World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

there you go feeding the shill again.
I know, but this guy seems to be honestly looking for the truth or why I see things the way I do...worth a shot at least.
Pieczenik named people in the US Government as having been involved in the 9-11 atrocity and stated: “It was called a stand down, a false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretenses….it was told to me even by the general on the staff of Wolfowitz – I will go in front of a federal committee and swear on perjury who the name was of the individual so that we can break it open... he was furious and knew it had happened”...I taught stand down and false flag operations at the national war college, I’ve taught it with all my operatives so I knew exactly what was done to the American public... I am happy to testify in court so that we can unravel this thing legally, not with the stupid 9/11 Commission that was absurd."
Two things.

1. The quote you provided above says nothing about explosives.
2. The link does not work.
In order to understand what nanothermite is, we first must understand what ordinary commercial thermite is. Thermite is a mixture of a metal and the oxide of another metal, usually aluminum (Al) and iron oxide (Fe2O3), in a granular or powder form. When ignited, the energetic Al-Fe thermite reaction produces molten iron and aluminum oxide, with the molten iron reaching temperatures well in excess of 4000° F. These temperatures are certainly high enough to allow cuts through structural steel, which generally has a melting point of around 2750° F.

There is also a variant of thermite known as thermate, which is a combination of thermite and sulfur, and is more efficient at cutting through steel. This form of thermite is believed to have been used in the demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. Although conventional thermite has the capability to cut through structural steel, it is technically an incendiary and not an explosive.

Nanothermite (also known as superthermite), simply put, is an ultra-fine-grained (UFG) variant of thermite that can be formulated to be explosive by adding gas-releasing substances. A general rule in chemistry is that the smaller the particles of the reactants, the faster the reaction. Nanothermite, as the name suggests, is thermite in which the particles are so small that they are measured in nanometers (one billionth of a meter). The authors of the peer-reviewed Active Thermitic Materials paper, which documents the discovery of these materials in the WTC dust, explain:

Available papers [by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and others] describe this material as an intimate mixture of UFG aluminum and iron oxide in nano-thermite composites to form pyrotechnics or explosives. The thermite reaction involves aluminum and a metal oxide, as in this typical reaction with iron oxide:

2Al + Fe2O3 ? Al2O3 + 2Fe (molten iron), ?H = -853.5 kJ/mole.

According to Randy Simpson, director of the Energetic Materials Center at LLNL, “since these ‘nanostructures’ are formed with particles on the nanometer scale, the performance can be improved over materials with particles the size of grains of sand or of powdered sugar”
The public announcements of the development of nanothermite composite materials as explosives date back several years before 9/11. As Dr. Frank Legge points out , “ researchers were describing methods of preparing nano-sized particles, using them in superthermite, and calling such material ‘explosive’ in 1997. It would therefore not be correct to assert that by 2001, four years later, they would be unable to utilize the material in demolition.”

In additon, notes the following:

One of the critiques of theories that thermite was used to destroy the World Trade Center skyscrapers asserts that thermite preparations don’t have sufficient explosive power to account for the observed features of the buildings’ destruction. This criticism seems to be uninformed by knowledge of some of the aluminothermic preparations known to exist – particularly those being researched for military applications.

Indeed, as 9/11 researcher Kevin Ryan has shown, there is substantial documentation detailing how nanothermite has been formulated to be explosive. For example, a summary report released at the 2008 AIChE conference by chemists at the University of Houston describes how nano-thermite composites can be engineered to create explosives:

Nanoenergetic thermite materials release energy much faster than conventional energetic materials and have various potential military applications, such as rocket propellants, aircraft fuel and explosives. They are likely to become the next-generation explosive materials, as they enable flexibility in energy density and power release through control of particle size distribution, stoichiometry and choice of fuel and oxidizer.

Some critics have also claimed that neither thermite nor nanothermite has ever been used to demolish steel structures. Even if this assertion were true, it would not be proof in and of itself that these materials could not be used in demolition. As Dr. Legge notes :

It could be true, and probably is true, that the three buildings which came down on 9/11 were the first in which some variation of the thermite reaction was used in demolition. It is however not logical to say something cannot have happened merely because it had not happened before: there has to be a first time for everything. It is certainly true that thermite had been used many times in arson attacks prior to 9/11.

