World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

Again, we saw the planes hit the towers, we saw the towers fall. We have the official results and explanation of what we think happened. If anyone thinks it didn't happen that way than you must come up with an explanation of what DID happen. If you can't do that then you have nothing at all.

It's easy to poke holes, real or imaginary, in the official story but it means nothing unless you have a better explanation. So far you conspiracy nutters have nothing.
Titanium engines weigh two tons a piece....that is 4 thousand pounds per engine. As I alluded to, I am not saying that plane did not hit WTC1 and 2....I simply said that I am open to the possibility that they didn't.....what part of that equation are you struggling with?
Titanium engines weigh two tons a piece....that is 4 thousand pounds per engine. As I alluded to, I am not saying that plane did not hit WTC1 and 2....I simply said that I am open to the possibility that they didn't.....what part of that equation are you struggling with?
But you said that they didn't recover any of the engines from the planes. I and others just showed you they did (in addition to others pieces). Do you deny the engine found at the intersection Church and Murray street?
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to me....

How much do the "real" engines weigh?
How much did the engine from the wreckage weigh?
Obviously, these are the turbines, not the entire engine.
They didn't travel thru the WTC unscathed.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale?
Ok, they recovered a piece of an engine, not a whole engine. Agreed?
It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say?
What does finding a piece of an engine have to do with it being a drone plane or computer controlled? Your original statement above was about the validity of "planes" impacting the towers was it not?
I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....
which plane hit building 7?
No plane hit WTC7.
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.

I saw the second plane hit the second tower-------It was a passenger plane----HAPPY NOW? Lots of other people in New York City----or near the shore of the Hudson river in New Jersey saw the first plane hit------it was a plane-----the kind that fly around the skies over there----there are a whole bunch of airports in New York City and in
New Jersey-------none of the things flying around like like car bombs
Candy never claimed "nope, there are no conspiracies" nor have I ever heard anyone say such a silly thing (except CT loons trying to explain their lunacy).

What she is trying to tell you is that not everything is a conspiracy ... that like most normal people, gov't officials and employees are far too busy living their lives - you know ... mowing the lawn, chasing sex, watching football - to create and perpetrate the elaborate schemes of your vivid imagination.

That after your years of "research" you still are not sure whether or not there were planes involved on 9/11 says all that anyone needs to know about the loons that pervaded your now defunct 9/11 CT Movement.

Indeed most CT loons are forced to seek out and "lean on" their "close knit group of truthers" because normal people ignore or ridicule the CT silliness.

Paranoia is treatable but you first must want to rejoin the rational.

I do find it amusing (but not surprising) that you think yourself some sort of superhero trying to save the world from evil.

Sayit sez???? "Listen to me you flammer of our gubermint...our gubermint loves us and has never lied to us due you here me due you? You due not love this republik for witches stands you traytor of this dare you acurse our gubermint of laying to us...a curce upon you!!!!"

Seriously, are nothing but a bug on the windshield of life .....should we not be able to turn the tide and those that are left end up serving the collective? I will spare you a thought as you scratch your sloped skull when your little world is turned up on it's axis and you are sitting on the curb wonderin' "Where's da gubermint?" Don't fret, little man...there are millions of "I believe in Santa Claus" dumbfucks like will have plenty of company to commiserate with....

disinfo agent sayit along with candyass is one of USMB's biggest paid trolls of them all-i put these two stupid fucks on ignore years ago-:trolls:

I'll agree with you on SAYIT, as his position on issues changes with the wind. His posting and postions will conform to what ever new administration comes into office next year.

Candy OTH. . .

Though CandyACORN I believe is a grass roots paid partisan poster who really just watches too much TV. She is just innocent and idealistic. One day someone might reach her, I'm not sure she is in any way connected to the intel establishment. One has to love her idealism for what it is, she posts out of a genuine love for humanity, she really does. I understand her POV and the interests that motivate her.
why do you think shill candyass is a SHE?

