World Trade Center probably could not have been destroyed by planes

We should probably just make a list of the horseshit that has been offered in this thread alone. As its a wasteland of 'fire and forget' conspiracies that they allege.....and then flee from when the truth comes out.

Remember the 30 year CIA agent who was told by a 'top general' how 911 was done?

He never worked at the CIA. And hasn't been a government employee since the early 80s. He's just an Alex Jones regular.
We should probably just make a list of the horseshit that has been offered in this thread alone. As its a wasteland of 'fire and forget' conspiracies that they allege.....and then flee from when the truth comes out.

Remember the 30 year CIA agent who was told by a 'top general' how 911 was done?

He never worked at the CIA. And hasn't been a government employee since the early 80s. He's just an Alex Jones regular.

My favorite is still the $27.5 trillion from trading non-convertible rubles.
If the government would withhold that kind of money, secretly wiring buildings with magical explosives is nothing.
We should probably just make a list of the horseshit that has been offered in this thread alone. As its a wasteland of 'fire and forget' conspiracies that they allege.....and then flee from when the truth comes out.

Remember the 30 year CIA agent who was told by a 'top general' how 911 was done?

He never worked at the CIA. And hasn't been a government employee since the early 80s. He's just an Alex Jones regular.

My favorite is still the $27.5 trillion from trading non-convertible rubles.
If the government would withhold that kind of money, secretly wiring buildings with magical explosives is nothing.

Yanno, I started to make a list of the happy horseshit that these Bozos have posted as "well known facts," using direct quotes but the forum was a bit unstable and about 30 minutes of effort was lost.

The question is what motivates otherwise normal people to get so wedded to these CTs that they willfully, even eargerly post lie after lie in defense of them and then quit with a lame "I just know more than you" or "I've done 12,000 hours of research."

Perhaps they just aren't otherwise normal people.

I must admit I am weary of refuting the same old 9/11 CTBS, rehashed by the next generation of "enlightened" Truther but I still enjoyed watching the two of you patiently, methodically, rationally and factually reduce the theories to dust and the theorists to virtual tears.
Last edited:
The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

Now ask yourselves, if you cut the support between 84% of something, and 16% of something, how does that change the relationship that 84% of something can still HOLD THE FUCKING WEIGHT of 16% of something?

The basic principles of engineering would require us to believe that since the building could already support the top floors severed by plane explosions, that the only event that could happen is the top of the buildings would have collapsed onto the remaining 84% and either jammed, or fallen off like the top of a tree breaking off.

When's the last time you saw a branch fall off a tree, and collapse the entire fucking tree?

I say "probably" because I'm trying to think creatively how 16% of something can gain enough "weight" to collapse something that is holding up itself and is 5.25x as massive as the thing falling on it.

Either the acceleration of the remaining 16% is enough to overcome the support allowed by the remaining 84% or it isn't.

Again if it isn't, then it'd just bounce off and fall to the side or fall around it like water balloon falling on a post.

how many times do those conspiracy theories have to be debunked?

how many times do we have to watch YOU the coward, run off with tail between your legs and throw your childish one liner insults when we debunk this one,the looniest 9/11 conspiracy theory of them all?:haha::lmao::haha::haha::haha::rofl::rolleyes-41:

The planes impacted about the 92nd floor, which means that only 18 floors were above the impact.

So 18/110 means approximately 16% of the total building's weight was affected.

Now ask yourselves, if you cut the support between 84% of something, and 16% of something, how does that change the relationship that 84% of something can still HOLD THE FUCKING WEIGHT of 16% of something?

The basic principles of engineering would require us to believe that since the building could already support the top floors severed by plane explosions, that the only event that could happen is the top of the buildings would have collapsed onto the remaining 84% and either jammed, or fallen off like the top of a tree breaking off.

When's the last time you saw a branch fall off a tree, and collapse the entire fucking tree?

I say "probably" because I'm trying to think creatively how 16% of something can gain enough "weight" to collapse something that is holding up itself and is 5.25x as massive as the thing falling on it.

