World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

I just don't get Truthers. Their solution for an absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy they can't back factually is to invent an even more absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy to back it.

And its turtles, all the way down.
You are referring of course to this absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy you can factually back, right?

I'm referring to the stupidly complicated truther conspiracy. Now with no planes.

And when we ask how this works, Truthers make up another stupidly complicated conspiracy: 'secret technology'.

When we ask for evidence on this 'secret technology' doing what they claim, being used, or even existing as they describe it, we get another stupidly complicated conspiracy about the ruble.

And so on. And so on. And so on.

Its turtles all the way down.
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.
911 - Aircraft Parts As A Clue To Their Identity The Precautionary Principle
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.
911 - Aircraft Parts As A Clue To Their Identity The Precautionary Principle

The precautionary principle is based on the fact that the failure to prove a proposition completely does not disprove the proposition.

From your link.

precautionary principle
the precept that an action should not be taken if the consequences are uncertain and potentially dangerous

From a dictionary

Your stupid sources get the simplest things wrong.
But they've seen behind the government conspiracy, right? LOL!
you guys are hopeless,the way you all keep feeding the trolls.

I give up,I can only say this so many times before i get tired of the advise being ignored-:trolls:
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I just don't get Truthers. Their solution for an absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy they can't back factually is to invent an even more absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy to back it.

And its turtles, all the way down.
You are referring of course to this absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy you can't factually back, right?

yeah these official conspiracy theory apologists better get off the crack they been smoking the fact they believe in this,the most wackiest conspiracy theory on the planet ever invented.:rolleyes::lmao::haha::muahaha:
I just don't get Truthers. Their solution for an absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy they can't back factually is to invent an even more absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy to back it.

And its turtles, all the way down.
You are referring of course to this absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy you can't factually back, right?

yeah these official conspiracy theory apologists better get off the crack they been smoking the fact they believe in this,the most wackiest conspiracy theory on the planet ever invented.:rolleyes::lmao::haha::muahaha:

A building collapsing due to fire and structural damage after being hit by a plane is 'wackier' than the 'no plane' theory?

Yeah, this is why truther's just aren't taken seriously. I think your heyday was 2006.
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.
911 - Aircraft Parts As A Clue To Their Identity The Precautionary Principle

dude werent YOU the one earlier who said not to waste time with these government trolls? cant have it both ways to advise someone not to feed the trolls when your doing the exact same thing bud.

No reason to post that link,Dale took them to school handing their ass to them on a platter in post#244 here.

World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes | Page 25 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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when 9/11 Conspiratards start talking about all this other bullshit, you know they've been destroyed on their thesis.

Just tell us what happened to the planes if there were no planes involved in 9/11....mmmmmmmmmk?

As someone that denied any conspiracy concerning 9/11 for 11 years, when my eyes opened up to the fact that we were lied to, I learned to not discount anything. Could the planes have been holograms? I say it is very possible. I do not know for sure. I only try and explain things that make sense to me. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, researching, listening to lectures both pro and con because in order to discuss anything intelligently, you have to investigate every avenue in order to come to a conclusion. What I do know now is that it is ludicrous to believe that 19 boxcutter welding terrorists defeated NORAD, the FAA, the NSA, CIA AND the Pentagon...and furthermore to think that after being buttfucked in front of the entire world to believe that they were able to get their shit together so soon and prevent another wave from alleged "terrorist cells" is pathetically funny. There were many reasons that 9/11 happened and as usual, it benefitted those with the gold while making us poorer with less privacy and freedoms. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic....cause, affect, solution.

see YOU did what the infiltraters refuse to do,look at BOTH sides of the coin.
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Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.
911 - Aircraft Parts As A Clue To Their Identity The Precautionary Principle

dude werent YOU the one earlier who said not to waste time with these government trolls? cant have it both ways to advise someone not to feed the trolls when your doing the exact same thing bud.

No reason to post that link,Dale took them to school handing their ass to them on a platter in post#

See, this is what I'm talking about. I just don't get Truthers. When pressed on their wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate conspiracy, they make up all new wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate conspiracies to back them.

And when pressed on the new conspiracy, its another conspiracy, backed by another. And another.


Um...911? What's your evidence that those debunking your claims are 'government shills'?
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.
911 - Aircraft Parts As A Clue To Their Identity The Precautionary Principle

dude werent YOU the one earlier who said not to waste time with these government trolls? cant have it both ways to advise someone not to feed the trolls when your doing the exact same thing bud.

No reason to post that link,Dale took them to school handing their ass to them on a platter in post#244 here.

World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes | Page 25 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're right, his idiocy about rubles, his idiocy about response times and his idiocy about cameras really
handed me my ass.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

Nice retreat from the hologram nonsense. Let's make you retreat a little further. Shall we?

Now, you're sure that explosives were planted in 3 buildings.

So the plotters added 2 hijackings onto their "to do" list and crashed the planes into buildings for no apparent reason?

Why would you need planes if you have bombs planted there already?

Then there is the Pentagon attack; Are you stating that it was separate?
Not retreating from anything. I am simply not a naysayer when some believe that there wasn't an actual plane that hit the towers. Why would they use planes when explosives were planted? Are you kidding me? I can't believe you would even ask that question...think, son...think.

"Then there is the Pentagon attack; Are you stating that it was separate?"

Separate from what???? You are turning into a time waster.
Not retreating from anything. I am simply not a naysayer when some believe that there wasn't an actual plane that hit the towers. Why would they use planes when explosives were planted? Are you kidding me? I can't believe you would even ask that question...think, son...think.

"Then there is the Pentagon attack; Are you stating that it was separate?"

Separate from what???? You are turning into a time waster.

No answer for why they would hijack planes for no expected.

You didn't last as long as the other conspiratards.
Not retreating from anything. I am simply not a naysayer when some believe that there wasn't an actual plane that hit the towers. Why would they use planes when explosives were planted? Are you kidding me? I can't believe you would even ask that question...think, son...think.

"Then there is the Pentagon attack; Are you stating that it was separate?"

Separate from what???? You are turning into a time waster.

No answer for why they would hijack planes for no expected.

You didn't last as long as the other conspiratards.
I know more than you and I can tell that it irks you....good.

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