World Wide Civil Unrest - World War III?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
A review of history in the early 20th century shows general civil unrest.

Widespread unemployment, unstable money supplies and other resources, and general disatisfaction with unresponsive authoritarian government led to increasing pockets of unrest in Europe, most especially Germany, in the Communist countries, and led to overthrow of governments resulting in even more oppressive regime seizing power. Economies were destablized; currencies were put at risk; and opportunistic nations looked for ways to capitalize on the unrest.

Result: World War I and World War II.

Now we see riots in Barcelona, in France, growing unrest in the UK, in Albania, and now in the Middle East with widespread government protests in Egypt and Jordan who, not insignificantly, are the only allies Israel has in that area.

Today oil is rising drastically and the markets are plunging as investors scramble to protect their assets in the fact of a possible civil war in Egypt alone.

And we have North Korea, China, Iran, Venezuela, and a few other places, all friendly to each other, and none the true friend of the Western World possibly looking for ways to capitalize on the unrest. Certainly Hamas and Hezbollah are watching and will likely make a move if they feel that world attention is diverted from Israel.

Are we moving to the brink of World War III?
Well, if one believes in the Bible, then we are headed towards a very distinct future that has been spoken of already.

And with each year that passes, more and more of those thousands year old speakings become reality. Left wing atheists still deny this. Yet, predicted events keep becoming real history.
Well, if one believes in the Bible, then we are headed towards a very distinct future that has been spoken of already.

And with each year that passes, more and more of those thousands year old speakings become reality. Left wing atheists still deny this. Yet, predicted events keep becoming real history.

Hmmm. Interesting bucs. Plasmaball seems to be a denier.

And you're approaching it from the Biblical end of the world or some such angle.

The thing is, either of you could be right. :)

I'm just curious to see if there are many like me with their antenna up though. I think those closest to experience with the world war scenarios and educated with history from that era might have a different perspective than some of the younger ones.
Maybe it seems like the world is falling apart. But when was the last time the world wasn't falling apart?

Now for a round of We Didn't Start The Fire..............
We obviously should start thinking about pulling troops back to defensible borders....

Ya just never know.....
WW3? What you are asking is whether the US will face a revolution. The left tried it back in the 60's.
Maybe it seems like the world is falling apart. But when was the last time the world wasn't falling apart?

Now for a round of We Didn't Start The Fire..............

This is a bit different though. During the mid 20th century up through the early 90's, it was mostly the rest of the world against the Soviet Bloc. But now we have al Qaida and similar groups destablizing numerous Muslim nations, a Europe struggling to retain its economy and character, and a number of rogue totalitarian governments or dictatorships, some with or working to achieve nuclear capability, that seem just itching to expand their horizons. And a USA on the brink of bankruptcy with a lot of its debt held by countries that could go either way in a general multi nation conflcit.

Like Ollie said, I think we should be paying attention.
I think a review of History will show that in your second paragraph you discribe some events leading up to WWII.

Ford stock sure took a dump today but I doubt it was over the unrest in Egypt.

I don't doubt there will be wars in the coming century but I don't buy in the the whole propohetic/Amageddon thing.

Think I'd go with Plasma on this. Moving on......
A review of history in the early 20th century shows general civil unrest.

Widespread unemployment, unstable money supplies and other resources, and general disatisfaction with unresponsive authoritarian government led to increasing pockets of unrest in Europe, most especially Germany, in the Communist countries, and led to overthrow of governments resulting in even more oppressive regime seizing power. Economies were destablized; currencies were put at risk; and opportunistic nations looked for ways to capitalize on the unrest.

Result: World War I and World War II.

Now we see riots in Barcelona, in France, growing unrest in the UK, in Albania, and now in the Middle East with widespread government protests in Egypt and Jordan who, not insignificantly, are the only allies Israel has in that area.

Today oil is rising drastically and the markets are plunging as investors scramble to protect their assets in the fact of a possible civil war in Egypt alone.

And we have North Korea, China, Iran, Venezuela, and a few other places, all friendly to each other, and none the true friend of the Western World possibly looking for ways to capitalize on the unrest. Certainly Hamas and Hezbollah are watching and will likely make a move if they feel that world attention is diverted from Israel.

Are we moving to the brink of World War III?