However, we find that thermite has in fact been used to demolish steel structures in the past. For example, Popular Mechanics itself documents that thermite was used in the demolition of structures such as the Skyride Tower in Chicago and the dome of the German Reichstag. Furthermore, experiments conducted by civil engineer Jonathan Cole have shown that ordinary thermate can be used to effectively cut through steel columns. And as described earlier, the effectiveness of nanothermite is much higher than that of ordinary thermate.
Again, where in that quote does it state that explosives and/or thermite were used to make you 100% sure that's how the WTC buildings came down? I have yet to see you quote anything that contains proof.
You know what is so confusing to me? Why is it that people get so mad when you question the official narrative? What does it hurt? Seriously, some of these deniers act like their sense of decorum has been horrifically offended. Why get all butthurt because some people don't buy all the shit this corporate entity disguised as a "gubermint" tries to feed us?
I hope I'm not coming across as being mad or butthurt.

If there is proof for what you claim, then provide it. If it holds up to scrutiny, so be it. I have no problems with that. That is what discussion is about.
I know, but this guy seems to be honestly looking for the truth or why I see things the way I do...worth a shot at least.
Correct on both counts.

If you happen to provide solid evidence for your claims, then that just adds food for thought from my perspective. You may know more than I do about certain things and I may know more than you about certain things. If you can present what you know in a concise and evidence-backed manner, I would welcome that.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

there you go feeding the shill again.
Dale WHY do you think me for the post? thats not a flattering comment I am giving you there by any means? the more you feed the troll,the more you make his handlers happy that you took his bait and replied to him since he achieved his objective they sent him here to accomplish,which is waste your time.

hence my fart jokes i give the shills,thats the ONLY reply they are worthy of because their lies have been shot down so many times they have to go into personal attack mode knowing they are defeated.:lmao:

as you see,i only respond to them with my fart jokes since i have a lot of fun in doing so with them.:biggrin: some of them they dont think nothing of it but some go and whine about it when i do so.:biggrin:
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

there you go feeding the shill again.
Dale WHY do you think me for the post? thats not a flattering comment I am giving you there by any means? the more you feed the troll,the more you make his handlers happy that you took his bait and replied to him since he achieved his objective they sent him here to accomplish,which is waste your time.

hence my fart jokes i give the shills,thats the ONLY reply they are worthy of because their lies have been shot down so many times they have to go into personal attack mode knowing they are defeated.:lmao:

as you see,i only respond to them with my fart jokes since i have a lot of fun in doing so with them.:biggrin: some of them they dont think nothing of it but some go and whine about it when i do so.:biggrin:
I am "thanking" you because I know that you are just trying to keep me from wasting my time...bear with me.
I know, but this guy seems to be honestly looking for the truth or why I see things the way I do...worth a shot at least.
Correct on both counts.

If you happen to provide solid evidence for your claims, then that just adds food for thought from my perspective. You may know more than I do about certain things and I may know more than you about certain things. If you can present what you know in a concise and evidence-backed manner, I would welcome that.

I don't know if I could ever produce enough evidence to convince you that what we think is reality is in essence, a complete and total joke and a lie. I was a denier for 11 years....wouldn't even look at anything that didn't jive with my world view. The start of my path towards learning the things that I know and the 12,000 plus hours of research and reading was a fluke. My son dared me to watch "Loose Change" and he said that if I could watch it and not have any questions afterwards that he would never bother me with it again. I took him up on the challenge and wanted to prove my kid that his old man was no fool. I got about half way through it and I realized that all the witnesses that said they heard explosions in the basement, the man that was pulled out of the elevator that was on fire had never been reported. I got that sinking feeling in my I started looking into things and reading stuff that challenged my preconcieved notions. When I had my "Come to Jesus" moment and I realized that I had been played for a chump? I could barely eat and what I did eat didn't taste was like my taste buds took a vacation. I could only sleep for a couple of hours at a time. My boss at the time got really worried about me because I went from being this really out-going guy to being silent and reclusive. He took me out to lunch one day and asked me what was going on and I told him thinking he was going to call me a "kook"....instead, he said "It's a helluva a thing to have everything you believed in ripped apart......don''t worry about work and if you feel like coming in late or feel like coming in early because you can't sleep, it's all good...I got your back"....and he did. This all lasted for a month and then I got pissed and decided to start reading everything I could get my hands on about how the world and this country/corporation really works so I started soaking up information like a sponge. Up until then, I was worried that my short term memory was fading but when I stopped watching TV, it returned and I have been able to retain information that 4 years ago I would have never have thought possible. All I do is read, listen to lectures and watch documentaries on youtube even at work and I jot down notes so I can reserch the information. I have learned a lot of stuff and I have learned how to use Google to do my vetting of information....separate the wheat from the chafe as it were. I have a burden on my heart for all people because I now know what has been done to them. I pray a lot when I am overwhelmed and God gives me peace. There have been times when I have come across information that has been particularly disturbing and I will feel like an angel has wrapped their arms around me. This is my try and wake people up as to what is really happening. I have no political agenda...I am totally out of the left versus right paradigm. In a couple of weeks I will be giving my first hour long presentation to a group of people. It's scary and I will be nervous but it's what I am suppose to do...don't know if this resonates at all with you...just being real.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

