World Economic Forum Says It Is 'Time to Look Beyond' Private Vehicle Ownership

Owning the means of production, like the capitalist, your in-group, milking the sun like a cow, is social democracy, rather than socialism. Owning your tiny home, even if it's in storage, is social democracy, not socialism. Screw the Pimp. Boycott the city bus, even if it is electric.
The US became an economic Super Power after 1913
The U.S. was an economic Superpower before the end of the 19th Century. Britain was dying. They were still the military superpower with a declining economic system. They were sputtering. We were a rising Christian nation with our many flaws and not wanting to be the military policeman of the world. The financiers and economic men who convinced governments to use their ways of mediating bartering for us all to purchasing and selling and all other things became the norm. Only they take a cut. A cut for not doing much of anything.
I think you missed the point of my reply. People don't want public transportation for a reason. My choice is to get up in the morning a half-hour early, walk to the bus stop, stand there like an idiot, and ride to work with a bunch of smelly people, or wake up a half-hour later, get in my nice warm personal car, and head off to work non stop there and back. When you think about it there is no choice. I'm driving to work all by myself.

If you're made of money then go right ahead ... why do you think your great-great-great-grandchildren will feel the same? ... you argue against some point I'm not making ...

Time to look beyond your little nose ... there's a wider world out there that's more than Cleveland, Ohio ...
The U.S. was an economic Superpower before the end of the 19th Century. Britain was dying. They were still the military superpower with a declining economic system. They were sputtering. We were a rising Christian nation with our many flaws and not wanting to be the military policeman of the world. The financiers and economic men who convinced governments to use their ways of mediating bartering for us all to purchasing and selling and all other things became the norm. Only they take a cut. A cut for not doing much of anything.
Prior to the Federal Reserve, US currency was subject to wild swings on a frequent basis

Federal Reserve stabilized our economy
If you're made of money then go right ahead ... why do you think your great-great-great-grandchildren will feel the same? ... you argue against some point I'm not making ...

Time to look beyond your little nose ... there's a wider world out there that's more than Cleveland, Ohio ...

What does my grandchildren have to do with it? You don't have to be made of money to own a personal vehicle to get where you want to go when you want to go. I've done it all of my life.
Time to get rid of the WEF.

Nearly everything spewed out of their mouths is socialist, including this.

After China, these lunatics are the 2nd greatest threat to the people of this planet. They want the commoners eating bugs while they fly around the world in their private jets. This type of shit never ends well.
For instance?

For instance when I was a teen, the big push was for gays to be let out of the closet. That's all the left wanted and they said they'd be happy. Fast forward to today, states are now forced to accept gay marriage against their will, and they even get to adopt children before normal couples. Two guys kissing in the park in front of our children, and in liberal schools they want to teach our pre-public children this stuff before they can even understand it.

I remember when all they wanted was lead out of gasoline. That's all they wanted, and they would be happy. Fast forward to today, there is no lead in anything. We got rid of freon, fluorocarbons, anti-freeze, DDT, sulfur in diesel fuel, created CAFE standards on cars and trucks, and they're still pissed off as all hell and want much more like forcing all of us to drive oversized golf carts.

I remember when they wanted for movies to be cigarette free. Smoke anywhere you like, just not in the movie theater, and they would be happy. Fast forward to today, you can't smoke in bars, restaurants, at work, even places outside like the beech or zoo.

The left always starts with they only want this, or only want that. Those of us older folks know fully well with the left, it never stops at point A. After they accomplish point A, it's off to point B, then C, then D.................
I remember when they wanted for movies to be cigarette free. Smoke anywhere you like, just not in the movie theater, and they would be happy. Fast forward to today, you can't smoke in bars, restaurants, at work, even places outside like the beech or zoo.

The Bastards!
If you're made of money then go right ahead ... why do you think your great-great-great-grandchildren will feel the same? ... you argue against some point I'm not making ...

Time to look beyond your little nose ... there's a wider world out there that's more than Cleveland, Ohio ...
Well, that's one vote for the great reset, the goal of which is to make 1984 look like childsplay in comparison.l
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For instance when I was a teen, the big push was for gays to be let out of the closet. That's all the left wanted and they said they'd be happy. Fast forward to today, states are now forced to accept gay marriage against their will, and they even get to adopt children before normal couples. Two guys kissing in the park in front of our children, and in liberal schools they want to teach our pre-public children this stuff before they can even understand it.

I remember when all they wanted was lead out of gasoline. That's all they wanted, and they would be happy. Fast forward to today, there is no lead in anything. We got rid of freon, fluorocarbons, anti-freeze, DDT, sulfur in diesel fuel, created CAFE standards on cars and trucks, and they're still pissed off as all hell and want much more like forcing all of us to drive oversized golf carts.

You can watch the numbers on the solar panel screen go up and down, as the clouds move about, but the steady percentage seen on the battery's percent-charged screen only goes up. This is not socialism or the Left. It is real social democracy's capture of energy to move human DNA physically across the planet. This is antipode to paying to have Nancy's ass shipped to Taiwan.
Prior to the Federal Reserve, US currency was subject to wild swings on a frequent basis

Federal Reserve stabilized our economy
It did. But the owners of the Federal Reserve promised that would end. No recessions and depressions. A couple years after the Federal Reserve Act was enacted we went to war. The printed money out of the wazoo in the 1920's then put a vice grip on the printing which caused the Great Depression and then got us into World War 2. The then globalists did this. They cons9idarted power after WW 1 and WW 2.

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