World War III will come and its will be much different than the 3 previous ones. Its will be Islam vs Christianity! I see it starting Europe, including Russia. There is a ginormous culture clash between the Native European and Muslims. Its the worst in Russia.
(1) Russia:
25% and growing by leaps and bounds are Muslim in Russia. Ethnic violence is increasing 10 fold, esp with every Chechan terrorist attack. When Muslim population gets to 40% would could be as early as 2025. Serbian/Kosovo style genocidal war will be underway. The West, including America will sit by and allows this condemning it from the sidelines, because they don't want to risk a nuclear war with Russia. Muslims around the world will be outraged. Russia who is has more than enough oil reserves can't be effected by an oil embargo. In fact, Europe is reliant on them for oil and natural gas.

(2) China:
For a while China has wanted to get rid of their pain in the butt Muslim separatist. Seeing how the West including the US did nothing to Russia. Then start their own ethnic cleansing campaign.

(3) Europe:
The Muslim world gets more radical. They start to blame all Europeans for the slaughter of Muslims in Russia and China. They demand more thinks like Sharia law. Ethnic violence becomes rambid..

(4) Muslims Nuclear Sneak Attack:
Islamofacist develop nukes with the assistance of Pakistan, Nuclear Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Libya, Tunsia, Saudi Arabia and Egypt (all these countries developed the bomb after Iran was allowed to develop one in 2012). Nuclear suicide bombs smack the West, China and Russia hard!

(5) Then the War is on
Well, if one believes in the Bible, then we are headed towards a very distinct future that has been spoken of already.

And with each year that passes, more and more of those thousands year old speakings become reality. Left wing atheists still deny this. Yet, predicted events keep becoming real history.

Hmmm. Interesting bucs. Plasmaball seems to be a denier.

And you're approaching it from the Biblical end of the world or some such angle.

The thing is, either of you could be right. :)

I'm just curious to see if there are many like me with their antenna up though. I think those closest to experience with the world war scenarios and educated with history from that era might have a different perspective than some of the younger ones.

I'm wondering, though, if such unrest has always occurred............but now we are just a world that is more populated (thus it happens more often) and with internet we actually see it all, whereas some uprisings may have been beaten down and simply covered up by kings, tyrants, gov'ts of the past, and now we simply see them all?

I heard one interesting argument regarding the Bible in that it said the internet itself is "The Beast" of the Bible, as in the antichrist. The internet enables global unrest to spread more quickly, and fuels it, thus making the internet the tool that is capable of sparking world chaos, making "The Beast" come to fulfillment in the form of the internet. It was an interesting angle which I found intriguing.
WW3? What you are asking is whether the US will face a revolution. The left tried it back in the 60's.

The left tried to revolt in the '60's?

Where do people come up with this stuff?

You mean the 1760's leading up to the actual one?
I think a review of History will show that in your second paragraph you discribe some events leading up to WWII.

Ford stock sure took a dump today but I doubt it was over the unrest in Egypt.

I don't doubt there will be wars in the coming century but I don't buy in the the whole propohetic/Amageddon thing.

Think I'd go with Plasma on this. Moving on......

Sometimes when the market is bumping up against a psychological threshhold--in this case 12,000--it doesn't take much to trigger a sell off.

But the general wisdom of the day is this:

Stocks slumped as the protests in Egypt raised concerns the government was losing control, which would lead to instability in the region. The news was roiling markets worldwide.

The uncertainty surrounding the events also gave investors a reason to sell after five months of solid gains, and as the Dow and S&P bumped up against key thresholds, analysts said.

That and weak earnings news out of, Ford and Microsoft, provided another catalyst for investors to sell, said Ryan Detrick, senior technical analyst at Schaeffer's Investment Research.

The selling—which came from big institutions—was taking place amid significant volume, indicating more conviction in the moves, Detrick said.

"Egypt is definitely at the forefront today," agreed Paul Brigandi, senior vice president of portfolio management at Direxion Funds/Direxion Shares. "Overall, political unrest is never good for the market, especially when it has to do with the Middle East."

But the events in Egypt hit at a time when the market was bumping up against psychologically important benchmarks, and was beginning to "look fatigued" after rallying for some eight or nine weeks, said Brigandi, noting that the S&P 500 had been up 3 percent so far this year on top of a nearly 13 percent gain in 2010.
News Headlines

So yeah, Egypt isn't the whole story, but is obviously a component. Still, there are other threads dealing with the mess in Egypt.

I am neither a fatalist nor an alarmist I think. But as a student of history, I am watching the big picture with a great deal of interest these days. I think attention should be paid.
Well, if one believes in the Bible, then we are headed towards a very distinct future that has been spoken of already.

And with each year that passes, more and more of those thousands year old speakings become reality. Left wing atheists still deny this. Yet, predicted events keep becoming real history.