there you go feeding the shill again.
Dale WHY do you think me for the post? thats not a flattering comment I am giving you there by any means? the more you feed the troll,the more you make his handlers happy that you took his bait and replied to him since he achieved his objective they sent him here to accomplish,which is waste your time.

hence my fart jokes i give the shills,thats the ONLY reply they are worthy of because their lies have been shot down so many times they have to go into personal attack mode knowing they are defeated.:lmao:

as you see,i only respond to them with my fart jokes since i have a lot of fun in doing so with them.:biggrin: some of them they dont think nothing of it but some go and whine about it when i do so.:biggrin:
I am "thanking" you because I know that you are just trying to keep me from wasting my time...bear with me.
I know, but this guy seems to be honestly looking for the truth or why I see things the way I do...worth a shot at least.
Correct on both counts.

If you happen to provide solid evidence for your claims, then that just adds food for thought from my perspective. You may know more than I do about certain things and I may know more than you about certain things. If you can present what you know in a concise and evidence-backed manner, I would welcome that.

I don't know if I could ever produce enough evidence to convince you that what we think is reality is in essence, a complete and total joke and a lie. I was a denier for 11 years....wouldn't even look at anything that didn't jive with my world view. The start of my path towards learning the things that I know and the 12,000 plus hours of research and reading was a fluke. My son dared me to watch "Loose Change" and he said that if I could watch it and not have any questions afterwards that he would never bother me with it again. I took him up on the challenge and wanted to prove my kid that his old man was no fool. I got about half way through it and I realized that all the witnesses that said they heard explosions in the basement, the man that was pulled out of the elevator that was on fire had never been reported. I got that sinking feeling in my I started looking into things and reading stuff that challenged my preconcieved notions. When I had my "Come to Jesus" moment and I realized that I had been played for a chump? I could barely eat and what I did eat didn't taste was like my taste buds took a vacation. I could only sleep for a couple of hours at a time. My boss at the time got really worried about me because I went from being this really out-going guy to being silent and reclusive. He took me out to lunch one day and asked me what was going on and I told him thinking he was going to call me a "kook"....instead, he said "It's a helluva a thing to have everything you believed in ripped apart......don''t worry about work and if you feel like coming in late or feel like coming in early because you can't sleep, it's all good...I got your back"....and he did. This all lasted for a month and then I got pissed and decided to start reading everything I could get my hands on about how the world and this country/corporation really works so I started soaking up information like a sponge. Up until then, I was worried that my short term memory was fading but when I stopped watching TV, it returned and I have been able to retain information that 4 years ago I would have never have thought possible. All I do is read, listen to lectures and watch documentaries on youtube even at work and I jot down notes so I can reserch the information. I have learned a lot of stuff and I have learned how to use Google to do my vetting of information....separate the wheat from the chafe as it were. I have a burden on my heart for all people because I now know what has been done to them. I pray a lot when I am overwhelmed and God gives me peace. There have been times when I have come across information that has been particularly disturbing and I will feel like an angel has wrapped their arms around me. This is my try and wake people up as to what is really happening. I have no political agenda...I am totally out of the left versus right paradigm. In a couple of weeks I will be giving my first hour long presentation to a group of people. It's scary and I will be nervous but it's what I am suppose to do...don't know if this resonates at all with you...just being real.
I appreciate your outpouring, I really do.