Either the acceleration of the remaining 16% is enough to overcome the support allowed by the remaining 84% or it isn't.

Again if it isn't, then it'd just bounce off and fall to the side or fall around it like water balloon falling on a post.

how many times do those conspiracy theories have to be debunked?

It's no longer a place to discuss 9/11 since the peeps are obvious and known (19 men from the ME), the targets are known (WTC and the Pentagon), and who was behind it is known(OBL). It exists so lonely little boys can get attention.
I don't doubt that "pilots for truth" have an agenda. Though, to be sure, a site titled "metabunk" probably has an agenda as well, wouldn't you say?
What does this have to do with the data contained in the links? If it's wrong, then show how. If data is made up because of an agenda, then the mistakes should be able to be pointed out right?

I have a terrible migraine today and have to lay down, and then a load of things to get done today. I am confident that this report is above board though.

I will analyze it as soon as I get the chance.
No problems. I hope you fell better. Migraines are not fun.

Well, I finished looking all 160 pages over, and there is definitely some fishy shit going on. That was a shocker.

But then, I don't trust that Architects and Engineers for Truth group either. That Pilots for Truth group seems to be a disinfo group now as well. Guess I should have known better. It's almost like they wanted someone to find out.

What I can't figure out it this, why wouldn't metabunk tell the truth either? Neither of those sites tell why that plane really went down, but they both leave bread crumbs for the interested person to find their way to pieces of propaganda, which, as it turns out, is real. Indeed, how sinister the system really works. :badgrin: Ah, again, the agenda of the elites. MOOSLIMS ARE BAAHHHD. lol

After reading that report, I find it strange that Pilots for Truth would purposely use a NTSB accident brief that quite clearly is an Airliner that crashed b/c of Jihad, not b/c of the mechanical breakdown or engineering tolerances of the plane.

Quite a shock that one, seriously. What a person can learn about what goes on in a cockpit, holy shit.

I tell you what, I'd have to seriously reconsider flying on a plane flown by a Muslim co-pilot after reading that shit. That is some scary stuff right there. :badgrin:
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Now. . . . if there were only NTSB accident reports for the planes on 911. . . . :eusa_whistle:

This thread probably wouldn't exist. . . .
Or even if NIST would declassify the data it used to model how the WTC structures fell rather than tell us that by releasing it, it would be a "threat to public safety?!?!"

What a load of crap.

We should probably just make a list of the horseshit that has been offered in this thread alone. As its a wasteland of 'fire and forget' conspiracies that they allege.....and then flee from when the truth comes out.

Remember the 30 year CIA agent who was told by a 'top general' how 911 was done?

He never worked at the CIA. And hasn't been a government employee since the early 80s. He's just an Alex Jones regular.

My favorite is still the $27.5 trillion from trading non-convertible rubles.
If the government would withhold that kind of money, secretly wiring buildings with magical explosives is nothing.

Yanno, I started to make a list of the happy horseshit that these Bozos have posted as "well known facts," using direct quotes but the forum was a bit unstable and about 30 minutes of effort was lost.

The question is what motivates otherwise normal people to get so wedded to these CTs that they willfully, even eargerly post lie after lie in defense of them and then quit with a lame "I just know more than you" or "I've done 12,000 hours of research."

Perhaps they just aren't otherwise normal people.

I must admit I am weary of refuting the same old 9/11 CTBS, rehashed by the next generation of "enlightened" Truther but I still enjoyed watching the two of you patiently, methodically, rationally and factually reduce the theories to dust and the theorists to virtual tears.

So am I. There was a period in about 2006 or so when Truther's tried to capture the public consciousness with batshit claims they couldn't back up....but that no one took the time to refute. And then skeptics starting taking the truther claims apart. And the 'Truther movement' started feeding on itself.

At this point is down there with the moon landing hoaxers and flat earthers. And rarely worth my time to debate. I got pulled in when some of the birther threads got sent here.....and I got nostalgic.

