World Economic Forum Says It Is 'Time to Look Beyond' Private Vehicle Ownership

Prior to the Federal Reserve, US currency was subject to wild swings on a frequent basis

Federal Reserve stabilized our economy
Degrees of Separation

As usual, all the faults of the Fed are caused by the Diploma Dumbos who run it. Secluded in the theory-mongering universities, their education has not only no relation to the way the world works, it teaches them to look down upon people who learn by actively engaging in real life.
Pretty sure thats already happened.
Americans like their cars and they wont give them up.
We moved far enough out of Houston to avoid the trash mass transit brings in.

Leftwinger doesn't realize we made up our minds many years ago. Public transportation, car pooling, bicycles, we just like our cars ready to use anytime we need it.
For instance?
The "Rule of Law" Is the Law of the Rulers

As in Marbury v Madison, where elitist judicial review was obiter dictum; it was an off-topic comment that had nothing to do with the case and therefore was only a non-binding digression. But the unelected ruling class decided it would be convenient to make the Court a third branch of the totalitarian troika, so they used their mass-media mind-control to make it appear binding.
Don't forget this part of the article...

"However, the organization which promotes the “Great Reset” did not stop there and went on to say that this theory can be applied to everything from cars to private homes."

how very Communist of them...

"According to Communism, private property is the source of many of these problems and removing it would solve problems."
It did. But the owners of the Federal Reserve promised that would end. No recessions and depressions. A couple years after the Federal Reserve Act was enacted we went to war. The printed money out of the wazoo in the 1920's then put a vice grip on the printing which caused the Great Depression and then got us into World War 2. The then globalists did this. They cons9idarted power after WW 1 and WW 2.
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

The ignorant academic eunuchs at the FED symposium thought a boom based on speculation was the same as a boom based on production. Both needed federal funding, but speculation is just a whirlpool that sucks everything to the bottom of the pool, where it becomes soggy junk.
Well, my wife, who is a much bigger & more direct threat than any “World Economic Forum,” says we need to buy a new car. Not sure if she wants an EV or an SUV — but my 2001 Acura two door is still running great and I’ve no plan to get rid of it anytime soon.

Of course we don’t travel much anymore — neither of us works — so I figure it won’t tip the world into a new ice-age, or whatever.

I told her I love this car and I plan to be buried in it!

Hope she doesn’t take me literally.
Just the thought of having to call an uber just to to run to the grocery makes me laugh.
Not going to happen.

Like this guy said, in England, people use their car about 4% of the time. Well that's about the amount of time I use my dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer. Should I call the neighbors and tell them to wash their dishes and laundry at my house? like the elites do

A Free Market Means That Whatever Clique Controls It Is Free to Do Whatever It Wants
Yes, that's pretty much what it translates to in the end. But most people WANT it to mean that consumers control it through what they are willing to buy and for what price. Those are the people who somehow think that limiting what large corporations can do is a precursor to communism so they're perfectly OK with letting them control everything and that's somehow better or different. Tyranny is tyranny.
Fear and Loathing at the Prep Schools

Just like smoking, driving a car has a masculine image. The sons and daughters of the ruling class fear that most of all. All the criticisms they make come down to only that one thing. They're well-trained to hide their real motives.

But cars never made any sense; they were just seen by some as better than dead horses & horse crap everywhere, and aggressively forced on The People by the very powers you cite while those same powers dismantled/crippled mass transit.
But cars never made any sense; they were just seen by some as better than dead horses & horse crap everywhere, and aggressively forced on The People by the very powers you cite while those same powers dismantled/crippled mass transit.
No one forced cars on people -- they wanted them because of all the advantages they have over horses... and walking...

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