And it does resonate with me. Look, I'm not denying that governments do bad things and try and cover them up. All I'm saying is that I have been researching 9/11 just as you are. More from the structural/demolition side of it. In all my researching, I have read both sides. Nothing has come close to making me believe it was explosives or thermite.

I'm just here to discuss and debate. If you present information and proof that shows some of my beliefs are wrong, so be it. I can live with that. The problem I have here is with people like 9/11 inside job. All he/she contributes to the discussion is talk of farts, crap, and everyone is a paid shill. Ridiculous. Comments like those aren't worth anything and don't advance the discussion. Don't get me wrong. I too am guilty of making stupid comments like those of 9/11 inside job, but I have made a concerted effort to NOT do that anymore. It serves no purpose.

You seem like a genuine fellow. Let's exchange information. If neither of us moves on our beliefs, so what? We both may learn something new in the process.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7.

You know a massive fire tends to screw up explosives, wiring, detonators, right?
And why didn't they find any evidence of explosives, wiring or detonators?
I got about half way through it and I realized that all the witnesses that said they heard explosions in the basement, the man that was pulled out of the elevator that was on fire had never been reported.
Are you talking about the man that William Rodriguez helped?
What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.
What proof do you have of explosive that makes you 100% sure?
Military grade thermite was detected in dust particles for one thing. Then there is the testimony of Dr Steve Pieczenik, who spent thirty years in the CIA that offered to testify in a Senate hearing that a General told him exactly how 9/11 was pulled off. He was also the first to reveal that Osama bin Laden died on December 13 2001 of Marfan's syndrome and had been visited in a military hospital in Dubai and debriefed by the CIA and other intel spooks in July of 2001. He only confirmed what I had already researched but he is definitely a credible source.

Military grade thermite was detected in dust particles for one thing.

Hold on. First you claimed explosives. Now you're claiming thermite?
You know they're different things, right?
I appreciate that a lot and I will listen to what you have to say also. When I was a skeptic, I used the pancake theory to explain WTC 1 and 2 collapsing into it's own footprint but what I did not know and purposely avoided was WTC 7 that was a football field away from WTC 1 and 2. To me, it looks like a totally controlled demolition and it collapses in free fall manner. The Pentagon is another perplexing issue. The hole doesn't seem big enough to fit a plane through and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon...the most secured airspace in the world. What does throw a wrench in my belief is the plane that went down in was it not able to make it's destination if this was suppose to happen? I have learned from my research that WTC 1 and 2 were a losing proposition from the "git go"...2/3rds occupancy and in 1988 it was given a waiver to find away to get rid of the asbestos that was used for insulation and that would have cost a billion dollars for a project that wasn't making money anyway. They even discussed bringing the buildings down but was told that it would have been too big of a health hazard which is obvious by the fact that so many first responders have taken ill and died. What better way to rid yourself of a money pit and collect the insurance than a "terrorist attack"? Just some food for thought. Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day. I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership. There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from. On September 11, 1990, George H Bush gave his speech about a new world order and fulfilling the promise of the U.N's founders. On top of that, it has been revealed that the Patriot Act was written prior to 9/11 and the apparatus to put this total spy grid in place was just waiting for a catastrophic event that would sway the masses to believe that by collecting our on-line data, that we could be safe. PNAC also wrote in 1999 said in one of it's papers suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" and they got that with 9/11/01/. I have a lot of questions about the events of that day that eat away at me and I can't shake them.
I appreciate that a lot and I will listen to what you have to say also. When I was a skeptic, I used the pancake theory to explain WTC 1 and 2 collapsing into it's own footprint but what I did not know and purposely avoided was WTC 7 that was a football field away from WTC 1 and 2. To me, it looks like a totally controlled demolition and it collapses in free fall manner. The Pentagon is another perplexing issue. The hole doesn't seem big enough to fit a plane through and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon...the most secured airspace in the world. What does throw a wrench in my belief is the plane that went down in was it not able to make it's destination if this was suppose to happen? I have learned from my research that WTC 1 and 2 were a losing proposition from the "git go"...2/3rds occupancy and in 1988 it was given a waiver to find away to get rid of the asbestos that was used for insulation and that would have cost a billion dollars for a project that wasn't making money anyway. They even discussed bringing the buildings down but was told that it would have been too big of a health hazard which is obvious by the fact that so many first responders have taken ill and died. What better way to rid yourself of a money pit and collect the insurance than a "terrorist attack"? Just some food for thought. Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day. I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership. There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from. On September 11, 1990, George H Bush gave his speech about a new world order and fulfilling the promise of the U.N's founders. On top of that, it has been revealed that the Patriot Act was written prior to 9/11 and the apparatus to put this total spy grid in place was just waiting for a catastrophic event that would sway the masses to believe that by collecting our on-line data, that we could be safe. PNAC also wrote in 1999 said in one of it's papers suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" and they got that with 9/11/01/. I have a lot of questions about the events of that day that eat away at me and I can't shake them.

