World Jewish Population Statistics

Jews represented 0.2% of the world population as of 2002.

Estimates indicate that the above percentage hardly changed by 2016.

They should start schtupping a lot.

The population of Jews stays constant because Judaism forbids it's members to seek converts.

Christianity is a reformed sect of Judaism, and actively promotes evangelical outreach.
Christianity is a reformed sect of Judaism


Christianity is a reformed sect of Judaism



Don't let an Orthodox Jew hear you say that.

Why? If they don't like it, too bad; they aren't even popular with most Jews, and nobody cares what they like, except for the racist bigots who hang with them, like Rosie. I was doing some contract work in Jerusalem some years back for a satellite company setting up a TV studio for an Xian broadcaster. We took a day off and I went with them on a waking tour to see the Wall. One of the 'Orthodox' types thought it would be cool to spit on one of the women in our group, and I decked his ass, right in front of an Israeli police officer standing at a corner. She came over, and I thought I was going to get to spend some time in jail and forking over lots of cash, but she just waved us on without saying a word to us. lol I heard the gimp yelling behind us for a couple of blocks, but nothing ever came of it. I guess the locals were tired of their crap and holding them instead; it was a popular thing for them at the time. I think they've quit doing that nearly as much now. they contribute nothing to Israeli society or its defense anyway.
How else was God's covenant fulfilled?

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; For they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

As much as I hate to agree with Rosie on anything, this guy is even worse than she is when it comes to bias and prejudice. Not to mention ignorance.

OO OO OO which guy is even stupider than am I? OO OO OO -----tell me------I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!
Christianity is a reformed sect of Judaism



Don't let an Orthodox Jew hear you say that.

Why? If they don't like it, too bad; they aren't even popular with most Jews, and nobody cares what they like, except for the racist bigots who hang with them, like Rosie. I was doing some contract work in Jerusalem some years back for a satellite company setting up a TV studio for an Xian broadcaster. We took a day off and I went with them on a waking tour to see the Wall. One of the 'Orthodox' types thought it would be cool to spit on one of the women in our group, and I decked his ass, right in front of an Israeli police officer standing at a corner. She came over, and I thought I was going to get to spend some time in jail and forking over lots of cash, but she just waved us on without saying a word to us. lol I heard the gimp yelling behind us for a couple of blocks, but nothing ever came of it. I guess the locals were tired of their crap and holding them instead; it was a popular thing for them at the time. I think they've quit doing that nearly as much now. they contribute nothing to Israeli society or its defense anyway.

How else was God's covenant fulfilled?

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."


I don't believe that Jesus said those stupid lines----which one of the frauds of Nicea came up with that bullshit?

It really doesn't matter if you believe that Jesus said those things. It was written down hundreds of years before the council of Nicaea by people who witness the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life and the enslavement, exile, and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews..

People who drink that curse in a cup of wine without thinking very deeply about it immediately go nuts.

Don't you believe that?

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."


"I have not come to bring peace but "a sword"
How else was God's covenant fulfilled?

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."


I don't believe that Jesus said those stupid lines----which one of the frauds of Nicea came up with that bullshit?

It really doesn't matter if you believe that Jesus said those things. It was written down hundreds of years before the council of Nicaea by people who witness the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life and the enslavement, exile, and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews..

People who drink that curse in a cup of wine without thinking very deeply about it immediately go nuts. Don't you believe that?

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."


"I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

very poetic------you got some of those writings?----
How else was God's covenant fulfilled?

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."


I don't believe that Jesus said those stupid lines----which one of the frauds of Nicea came up with that bullshit?

It really doesn't matter if you believe that Jesus said those things. It was written down hundreds of years before the council of Nicaea by people who witness the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life and the enslavement, exile, and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews..

People who drink that curse in a cup of wine without thinking very deeply about it immediately go nuts. Don't you believe that?

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."


"I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

very poetic------you got some of those writings?----

Don't need to. Scripture says its a curse.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

I read the words, I see the effect, (its verifiable) and I believe.

First century Israel was completely destroyed, but not before they hit the planetary self destruct button.
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Yes, Jews are still a tiny little minority, and their voices are drowned out by hate-filled antisemitic Muslims, their leftist allies and the old fashioned white supremacist types.

Do you have a point to this?

Voices drowned!
Yes, drowned out.

Ever heard of the United Nations, Bubba?
lol! You go for the UN? So...they have the US on the Security Council who negate every meaningful sanction.
I tell you what...try publicly criticizing ANYTHING Jewish or Israel related publicly and see where that gets you. Or, if you are pragmatic try researching those who have. You will see how 'drowned out' those voices! The fuck?!
There's legitimate criticism then there's subjective (highly "partisan", highly hate and conspiratorially oriented) with the latter being the most strident and prolific so of course people become sensitive and automatically lash out at any criticism. The real question with most criticisms of most countries/peoples is what is the motivation, is it valid or is it propaganda.
How else was God's covenant fulfilled?

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

it's poetry--------from the GREAT PESSIMIST------Jeremiah.
Now and then, I call hubby JEREMIAH. Jeremiah lived
around 600 BC ----a very tumultuous time-----lots of armies
charioting themselves thru and knocking things down
Israel was never destroyed


I don't believe that Jesus said those stupid lines----which one of the frauds of Nicea came up with that bullshit?

It really doesn't matter if you believe that Jesus said those things. It was written down hundreds of years before the council of Nicaea by people who witness the destruction of Judea, the temple, their way of life and the enslavement, exile, and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews..

People who drink that curse in a cup of wine without thinking very deeply about it immediately go nuts. Don't you believe that?

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."


"I have not come to bring peace but a sword"

very poetic------you got some of those writings?----

Don't need to. Scripture says its a curse.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

I read the words, I see the effect, (its verifiable) and I believe.

First century Israel was completely destroyed, but not before they hit the planetary self destruct button.
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I can't believe that people are still wrapped up in stupid myths about Jewish people. It started in ancient days when the Christians were just forming as a group, and grew to fruition with all of the superstitions popular among Christians in medieval times. It's so stupid for this sort of nonsense to continue into the 21st Century. How ignorant. It's just more evidence that humanity never grows up. All the crap about Muslims is more evidence. All the crap about female humans in all three of these religions is evidence as well.

I wish people would grow up.

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