... bread sacks between foot and boot is how it's done ... and gloves ... and, yea, that "no wind" part was the key ... I moved where that doesn't happen ...

I think you missed the point of my reply. People don't want public transportation for a reason. My choice is to get up in the morning a half-hour early, walk to the bus stop, stand there like an idiot, and ride to work with a bunch of smelly people, or wake up a half-hour later, get in my nice warm personal car, and head off to work non stop there and back. When you think about it there is no choice. I'm driving to work all by myself.
Subscriptions are gonna be a way of life for some. Many companies belong to a co-opt for plane ownership. Makes sense in cars if you dont utilize all the time. Why is this some freedom restricting red flag?

It is in the best interest of big business to make subscriptions a way of life for everyone. Of course they can't force everyone to change right away. They have to gradually get everyone to slowly volunteer for it until the few stragglers that are left are forced to join the new club or be driven and alienated into the abyss of obsoletion. Every type of industry and market is being prepared to adopt that type of system, and force it on consumers. It may never take over 100%, but that would be the most logical goal for any large corporation providing goods and services to the public. We will continue to be put in the position of having to "subscribe' if we want basic things. They will make it increasingly difficult for people to obtain things in any other way. As I said they may not succeed 100% but it will be a long uphill battle resisting them.
It is in the best interest of big business to make subscriptions a way of life for everyone. Of course they can't force everyone to change right away. They have to gradually get everyone to slowly volunteer for it until the few stragglers that are left are forced to join the new club or be driven and alienated into the abyss of obsoletion. Every type of industry and market is being prepared to adopt that type of system, and force it on consumers. It may never take over 100%, but that would be the most logical goal for any large corporation providing goods and services to the public. We will continue to be put in the position of having to "subscribe' if we want basic things. They will make it increasingly difficult for people to obtain things in any other way. As I said they may not succeed 100% but it will be a long uphill battle resisting them.
Let the free market decide

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