And given that none of the claims have change and its all the same debunked horseshit.....nostalgia gets old quick.
Now ask yourselves, if you cut the support between 84% of something, and 16% of something, how does that change the relationship that 84% of something can still HOLD THE FUCKING WEIGHT of 16% of something?
First, the load generated by the descending 16% isn't just 16% anymore. If set a bowling ball on a scale and got 16 lbs, would 16lbs still register on the scale at the time of impact if I dropped that same bowling ball on that same scale from 12 feet?

Second, it's not 84% of the remaining structure. The vast majority of the descending upper section impacted the floors, which were designed to hold up their own weight and what was placed upon them, NOT the floors and structure above.
We should probably just make a list of the horseshit that has been offered in this thread alone. As its a wasteland of 'fire and forget' conspiracies that they allege.....and then flee from when the truth comes out.

Remember the 30 year CIA agent who was told by a 'top general' how 911 was done?

He never worked at the CIA. And hasn't been a government employee since the early 80s. He's just an Alex Jones regular.

My favorite is still the $27.5 trillion from trading non-convertible rubles.
If the government would withhold that kind of money, secretly wiring buildings with magical explosives is nothing.

Yanno, I started to make a list of the happy horseshit that these Bozos have posted as "well known facts," using direct quotes but the forum was a bit unstable and about 30 minutes of effort was lost.

The question is what motivates otherwise normal people to get so wedded to these CTs that they willfully, even eargerly post lie after lie in defense of them and then quit with a lame "I just know more than you" or "I've done 12,000 hours of research."

Perhaps they just aren't otherwise normal people.

I must admit I am weary of refuting the same old 9/11 CTBS, rehashed by the next generation of "enlightened" Truther but I still enjoyed watching the two of you patiently, methodically, rationally and factually reduce the theories to dust and the theorists to virtual tears.

So am I. There was a period in about 2006 or so when Truther's tried to capture the public consciousness with batshit claims they couldn't back up....but that no one took the time to refute. And then skeptics starting taking the truther claims apart. And the 'Truther movement' started feeding on itself.

At this point is down there with the moon landing hoaxers and flat earthers. And rarely worth my time to debate. I got pulled in when some of the birther threads got sent here.....and I got nostalgic.

And given that none of the claims have change and its all the same debunked horseshit.....nostalgia gets old quick.
You haven't debunked anything concerning 9/11/01....just denial. You suffer from cognitive dissonance because having to come to the conclusion that your beloved politicians are nothing but bought off or compromised shills is too painful for you to comprehend. I have no political agenda and I do not subscribe to any ideology that doesn't deal with truthfulness and transparency. You want to believe that we were told the truth about 9/11, the first WTC bombing, the OKC Murrah building bombing, etc, etc....knock yourself out. It took a lot of soul searching research and "de-programming" courtesy of our corporate media to discern fact from fiction but once the scales fell from my eyes? Everything made sense I was able to see the agenda and where this is all going. You don't "impress" me at just have a big mouth....kinda like a bass in a lake here in Texas.
We should probably just make a list of the horseshit that has been offered in this thread alone. As its a wasteland of 'fire and forget' conspiracies that they allege.....and then flee from when the truth comes out.

Remember the 30 year CIA agent who was told by a 'top general' how 911 was done?

He never worked at the CIA. And hasn't been a government employee since the early 80s. He's just an Alex Jones regular.

My favorite is still the $27.5 trillion from trading non-convertible rubles.
If the government would withhold that kind of money, secretly wiring buildings with magical explosives is nothing.

Yanno, I started to make a list of the happy horseshit that these Bozos have posted as "well known facts," using direct quotes but the forum was a bit unstable and about 30 minutes of effort was lost.

The question is what motivates otherwise normal people to get so wedded to these CTs that they willfully, even eargerly post lie after lie in defense of them and then quit with a lame "I just know more than you" or "I've done 12,000 hours of research."

Perhaps they just aren't otherwise normal people.

I must admit I am weary of refuting the same old 9/11 CTBS, rehashed by the next generation of "enlightened" Truther but I still enjoyed watching the two of you patiently, methodically, rationally and factually reduce the theories to dust and the theorists to virtual tears.