and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon..

How fast was the plane going before impact? At that speed, how many frames should there be?

Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day.

The S.E.C. and the exchanges where these imaginary insider trades occurred would have records of these trades. It's not like the original and only copies would have been sent to Cantor's office just in time for a massive terror attack.

I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership.

Silly gibberish. There is no Fed Bank. If there was, it would not control the S.E.C.
The S.E.C. does not scrutinize and authenticate ownership of stock.

There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from.

These imaginary 10 year securities would not magically disappear because the WTC collapsed.
What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.
What proof do you have of explosive that makes you 100% sure?
Military grade thermite was detected in dust particles for one thing.

No it wasn't. Sulfur and its derivatives were detected in the dust. Which the truthers insist could only be thermite. Despite sulfur being all through the sheet rock on every floor.

Worse, the the thermite theory is beyond stupid. As thermite doesn't explode. It burns. Even nanothermite only burns as fast as say, black powder. Having 1/10 the reaction velocity of common TNT.

Thermite *burns*. And its insanely obvious when it burns. It creates light so bright that it can damage your eyes to look directly at it. They use nano-thermite to make fireworks. The WTC 1 and 2 collapsed from top to bottom, from the point of impact with the planes, one floor at a time, all the way to the ground. With each floor collapsing individually.

Which means that EVERY floor would have had to have thermite on it. With the outer panels that hold up half the load of each floor being on the OUTSIDE of the building. With 249 outer panels per floor. Meaning that hundreds of thermite reactions would have been visible for each floor.

And yet, nothing. Not a single thermite reaction seen before, during or after the collapse. Despite the thermite theory requiring hundreds of them PER floor. And tens of thousands between both towers.

Worse, truthers insist that the 'molten metal' at the base of the building was caused by thermite reactions. Here's the problem: thermite creates it own oxegen. It can't be extinguished. Once its begins burning, it does not stop until ALL of its reaction mass has been consumed and converted. With truthers insisting there was 'molten metal' 3 MONTHS after the towers came down.

That means thousands upon thousands of individual thermite reactions burning for 3 MONTHS.

The amount of thermite necessary to sustain such thousands of such reactions for 3 months would have been rough the size of the WTC itself. Which begs the did people miss the 110 story pile of thermite? How did people even enter these buildings if they were packed wall to wall with thermite?

And if you want *nano* thermite, its even worse. As it burns orders of magnitude faster. Meaning that the pile of nano thermite necessary to sustain thousands of reactions for 3 months......would have been roughly the size of the WTC plaza itself.

Making 'thermite' and 'nano-thermite' among the stupidest, most brain dead and ludicrously complicated pieces of conspiracy batshit this side of the 'no planes' theory. Which Truthers also push.

Then there is the testimony of Dr Steve Pieczenik, who spent thirty years in the CIA that offered to testify in a Senate hearing that a General told him exactly how 9/11 was pulled off.

Save of course that Steve Peczack didn't work 30 years in the CIA. Nor can Steve name the 'top general'. Nor can he back any part of his story with jack shit. Nor does it make the slightest sense. As why would *anyone* in the military be talking to this guy, let alone a 'top general'? Steve's a psychologist who worked in the State department 30 years ago.

