World Trade Center's North Tower on Sept. 11, 2001.


Jul 14, 2009


Scientists and engineers simulate jet colliding with World Trade Center

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Researchers at Purdue University have created a simulation that uses scientific principles to study in detail what likely happened when a commercial airliner crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower on Sept. 11, 2001.

The simulation could be used to better understand which elements in the building's structural core were affected, how they responded to the initial shock of the aircraft collision, and how the tower later collapsed from the ensuing fire fed by an estimated 10,000 gallons of jet fuel, said Mete Sozen, the Kettelhut Distinguished Professor of Structural Engineering in Purdue's School of Civil Engineering.

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a cartoon ??? and it explains the near free fall symmetrical collapse how exactly ??
It doesn't, and furthermore, the 10,000 gallons of "jetfuel" was mostly burned off upon impact. NIST admitted to this, it's old news.
a cartoon ??? and it explains the near free fall symmetrical collapse how exactly ??
The actual video of the plane entering the building from the inside is still in the hands of the government, you moron.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
"The 9/11 Commission Report" (p. 322): "the South Tower collapsed in ten seconds".

These collapse times are close to that of a billiard ball dropped from the top of WTC 1 or 2. The time is calculated using the equation taught in high school physics classes: Distance = 0.5 X Acceleration X Time Squared.

Using this equation a billiard ball dropped from the top of the 1368 feet tall WTC 1 or 2 would travel 1296 feet in 9 seconds -- it would reach the ground in 9.2 seconds (assuming acceleration due to gravity of 32 feet per second per second, and no wind resistance).

The South towers' collapse in 10 seconds -- at near free-fall speed, due solely to airplane impact and the resulting fires, defies logic.
I saw airliners crash into each of the Twin Towers, both of which collapsed shortly afterward. Various experts have attributed the collapse to the melting of steel support braces and columns by burning jet fuel.

That explanation continues to be rejected by an endless parade of skeptics who boldly insist or obliquely imply that the collapse of the Towers was the result of controlled demolition. But I have never seen or heard so much as a vaguely detailed suggestion of how such a project might have been carried out, who would have organized and directed it, how many people would have been involved, what materials were required and how was access facilitated.

Has anyone here seen or heard any such speculation?
I saw airliners crash into each of the Twin Towers, both of which collapsed shortly afterward. Various experts have attributed the collapse to the melting of steel support braces and columns by burning jet fuel.

That explanation continues to be rejected by an endless parade of skeptics who boldly insist or obliquely imply that the collapse of the Towers was the result of controlled demolition. But I have never seen or heard so much as a vaguely detailed suggestion of how such a project might have been carried out, who would have organized and directed it, how many people would have been involved, what materials were required and how was access facilitated.

Has anyone here seen or heard any such speculation?
yes, its all over the conspiracy theory forum
but they have yet to show a single piece of evidence to support a controlled demolition
The question was if it had been "free fall "how long in seconds... how fast in MPH.

You have the your own math fuck head....

See I know the answer.
You dont, but you keep referring to this magic mythical number. Provide it so people can judge for themselves if it is reasonable.

What was the design capacity for each floor and what was the combined weight of the floors about the impact site?
The majority of the towers consisted of open space between the core and the out supports.
What outside forces present would have made the towers collapse in any manner other then into its own footprint?
I saw airliners crash into each of the Twin Towers, both of which collapsed shortly afterward. Various experts have attributed the collapse to the melting of steel support braces and columns by burning jet fuel.

That explanation continues to be rejected by an endless parade of skeptics who boldly insist or obliquely imply that the collapse of the Towers was the result of controlled demolition. But I have never seen or heard so much as a vaguely detailed suggestion of how such a project might have been carried out, who would have organized and directed it, how many people would have been involved, what materials were required and how was access facilitated.

Has anyone here seen or heard any such speculation?

such speculation is not constructive..NIST failed to explain the collapse of the towers and wtc 7 and did not have a fact driven know the answers to such questions one would have to know the exact demolition procedure know this a real investigation with full authority is required
The majority of the towers consisted of open space between the core and the out supports.
What outside forces present would have made the towers collapse in any manner other then into its own footprint?

uneven damage...uneven distribution of fire would not create a symetrical and complete collapse in seconds not once but three times !!!...give your head a shake
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