World-Renowned Microbiologist Issues Dire Warning On COVID Vaccine And Impending Mass Deaths — Calls For Criminal Prosecutions

We're trying to get rid of this fucking thing and get back to normal, and these nuts are playing their stupid fucking paranoid games.

It really is a shame we've gotten to this place.
We're trying to get rid of the chinese flu and get back to normal, and these scum demonRATS are playing their stupid fucking scare tactic games.
It really is a shame we've gotten to this place.
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Used to be that antivax droolers tended to be liberal. Not any more. That stupidity has moved mostly to the right, along with GMO-hatred. Interestingly, the kook leftists who believed such things have tended to join the Q-cult and become kook right losers. Good riddance.
We're trying to get rid of this fucking thing and get back to normal, and these nuts are playing their stupid fucking paranoid games.
Paranoid games like pretending a virus with a 99+% survival rate is a reason to shut down the greatest economy in history and impose unprecedented restrictions on individual liberty?
"Greatest economy in history". Just a 2.4% GDP when the virus hit, treasury yields crashed by over 60%, the NY Fed having to pump over $1.5T into short term credit markets in 2019 just to keep us afloat, an extended manufacturing recession in 2019, and an exploded budget and exploded deficit paying for it all.

"Greatest economy in history".

Good gawd, the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters just doesn't fade. You people HAVE to be kidding.
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"Greatest economy in history". Just a 2.4% GDP when the virus hit, treasury yields crashed by over 60%, the NY Fed having to pump over $1.5T into short term credit markets in 2019 just to keep us afloat, an extended manufacturing recession in 2019, and an exploded budget and exploded deficit paying for it all.

"Greatest economy in history".

Good gawd, the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters just doesn't fade. You people HAVE to be kidding.
You got beaten like a buck-toothed whore at a glory hole and the best you have is "Derp, the economy wasn't great"?
The discussion was about paranoia regarding covid, btw. Diversion is your white flag.
What country had a higher GDP than us, simplejack?
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"Greatest economy in history". Just a 2.4% GDP when the virus hit, treasury yields crashed by over 60%, the NY Fed having to pump over $1.5T into short term credit markets in 2019 just to keep us afloat, an extended manufacturing recession in 2019, and an exploded budget and exploded deficit paying for it all.

"Greatest economy in history".

Good gawd, the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters just doesn't fade. You people HAVE to be kidding.
You got beaten like a buck-toothed whore at a glory hole and the best you have is "Derp, the economy wasn't great"?
The discussion was about paranoia regarding covid, btw. Diversion is your white flag.
What country had a higher GDP than us, simplejack?
It wasn't the "Greatest Economy in History", Trumpster.

What is your education, training and background in markets and economics, precisely?
It wasn't the "Greatest Economy in History", Trumpster.
You're trying to divert away from the actual point because you're a jackass troll.
Sorry, kid, those juvenile debate tactics won't work with me.
I appreciate that you've dialed your IQ up to 11, but those of us with three digit IQs can easily see right through you.
Do try to keep up, bidenista.
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Your fact check is bullshit.
A year from now, when there's no mass death, will you admit you've been a brainwashed paste-eating imbecile?

Of course not. One of the primary benefits of being a Trump cultist is being so blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. Every day for a Trump cultists is a new adventure, with all the memories of their many previous faceplants having been written over by new cult propaganda.

I would ask the same of you regarding man-made global warming, and I'd venture to guess that despite the fact that none of the 15-year "apocalypse forecasts" that have been recycled each decade since the 60s have come true -- no melted ice caps, flooded cities, and mass death -- that you're still worshiping at the AGW altar. Nobody in that camp has room to talk about brainwashing, cults and absence of long term memory.

I would ask the same of you regarding man-made global warming, and I'd venture to guess that despite the fact that none of the 15-year "apocalypse forecasts" that have been recycled each decade since the 60s have come true -- no melted ice caps, flooded cities, and mass death --
The fact that you fell for some hysterical conservative mainstream media hoaxes doesn't make us look bad for knowing the actual science.

that you're still worshiping at the AGW altar. Nobody in that camp has room to talk about brainwashing, cults and absence of long term memory.