Women dont discuss the NFL,trust me IT is dude.IT is really the most proper term for that user name in reality.

Lesbian Wing of the Illuminati Seizes Control of the NFL
Lesbian Wing of the Illuminati Seizes Control of the NFL

I've posted to you before about how the NFL is a profit sharing mind control cabal. Why do you even give a shit about the NFL?

Perhaps IT has gender identity disorder. . . . lol

just to look at the uniform colors of the chargers and future LA Rams.nothing dont get into this winning losing thing anymore and will never watch another superbowl again thats for sure,these coachs throw the games all the time i learned last year and the cheatriots are the spolied rich brats of the NFL who get away with scandal after scandal,it took me last year to wake up to all this.thats why i will never put a dime into the corrupt NFL again.its a cartel.

Like i said,i just like looking at a certain teams uniform other the important thing is i will never give them another dime of my money.
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How do you think the Soviets bought commodities on the world market?

They used dollars or marks or francs or pounds.

Why do you think wiki listed a conversion table?

Because that's what the Commies said the rubles were worth. Even though they weren't convertible.

Your argument doesn't hold any water, sorry.

Why would the commies say their rubles were worth "X" amount if they never traded them?

Your argument doesn't hold any water, sorry.

What argument? Rubles were not convertible in the USSR.
That's a fact.

Why would the commies say their rubles were worth "X" amount if they never traded them?

If they were tradable, why would the Commies have to tell you what they were worth, you could just post a market chart. Like you could with dollars vs YEN, GBP, DM, SFC, FFC, any tradable currency.

They did it so they could brag about how large their GDP was, in other words, so they could lie.

Like I stated earlier when discussing this topic with another poster, this has to do with the Wanta scandal.

A little research reveals those "exchange rates" listed in wiki are not, "Soviet lies," but are actually import/export ratios.

The Soviet Union tried to be mostly self-reliant. As we can see from those ratios, it became less and less so as their government became larger, more cumbersome and corrupt. Sort of like ours is becoming, eh?

Foreign Economic Reports

A little research reveals those "exchange rates" listed in wiki are not, "Soviet lies," but are actually import/export ratios.

The manner in which the Soviet Union transacted trade varied from one trade partner to another. Soviet trade with the Western industrialized countries, except Finland, and most Third World countries was conducted with hard currency, that is, currency that was freely convertible. Because the ruble was not freely convertible, the Soviet Union could only acquire hard currency by selling Soviet goods or gold on the world market for hard currency. Therefore, the volume of imports from countries using convertible currency depended on the amount of goods the Soviet Union exported for hard currency.

Foreign trade of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
which is exactly why everyone should use the ignore button with these shills.thats their objective here their handlers send them here to achieve.
when 9/11 Conspiratards start talking about all this other bullshit, you know they've been destroyed on their thesis.

Just tell us what happened to the planes if there were no planes involved in 9/11....mmmmmmmmmk?

As someone that denied any conspiracy concerning 9/11 for 11 years, when my eyes opened up to the fact that we were lied to, I learned to not discount anything. Could the planes have been holograms? I say it is very possible. I do not know for sure. I only try and explain things that make sense to me. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, researching, listening to lectures both pro and con because in order to discuss anything intelligently, you have to investigate every avenue in order to come to a conclusion. What I do know now is that it is ludicrous to believe that 19 boxcutter welding terrorists defeated NORAD, the FAA, the NSA, CIA AND the Pentagon...and furthermore to think that after being buttfucked in front of the entire world to believe that they were able to get their shit together so soon and prevent another wave from alleged "terrorist cells" is pathetically funny. There were many reasons that 9/11 happened and as usual, it benefitted those with the gold while making us poorer with less privacy and freedoms. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic....cause, affect, solution.

What I do know now is that it is ludicrous to believe that 19 boxcutter welding terrorists defeated NORAD, the FAA, the NSA, CIA AND the Pentagon

They didn't defeat NORAD, the FAA, the NSA, the CIA and the Pentagon, they overpowered a couple of pilots and a handful of flight attendants.

