World Jewish Population Statistics

Yes, Jews are still a tiny little minority, and their voices are drowned out by hate-filled antisemitic Muslims, their leftist allies and the old fashioned white supremacist types.

Do you have a point to this?

You are now informed
Informed of what?

That a tiny number of people have made disproportionate contributions to mankind?

I already knew that.

They are a miracle.
See what you missed in life by not having a bearded guy bite off the end of yer dick?
Yes, Jews are still a tiny little minority, and their voices are drowned out by hate-filled antisemitic Muslims, their leftist allies and the old fashioned white supremacist types.

Do you have a point to this?

You are now informed
Informed of what?

That a tiny number of people have made disproportionate contributions to mankind?

I already knew that.

They are a miracle.
See what you missed in life by not having a bearded guy bite off the end of yer dick?
I thought that was what you were for.

Have you ever added value in your life?

Jews represented 0.2% of the world population as of 2002.

Estimates indicate that the above percentage hardly changed by 2016.
Here in the states, we are over run with Mexicans that won't acclimate and despise American culture.I look out my window, not seeing to many Jews. Just Mexicans. My grandmother was a German jew. Not worried to much about the world Jewish problem, Instead I am worried about why our so called representatives create sanctuaries without asking US first if we wanted that, shame on us for actually wanting representative democratic government to represent...Americans. Not worried about Jews, thanks for asking.
shithead---MOST MUSLIMS are not semitic at all.

Shithead, think you for your ignorant opinion. But, as always, you're wrong. As a libtard, it's your job to use words without regard to what those words really mean. In reality, Muslims are more semitic than Joos.
It is forbidden to count the children of Israel esp in a conventional way... The true way is to count the number of half shekels each is supposed to donate...if I remember correctly...Jews are only a small portion of the children of Israel and it is very hard to count a people who may hide their Jewishness for whatever reason.. Besides what no one seems to take into account regarding Jews is that they were without their own country for close to two millinium their numbers will grow as they recover from all the ills that befell them over the years..There are other things that can be said here but it depends on whether this is going to be a negative thread or not...
As much as I hate to agree with Rosie on anything, this guy is even worse than she is when it comes to bias and prejudice. Not to mention ignorance.
It is forbidden to count the children of Israel esp in a conventional way... The true way is to count the number of half shekels each is supposed to donate...if I remember correctly...Jews are only a small portion of the children of Israel and it is very hard to count a people who may hide their Jewishness for whatever reason.. Besides what no one seems to take into account regarding Jews is that they were without their own country for close to two millinium their numbers will grow as they recover from all the ills that befell them over the years..There are other things that can be said here but it depends on whether this is going to be a negative thread or not...
That sounds like a rationalization for why God's prophecy concerning all nations has not been proven true based upon the Jewish worldview.

The reality is that the prophecy has been fulfilled but not the way the Jews think it has.
Most Muslims are not Semitic people, and besides - anybody with a triple digit IQ realizes that the term antisemitism refers exclusively to Jews despite the superficial etymology. It was coined to refer to Jews and has remained quite consistent in its use ever since.

Perhaps when you get out of high school, you might learn a few things about the world.

Superficial etymology? Like when libtards call butt-rapists "gay"?

Words can't be so freely redefined, especially when their usage defies superficial definition. For example, if you define "conservative" as the opposite of "liberal" but then you refer to nearly identical people as conservative as liberal, there is a logical disconnect. Even without this disconnect, making up arbitrary definitions as you go is silliness, and the domain of liars and shitheads.

Many of these shitheads claim Jews are a Semitic race, a complete logical disconnect.
^ he blames Jews for the death of Christ but refuses to accept his culpability in the death of Christ for his sins.
Jews are not collectively responsible for Jesus' death

597 The historical complexity of Jesus' trial is apparent in the Gospel accounts. The personal sin of the participants (Judas, the Sanhedrin, Pilate) is known to God alone. Hence we cannot lay responsibility for the trial on the Jews in Jerusalem as a whole, despite the outcry of a manipulated crowd and the global reproaches contained in the apostles' calls to conversion after Pentecost.385 Jesus himself, in forgiving them on the cross, and Peter in following suit, both accept "the ignorance" of the Jews of Jerusalem and even of their leaders.386 Still less can we extend responsibility to other Jews of different times and places, based merely on the crowd's cry: "His blood be on us and on our children!", a formula for ratifying a judicial sentence.387 As the Church declared at the Second Vatican Council:

. . . [N]either all Jews indiscriminately at that time, nor Jews today, can be charged with the crimes committed during his Passion. . . [T]he Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from holy Scripture.388
All sinners were the authors of Christ's Passion

No one ever accused Catholics of putting the Bible first. Jesus didn't forgive the Jews. Jesus and the NT authors hold Jews corporately responsible for Jesus' murder. Jews today have no claim on following the Old Testament religion nor in being the ancestors of Jacob. Their only claim to jewishness is their identification with those who killed Jesus. All Jews should be held responsible for the murder of Jesus and any Jew who wishes to not be held accountable should cease to identify as a Jew.
^ he blames Jews for the death of Christ but refuses to accept his culpability in the death of Christ for his sins.