So am I. There was a period in about 2006 or so when Truther's tried to capture the public consciousness with batshit claims they couldn't back up....but that no one took the time to refute. And then skeptics starting taking the truther claims apart. And the 'Truther movement' started feeding on itself.

At this point is down there with the moon landing hoaxers and flat earthers. And rarely worth my time to debate. I got pulled in when some of the birther threads got sent here.....and I got nostalgic.

And given that none of the claims have change and its all the same debunked horseshit.....nostalgia gets old quick.
You haven't debunked anything concerning 9/11/01....just denial. You suffer from cognitive dissonance because having to come to the conclusion that your beloved politicians are nothing but bought off or compromised shills is too painful for you to comprehend. I have no political agenda and I do not subscribe to any ideology that doesn't deal with truthfulness and transparency. You want to believe that we were told the truth about 9/11, the first WTC bombing, the OKC Murrah building bombing, etc, etc....knock yourself out. It took a lot of soul searching research and "de-programming" courtesy of our corporate media to discern fact from fiction but once the scales fell from my eyes? Everything made sense I was able to see the agenda and where this is all going. You don't "impress" me at just have a big mouth....kinda like a bass in a lake here in Texas.

Every 9/11 conspiracy theory has been debunked. Thoroughly. Your most recent gambit into Thermite, Thermate, or Nano-thermite is just another example. The items do not explode yet we had explosions when the planes (you once referred to as holograms) hit the buildings...with their engines (the ones you said were not found).

Your refusal to acknowledge it does not change the fact.
We should probably just make a list of the horseshit that has been offered in this thread alone. As its a wasteland of 'fire and forget' conspiracies that they allege.....and then flee from when the truth comes out.

Remember the 30 year CIA agent who was told by a 'top general' how 911 was done?

He never worked at the CIA. And hasn't been a government employee since the early 80s. He's just an Alex Jones regular.

My favorite is still the $27.5 trillion from trading non-convertible rubles.
If the government would withhold that kind of money, secretly wiring buildings with magical explosives is nothing.

Yanno, I started to make a list of the happy horseshit that these Bozos have posted as "well known facts," using direct quotes but the forum was a bit unstable and about 30 minutes of effort was lost.

The question is what motivates otherwise normal people to get so wedded to these CTs that they willfully, even eargerly post lie after lie in defense of them and then quit with a lame "I just know more than you" or "I've done 12,000 hours of research."

Perhaps they just aren't otherwise normal people.

I must admit I am weary of refuting the same old 9/11 CTBS, rehashed by the next generation of "enlightened" Truther but I still enjoyed watching the two of you patiently, methodically, rationally and factually reduce the theories to dust and the theorists to virtual tears.

So am I. There was a period in about 2006 or so when Truther's tried to capture the public consciousness with batshit claims they couldn't back up....but that no one took the time to refute. And then skeptics starting taking the truther claims apart. And the 'Truther movement' started feeding on itself.

At this point is down there with the moon landing hoaxers and flat earthers. And rarely worth my time to debate. I got pulled in when some of the birther threads got sent here.....and I got nostalgic.

And given that none of the claims have change and its all the same debunked horseshit.....nostalgia gets old quick.
You haven't debunked anything concerning 9/11/01....just denial. You suffer from cognitive dissonance because having to come to the conclusion that your beloved politicians are nothing but bought off or compromised shills is too painful for you to comprehend. I have no political agenda and I do not subscribe to any ideology that doesn't deal with truthfulness and transparency. You want to believe that we were told the truth about 9/11, the first WTC bombing, the OKC Murrah building bombing, etc, etc....knock yourself out. It took a lot of soul searching research and "de-programming" courtesy of our corporate media to discern fact from fiction but once the scales fell from my eyes? Everything made sense I was able to see the agenda and where this is all going. You don't "impress" me at just have a big mouth....kinda like a bass in a lake here in Texas.

Every 9/11 conspiracy theory has been debunked. Thoroughly. Your most recent gambit into Thermite, Thermate, or Nano-thermite is just another example. The items do not explode yet we had explosions when the planes (you once referred to as holograms) hit the buildings...with their engines (the ones you said were not found).

