"Worse than Sarah Palin" Says England

I could name plenty worse that Sarah Palin. Barack Obama and Joe Biden come to mind.

Biden Scored another zero yesterday

With Philly Firefighters...

Biden Speech Bombs With Philadelphia Firefighters

But that is in the country.... So it has no relevance. See we as a nation should care what a citizen of any other country thinks of our politicians over thinking for ourselves, as proven by the liberderp OP.

Agreed. However this bunch seeks to alienate EVERYONE that doesn't tow thier line...regardless.

Obama told us we'd be better respected around the world.

We are indeed that...BUTT OF JOKES because we vote assholes like OBAMA into office.
The British think so well of obama, did you know he was at the top of the guest list for the William and Kate wedding?

You didn't know!

The obamas were at the top of the DO NOT INVITE list. That's how much the British like our self-proclaimed royal family.

Gifting and re-gifting comes to mind


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VGbY6sirHM"]The Origins of the term "ReGifting" - YouTube[/ame]
A month old story. YAY!

Tell me, how does that relate to Mitt bungling his first trip overseas to appear Presidential. Do you like leaders divulging secret meetings too?
It's the most recent poll by Pew, moron.

Obama is not all that respected world wide.

Congrats on finding a blog entry about an Englishman's negative tweet about Romney, though. :thup: That's fucking groundbreaking, I tell ya.


It's a big story.

Keep telling yourself that, Jimmy....:lol:
"Worse than Sarah Palin" is a little over the top, however - no one’s worse than Palin.

I could name plenty worse that Sarah Palin. Barack Obama and Joe Biden come to mind.

Biden Scored another zero yesterday

With Philly Firefighters...

Biden Speech Bombs With Philadelphia Firefighters

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzEMNJP6p5o]Romney-To Cut Middle Class Jobs. - YouTube[/ame]

I wonder what firefighters thought when Mitt said we need less "firefighters"?
What I can’t stand about debating politics is the blatant hypocrisy of posters. The division has grown so great due to both sides being disenfranchised by the people they elected, but not enough people want to admit that, so instead we get thread after thread of who can insult who better.

Why talk about what a single person thinks of Mitt that does not even live in the US? Do you honestly think it’s hard to find people that hate Obama that live in different courtiers? That’s the hypocrisy about this particular thread.

The hypocrisy is evident in most threads and debate nowadays. You can’t talk about cutting spending to a liberal person without them pointing out Bush and the military spending he did, they point out how horrible it all was but Obama does the same thing. You can’t talk about cutting spending with a conservative without them telling you about Obamacare, welfare and stimulus spending yet Bush did all of these very same things (Medicare part D)…

Both sides obviously want cuts, yet people fall over their own hypocrisy. Both sides want transparency, both sides want a balanced budget but there is no ability to find common ground and thus these people that angrily fight back and forth repeatedly vote for politicians that do the exact opposite as they claim they want.

Mitt won’t cut spending, in fact his budget grows it from where Obama has it at. Obama won’t cut the military and war spending, in fact he grew it from where Bush had it at.

It’s funny to me that on any boards you visit people talk about the stupid voter base yet these same people have proven to be the stupidest in the land.

Today we have war pushing, deficit spending, big Government Obama running against war pushing, deficit spending, big Government Romney… I promise you that no matter who wins not a single fucking person on these boards will get ANYTHING that they wants. Sure you might get some bullshit version of what you want, you know a version you fucking hate, like Obamacare, or the Iraq war… But it was never what you really wanted, not even close.

If both sides simply held their candidate accountable rather than defending R’s vs D’s for the sake of defending and fighting, we would all have a lot to agree on. Until then, please, keep bitching back and forth about crap that won’t even be remembered sometime early next week.
I could name plenty worse that Sarah Palin. Barack Obama and Joe Biden come to mind.

Biden Scored another zero yesterday

With Philly Firefighters...

Biden Speech Bombs With Philadelphia Firefighters

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzEMNJP6p5o]Romney-To Cut Middle Class Jobs. - YouTube[/ame]

I wonder what firefighters thought when Mitt said we need less "firefighters"?
That Willard knows how to say the right thing at the right time, huh?
Romney in Shambles as Britain Proclaims Him Worse than Sarah Palin

Daily Mail Political Editor James Chapman has been providing the world a play by play of Romney’s British implosion via his Twitter account. Romney started things off by criticizing London’s preparedness for the Olympics. He then forgot the name of British Labour Leader Ed Miliband, and then he admitted that he had been given a secret briefing by MI6. This led the British to ask aloud if they have another George W. Bush on their hands, “Romney blunders again by revealing he’s had (supposedly) top secret briefing by John Sawers, MI6 boss. Do we have a new Dubya on our hands?”