Because you're a shithead, you can't even repeat what the Bible says: The Jews killed Jesus. All you can do is accuse the saints of history's greatest evil.
Jews are not collectively responsible for Jesus' death

597 The historical complexity of Jesus' trial is apparent in the Gospel accounts. The personal sin of the participants (Judas, the Sanhedrin, Pilate) is known to God alone. Hence we cannot lay responsibility for the trial on the Jews in Jerusalem as a whole, despite the outcry of a manipulated crowd and the global reproaches contained in the apostles' calls to conversion after Pentecost.385 Jesus himself, in forgiving them on the cross, and Peter in following suit, both accept "the ignorance" of the Jews of Jerusalem and even of their leaders.386 Still less can we extend responsibility to other Jews of different times and places, based merely on the crowd's cry: "His blood be on us and on our children!", a formula for ratifying a judicial sentence.387 As the Church declared at the Second Vatican Council:

. . . [N]either all Jews indiscriminately at that time, nor Jews today, can be charged with the crimes committed during his Passion. . . [T]he Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from holy Scripture.388
All sinners were the authors of Christ's Passion

No one ever accused Catholics of putting the Bible first. Jesus didn't forgive the Jews. Jesus and the NT authors hold Jews corporately responsible for Jesus' murder. Jews today have no claim on following the Old Testament religion nor in being the ancestors of Jacob. Their only claim to jewishness is their identification with those who killed Jesus. All Jews should be held responsible for the murder of Jesus and any Jew who wishes to not be held accountable should cease to identify as a Jew.
Of course Jesus forgave them. He forgives anyone who asks. He died for all sin. Even yours.
^ he blames Jews for the death of Christ but refuses to accept his culpability in the death of Christ for his sins.

Because you're a shithead, you can't even repeat what the Bible says: The Jews killed Jesus. All you can do is accuse the saints of history's greatest evil.
We've already been through this before. You killed Christ.
^ he blames Jews for the death of Christ but refuses to accept his culpability in the death of Christ for his sins.

Because you're a shithead, you can't even repeat what the Bible says: The Jews killed Jesus. All you can do is accuse the saints of history's greatest evil.
Why do you keep denying Christ's gift. He died because you are a sinner.


1 Corinthians 15:3
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

Isaiah 53:5
But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities;The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed.

John 1:29
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

Galatians 1:4
who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,

Matthew 26:28
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many …

Romans 4:25
Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification.

2 Corinthians 5:21
For he has made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might …

Galatians 3:13
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse …

Ephesians 1:7
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of …

1 Peter 2:24
Who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that …

1 Peter 3:18
For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, …

1 John 2:2
And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but …
Yes, Jews are still a tiny little minority, and their voices are drowned out by hate-filled antisemitic Muslims, their leftist allies and the old fashioned white supremacist types.

Do you have a point to this?

Shithead, how can Muslims be antisemitic when Muslims themselves are mostly semitic, more so than Jews. Why do you leave Jesus out of your list of Jew-haters? Jesus really hates the Jews. He called them children of the Devil and he invited the biblical concept of Hell for God to corporately throw the Jews.

The word "antisemitic" was coined in the 19th century to mean one thing: hatred of Jews. Jesus was born a Jew and died a Jew.
Jesus only said that about a specific group of Jews, not all of them.
In the Book of Matthew, Jesus said:"Do not think I come to abolish the law of Moses and the prophets. I come to fulfill them."

No one ever accused Catholics of putting the Bible first. Jesus didn't forgive the Jews. Jesus and the NT authors hold Jews corporately responsible for Jesus' murder. Jews today have no claim on following the Old Testament religion nor in being the ancestors of Jacob. Their only claim to jewishness is their identification with those who killed Jesus. All Jews should be held responsible for the murder of Jesus and any Jew who wishes to not be held accountable should cease to identify as a Jew.

ROTFL! Show us what legal system allows people born 2000 years after an execution to be prosecuted as guilty for it.
I was born in 1945, idiot. Jesus died in the year 33.
Yes, Jews are still a tiny little minority, and their voices are drowned out by hate-filled antisemitic Muslims, their leftist allies and the old fashioned white supremacist types.

Do you have a point to this?

Shithead, how can Muslims be antisemitic when Muslims themselves are mostly semitic, more so than Jews. Why do you leave Jesus out of your list of Jew-haters? Jesus really hates the Jews. He called them children of the Devil and he invited the biblical concept of Hell for God to corporately throw the Jews.

The word "antisemitic" was coined in the 19th century to mean one thing: hatred of Jews. Jesus was born a Jew and died a Jew.
Jesus only said that about a specific group of Jews, not all of them.
In the Book of Matthew, Jesus said:"Do not think I come to abolish the law of Moses and the prophets. I come to fulfill them."

Yes. That's what is so ridiculous and funny about the 'Christ Killers' idiocy. Many of the Orthodox do, however, get to fully own the massacres and murders since then, as well as their own self-isolation and bigotry, which is of their own choices and the root of the prejudices they suffer from, i.e. in no small part self-inflicted on their little corner of Judaism. I consider Christians to be a Jewish sect, so my definition of Jews is much broader than just the racist Orthodox fantasy is, and Christians face a lot more prejudice and violence relative to Orthodox, despite their incessant whining. They're being farmed for body parts by organ-leggers in the ME and Asia as we speak, for instance, yet no outrage from anybody over it.

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