Your refusal to acknowledge it does not change the fact.

It has been disputed but never debunked. You cling to the official story like a little kid that still wants to believe in Santa Claus. I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan because traces of that was found in the dust that was collected. You are going to have to reach the point where you have your own epiphany because I can only lead you to water but it is up to you to drink. I spent 11 solid years busting on anyone that questioned the official story until I had my own "Come to Jesus:" moment and it was the single hardest thing that I ever had to deal with. When it hit me that I had been lied to, I could barely eat or sleep for a month. It was like the whole world had been pulled out from under me and I think that is what you are afraid of coming to that realization. I do not envy you when you finally realize that this was a totally staged event. Shake off the programming and open your eyes.
It has been disputed but never debunked. You cling to the official story like a little kid that still wants to believe in Santa Claus. I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan because traces of that was found in the dust that was collected.
Okay, where did it come from? How did it get placed in the buildings with nobody noticing? If "traces" were found, why didn't they totally destroy the buildings and incinerate everything in site--file cabinets, bodies, telephones, etc...? Why aren't all 25-40,000 people who were at ground zero dead from inhaling the stuff?

Answer those will you? Of course you won't. You can't. You know it. I know it. I just demonstrated it.

You are going to have to reach the point where you have your own epiphany because I can only lead you to water but it is up to you to drink. I spent 11 solid years busting on anyone that questioned the official story until I had my own "Come to Jesus:" moment and it was the single hardest thing that I ever had to deal with.
Okay, let me ask you this...what caused your "come to Jesus" moment...what caused you to be the ignoramus you are today?

When it hit me that I had been lied to, I could barely eat or sleep for a month.
Oh brother...
It was like the whole world had been pulled out from under me and I think that is what you are afraid of coming to that realization. I do not envy you when you finally realize that this was a totally staged event. Shake off the programming and open your eyes.

More shrill anecdotes and zero evidence, testimony, or argument.

So typical, so played...and oh so tiresome.
It has been disputed but never debunked. You cling to the official story like a little kid that still wants to believe in Santa Claus. I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan because traces of that was found in the dust that was collected.
Okay, where did it come from? How did it get placed in the buildings with nobody noticing? If "traces" were found, why didn't they totally destroy the buildings and incinerate everything in site--file cabinets, bodies, telephones, etc...? Why aren't all 25-40,000 people who were at ground zero dead from inhaling the stuff?

Answer those will you? Of course you won't. You can't. You know it. I know it. I just demonstrated it.

You are going to have to reach the point where you have your own epiphany because I can only lead you to water but it is up to you to drink. I spent 11 solid years busting on anyone that questioned the official story until I had my own "Come to Jesus:" moment and it was the single hardest thing that I ever had to deal with.
Okay, let me ask you this...what caused your "come to Jesus" moment...what caused you to be the ignoramus you are today?

When it hit me that I had been lied to, I could barely eat or sleep for a month.
Oh brother...
It was like the whole world had been pulled out from under me and I think that is what you are afraid of coming to that realization. I do not envy you when you finally realize that this was a totally staged event. Shake off the programming and open your eyes.

More shrill anecdotes and zero evidence, testimony, or argument.

So typical, so played...and oh so tiresome.

I have been patie
It has been disputed but never debunked. You cling to the official story like a little kid that still wants to believe in Santa Claus. I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan because traces of that was found in the dust that was collected.
Okay, where did it come from? How did it get placed in the buildings with nobody noticing? If "traces" were found, why didn't they totally destroy the buildings and incinerate everything in site--file cabinets, bodies, telephones, etc...? Why aren't all 25-40,000 people who were at ground zero dead from inhaling the stuff?

Answer those will you? Of course you won't. You can't. You know it. I know it. I just demonstrated it.