Seriously, seek help.

Umm, yes they did......remember when Payne Stewart's plane lost contact in 1999? They had fighter jets within minutes escorting that plane. No planes were sent until an hour and a half later and they were sent over the Atlantic Ocean. The Pentagon has the most secured airspace in the world so please, explain how there is no recorded evidence of a plane ever hitting the Pentagon? 83 cameras were confiscated by the FBI and 4 frames is the best that they could do? Put on your thinking cap, lil fella......
you took the shill to school gave him a major ass beating that he can only cry about in
Does any one have any of the serial numbers off of said parts or the black boxes? If not you don't know what hit the towers or the pentagon for sure
Do YOU have access to parts and serial numbers for ANY airline crash that match the said plane that crashed to it's matching parts? If so, please provide your information so we can see that they publish this type of information for public consumption.

I saw the second plane hit the second tower-------It was a passenger plane----HAPPY NOW? Lots of other people in New York City----or near the shore of the Hudson river in New Jersey saw the first plane hit------it was a plane-----the kind that fly around the skies over there----there are a whole bunch of airports in New York City and in
New Jersey-------none of the things flying around like like car bombs

. . . . And the Mossad chimes in.

Yeah. . . . . well. . . .


I was --------- there and and and --------------
I saw elephants smash them to smithereens so your account can't
possibly be true ----- they were big and pink and angry and speaking Yiddish to all their relatives
about becoming doctors

and lawyers and how they were sick of the terrible ways ----- that they were being ignored and if only those damn towers fell
Americans would know what it is like not having a safe space to live in ---- then maybe they would
do something about all this damn global warming

All the pink elephants know these things--- HAPPY NOW?
when 9/11 Conspiratards start talking about all this other bullshit, you know they've been destroyed on their thesis.

Just tell us what happened to the planes if there were no planes involved in 9/11....mmmmmmmmmk?

Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus?
Please post a link proving said assertion.

Why would my personal conclusion, based on years of adult observation - and you did say you wanted this to be an adult conversation - require a link?

Skepticism is a valuable adult tool and one you apply liberally to other's sources but when it comes to your own sources, suddenly you are an all-believing sheeple.

I have read enough of the CT lunacy to understand exactly who and what I'm dealing with.

You have the capacity to "research" that which interests you at obscure and bogus sites such as The Artic Beacon. If you are truly interested in the connection between the Internet and paranoia - and I'm skeptical - look it up.
See, we have something in common...I am skeptical about anything this corporate "gubermint" tells are skeptical about anything that challenges the official story of "da gubermint"......being skeptical is a good thing, no? It's not detrimental and causes no one any harm, correct?

Not quite.

It has not been established that I (or any of the rational adults here) "are skeptical about anything that challenges the official story of da gubermint" but what has been firmly established is that you are skeptical only of everything "corporate gubermint" and most remarkably, you believe your closed mind is something of which to be proud.

"Closed mind"? Hardly....I have simply invested over 12,000 hours in reading and research....listening to lectures and documentaries from accredited researchers and authors while discerning the information and vetting it. I have learned more and understand more than you could even fathom because I have paid my dues and invested the time and effort into learning how things really work and I am not interested in the slightest in being lectured from a "wet behind the ears, knows nothing"" sheeple like you get the message that I am sending?

View attachment 58883

That's a picture of landing gear inside the Pentagon.
Did a missile leave it there? Maybe a hologram?
If it's inside the Pentagon, more than likely neither a missile nor a hologram left it, probably a spook left it.

I just don't get Truthers. Their solution for an absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy they can't back factually is to invent an even more absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy to back it.

And its turtles, all the way down.
I just don't get Truthers. Their solution for an absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy they can't back factually is to invent an even more absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy to back it.

And its turtles, all the way down.
You are referring of course to this absurdly complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy you can't factually back, right?

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