This is hogwash, dude.
Well, if one believes in the Bible, then we are headed towards a very distinct future that has been spoken of already.

And with each year that passes, more and more of those thousands year old speakings become reality. Left wing atheists still deny this. Yet, predicted events keep becoming real history.

Hmmm. Interesting bucs. Plasmaball seems to be a denier.

And you're approaching it from the Biblical end of the world or some such angle.

The thing is, either of you could be right. :)

I'm just curious to see if there are many like me with their antenna up though. I think those closest to experience with the world war scenarios and educated with history from that era might have a different perspective than some of the younger ones.

I'm wondering, though, if such unrest has always occurred............but now we are just a world that is more populated (thus it happens more often) and with internet we actually see it all, whereas some uprisings may have been beaten down and simply covered up by kings, tyrants, gov'ts of the past, and now we simply see them all?

I heard one interesting argument regarding the Bible in that it said the internet itself is "The Beast" of the Bible, as in the antichrist. The internet enables global unrest to spread more quickly, and fuels it, thus making the internet the tool that is capable of sparking world chaos, making "The Beast" come to fulfillment in the form of the internet. It was an interesting angle which I found intriguing.

Obviously they used the vague term "the beast" instead know..."the internet".........because they weren't as "prophetic" as you think but only wanting to use vagueries to make dupes think so.

What the hell is the purpose of "predicting" something in vagueries?

If you're a prophet attempting to prophesize, two things are true:
#1. you can see the future.
#2. you want people to know.

There's no logical reason to speak it in code and leave it up for interpretation in this scenario and so any rational (read: not gullible) human being would defer to the obvious: it's not true prophecy.
There will be major wars this decade. Whether any will qualify as a world war, I don't know.

The world is in turmoil. This is the time where men and women of virtue and character need to stand up and lead people to safety.
Well, if one believes in the Bible, then we are headed towards a very distinct future that has been spoken of already.

And with each year that passes, more and more of those thousands year old speakings become reality. Left wing atheists still deny this. Yet, predicted events keep becoming real history.

Hmmm. Interesting bucs. Plasmaball seems to be a denier.

And you're approaching it from the Biblical end of the world or some such angle.

The thing is, either of you could be right. :)

I'm just curious to see if there are many like me with their antenna up though. I think those closest to experience with the world war scenarios and educated with history from that era might have a different perspective than some of the younger ones.

I'm wondering, though, if such unrest has always occurred............but now we are just a world that is more populated (thus it happens more often) and with internet we actually see it all, whereas some uprisings may have been beaten down and simply covered up by kings, tyrants, gov'ts of the past, and now we simply see them all?

I heard one interesting argument regarding the Bible in that it said the internet itself is "The Beast" of the Bible, as in the antichrist. The internet enables global unrest to spread more quickly, and fuels it, thus making the internet the tool that is capable of sparking world chaos, making "The Beast" come to fulfillment in the form of the internet. It was an interesting angle which I found intriguing.

Well I'm not quite ready to give away all I own and go sit on the mountaintop waiting for the Rapture as some have done in the past. :)

But yeah, I know many people of faith, and not only Christians, are watching the trends unfold as you describe. And the member who called your observation 'hogwash' is speaking from his own faith as he has absolutely no evidence to dispute your point of view even presented as one possibility.

I am sure the fact that there are many more people and also the fact that communications are instant now instead of traveling slowly by ship or pony express and most importantly that we now have weapons that could render traditional armies irrelevent, all this points to a much different world than existed in previous world wars. World wars historically are actually a new invention even.

But it remains that those nations in which the people became mostly disastisfied or angry with their leaders have generally overthrown those leaders or helped others to do so. And if you have that as the case in much of the world, it does make you wonder who and what will emerge as the victor and in charge of things.
There will be major wars this decade. Whether any will qualify as a world war, I don't know.

The world is in turmoil. This is the time where men and women of virtue and character need to stand up and lead people to safety.

The real concern, in my opinion, is that once again the Wealthiest in the World have achieved a very unbalanced level of wealth in comparison to: "everyone else." As poverty increases and the affluent seem to prosper more and more, that's when real-life revolt happens because people are desperate. People don't like to die for a cause unless they're noble, or desperate. Most people aren't noble. As the desperation of the poor around the world rises, THIS is what will cause chaos. And this doesn't mean that I want to rob the rich and give to the poor, but there's certainly something to be said for how much of the well they're sucking up IN COMPARISON to all other Human Beings. Something will always "give" in these types of scenarios.

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