Remember, you can only gaslight those in your cult. As we possess an excellent long-term memory, we know what the actual science was, so we know how good it was, and we know you're just making up crazy stories about it.

And here's a debunking of that nonsense.

You don't know that...........
the vaccines have already triggered several deaths
IN TIME, there is no telling what these GENE MODIFERS do. All drugs have consequences --ALL of them. This can of worm hasn't been opened up enough yet to see what really happens long term.

In the short term, even if it works as advertised--it only offers at best is several months of not preventing the disease but supposedly lowering the symptoms of it. As one who got the virus, I'm thankful that I have already had it---think I got more long term better less dangerous immunity (assuming that I am not one of those who double catch the virus) than those who got vaccinated. My husband caught the virus and it almost killed him----------think if he catches the virus or gets vaccinated he runs a big chance of not surviving.

PS....given the weakened form during the summer---I don't understand why healthy people are getting vaccinated at the beginning of summer at all.
Used to be that antivax droolers tended to be liberal. Not any more. That stupidity has moved mostly to the right, along with GMO-hatred. Interestingly, the kook leftists who believed such things have tended to join the Q-cult and become kook right losers. Good riddance.
You think gene modifiers don't have consequences? don't understand that even if they do work---they only lower symptoms and only work for a short time (matter of just months.)
In an exclusive interview with The New American magazine, internationally renowned microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies, adding his voice to the chorus of others like Dr. Tenpenny who say you should avoid the vaccine.

What’s even more alarming is his assertion that the COVID vaccines are set to cause a world-wide cataclysm of unprecedented proportions, including mass death among those who take them.

Starting off, Dr. Bhakdi, the retired chief of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz, explains that the PCR used to “diagnose” COVID cases has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It is not about the disease. It has always been about control.....

Thanks for posting, we knew all this of course , my God but this is beyond horrible


"The doctor sends an alarming warning to those who are taking the vaccine, “when you take this jab, you are allowing your body – you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.”

He implores adults not to take the vaccine, “Therefore I strongly advise people not to get the shot, if you want to as an adult you may, but you must realize that you are undergoing a threat.”
Used to be that antivax droolers tended to be liberal. Not any more. That stupidity has moved mostly to the right, along with GMO-hatred. Interestingly, the kook leftists who believed such things have tended to join the Q-cult and become kook right losers. Good riddance.
Big difference...

Democrats challenged anti-vaxers straight out the door, they were told that there views have no home on the Democrat platform... In fairness they had no home in GOP platform either...

Compare that to Tucker Carlson or QAnon, They have no only a home in GOP but are in certain places taking over... Trump has no problem repeating QAnon conspiracy theories and Trump has effectively taken over that party...
In an exclusive interview with The New American magazine, internationally renowned microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies, adding his voice to the chorus of others like Dr. Tenpenny who say you should avoid the vaccine.

What’s even more alarming is his assertion that the COVID vaccines are set to cause a world-wide cataclysm of unprecedented proportions, including mass death among those who take them.

Starting off, Dr. Bhakdi, the retired chief of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz, explains that the PCR used to “diagnose” COVID cases has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It is not about the disease. It has always been about control.....

Thanks for posting, we knew all this of course , my God but this is beyond horrible


"The doctor sends an alarming warning to those who are taking the vaccine, “when you take this jab, you are allowing your body – you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.”

He implores adults not to take the vaccine, “Therefore I strongly advise people not to get the shot, if you want to as an adult you may, but you must realize that you are undergoing a threat.”
Highly debunked Doctor...

This is a doctor that called COVID fake in the past

His comments were also factchecked and debunked
In an exclusive interview with The New American magazine, internationally renowned microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies, adding his voice to the chorus of others like Dr. Tenpenny who say you should avoid the vaccine.

What’s even more alarming is his assertion that the COVID vaccines are set to cause a world-wide cataclysm of unprecedented proportions, including mass death among those who take them.

