'World's' Most Fake News EXPOSED...AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Whistleblower: NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data To Make Global Warming Seem Worse

NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data To Make Global Warming Seem Worse

"A whistleblower says the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) rushed a landmark study claiming the planet was warming much faster than expected in order to influence international climate negotiations.

“Dr. Bates’ revelations and NOAA’s obstruction certainly lend credence to what I’ve expected all along – that the Karl study used flawed data, was rushed to publication in an effort to support the president’s climate change agenda, and ignored NOAA’s own standards for scientific study,”

Scientists have been debating over the so-called “pause” in global warming since at least 2013, referring to the period from 1998 to 2014 without any significant rise in global average temperature.

Curry wrote that it “seems rather ironic, since this is the period where there is the greatest coverage of data with the highest quality of measurements — ARGO buoys and satellites don’t show a warming trend.”
ANY criticism of right wingers' rejection of science will, henceforth, be called "fake news".......Please adhere to that new policy.
The 'Fake News' to which I was referring IS 'Global WRMING'. NOA DID rush the report. NOA DID fake the data...again.

Indeed, the melting iceberg on the two poles have been faked as we faked the moon landing.....LOL
ANY criticism of right wingers' rejection of science will, henceforth, be called "fake news".......Please adhere to that new policy.
Nat, when snowflakes can actually generate / report any REAL science - which they have not manipulated to accomplish their agenda (much like most of the news these days), then the right will actually weigh / consider it.

Since the left has already proven that it is incapable of producing such scientific evidence...again...it might me a long time before the right...or the world, now....seriously considers anything the left says.
Scientist activists.

Of course these people change the data so they an get more funding.

Snowflakes have no integrity.
Having known scientists within noaa, I have been told for years the data was being manipulated. If you dare get caught speaking out, lose your job.
Indeed, the melting iceberg on the two poles have been faked as we faked the moon landing.....LOL

Right-wing dullards keep feeding each other FAKE nonsense.

That's how we got stuck with Trump the Imbecile.
The 'Fake News' to which I was referring IS 'Global WRMING'. NOA DID rush the report. NOA DID fake the data...again.

Indeed, the melting iceberg on the two poles have been faked as we faked the moon landing.....LOL

I can't wait for right wingers to accuse the left of placing a GIANT hairdryer on the poles' icebergs, just to "fake" the news of global warming....
It is ALWAYS interesting when a "whistle blower" goes to a BRITISH newspaper to blow the whistle, and the story is picked up by a right wing rag like Daily Caller to have right wing idiots SWEAR that the entire global warming is a myth......LOL
It's interesting, watching the complete lack of substance within the responses of the snowflakes regarding their inability to vet anyone, prevent espionage, and lack of ability to protect classified information.

It's not very complex.

When the left doesn't have the proper stats, they just lie.
World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data | Daily Mail Online

Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
  • The Mail on Sunday can reveal a landmark paper exaggerated global warming
  • It was rushed through and timed to influence the Paris agreement on climate change
  • America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration broke its own rules
  • The report claimed the pause in global warming never existed, but it was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data

It's not very complex.

When the left doesn't have the proper stats, they just lie.

YES, those damn scientists even faked these photos.......damn them...LOL


Nice 'FAKE NEWS' Photos.....you should have paid more attention to the article / link about how there has been MORE glacial ice created than lost!


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