Of course the RightyTighties won't care, because they didn't care when Dubya was in office, making our country look all dumb-a-fied. But it does make me very happy to know that people in other countries, and our closest allies at that, think that this guy is a walking, talking, unmitigated (Un-Mitt-igated?) disaster.

Another reason not to vote for this clown.

Here's another story for the RightyTighties: London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com

Loving the #romneyshambles hashtag tweets. :thup:

Since I posted the last post, over 1500 new posts have gone up on that hashtag.
So you're saying even a Right Wing rag thinks Romney is an utter cock-up? Cool. Thanks for agreeing with me, CallGirl!

My, my, my. You really do lack basic comprehension skills huh? How embarrassing for you. Fool.

I wouldn't read the DM if they paid me to. It's shit, overly sensational, panders to the lowest intellect, lacks journalistic integrity and basically sucks. You regurgitate whatever crap they produce... you share their intellectual level and you're on a par with them for honesty and accuracy... (that's not a compliment).

So what exactly does all your pedantic and arrogant ranting have to do with the fact that our friends and allies think Mitt Romney is a massive fucking moron? Or do you think divulging secret intelligence meetings is a good thing?

I'm confused. You're stupid, and yet you claim to not be.

boy, this is cream the jeans stuff for the libs here..


We'll try not to get any on your moo-moo, Twiggy.

pathetic little people

yes you are a little troll....I LOVE how you are trying to down play this so hard.

You must think you are really clever with your little " Insert random this doesnt matter snippet" and yet you go on to post retarded opinion pieces about the left. Act as if they are gospel and how dare anyone challenge it.

God you are a awesome little partisan troll. You literally can't think for yourself and the GOP thanks you for it...

Baaa sheep baaa..

quick now post some meaningless deflection. like the child you are.
Last edited:
We'll try not to get any on your moo-moo, Twiggy.

pathetic little people

yes you are a little troll....I LOVE how you are trying to down play this so hard.

You must think you are really clever with your little " Insert random this doesnt matter snippet" and yet you go on to post retarded opinion pieces about the left. Act as if they are gospel and how dare anyone challenge it.

God you are a awesome little partisan troll. You literally can't think for yourself and the GOP thanks you for it...

Baaa sheep baaa..

quick now post some meaningless deflection. like the child you are.

I LOVE how you try to avoid the fact that this election will be about Obama's record.
NOT if some Mackem likes Mitt or not

Biden Scored another zero yesterday

With Philly Firefighters...

Biden Speech Bombs With Philadelphia Firefighters

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzEMNJP6p5o]Romney-To Cut Middle Class Jobs. - YouTube[/ame]

I wonder what firefighters thought when Mitt said we need less "firefighters"?
That Willard knows how to say the right thing at the right time, huh?

Mittens thoughts and words represent the middle... the middle of nowhere.. :lol:
They asked if America is giving them another "Dubya"?

Second Favorite Quote: Mitt Romney was out of the country visiting his money.
On top of all the rest, Willard revealed that he had met with the head of MI6. That's really a no no.
Was he not briefed at all by his staff before leaving the US?
Romney in Shambles as Britain Proclaims Him Worse than Sarah Palin

Daily Mail Political Editor James Chapman has been providing the world a play by play of Romney’s British implosion via his Twitter account. Romney started things off by criticizing London’s preparedness for the Olympics. He then forgot the name of British Labour Leader Ed Miliband, and then he admitted that he had been given a secret briefing by MI6. This led the British to ask aloud if they have another George W. Bush on their hands, “Romney blunders again by revealing he’s had (supposedly) top secret briefing by John Sawers, MI6 boss. Do we have a new Dubya on our hands?”

Of course the RightyTighties won't care, because they didn't care when Dubya was in office, making our country look all dumb-a-fied. But it does make me very happy to know that people in other countries, and our closest allies at that, think that this guy is a walking, talking, unmitigated (Un-Mitt-igated?) disaster.

Another reason not to vote for this clown.

Here's another story for the RightyTighties: London Olympics: No gold medal for Mitt Romney from British press - POLITICO.com

We'll try not to get any on your moo-moo, Twiggy.

pathetic little people

yes you are a little troll....I LOVE how you are trying to down play this so hard.

You must think you are really clever with your little " Insert random this doesnt matter snippet" and yet you go on to post retarded opinion pieces about the left. Act as if they are gospel and how dare anyone challenge it.

God you are a awesome little partisan troll. You literally can't think for yourself and the GOP thanks you for it...

Baaa sheep baaa..

quick now post some meaningless deflection. like the child you are.


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