There's not a single part of your batshit narrative that pans out or makes the slightest sense.
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I appreciate that a lot and I will listen to what you have to say also. When I was a skeptic, I used the pancake theory to explain WTC 1 and 2 collapsing into it's own footprint but what I did not know and purposely avoided was WTC 7 that was a football field away from WTC 1 and 2. To me, it looks like a totally controlled demolition and it collapses in free fall manner. The Pentagon is another perplexing issue. The hole doesn't seem big enough to fit a plane through and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon...the most secured airspace in the world. What does throw a wrench in my belief is the plane that went down in was it not able to make it's destination if this was suppose to happen? I have learned from my research that WTC 1 and 2 were a losing proposition from the "git go"...2/3rds occupancy and in 1988 it was given a waiver to find away to get rid of the asbestos that was used for insulation and that would have cost a billion dollars for a project that wasn't making money anyway. They even discussed bringing the buildings down but was told that it would have been too big of a health hazard which is obvious by the fact that so many first responders have taken ill and died. What better way to rid yourself of a money pit and collect the insurance than a "terrorist attack"? Just some food for thought. Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day. I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership. There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from. On September 11, 1990, George H Bush gave his speech about a new world order and fulfilling the promise of the U.N's founders. On top of that, it has been revealed that the Patriot Act was written prior to 9/11 and the apparatus to put this total spy grid in place was just waiting for a catastrophic event that would sway the masses to believe that by collecting our on-line data, that we could be safe. PNAC also wrote in 1999 said in one of it's papers suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" and they got that with 9/11/01/. I have a lot of questions about the events of that day that eat away at me and I can't shake them.

and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon..

How fast was the plane going before impact? At that speed, how many frames should there be?

Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day.

The S.E.C. and the exchanges where these imaginary insider trades occurred would have records of these trades. It's not like the original and only copies would have been sent to Cantor's office just in time for a massive terror attack.

I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership.

Silly gibberish. There is no Fed Bank. If there was, it would not control the S.E.C.
The S.E.C. does not scrutinize and authenticate ownership of stock.

There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from.

These imaginary 10 year securities would not magically disappear because the WTC collapsed.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7.

You know a massive fire tends to screw up explosives, wiring, detonators, right?
And why didn't they find any evidence of explosives, wiring or detonators?

Not before, not during, not after. This despite Port Authority bomb squad, complete with bomb sniffing dogs inspecting the WTC plaza a week before 911. Nor was there a single girder cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition.

Despite the truther conspiracy requiring tens of thousands of such cuts.

Remember, the WTC 1 and 2 came down exactly opposite of controlled demolition. They collapsed top to bottom, with each floor from the impact site to the ground being destroyed individually. Meaning that each floor would have had to have been demolished *individually*. There are 249 outer panels per floor and 47 core columns. With 77 floors to the ground in one tower and 93 in the other

.....that's about 50,000 individual explosive charges and 50,000 cuts consistent with explosive demolition per the bomb theory.

Yet there were none.
I appreciate that a lot and I will listen to what you have to say also. When I was a skeptic, I used the pancake theory to explain WTC 1 and 2 collapsing into it's own footprint but what I did not know and purposely avoided was WTC 7 that was a football field away from WTC 1 and 2. To me, it looks like a totally controlled demolition and it collapses in free fall manner. The Pentagon is another perplexing issue. The hole doesn't seem big enough to fit a plane through and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon...the most secured airspace in the world. What does throw a wrench in my belief is the plane that went down in was it not able to make it's destination if this was suppose to happen? I have learned from my research that WTC 1 and 2 were a losing proposition from the "git go"...2/3rds occupancy and in 1988 it was given a waiver to find away to get rid of the asbestos that was used for insulation and that would have cost a billion dollars for a project that wasn't making money anyway. They even discussed bringing the buildings down but was told that it would have been too big of a health hazard which is obvious by the fact that so many first responders have taken ill and died. What better way to rid yourself of a money pit and collect the insurance than a "terrorist attack"? Just some food for thought. Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day. I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership. There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from. On September 11, 1990, George H Bush gave his speech about a new world order and fulfilling the promise of the U.N's founders. On top of that, it has been revealed that the Patriot Act was written prior to 9/11 and the apparatus to put this total spy grid in place was just waiting for a catastrophic event that would sway the masses to believe that by collecting our on-line data, that we could be safe. PNAC also wrote in 1999 said in one of it's papers suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" and they got that with 9/11/01/. I have a lot of questions about the events of that day that eat away at me and I can't shake them.

How fast was the plane going before impact? At that speed, how many frames should there be?"