You are going to have to reach the point where you have your own epiphany because I can only lead you to water but it is up to you to drink. I spent 11 solid years busting on anyone that questioned the official story until I had my own "Come to Jesus:" moment and it was the single hardest thing that I ever had to deal with.
Okay, let me ask you this...what caused your "come to Jesus" moment...what caused you to be the ignoramus you are today?

When it hit me that I had been lied to, I could barely eat or sleep for a month.
Oh brother...
It was like the whole world had been pulled out from under me and I think that is what you are afraid of coming to that realization. I do not envy you when you finally realize that this was a totally staged event. Shake off the programming and open your eyes.

More shrill anecdotes and zero evidence, testimony, or argument.

So typical, so played...and oh so tiresome.

I have tried to be patient with you, I have explained to you how implausible it is that three buildings could fall down straight inside
their own footprint. I have made a more than sufficient case as to why hasn't the FBI released the 83 videos snatched from the Pentagon and surrounding businesses that would and could prove what actually hit the Pentagon that day....but you want to be a prick. Let me tell ya something, little man...your tone would be much different and you wouldn't be so quick to insult me if you were not hiding behind a keyboard and standing in front of keyboard warriors crack me up. I am smarter than you and I know more than you. If you ever wish to confront me or want to take issue with what I say here? You need only to make your way to the DFW area. I will GLADLY meet you and we will see if you are as brazen and bold as you are when your fat ass is sitting behind a computer screen...can ya dig it?
My favorite is still the $27.5 trillion from trading non-convertible rubles.
If the government would withhold that kind of money, secretly wiring buildings with magical explosives is nothing.

Yanno, I started to make a list of the happy horseshit that these Bozos have posted as "well known facts," using direct quotes but the forum was a bit unstable and about 30 minutes of effort was lost.

The question is what motivates otherwise normal people to get so wedded to these CTs that they willfully, even eargerly post lie after lie in defense of them and then quit with a lame "I just know more than you" or "I've done 12,000 hours of research."

Perhaps they just aren't otherwise normal people.

I must admit I am weary of refuting the same old 9/11 CTBS, rehashed by the next generation of "enlightened" Truther but I still enjoyed watching the two of you patiently, methodically, rationally and factually reduce the theories to dust and the theorists to virtual tears.

So am I. There was a period in about 2006 or so when Truther's tried to capture the public consciousness with batshit claims they couldn't back up....but that no one took the time to refute. And then skeptics starting taking the truther claims apart. And the 'Truther movement' started feeding on itself.

At this point is down there with the moon landing hoaxers and flat earthers. And rarely worth my time to debate. I got pulled in when some of the birther threads got sent here.....and I got nostalgic.

And given that none of the claims have change and its all the same debunked horseshit.....nostalgia gets old quick.
You haven't debunked anything concerning 9/11/01....just denial. You suffer from cognitive dissonance because having to come to the conclusion that your beloved politicians are nothing but bought off or compromised shills is too painful for you to comprehend. I have no political agenda and I do not subscribe to any ideology that doesn't deal with truthfulness and transparency. You want to believe that we were told the truth about 9/11, the first WTC bombing, the OKC Murrah building bombing, etc, etc....knock yourself out. It took a lot of soul searching research and "de-programming" courtesy of our corporate media to discern fact from fiction but once the scales fell from my eyes? Everything made sense I was able to see the agenda and where this is all going. You don't "impress" me at just have a big mouth....kinda like a bass in a lake here in Texas.

Every 9/11 conspiracy theory has been debunked. Thoroughly. Your most recent gambit into Thermite, Thermate, or Nano-thermite is just another example. The items do not explode yet we had explosions when the planes (you once referred to as holograms) hit the buildings...with their engines (the ones you said were not found).

Your refusal to acknowledge it does not change the fact.

It has been disputed but never debunked. You cling to the official story like a little kid that still wants to believe in Santa Claus. I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan because traces of that was found in the dust that was collected. You are going to have to reach the point where you have your own epiphany because I can only lead you to water but it is up to you to drink. I spent 11 solid years busting on anyone that questioned the official story until I had my own "Come to Jesus:" moment and it was the single hardest thing that I ever had to deal with. When it hit me that I had been lied to, I could barely eat or sleep for a month. It was like the whole world had been pulled out from under me and I think that is what you are afraid of coming to that realization. I do not envy you when you finally realize that this was a totally staged event. Shake off the programming and open your eyes.