Starting off, Dr. Bhakdi, the retired chief of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz, explains that the PCR used to “diagnose” COVID cases has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It is not about the disease. It has always been about control.....

Thanks for posting, we knew all this of course , my God but this is beyond horrible


"The doctor sends an alarming warning to those who are taking the vaccine, “when you take this jab, you are allowing your body – you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.”

He implores adults not to take the vaccine, “Therefore I strongly advise people not to get the shot, if you want to as an adult you may, but you must realize that you are undergoing a threat.”
Highly debunked Doctor...

This is a doctor that called COVID fake in the past

His comments were also factchecked and debunked
Who Fact checked him?....Hmmmmmm!....Perhaps a LEFT LEANING FACT CHECKER?
In an exclusive interview with The New American magazine, internationally renowned microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies, adding his voice to the chorus of others like Dr. Tenpenny who say you should avoid the vaccine.

What’s even more alarming is his assertion that the COVID vaccines are set to cause a world-wide cataclysm of unprecedented proportions, including mass death among those who take them.

Starting off, Dr. Bhakdi, the retired chief of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz, explains that the PCR used to “diagnose” COVID cases has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It is not about the disease. It has always been about control.....

Thanks for posting, we knew all this of course , my God but this is beyond horrible


"The doctor sends an alarming warning to those who are taking the vaccine, “when you take this jab, you are allowing your body – you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.”

He implores adults not to take the vaccine, “Therefore I strongly advise people not to get the shot, if you want to as an adult you may, but you must realize that you are undergoing a threat.”
Highly debunked Doctor...

This is a doctor that called COVID fake in the past

His comments were also factchecked and debunked
Who Fact checked him?....Hmmmmmm!....Perhaps a LEFT LEANING FACT CHECKER?
USA Today...

And unlike you they went to actual sources.... This is the general idiot answer from Trumpsters on this forum...

Fact Checkers show there sources, you try to discredit them with bullshit... Have you got actual evidence to contradict the fact checker...

Please show us your PhD. in Epidemiology and we can consider your alternative theories.. You can quote this doctor but he has been highly debunked.

This source you are using has been banned from YouTube, has called the pandemic as fake, "Deleted because of medically incorrect information".... There is morgues full showing him WRONG.

This is not left leaning, this fact based against non fact based... There is a reason this guys hasn't had a steady job in 9 years..
In an exclusive interview with The New American magazine, internationally renowned microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies, adding his voice to the chorus of others like Dr. Tenpenny who say you should avoid the vaccine.

What’s even more alarming is his assertion that the COVID vaccines are set to cause a world-wide cataclysm of unprecedented proportions, including mass death among those who take them.

Starting off, Dr. Bhakdi, the retired chief of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the University of Mainz, explains that the PCR used to “diagnose” COVID cases has been abused to produce fear in a way that is unscientific.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It is not about the disease. It has always been about control.....

Thanks for posting, we knew all this of course , my God but this is beyond horrible


"The doctor sends an alarming warning to those who are taking the vaccine, “when you take this jab, you are allowing your body – you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.”

He implores adults not to take the vaccine, “Therefore I strongly advise people not to get the shot, if you want to as an adult you may, but you must realize that you are undergoing a threat.”
Highly debunked Doctor...

This is a doctor that called COVID fake in the past

His comments were also factchecked and debunked
Who Fact checked him?....Hmmmmmm!....Perhaps a LEFT LEANING FACT CHECKER?
USA Today...

And unlike you they went to actual sources.... This is the general idiot answer from Trumpsters on this forum...

Fact Checkers show there sources, you try to discredit them with bullshit... Have you got actual evidence to contradict the fact checker...

Please show us your PhD. in Epidemiology and we can consider your alternative theories.. You can quote this doctor but he has been highly debunked.

This source you are using has been banned from YouTube, has called the pandemic as fake, "Deleted because of medically incorrect information".... There is morgues full showing him WRONG.

This is not left leaning, this fact based against non fact based... There is a reason this guys hasn't had a steady job in 9 years..
AND YOU QUOTE USA TODAY....ROTFLMFAO... We we born in the dark, but not last night!!!!

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