Ummm, there were 83 camera tapes that were confiscated and any of them could have shown the incredible aeronautical maneuvers that allowed this pilot that couldn't even fly a single engine Cessna plane to fly mere feet off of the ground and hit the Pentagon into the section of the building where people were trying to track the 2.3 trillion dollars that Donald Rumsfeld said on 9/10/01 could not be accounted for......

"The S.E.C. and the exchanges where these imaginary insider trades occurred would have records of these trades. It's not like the original and only copies would have been sent to Cantor's office just in time for a massive terror attack."

You must mean the accounting offices of Cantor Fitzgerald...and yes, there were no other records of the accounting and insider trading fraud that was being investigated.

"Silly gibberish. There is no Fed Bank. If there was, it would not control the S.E.C.
The S.E.C. does not scrutinize and authenticate ownership of stock"

Seriously? You do not know about the Federal Reserve bank an it's most influential bank that is in Manhattan? Wow......just "WOW" really are clueless....

"These imaginary 10 year securities would not magically disappear because the WTC collapsed"

They didn't "disappear" but they were able to be cashed out with no scrutiny or authenticity of the S.E.C because they were shut down due to the events of that day.........
Any other questions? I am a "giver" and I am here to help......

I appreciate that a lot and I will listen to what you have to say also. When I was a skeptic, I used the pancake theory to explain WTC 1 and 2 collapsing into it's own footprint but what I did not know and purposely avoided was WTC 7 that was a football field away from WTC 1 and 2. To me, it looks like a totally controlled demolition and it collapses in free fall manner. The Pentagon is another perplexing issue. The hole doesn't seem big enough to fit a plane through and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon...the most secured airspace in the world. What does throw a wrench in my belief is the plane that went down in was it not able to make it's destination if this was suppose to happen? I have learned from my research that WTC 1 and 2 were a losing proposition from the "git go"...2/3rds occupancy and in 1988 it was given a waiver to find away to get rid of the asbestos that was used for insulation and that would have cost a billion dollars for a project that wasn't making money anyway. They even discussed bringing the buildings down but was told that it would have been too big of a health hazard which is obvious by the fact that so many first responders have taken ill and died. What better way to rid yourself of a money pit and collect the insurance than a "terrorist attack"? Just some food for thought. Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day. I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership. There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from. On September 11, 1990, George H Bush gave his speech about a new world order and fulfilling the promise of the U.N's founders. On top of that, it has been revealed that the Patriot Act was written prior to 9/11 and the apparatus to put this total spy grid in place was just waiting for a catastrophic event that would sway the masses to believe that by collecting our on-line data, that we could be safe. PNAC also wrote in 1999 said in one of it's papers suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" and they got that with 9/11/01/. I have a lot of questions about the events of that day that eat away at me and I can't shake them.

and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon..

How fast was the plane going before impact? At that speed, how many frames should there be?

Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day.

The S.E.C. and the exchanges where these imaginary insider trades occurred would have records of these trades. It's not like the original and only copies would have been sent to Cantor's office just in time for a massive terror attack.

I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership.

Silly gibberish. There is no Fed Bank. If there was, it would not control the S.E.C.
The S.E.C. does not scrutinize and authenticate ownership of stock.

There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from.

These imaginary 10 year securities would not magically disappear because the WTC collapsed.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7.

You know a massive fire tends to screw up explosives, wiring, detonators, right?
And why didn't they find any evidence of explosives, wiring or detonators?

Not before, not during, not after. This despite Port Authority bomb squad, complete with bomb sniffing dogs inspecting the WTC plaza a week before 911. Nor was there a single girder cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition.

Despite the truther conspiracy requiring tens of thousands of such cuts.

Remember, the WTC 1 and 2 came down exactly opposite of controlled demolition. They collapsed top to bottom, with each floor from the impact site to the ground being destroyed individually. Meaning that each floor would have had to have been demolished *individually*. There are 249 outer panels per floor and 47 core columns. With 77 floors to the ground in one tower and 93 in the other

.....that's about 50,000 individual explosive charges and 50,000 cuts consistent with explosive demolition per the bomb theory.

Yet there were none.