I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan

That's not an explosive. Why did you change your mind?
It has been disputed but never debunked. You cling to the official story like a little kid that still wants to believe in Santa Claus. I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan because traces of that was found in the dust that was collected.
Okay, where did it come from? How did it get placed in the buildings with nobody noticing? If "traces" were found, why didn't they totally destroy the buildings and incinerate everything in site--file cabinets, bodies, telephones, etc...? Why aren't all 25-40,000 people who were at ground zero dead from inhaling the stuff?

Answer those will you? Of course you won't. You can't. You know it. I know it. I just demonstrated it.

You are going to have to reach the point where you have your own epiphany because I can only lead you to water but it is up to you to drink. I spent 11 solid years busting on anyone that questioned the official story until I had my own "Come to Jesus:" moment and it was the single hardest thing that I ever had to deal with.
Okay, let me ask you this...what caused your "come to Jesus" moment...what caused you to be the ignoramus you are today?

When it hit me that I had been lied to, I could barely eat or sleep for a month.
Oh brother...
It was like the whole world had been pulled out from under me and I think that is what you are afraid of coming to that realization. I do not envy you when you finally realize that this was a totally staged event. Shake off the programming and open your eyes.

More shrill anecdotes and zero evidence, testimony, or argument.

So typical, so played...and oh so tiresome.

I have been patie
It has been disputed but never debunked. You cling to the official story like a little kid that still wants to believe in Santa Claus. I still contend that military grade nano-thermite was used to bring down all three buildings in downtown Manhattan because traces of that was found in the dust that was collected.
Okay, where did it come from? How did it get placed in the buildings with nobody noticing? If "traces" were found, why didn't they totally destroy the buildings and incinerate everything in site--file cabinets, bodies, telephones, etc...? Why aren't all 25-40,000 people who were at ground zero dead from inhaling the stuff?

Answer those will you? Of course you won't. You can't. You know it. I know it. I just demonstrated it.

You are going to have to reach the point where you have your own epiphany because I can only lead you to water but it is up to you to drink. I spent 11 solid years busting on anyone that questioned the official story until I had my own "Come to Jesus:" moment and it was the single hardest thing that I ever had to deal with.
Okay, let me ask you this...what caused your "come to Jesus" moment...what caused you to be the ignoramus you are today?

When it hit me that I had been lied to, I could barely eat or sleep for a month.
Oh brother...
It was like the whole world had been pulled out from under me and I think that is what you are afraid of coming to that realization. I do not envy you when you finally realize that this was a totally staged event. Shake off the programming and open your eyes.

More shrill anecdotes and zero evidence, testimony, or argument.

So typical, so played...and oh so tiresome.

I have tried to be patient with you, I have explained to you how implausible it is that three buildings could fall down straight inside
their own footprint. I have made a more than sufficient case as to why hasn't the FBI released the 83 videos snatched from the Pentagon and surrounding businesses that would and could prove what actually hit the Pentagon that day....but you want to be a prick. Let me tell ya something, little man...your tone would be much different and you wouldn't be so quick to insult me if you were not hiding behind a keyboard and standing in front of keyboard warriors crack me up. I am smarter than you and I know more than you. If you ever wish to confront me or want to take issue with what I say here? You need only to make your way to the DFW area. I will GLADLY meet you and we will see if you are as brazen and bold as you are when your fat ass is sitting behind a computer screen...can ya dig it?

Of course you didn't I predicted. And you know more about this than me? Sonny, you don't know shit. See, if you did know'd be able to'd be confident to answer. Your silence tells us all we need to know about your intellect and your insecurity...both of which are profound and pronounced.

WTC 1, 2, and 7 did not fall in their own footprints. Otherwise there wouldn't have been 10-20 other damaged buildings around Ground Zero idiot.

As for the 83 videos, as memory serves, they were viewed and returned.

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