Building 7??????
I appreciate that a lot and I will listen to what you have to say also. When I was a skeptic, I used the pancake theory to explain WTC 1 and 2 collapsing into it's own footprint but what I did not know and purposely avoided was WTC 7 that was a football field away from WTC 1 and 2. To me, it looks like a totally controlled demolition and it collapses in free fall manner. The Pentagon is another perplexing issue. The hole doesn't seem big enough to fit a plane through and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon...the most secured airspace in the world. What does throw a wrench in my belief is the plane that went down in was it not able to make it's destination if this was suppose to happen? I have learned from my research that WTC 1 and 2 were a losing proposition from the "git go"...2/3rds occupancy and in 1988 it was given a waiver to find away to get rid of the asbestos that was used for insulation and that would have cost a billion dollars for a project that wasn't making money anyway. They even discussed bringing the buildings down but was told that it would have been too big of a health hazard which is obvious by the fact that so many first responders have taken ill and died. What better way to rid yourself of a money pit and collect the insurance than a "terrorist attack"? Just some food for thought. Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day. I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership. There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from. On September 11, 1990, George H Bush gave his speech about a new world order and fulfilling the promise of the U.N's founders. On top of that, it has been revealed that the Patriot Act was written prior to 9/11 and the apparatus to put this total spy grid in place was just waiting for a catastrophic event that would sway the masses to believe that by collecting our on-line data, that we could be safe. PNAC also wrote in 1999 said in one of it's papers suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" and they got that with 9/11/01/. I have a lot of questions about the events of that day that eat away at me and I can't shake them.

and there were 80 some odd cameras that were confiscated by the F.B.I and the only footage that has ever been made available to the public is 4 frames and you can't tell what it was that hit the Pentagon..

How fast was the plane going before impact? At that speed, how many frames should there be?

Then there was the S.E.C investigation that was going on concerning inside trading on Wall Street by Cantor Fitzgerald that could have indicted some very important movers and shakers that just so happened to be having a meeting on the 101st floor of WTC 1. All records and hard drives were destroyed that day.

The S.E.C. and the exchanges where these imaginary insider trades occurred would have records of these trades. It's not like the original and only copies would have been sent to Cantor's office just in time for a massive terror attack.

I also discovered that with this attack that the Fed Bank shut down the S.E.C and all trades were able to go through with no scrutiny and authenticity of ownership.

Silly gibberish. There is no Fed Bank. If there was, it would not control the S.E.C.
The S.E.C. does not scrutinize and authenticate ownership of stock.

There was a group led by the Bush family that had bought up 10 year securities in September of 1991 when the Ruble collapsed that were about to expire to the tune of 240 billion dollars that would have raised many questions about where that money to buy them came from.

These imaginary 10 year securities would not magically disappear because the WTC collapsed.
Those pieces don't seem to come even close to weighing two tons to you have access to a scale? It may have been a drone plane, might have been the original planes that were allegedly hijacked and then taken over by a a computer because planes have had the ability to be "taken over" since the 1960's...who's to say? I am just saying that I am open to any possibility....which plane hit building 7?

So how'd the plane engines, the fuselage, the body remains from the passengers get into lower Manhattan?

Phone calls from the planes prove it was a hijacking.
Yeah, they couldn't possibly fake those at all (rolls eyes). I am not saying that there was no planes or if they were drones or not. What I am 100 percent sure of is that it was an inside job and that explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7. Case closed as far as I am concerned.

explosives were planted in WTC 1,2 and 7.

You know a massive fire tends to screw up explosives, wiring, detonators, right?
And why didn't they find any evidence of explosives, wiring or detonators?

Not before, not during, not after. This despite Port Authority bomb squad, complete with bomb sniffing dogs inspecting the WTC plaza a week before 911. Nor was there a single girder cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition.

Despite the truther conspiracy requiring tens of thousands of such cuts.

Remember, the WTC 1 and 2 came down exactly opposite of controlled demolition. They collapsed top to bottom, with each floor from the impact site to the ground being destroyed individually. Meaning that each floor would have had to have been demolished *individually*. There are 249 outer panels per floor and 47 core columns. With 77 floors to the ground in one tower and 93 in the other

.....that's about 50,000 individual explosive charges and 50,000 cuts consistent with explosive demolition per the bomb theory.

Yet there were none.

Building 7??????

So you've capitulated the stupidity and overwhelming evidence contradicting the bomb theory for WTC 1 and 2?

If so, please say it.

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